package com.akjava.gwt.lib.client.experimental.lbp; import static; import java.util.List; import; import; import; public class SimpleLBP { public static final int NORTH_WEST=0; public static final int NORTH=1; public static final int NORTH_EAST=2; public static final int EAST=3; public static final int SOUTH_EAST=4; public static final int SOUTH=5; public static final int SOUTH_WEST=6; public static final int WEST=7; private static final String[] direction={"NW","N","NE","E","SE","S","SW","W"}; private static int[] atx={-1,0,1, 1,1,0, -1,-1}; private static int[] aty={-1,-1,-1,0,1,1, 1,0}; /** * maybe 8samples 1 neighbors * * 1 pixel edges should be ignore * @param useImprovedLBP */ public SimpleLBP(){ this(true,1,false); } public SimpleLBP(boolean improved){ this(improved,1,false); } public SimpleLBP(boolean improved,int neighbor){ this(improved,neighbor,false); } public SimpleLBP(boolean improved,boolean useNumber){ this(improved,1,useNumber); } /** * * @param improved return average value as center * @param useNumber return 0-9 value instead of 0-255(I believe it's better to use small range to machine learning) */ public SimpleLBP(boolean improved,int neighbor,boolean useNumber){ this.useImprovedLBP=improved; this.neighbor=neighbor; this.useNumber=useNumber; container=new int[3][3]; } private int neighbor; private int[][] container; boolean useImprovedLBP=true; //use center value is around average boolean useNumber;//return 0-9 value. //i think default 0-256 color is for human eye //x,y watch out public int[][] convertXY(int[][] arrays){ int result[][]=new int[arrays.length][arrays[0].length]; for(int x=0;x<arrays.length;x++){ for(int y=0;y<arrays[0].length;y++){ String value=""; int number=0; int[][] centers=getAroundValuesXY(x,y,arrays); int center=getCenterValue(centers); //check for(int i=0;i<atx.length;i++){ int offx=1+atx[i]; int offy=1+aty[i]; int otherValue=0; if(neighbor==1){ otherValue=centers[offx][offy]; }else{ otherValue=getOtherValue(arrays, x+atx[i]*neighbor,y+ aty[i]*neighbor); } if(otherValue>center){ //System.out.println("at "+x+","+y+","+otherValue+">"+center+" add "+direction[i]); value+="1"; number++; }else{ value+="0"; } } //LogUtils.log(x+","+y+","+value); if(useNumber){ result[x][y]=number; }else{ result[x][y]=Integer.parseInt(value, 2); } } } return result; } /** * * @param arrays arrays must be [y][x], this is easy to debug * @return [y][x] ints */ public int[][] convert(int[][] arrays){ int result[][]=new int[arrays.length][arrays[0].length]; for(int y=0;y<arrays.length;y++){ for(int x=0;x<arrays[0].length;x++){ String value=""; int number=0; int[][] centers=getAroundValues(x,y,arrays); int center=getCenterValue(centers); //check for(int i=0;i<atx.length;i++){ int offx=1+atx[i]; int offy=1+aty[i]; int otherValue=0; if(neighbor==1){ otherValue=centers[offy][offx]; }else{ otherValue=getOtherValue(arrays, x+atx[i]*neighbor,y+ aty[i]*neighbor); } if(otherValue>center){ //System.out.println("at "+x+","+y+","+otherValue+">"+center+" add "+direction[i]); //value+="1"; value="1"+value; number++; }else{ //value+="0"; value="0"+value; } } //LogUtils.log(x+","+y+","+value); if(useNumber){ result[y][x]=number; }else{ result[y][x]=Integer.parseInt(value, 2); } } } return result; } public int[][] convertAverageValueForImprovedLBPTest(int[][] arrays){ int result[][]=new int[arrays.length][arrays[0].length]; for(int y=0;y<arrays.length;y++){ for(int x=0;x<arrays[0].length;x++){ int[][] centers=getAroundValues(x,y,arrays); int center=getCenterValue(centers); result[y][x]=center; } } return result; } public static String toBinaryPatternToDebug(int[] pattern,int splitX,int splitY){ List<String> lines=Lists.newArrayList(); checkState(pattern.length==splitX*splitY*8); int index=1; for(int y=0;y<splitY;y++){ for(int x=0;x<splitX;x++){ List<String> result=Lists.newArrayList(); int offset=(x+y*splitX)*8; for(int i=0;i<8;i++){ int v=pattern[offset+i]; if(v>0){ result.add(direction[i]+"="+v); } } lines.add(index+" block:"+x+"x"+y+" "+Joiner.on(",").join(result)); index++; } } return Joiner.on("\n").join(lines); } public static String toDirectionLabelForDebug(int value){ List<String> result=Lists.newArrayList(); String v=Strings.padStart(Integer.toBinaryString(value),8,'0'); for(int i=8-1;i>=0;i--){ char ch=v.charAt(i); if(ch=='1'){ result.add(Strings.padStart(direction[7-i],2,' ')); } } if(result.isEmpty()){ result.add(" 0"); } return Joiner.on(":").join(result); } /* * basically simple-lbp support only 8 samples * right now 8 bit fixed */ public static int[] flipHorizontal(int[] binaryPattern,int splitW,int splitH){ checkState(binaryPattern.length==8*splitW*splitH); int[] converted=new int[binaryPattern.length]; for(int y=0;y<splitH;y++){ for(int x=0;x<splitW;x++){ int srcOffset=(y*splitW+x)*8; int destOffset=(y*splitW+(splitW-1-x))*8; for(int i=0;i<8;i++){ int nindex=0; switch(i){ case SimpleLBP.NORTH_WEST: nindex=SimpleLBP.NORTH_EAST; break; case SimpleLBP.NORTH: nindex=SimpleLBP.NORTH; break; case SimpleLBP.NORTH_EAST: nindex=SimpleLBP.NORTH_WEST; break; case SimpleLBP.EAST: nindex=SimpleLBP.WEST; break; case SimpleLBP.SOUTH_EAST: nindex=SimpleLBP.SOUTH_WEST; break; case SimpleLBP.SOUTH: nindex=SimpleLBP.SOUTH; break; case SimpleLBP.SOUTH_WEST: nindex=SimpleLBP.SOUTH_EAST; break; case SimpleLBP.WEST: nindex=SimpleLBP.EAST; break; } converted[destOffset+nindex]=binaryPattern[srcOffset+i]; } } } return converted; } public static double[] flipHorizontal(double[] binaryPattern,int splitW,int splitH){ checkState(binaryPattern.length==8*splitW*splitH); double[] converted=new double[binaryPattern.length]; for(int y=0;y<splitH;y++){ for(int x=0;x<splitW;x++){ int srcOffset=(y*splitW+x)*8; int destOffset=(y*splitW+(splitW-1-x))*8; for(int i=0;i<8;i++){ int nindex=0; switch(i){ case SimpleLBP.NORTH_WEST: nindex=SimpleLBP.NORTH_EAST; break; case SimpleLBP.NORTH: nindex=SimpleLBP.NORTH; break; case SimpleLBP.NORTH_EAST: nindex=SimpleLBP.NORTH_WEST; break; case SimpleLBP.EAST: nindex=SimpleLBP.WEST; break; case SimpleLBP.SOUTH_EAST: nindex=SimpleLBP.SOUTH_WEST; break; case SimpleLBP.SOUTH: nindex=SimpleLBP.SOUTH; break; case SimpleLBP.SOUTH_WEST: nindex=SimpleLBP.SOUTH_EAST; break; case SimpleLBP.WEST: nindex=SimpleLBP.EAST; break; } converted[destOffset+nindex]=binaryPattern[srcOffset+i]; } } } return converted; } public static String toBinaryForDebug(int value){ String v=Integer.toBinaryString(value); while(v.length()<8){ v="0"+v; } Strings.padStart(v, 8, '0'); return v; } /** * binary pattern * * has int[8] x splitX x splitY * Y first,first 8 byte is X:Y 0:0,second is 0:1,third is 1:0,forth is 1:1 * * 8byte[] is first one[0] is W ,last[7] is NW * * I'm not sure why this is. * * maybe should change TODO * X first ,NW to W * * @param arrays * @param edgeX * @param edgeY * @return */ //split is fixed; public int[] dataToBinaryPattern(int[][] arrays,int edgeX,int edgeY){ return dataToBinaryPattern(arrays,2,2,edgeX,edgeY); } /** * * @param arrays * @param splitW must be possible divide (arrays[0].length-edgeX) * @param splitH must be possible divide (arrays.length-edgeY) * @param edgeX * @param edgeY * @return */ public int[] dataToBinaryPattern(int[][] arrays,int splitW,int splitH,int edgeX,int edgeY){ //int split=2; int w=arrays[0].length; int h=arrays.length; int resultW=(w-edgeX)/splitW; int resultH=(h-edgeY)/splitH; int[] retInt=new int[8*splitW*splitH]; int halfEdgeX=edgeX/2; int helfEdgeY=edgeY/2; //ignore edge for(int x=halfEdgeX;x<w-halfEdgeX;x++){ for(int y=helfEdgeY;y<h-helfEdgeY;y++){ int[][] centers=getAroundValues(x,y,arrays); int center=getCenterValue(centers); int retX=(x-halfEdgeX)/resultW; int retY=(y-helfEdgeY)/resultH; int retIndexOffset=8*(retY*splitW+retX); //System.out.println("x="+x+",y="+y+",retX="+retX+",retY="+retY); //check for(int i=0;i<atx.length;i++){ int offx=1+atx[i]; int offy=1+aty[i]; int otherValue=0; if(neighbor==1){ otherValue=centers[offy][offx]; }else{ otherValue=getOtherValue(arrays, x+atx[i]*neighbor,y+ aty[i]*neighbor); } if(otherValue>center){ retInt[i+retIndexOffset]++; } } } } return retInt; } private int getOtherValue(int[][] arrays, int offx, int offy) { if(offy<0 || offy>=arrays.length || offx<0 || offx>=arrays[0].length){ //if(offx<0 || offx>=arrays.length || offy<0 || offy>=arrays[0].length){ return -1; } return arrays[offy][offx]; } public int[] count(int[][] arrays){ int result[]=new int[8]; for(int x=0;x<arrays.length;x++){ for(int y=0;y<arrays.length;y++){ int[][] centers=getAroundValues(x,y,arrays); int center=getCenterValue(centers); //check for(int i=0;i<atx.length;i++){ int offx=1+atx[i]; int offy=1+aty[i]; int otherValue=centers[offx][offy]; if(x!=0 && y!=0&& x!=arrays.length-1 && y!=arrays[0].length-1){//ignore means? if(otherValue>center){ result[i]++; }else{ } } } } } return result; } private int getCenterValue(int[][] around){ if(useImprovedLBP){ int total=0; int exists=0; for(int x=0;x<3;x++){ for(int y=0;y<3;y++){ if(around[y][x]>=0){//-1 means out total+=around[y][x]; exists++; } } } return total/exists;//improved LBP average; }else{ return around[1][1];//just return center; } } /** * * @param tx * @param ty * @param arrays MUST be [y][x] value for easy debug * @return */ private int[][] getAroundValues(int tx,int ty,int[][] arrays){ for(int i=0;i<atx.length;i++){ container[1][1]=arrays[ty][tx]; int offx=tx+atx[i]; int offy=ty+aty[i]; if(offx>=0 && offy>=0 && offx<arrays[0].length&&offy<arrays.length){ container[1+aty[i]][1+atx[i]]=arrays[offy][offx]; }else{ container[1+aty[i]][1+atx[i]]=-1;//null } } return container; } /* * return [X][Y] ints */ private int[][] getAroundValuesXY(int tx,int ty,int[][] arrays){ for(int i=0;i<atx.length;i++){ container[1][1]=arrays[tx][ty]; int offx=tx+atx[i]; int offy=ty+aty[i]; if(offx>=0 && offy>=0 && offx<arrays.length&&offy<arrays[0].length){ container[1+atx[i]][1+aty[i]]=arrays[offx][offy]; }else{ container[1+atx[i]][1+aty[i]]=-1;// } } return container; } //TODO make map for reduce calcurate time private static Integer[][][] turnoffsets=new Integer[3][3][8];//caching last values private static int findNewTurnOffset(final int sx,final int sy,final int move){ if(turnoffsets[sx][sy][move]!=null){ return turnoffsets[sx][sy][move]; } int x=sx; int y=sy; //System.out.println("input "+x+"x"+y); if(x!=1 || y!=1){// 1x1 is center & no need move for(int i=0;i<move;i++){ if(x==0){ if(y>0){ y--; }else{ x++; } }else if(x==1){ if(y==0){ x++; }else{ x--; } }else if(x==2){ if(y<2){ y++; }else{ x--; } } //System.out.println(i+" "+x+"x"+y); } } int v=(y*3+x)*8; turnoffsets[sx][sy][move]=v; return v; } /* * angle must be 0-360; * 8 samples LBP only 45 base */ public static int[] turn3x3(int[] binaryPattern,int angle){ if(binaryPattern.length!=72){//for 3x3 8samples return null; } int[] result=new int[72]; if(angle<0){ angle=360+angle; } int move=angle/45; //turn based 45 ,0-7 for(int y=0;y<3;y++){ for(int x=0;x<3;x++){ int srcOffset=(y*3+x)*8; int destOffset=findNewTurnOffset(x,y,move); for(int i=0;i<8;i++){ int newIndex=i+move; if(newIndex>=8){ newIndex-=8; } result[destOffset+newIndex]=binaryPattern[srcOffset+i]; } } } return result; } }