package org.awesomeapp.messenger; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import org.awesomeapp.messenger.util.Languages; import im.zom.messenger.R; /** * Handles all global preferences that do not need to be stored encrypted, * looking after the names of preferences, default values and caching. Needs * to be setup in {@link ImApp} using * {@link Preferences#setup(android.content.Context)} before it is used. */ public class Preferences { public static final String TAG = "Preferences"; /* start encryption modes for OTR */ public static final String OTR_MODE_FORCE = "force"; public static final String OTR_MODE_AUTO = "auto"; public static final String OTR_MODE_REQUESTED = "requested"; public static final String OTR_MODE_DISABLED = "disabled"; /** * Has the same order as {@link #getOtrModeNames()} */ public static final String[] OTR_MODE_VALUES = { OTR_MODE_FORCE, OTR_MODE_AUTO, OTR_MODE_REQUESTED, OTR_MODE_DISABLED }; public static final String DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = null; public static final String DEFAULT_OTR_MODE = OTR_MODE_AUTO; public static final String DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_RINGTONE_URI = "content://settings/system/notification_sound"; public static final int DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = 1; public static final boolean DEFAULT_DEBUG_LOGGING = false; public static final boolean DEFAULT_DELETE_INSECURE_MEDIA = false; public static final boolean DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_PRIORITY = true; public static final boolean DEFAULT_HIDE_OFFLINE_CONTACTS = false; public static final boolean DEFAULT_LINKIFY_ON_TOR = false; public static final boolean DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION = true; public static final boolean DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_SOUND = true; public static final boolean DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_VIBRATE = true; public static final boolean DEFAULT_START_ON_BOOT = false; public static final boolean DEFAULT_LOCK_APP = true; public static final boolean DEFAULT_CLEAR_APP_DATA = false; public static final boolean DEFAULT_UNINSTALL_APP = false; private static final String DEBUG_LOGGING = "prefDebug"; private static final String DELETE_INSECURE_MEDIA = "pref_delete_unsecured_media"; private static final String FOREGROUND_PRIORITY = "pref_foreground_enable"; private static final String HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = "pref_heartbeat_interval"; private static final String HIDE_OFFLINE_CONTACTS = "pref_hide_offline_contacts"; private static final String LANGUAGE = "pref_language"; private static final String LINKIFY_ON_TOR = "pref_linkify_on_tor"; private static final String NOTIFICATION = "pref_enable_notification"; private static final String NOTIFICATION_SOUND = "pref_notification_sound"; private static final String NOTIFICATION_VIBRATE = "pref_notification_vibrate"; private static final String NOTIFICATION_RINGTONE_URI = "pref_notification_ringtone"; private static final String OTR_MODE = "pref_security_otr_mode"; private static final String START_ON_BOOT = "pref_start_on_boot"; private static final String LOCK_APP = "lock_app"; private static final String CLEAR_APP_DATA = "clear_app_data"; private static final String UNINSTALL_APP = "uninstall_app"; private static final String USE_TIBETAN_DICTIONARY = "prefEnableTibetanDictionary"; private static Context context; private static SharedPreferences preferences; private static Preferences instance; private Preferences(Context context) { this.context = context; preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); } public static void setup(Context context) { if (instance != null) { final String error = "Attempted to reinitialize preferences after it " + "has already been initialized in ImApp"; throw new RuntimeException(error); } instance = new Preferences(context); } /** * heartbeat interval in minutes */ public static int getHeartbeatInterval() { try { // when using preferences.xml, numbers will be stored as a String String intervalString = preferences.getString(HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL, String.valueOf(DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL)); return Integer.valueOf(intervalString); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { return DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL; } } public static void setHeartbeatInterval(int minutes) { preferences.edit().putString(HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL, String.valueOf(minutes)).apply(); } public static boolean getLinkifyOnTor() { return preferences.getBoolean(LINKIFY_ON_TOR, DEFAULT_LINKIFY_ON_TOR); } public static void setLinkifyOnTor(boolean linkify) { preferences.edit().putBoolean(LINKIFY_ON_TOR, linkify).apply(); } public static boolean getDeleteInsecureMedia() { return preferences.getBoolean(DELETE_INSECURE_MEDIA, DEFAULT_DELETE_INSECURE_MEDIA); } public static void setDeleteInsecureMedia(boolean delete) { preferences.edit().putBoolean(DELETE_INSECURE_MEDIA, delete).apply(); } public static boolean getHideOfflineContacts() { return preferences.getBoolean(HIDE_OFFLINE_CONTACTS, DEFAULT_HIDE_OFFLINE_CONTACTS); } public static void setHideOfflineContacts(boolean hide) { preferences.edit().putBoolean(HIDE_OFFLINE_CONTACTS, hide).apply(); } public static boolean isNotificationEnabled() { return preferences.getBoolean(NOTIFICATION, DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION); } public static void setNotification(boolean enable) { preferences.edit().putBoolean(NOTIFICATION, enable).apply(); } public static boolean getNotificationSound() { return preferences.getBoolean(NOTIFICATION_SOUND, DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_SOUND); } public static void setNotificationSound(boolean enable) { preferences.edit().putBoolean(NOTIFICATION_SOUND, enable).apply(); } public static boolean getNotificationVibrate() { return preferences.getBoolean(NOTIFICATION_VIBRATE, DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_VIBRATE); } public static void setNotificationVibrate(boolean enable) { preferences.edit().putBoolean(NOTIFICATION_VIBRATE, enable).apply(); } public static boolean getUseForegroundPriority() { return preferences.getBoolean(FOREGROUND_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_PRIORITY); } public static void setForegroundPriority(boolean enable) { preferences.edit().putBoolean(FOREGROUND_PRIORITY, enable).apply(); } public static boolean getDebugLogging() { return preferences.getBoolean(DEBUG_LOGGING, DEFAULT_DEBUG_LOGGING); } public static void setDebugLogging(boolean enable) { preferences.edit().putBoolean(DEBUG_LOGGING, enable).apply(); } public static boolean startOnBoot() { return preferences.getBoolean(START_ON_BOOT, DEFAULT_START_ON_BOOT); } public static void setStartOnBoot(boolean enable) { preferences.edit().putBoolean(START_ON_BOOT, enable).apply(); } public static boolean lockApp() { return preferences.getBoolean(LOCK_APP, DEFAULT_LOCK_APP); } public static void setLockApp(boolean enable) { preferences.edit().putBoolean(LOCK_APP, enable).apply(); } public static boolean clearAppData() { return preferences.getBoolean(CLEAR_APP_DATA, DEFAULT_CLEAR_APP_DATA); } public static void setClearAppData(boolean enable) { preferences.edit().putBoolean(CLEAR_APP_DATA, enable).apply(); } public static boolean uninstallApp() { return preferences.getBoolean(UNINSTALL_APP, DEFAULT_UNINSTALL_APP); } public static void setUninstallApp(boolean uninstallApp) { preferences.edit().putBoolean(UNINSTALL_APP, uninstallApp).apply(); } public static String getLanguage() { return preferences.getString(LANGUAGE, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE); } public static void setLanguage(String code) { preferences.edit().putString(LANGUAGE, code).apply(); } public static boolean isLanguageTibetan() { return TextUtils.equals(getLanguage(), Languages.TIBETAN.getLanguage()); } public static Uri getNotificationRingtoneUri() { return Uri.parse(preferences.getString(NOTIFICATION_RINGTONE_URI, DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_RINGTONE_URI)); } public static void setNotificationRingtoneUri(String uriString) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(uriString)) { preferences.edit().putString(NOTIFICATION_RINGTONE_URI, DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_RINGTONE_URI).apply(); } else { preferences.edit().putString(NOTIFICATION_RINGTONE_URI, uriString).apply(); } } public static void setNotificationRingtone(Uri uri) { preferences.edit().putString(NOTIFICATION_RINGTONE_URI, uri.toString()).apply(); } public static String getOtrMode() { return preferences.getString(OTR_MODE, DEFAULT_OTR_MODE); } public static void setOtrMode(String otrMode) { preferences.edit().putString(OTR_MODE, otrMode).commit(); } /** * Has the same order as {@link #getOtrModeNames()} */ public static String[] getOtrModeValues() { return OTR_MODE_VALUES; } /** * Has the same order as {@link #OTR_MODE_VALUES} */ public static String[] getOtrModeNames() { final String names[] = new String[4]; names[0] = context.getString(R.string.otr_mode_force); names[1] = context.getString(R.string.otr_mode_auto); names[2] = context.getString(R.string.otr_mode_requested); names[3] = context.getString(R.string.otr_mode_disabled); return names; } public static boolean getUseTibetanDictionary() { return preferences.getBoolean(USE_TIBETAN_DICTIONARY, true); } }