package org.awesomeapp.messenger.crypto.otr; import org.awesomeapp.messenger.crypto.IOtrKeyManager; import im.zom.messenger.R; import org.awesomeapp.messenger.ImApp; import org.awesomeapp.messenger.model.Address; import org.awesomeapp.messenger.util.AES_256_CBC; import org.awesomeapp.messenger.util.LogCleaner; import org.awesomeapp.messenger.util.OpenSSLPBEInputStream; import org.awesomeapp.messenger.util.OpenSSLPBEOutputStream; import org.awesomeapp.messenger.util.Version; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.os.Environment; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Toast; import info.guardianproject.iocipher.*; public class OtrAndroidKeyManagerImpl extends IOtrKeyManager.Stub implements OtrKeyManager { private SimplePropertiesStore store; private OtrCryptoEngineImpl cryptoEngine; private final static String KEY_ALG = "DSA"; private final static int KEY_SIZE = 1024; private final static Version CURRENT_VERSION = new Version("2.0.0"); private static OtrAndroidKeyManagerImpl _instance; // private static final String FILE_KEYSTORE_ENCRYPTED = "otr_keystore.ofc"; private static final String FILE_KEYSTORE_UNENCRYPTED = ""; private final static String STORE_ALGORITHM = "PBEWITHMD5AND256BITAES-CBC-OPENSSL"; public static synchronized OtrAndroidKeyManagerImpl getInstance(Context context) { try { if (_instance == null) { File fKeyStore; fKeyStore = new info.guardianproject.iocipher.File("/", FILE_KEYSTORE_UNENCRYPTED); _instance = new OtrAndroidKeyManagerImpl(fKeyStore); } return _instance; } catch (IOException ioe) { Toast.makeText(context, R.string.your_keystore_is_corrupted_please_re_install_chatsecure_or_clear_data_for_the_app, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); throw new RuntimeException("Could not open keystore",ioe); } } private OtrAndroidKeyManagerImpl(File filepath) throws IOException { store = new SimplePropertiesStore(filepath); cryptoEngine = new OtrCryptoEngineImpl(); } /* private void upgradeStore() { LogCleaner.warn(ImApp.LOG_TAG, "upgrading keystore"); String version = store.getPropertyString("version"); if (version == null || new Version(version).compareTo(new Version("1.0.0")) < 0) { // Add verified=false entries for TOFU sync purposes Set<Object> keys = Sets.newHashSet(store.getKeySet()); for (Object keyObject : keys) { String key = (String)keyObject; if (key.endsWith(".fingerprint")) { String fullUserId = key.replaceAll(".fingerprint$", ""); String fingerprint = store.getPropertyString(key); String verifiedKey = buildPublicKeyVerifiedId(fullUserId, fingerprint); if (!store.hasProperty(verifiedKey)) { // Avoid save store.setProperty(verifiedKey, "false"); } } } // This will save store.setProperty("version", CURRENT_VERSION.toString()); } File fileOldKeystore = new File(FILE_KEYSTORE_UNENCRYPTED); if (fileOldKeystore.exists()) { LogCleaner.warn(ImApp.LOG_TAG, "upgrading unencrypted keystore"); try { SimplePropertiesStore storeOldKeystore = new SimplePropertiesStore(fileOldKeystore); Enumeration<Object> enumKeys = storeOldKeystore.getKeys(); while(enumKeys.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String)enumKeys.nextElement(); LogCleaner.warn(ImApp.LOG_TAG, "importing key: " + key); store.setProperty(key, storeOldKeystore.getPropertyString(key)); }; fileOldKeystore.delete(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else { LogCleaner.warn(ImApp.LOG_TAG, "unencrypted keystore not found"); } } */ static class SimplePropertiesStore implements OtrKeyManagerStore { private Properties mProperties = new Properties(); private File mStoreFile; private String mPassword; public SimplePropertiesStore(File storeFile) throws IOException { mStoreFile = storeFile; if (storeFile.exists()) mProperties.load(new FileInputStream(mStoreFile)); } /** public SimplePropertiesStore( storeFile, final String password, boolean isImportFromKeySync) throws IOException { OtrDebugLogger.log("Loading store from encrypted file"); mStoreFile = storeFile; if (password == null) throw new IOException ("invalid password"); mPassword = password; if (mStoreFile.exists()) if (isImportFromKeySync) loadAES(mPassword); else loadOpenSSL(mPassword); }*/ private void loadAES(final String password) throws IOException { String decoded; decoded = AES_256_CBC.decrypt(mStoreFile, password); mProperties.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(decoded.getBytes())); } public void setProperty(String id, String value) { mProperties.setProperty(id, value); persist(); } public void setProperty(String id, boolean value) { mProperties.setProperty(id, Boolean.toString(value)); persist(); } public synchronized boolean persist () { try { if (mPassword != null) saveOpenSSL(mPassword, mStoreFile); else savePlain(mStoreFile); return true; } catch (IOException e) { LogCleaner.error(ImApp.LOG_TAG, "error saving keystore", e); return false; } } public boolean export (String password, File storeFile) { try { saveOpenSSL (password, storeFile); return true; } catch (IOException e) { LogCleaner.error(ImApp.LOG_TAG, "error saving keystore", e); return false; } } private void saveOpenSSL (String password, File fileStore) throws IOException { // Encrypt these bytes ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { OpenSSLPBEOutputStream encOS = new OpenSSLPBEOutputStream(baos, STORE_ALGORITHM, 1, password.toCharArray());, null); encOS.flush(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { //might be a unicode character in the password OpenSSLPBEOutputStream encOS = new OpenSSLPBEOutputStream(baos, STORE_ALGORITHM, 1, Base64.encodeToString(password.getBytes(),Base64.NO_WRAP).toCharArray());, null); encOS.flush(); } FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fileStore); fos.write(baos.toByteArray()); fos.flush(); fos.close(); } private void savePlain(File fileStore) throws IOException { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fileStore);,""); } private void loadOpenSSL(String password) throws IOException { if (!mStoreFile.exists()) return; if (mStoreFile.length() == 0) return; FileInputStream fis = null; OpenSSLPBEInputStream encIS = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(mStoreFile); // Decrypt the bytes encIS = new OpenSSLPBEInputStream(fis, STORE_ALGORITHM, 1, password.toCharArray()); mProperties.load(encIS); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { //might be a unicode character in the password encIS = new OpenSSLPBEInputStream(fis, STORE_ALGORITHM, 1, (Base64.encodeToString(password.getBytes(),Base64.NO_WRAP)).toCharArray()); mProperties.load(encIS); } catch ( fnfe) { OtrDebugLogger.log("Properties store file not found: First time?"); mStoreFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } finally { encIS.close(); fis.close(); } } public void setProperty(String id, byte[] value) { mProperties.setProperty(id, (Base64.encodeToString(value,Base64.NO_WRAP))); persist(); } public void removeProperty(String id) { mProperties.remove(id); persist(); } public String getPropertyString(String id) { return mProperties.getProperty(id); } public byte[] getPropertyBytes(String id) { String value = mProperties.getProperty(id); if (value != null) return Base64.decode(value.getBytes(),Base64.NO_WRAP); return null; } public String getProperty (String id) { return mProperties.getProperty(id); } public boolean getPropertyBoolean(String id, boolean defaultValue) { try { return Boolean.valueOf(mProperties.get(id).toString()); } catch (Exception e) { return defaultValue; } } public boolean hasProperty(String id) { return mProperties.containsKey(id); } public Enumeration<Object> getKeys () { return mProperties.keys(); } public Set<Object> getKeySet () { return mProperties.keySet(); } } private List<OtrKeyManagerListener> listeners = new Vector<OtrKeyManagerListener>(); public void addListener(OtrKeyManagerListener l) { synchronized (listeners) { if (!listeners.contains(l)) listeners.add(l); } } public void removeListener(OtrKeyManagerListener l) { synchronized (listeners) { listeners.remove(l); } } public void generateLocalKeyPair(SessionID sessionID) { if (sessionID == null) return; generateLocalKeyPair(sessionID.getLocalUserId()); } public void regenerateLocalPublicKey(KeyFactory factory, String fullUserId, DSAPrivateKey privKey) { String userId = Address.stripResource(fullUserId); BigInteger x = privKey.getX(); DSAParams params = privKey.getParams(); BigInteger y = params.getG().modPow(x, params.getP()); DSAPublicKeySpec keySpec = new DSAPublicKeySpec(y, params.getP(), params.getQ(), params.getG()); PublicKey pubKey; try { pubKey = factory.generatePublic(keySpec); storeLocalPublicKey(userId, pubKey); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public KeyPair generateLocalKeyPair() { OtrDebugLogger.log("generating local key pair"); KeyPair keyPair; try { KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(KEY_ALG); kpg.initialize(KEY_SIZE); keyPair = kpg.genKeyPair(); OtrDebugLogger.log("SUCCESS! generating local key pair"); return keyPair; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { OtrDebugLogger.log("no such algorithm", e); return null; } } public void storeKeyPair (String userId, KeyPair keyPair) { // Store Private Key. PrivateKey privKey = keyPair.getPrivate(); PKCS8EncodedKeySpec pkcs8EncodedKeySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(privKey.getEncoded()); + ".privateKey", pkcs8EncodedKeySpec.getEncoded()); try { // Store Public Key. PublicKey pubKey = keyPair.getPublic(); storeLocalPublicKey(userId, pubKey); //this will do saving } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException ("Error init local keypair"); } } public void generateLocalKeyPair(String fullUserId) { String userId = Address.stripResource(fullUserId); OtrDebugLogger.log("generating local key pair for: " + userId); KeyPair keyPair; try { KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(KEY_ALG); kpg.initialize(KEY_SIZE); keyPair = kpg.genKeyPair(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { OtrDebugLogger.log("no such algorithm", e); return; } OtrDebugLogger.log("SUCCESS! generating local key pair for: " + userId); storeKeyPair(userId, keyPair); /** // Store Private Key. PrivateKey privKey = keyPair.getPrivate(); PKCS8EncodedKeySpec pkcs8EncodedKeySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(privKey.getEncoded()); + ".privateKey", pkcs8EncodedKeySpec.getEncoded()); try { // Store Public Key. PublicKey pubKey = keyPair.getPublic(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException ("Error init local keypair"); }*/ } public void storeLocalPublicKey(String fullUserId, PublicKey pubKey) throws OtrCryptoException { String userId = Address.stripResource(fullUserId); String fingerprintString = cryptoEngine.getFingerprint(pubKey); String fingerprintKey = userId + ".fingerprint"; //check if we already have this if ((!store.hasProperty(fingerprintKey)) || (!store.getProperty(fingerprintKey).equals(fingerprintString))) { X509EncodedKeySpec x509EncodedKeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(pubKey.getEncoded()); + ".publicKey", x509EncodedKeySpec.getEncoded());, fingerprintString); } // Log.i(ImApp.LOG_TAG, "New public key generated: " + fingerprintString); } public boolean importKeyStore(String filePath, String password, boolean overWriteExisting, boolean deleteImportedFile) throws IOException { SimplePropertiesStore storeNew = null; File fileOtrKeystore = new File(filePath); if (fileOtrKeystore.getName().endsWith(".ofcaes")) { //TODO implement GUI to get password via QR Code, and handle wrong password // storeNew = new SimplePropertiesStore(fileOtrKeystore, password, true); deleteImportedFile = true; // once its imported, its no longer needed } else { return false; } Enumeration<Object> enumKeys = storeNew.getKeys(); String key; while (enumKeys.hasMoreElements()) { key = (String)enumKeys.nextElement(); boolean hasKey = store.hasProperty(key); if (!hasKey || overWriteExisting) store.setProperty(key, storeNew.getPropertyString(key)); } if (deleteImportedFile) fileOtrKeystore.delete(); return true; } public String getLocalFingerprint(SessionID sessionID) { return getLocalFingerprint(sessionID.getLocalUserId()); } public String getLocalFingerprint(String fullUserId) { String userId = Address.stripResource(fullUserId); KeyPair keyPair = loadLocalKeyPair(userId); if (keyPair == null) return null; return getFingerprint(keyPair.getPublic()); } public String getFingerprint (PublicKey pubKey) { try { String fingerprint = cryptoEngine.getFingerprint(pubKey); // OtrDebugLogger.log("got fingerprint for: " + userId + "=" + fingerprint); return fingerprint; } catch (OtrCryptoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public String getRemoteFingerprint(SessionID sessionID) { return getRemoteFingerprint(sessionID.getRemoteUserId()); } public boolean hasRemoteFingerprint (String userId) { Enumeration<Object> keys = store.getKeys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String)keys.nextElement(); if (key.startsWith(userId)) return true; } return false; } public String getRemoteFingerprint(String fullUserId) { String fingerprint = + ".fingerprint"); if (fingerprint != null) { // If we have a fingerprint stashed, assume it is correct. return fingerprint; } //if we can't find an exact match, let's show the first one that matches the id sans resource for (Object fpKey : store.getKeySet().toArray()) { String fpKeyString = (String)fpKey; if (fpKeyString.startsWith(fullUserId) && fpKeyString.endsWith(".fingerprint")) { fingerprint = store.getProperty(fpKeyString); if (fingerprint != null) return fingerprint; } } PublicKey remotePublicKey = loadRemotePublicKeyFromStore(fullUserId); if (remotePublicKey == null) return null; try { // Store the fingerprint, for posterity. String fingerprintString = new OtrCryptoEngineImpl().getFingerprint(remotePublicKey); + ".fingerprint", fingerprintString); return fingerprintString; } catch (OtrCryptoException e) { throw new RuntimeException("OtrCryptoException getting remote fingerprint",e); } } public ArrayList<String> getRemoteKeyFingerprints(String userId) { Enumeration<Object> keys = store.getKeys(); ArrayList<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); String baseUserId = Address.stripResource(userId); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String)keys.nextElement(); if (key.startsWith(baseUserId + '/') && key.endsWith(".fingerprint")) { String fingerprint =; if (fingerprint != null) { // If we have a fingerprint stashed, assume it is correct. results.add(fingerprint); } } } return results; } public String[] getRemoteFingerprints(String userId) { Enumeration<Object> keys = store.getKeys(); ArrayList<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); String baseUserId = Address.stripResource(userId); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String)keys.nextElement(); if (key.startsWith(baseUserId + '/') && key.endsWith(".fingerprint")) { String fingerprint = + ".fingerprint"); if (fingerprint != null) { // If we have a fingerprint stashed, assume it is correct. results.add(fingerprint); } } } String[] resultsString = new String[results.size()]; return results.toArray(resultsString); } public boolean isVerified(SessionID sessionID) { if (sessionID == null) return false; return isVerified(sessionID.getRemoteUserId(),null); } public boolean isVerified(String remoteUserId, String remoteFingerprint) { if (remoteUserId == null) return false; if (remoteFingerprint == null) remoteFingerprint = getRemoteFingerprint(remoteUserId); if (remoteFingerprint != null) { String username = Address.stripResource(remoteUserId); String pubKeyVerifiedToken = buildPublicKeyVerifiedId(username, remoteFingerprint); return, false); } else { return false; } } public boolean isVerifiedUser(String fullUserId) { String userId = Address.stripResource(fullUserId); String remoteFingerprint = getRemoteFingerprint(fullUserId); if (remoteFingerprint != null) { String pubKeyVerifiedToken = buildPublicKeyVerifiedId(userId, remoteFingerprint); return, false); } else return false; } public KeyPair loadLocalKeyPair(SessionID sessionID) { if (sessionID == null) return null; return loadLocalKeyPair(sessionID.getLocalUserId()); } private KeyPair loadLocalKeyPair(String fullUserId) { PublicKey publicKey; PrivateKey privateKey; String userId = Address.stripResource(fullUserId); try { // Load Private Key. byte[] b64PrivKey = + ".privateKey"); if (b64PrivKey == null) return null; PKCS8EncodedKeySpec privateKeySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(b64PrivKey); // Generate KeyPair. KeyFactory keyFactory; keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance(KEY_ALG); privateKey = keyFactory.generatePrivate(privateKeySpec); // Load Public Key. byte[] b64PubKey = + ".publicKey"); if (b64PubKey == null) return null; X509EncodedKeySpec publicKeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(b64PubKey); publicKey = keyFactory.generatePublic(publicKeySpec); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return new KeyPair(publicKey, privateKey); } public PublicKey loadRemotePublicKey(SessionID sessionID) { return loadRemotePublicKeyFromStore(sessionID.getRemoteUserId()); } private PublicKey loadRemotePublicKeyFromStore(String fullUserId) { // if (!Address.hasResource(fullUserId)) // return null; byte[] b64PubKey = + ".publicKey"); if (b64PubKey == null) { return null; } X509EncodedKeySpec publicKeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(b64PubKey); // Generate KeyPair from spec KeyFactory keyFactory; try { keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance(KEY_ALG); return keyFactory.generatePublic(publicKeySpec); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public void savePublicKey(SessionID sessionID, PublicKey pubKey) { if (sessionID == null) return; X509EncodedKeySpec x509EncodedKeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(pubKey.getEncoded()); // if (!Address.hasResource(sessionID.getRemoteUserId())) // return; String fullUserId = sessionID.getRemoteUserId(); + ".publicKey", x509EncodedKeySpec.getEncoded()); // Stash the associated fingerprint. This saves calculating it in the future // and is useful for transferring rosters to other apps. try { String fingerprintString = new OtrCryptoEngineImpl().getFingerprint(pubKey); String verifiedToken = buildPublicKeyVerifiedId(sessionID.getRemoteUserId(), fingerprintString); String fingerprintKey = fullUserId + ".fingerprint"; //if a fingerprint for this userid exists, then check if the key is verified if ( { if (!, false); } else { //if there is no key, then we can "trust on first use"!, fingerprintString);, true); } } catch (OtrCryptoException e) { Log.e(ImApp.LOG_TAG,"otr error: " + e.getMessage(),e); } } public void unverify(SessionID sessionID) { if (sessionID == null) return; if (!isVerified(sessionID)) return; unverifyUser(sessionID.getRemoteUserId()); for (OtrKeyManagerListener l : listeners) l.verificationStatusChanged(sessionID); } public void unverifyUser(String fullUserId) { if (!isVerifiedUser(fullUserId)) return; store.setProperty(buildPublicKeyVerifiedId(fullUserId, getRemoteFingerprint(fullUserId)), false); } public void verify(SessionID sessionID) { if (sessionID == null) return; if (this.isVerified(sessionID)) return; verifyUser(sessionID.getRemoteUserId()); } public void remoteVerifiedUs(SessionID sessionID) { if (sessionID == null) return; for (OtrKeyManagerListener l : listeners) l.remoteVerifiedUs(sessionID); } private static String buildPublicKeyVerifiedId(String userId, String fingerprint) { if (fingerprint == null) return null; return (Address.stripResource(userId) + "." + fingerprint + ".publicKey.verified"); } public void verifyUser(String userId) { if (userId == null) return; if (this.isVerifiedUser(userId)) return; String verifiedKeyId = buildPublicKeyVerifiedId(userId, getRemoteFingerprint(userId)); if (verifiedKeyId != null) .setProperty(verifiedKeyId, true); } public void verifyUser(String userId, String fingerprint) { if (userId == null) return; if (this.isVerifiedUser(userId)) return; .setProperty(buildPublicKeyVerifiedId(userId, fingerprint), true); } public boolean doKeyStoreExport (String password) { // if otr_keystore.ofcaes is in the SDCard root, import it File otrKeystoreAES = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "otr_keystore.ofcaes"); return store.export(password, otrKeystoreAES); } public static boolean checkForKeyImport (Intent intent, Activity activity) { boolean doKeyStoreImport = false; // if otr_keystore.ofcaes is in the SDCard root, import it File otrKeystoreAES = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "otr_keystore.ofcaes"); if (otrKeystoreAES.exists()) { //Log.i(TAG, "found " + otrKeystoreAES + "to import"); doKeyStoreImport = true; importOtrKeyStore(otrKeystoreAES, activity); } else if (intent != null && intent.getData() != null) { Uri uriData = intent.getData(); String path = null; if(uriData.getScheme() != null && uriData.getScheme().equals("file")) { path = uriData.toString().replace("file://", ""); File file = new File(path); doKeyStoreImport = true; importOtrKeyStore(file, activity); } } else { Toast.makeText(activity, R.string.otr_keysync_warning_message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } return doKeyStoreImport; } public static void importOtrKeyStore (final File fileOtrKeyStore, final Activity activity) { try { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(activity.getApplicationContext()); prefs.edit().putString("keystoreimport", fileOtrKeyStore.getCanonicalPath()).apply(); } catch (IOException ioe) { Log.e("TAG","problem importing key store",ioe); return; } Dialog.OnClickListener ocl = new Dialog.OnClickListener () { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { //launch QR code intent // new IntentIntegrator(activity).initiateScan(); } }; new AlertDialog.Builder(activity).setTitle(R.string.confirm) .setMessage(R.string.detected_Otr_keystore_import) .setPositiveButton(R.string.yes, ocl) // default button .setNegativeButton(, null).setCancelable(true).show(); } public boolean importOtrKeyStoreWithPassword (String fileOtrKeyStore, String importPassword) { boolean overWriteExisting = true; boolean deleteImportedFile = true; try { return importKeyStore(fileOtrKeyStore, importPassword, overWriteExisting, deleteImportedFile); } catch (IOException e) { OtrDebugLogger.log("error importing key store",e); return false; } } public static boolean handleKeyScanResult (int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data, Activity activity) { /** IntentResult scanResult = IntentIntegrator.parseActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (scanResult != null) { String otrKeyPassword = scanResult.getContents(); SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(activity.getApplicationContext()); String otrKeyStorePath = prefs.getString("keystoreimport", null); Log.d("OTR","got password: " + otrKeyPassword + " for path: " + otrKeyStorePath); if (otrKeyPassword != null && otrKeyStorePath != null) { otrKeyPassword = otrKeyPassword.replace("\n","").replace("\r", ""); //remove any padding, newlines, etc try { File otrKeystoreAES = new File(otrKeyStorePath); if (otrKeystoreAES.exists()) { try { IOtrKeyManager keyMan = ((ImApp)activity.getApplication()).getRemoteImService().getOtrKeyManager(); return keyMan.importOtrKeyStoreWithPassword(otrKeystoreAES.getCanonicalPath(), otrKeyPassword); } catch (Exception e) { OtrDebugLogger.log("error getting keyman",e); return false; } } } catch (Exception e) { Toast.makeText(activity, "unable to open keystore for import", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return false; } } else { Log.d("OTR","no key store path saved"); return false; } } */ return false; } }