package com.bestapp.yikuair.utils; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; //import; import android.widget.PopupWindow; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.TextView; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.View.OnTouchListener; import com.bestapp.yikuair.R; public class MyDateTime extends PopupWindow { private static int START_YEAR = 2000, END_YEAR = 2020; // private final OnDateTimeSetListener mCallBack; private final Calendar mCalendar; // private Context context; private int curr_year, curr_month, curr_day, curr_hour, curr_minute; private Button button_cancel, button_ok; private static TextView title; String[] months_big = { "1", "3", "5", "7", "8", "10", "12" }; String[] months_little = { "4", "6", "9", "11" }; private static WheelView wv_year, wv_month, wv_day, wv_hours, wv_mins; final List<String> list_big, list_little; final int SCROLL_NUM = 5; final int POPWINDOW_HEIGHT = 260; final int TITLE_HEIGHT = 83; private int mScreenWidth; private int mScreenHeight; private String mSelectedTime; private String mComparedTime; private String mToday; private boolean isBeginTime; private int year, month, day, hour, minute; public MyDateTime(Context context, OnClickListener btnClick, String str, String selectedTime, String comparedTime, boolean isBTime) { super(context); // this.context = context; // mSelectedTime = selectedTime; DisplayMetrics dm = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); mScreenWidth = dm.widthPixels; mScreenHeight = dm.heightPixels; mCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); year = mCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); month = mCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH); day = mCalendar.get(Calendar.DATE); hour = mCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); minute = mCalendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE); mToday = String.valueOf(year) + "-" + String.valueOf(month) + "-" + String.valueOf(day) + " " + String.valueOf(hour) + ":" + String.valueOf(minute); isBeginTime = isBTime; if (isBeginTime) mComparedTime = getFormatedTime(mToday); else mComparedTime = getFormatedTime(comparedTime); Log.e("test", "selectedtime :" + selectedTime); String[] timeStr = selectedTime.split(" "); if (timeStr != null && timeStr.length > 2) { String[] dateStr = timeStr[0].split("-"); if (dateStr != null && dateStr.length > 2) { year = Integer.valueOf(dateStr[0]); month = Integer.valueOf(dateStr[1]) - 1; Log.e("test", "month :" + month); day = Integer.valueOf(dateStr[2]); } String[] hmStr = timeStr[2].split(":"); if (hmStr != null && hmStr.length > 1) { if (timeStr[1].equals("上午")) { hour = Integer.valueOf(hmStr[0]); } else { hour = Integer.valueOf(hmStr[0]) + 12; } minute = Integer.valueOf(hmStr[1]); } } curr_year = year; curr_month = month; curr_day = day; curr_hour = hour; curr_minute = minute; // this.END_YEAR = END_YEAR; // mCallBack = callBack; list_big = Arrays.asList(months_big); list_little = Arrays.asList(months_little); LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context .getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.time_layout, null); button_cancel = (Button) view.findViewById(; button_ok = (Button) view.findViewById(; button_cancel.setOnClickListener(btnClick); button_ok.setOnClickListener(btnClick); title = (TextView) view.findViewById(; title.setText(str); // Log.i("test", "the button height is " + button_ok.getHeight()); setContentView(view); this.setWidth(mScreenWidth); this.setHeight(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); int textSize = 0; textSize = adjustFontSize(mScreenWidth, mScreenHeight); title.setTextSize((float) (textSize * 0.4)); button_ok.setWidth(textSize * 5); button_ok.setHeight(textSize); button_cancel.setWidth(textSize * 5); button_cancel.setHeight(textSize); wv_year = (WheelView) view.findViewById(; wv_year.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(START_YEAR, END_YEAR)); wv_year.setCyclic(true); wv_year.setLabel("年"); // wv_year.setVisibleItems(SCROLL_NUM); wv_year.setCurrentItem(year - START_YEAR); wv_month = (WheelView) view.findViewById(; wv_month.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 12)); wv_month.setCyclic(true); wv_month.setLabel("月"); // wv_month.setVisibleItems(SCROLL_NUM); wv_month.setCurrentItem(month); wv_day = (WheelView) view.findViewById(; wv_day.setCyclic(true); if (list_big.contains(String.valueOf(month + 1))) { wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 31)); } else if (list_little.contains(String.valueOf(month + 1))) { wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 30)); } else { if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0) wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 29)); else wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 28)); } wv_day.setLabel("日"); // wv_day.setVisibleItems(SCROLL_NUM); wv_day.setCurrentItem(day - 1); wv_hours = (WheelView) view.findViewById(; wv_hours.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(0, 23)); wv_hours.setCyclic(true); // wv_hours.setVisibleItems(SCROLL_NUM); wv_hours.setCurrentItem(hour); wv_mins = (WheelView) view.findViewById(; wv_mins.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(0, 59, "%02d")); wv_mins.setCyclic(true); // wv_mins.setVisibleItems(SCROLL_NUM); wv_mins.setCurrentItem(minute); OnWheelChangedListener wheelListener_year = new OnWheelChangedListener() { public void onChanged(WheelView wheel, int oldValue, int newValue) { int year_num = newValue + START_YEAR; if (list_big .contains(String.valueOf(wv_month.getCurrentItem() + 1))) { wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 31)); } else if (list_little.contains(String.valueOf(wv_month .getCurrentItem() + 1))) { wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 30)); System.out.println(wv_month.getCurrentItem()); } else { if ((year_num % 4 == 0 && year_num % 100 != 0) || year_num % 400 == 0) wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 29)); else wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 28)); } // etHeight(350+TITLE_HEIGHT); Log.e("test", "the selected year is " + getYear()); /* * String tempDate = String.valueOf(getYear()) + "-" + * String.valueOf(getMonth()) + "-" + String.valueOf(getDay()) + * " " + String.valueOf(getHour()) + ":" + * String.valueOf(getMin()); Log.e("test", "tempdate year:" + * tempDate); if (compDate(tempDate) < 0) { * wv_year.setCurrentItem(curr_year - START_YEAR); } */} }; OnWheelChangedListener wheelListener_month = new OnWheelChangedListener() { public void onChanged(WheelView wheel, int oldValue, int newValue) { int month_num = newValue + 1; if (list_big.contains(String.valueOf(month_num))) { wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 31)); } else if (list_little.contains(String.valueOf(month_num))) { wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 30)); if (getDay() == 31) wv_day.setCurrentItem(29); } else { if (((wv_year.getCurrentItem() + START_YEAR) % 4 == 0 && (wv_year .getCurrentItem() + START_YEAR) % 100 != 0) || (wv_year.getCurrentItem() + START_YEAR) % 400 == 0) { wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 29)); if (getDay() == 31 || getDay() == 30) { wv_day.setCurrentItem(28); } } else { wv_day.setAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(1, 28)); if (getDay() == 31 || getDay() == 30) { wv_day.setCurrentItem(27); } } } String tempDate = String.valueOf(getYear()) + "-" + String.valueOf(getMonth()) + "-" + String.valueOf(getDay()) + " " + String.valueOf(getHour()) + ":" + String.valueOf(getMin()); /* * Log.e("test", "tempdate month:" + tempDate); if * (compDate(tempDate) < 0) { * wv_month.setCurrentItem(curr_month); } */Log.i("test", "the selected month is " + getMonth()); } }; OnWheelChangedListener wheelListener_day = new OnWheelChangedListener() { public void onChanged(WheelView wheel, int oldValue, int newValue) { String tempDate = String.valueOf(getYear()) + "-" + String.valueOf(getMonth()) + "-" + String.valueOf(getDay()) + " " + String.valueOf(getHour()) + ":" + String.valueOf(getMin()); /* * Log.e("test", "tempdate day:" + tempDate); if * (compDate(tempDate) < 0) { wv_day.setCurrentItem(curr_day - * 1); } */Log.i("test", "the selected day is " + getDay()); } }; OnWheelChangedListener wheelListener_hour = new OnWheelChangedListener() { public void onChanged(WheelView wheel, int oldValue, int newValue) { String tempDate = String.valueOf(getYear()) + "-" + String.valueOf(getMonth()) + "-" + String.valueOf(getDay()) + " " + String.valueOf(getHour()) + ":" + String.valueOf(getMin()); Log.e("test", "tempdate hour :" + tempDate); // Log.e("test"," result :" + compDate(tempDate)); Log.i("test", "the selected hour is " + getHour()); } }; OnWheelChangedListener wheelListener_min = new OnWheelChangedListener() { public void onChanged(WheelView wheel, int oldValue, int newValue) { String tempDate = String.valueOf(getYear()) + "-" + String.valueOf(getMonth()) + "-" + String.valueOf(getDay()) + " " + String.valueOf(getHour()) + ":" + String.valueOf(getMin()); /* * Log.e("test", "tempdate min:" + tempDate); if * (compDate(tempDate) < 0) { * wv_month.setCurrentItem(curr_minute); } */ Log.i("test", "the selected min is " + getMin()); } }; wv_year.addChangingListener(wheelListener_year); wv_month.addChangingListener(wheelListener_month); wv_day.addChangingListener(wheelListener_day); wv_hours.addChangingListener(wheelListener_hour); wv_mins.addChangingListener(wheelListener_min); wv_day.TEXT_SIZE = textSize; wv_hours.TEXT_SIZE = textSize; wv_mins.TEXT_SIZE = textSize; wv_month.TEXT_SIZE = textSize; wv_year.TEXT_SIZE = textSize; } public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { curr_year = wv_year.getCurrentItem() + START_YEAR; curr_month = wv_month.getCurrentItem() + 1; curr_day = wv_day.getCurrentItem() + 1; curr_hour = wv_hours.getCurrentItem(); curr_minute = wv_mins.getCurrentItem(); /* * if (mCallBack != null) { mCallBack.onDateTimeSet(curr_year, * curr_month, curr_day, curr_hour, curr_minute); } */ } public void show() { //; } public interface OnDateTimeSetListener { void onDateTimeSet(int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, int hour, int minute); } public static int adjustFontSize(int mScreenWidth, int mScreenHeight) { if (mScreenWidth <= 240) { // 240X320 ±èÂπï return 10; } else if (mScreenWidth <= 320) { // 320X480 ±èÂπï return 14; } else if (mScreenWidth <= 480) { // 480X800 Êàñ 480X854 ±èÂπï return 24; } else if (mScreenWidth <= 540) { // 540X960 ±èÂπï return 26; } else if (mScreenWidth <= 800) { // 800X1280 ±èÂπï return 35; } else { // §߉∫é 800X1280 return 40; } } public String getFormatedTime(String time) { String[] timeStr = time.split(" "); String year = ""; String month = ""; String day = ""; String hour = ""; String min = ""; if (timeStr != null && timeStr.length > 2) { String[] dateStr = timeStr[0].split("-"); if (dateStr != null && dateStr.length > 2) { year = dateStr[0]; month = dateStr[1]; day = dateStr[2]; } String[] hmStr = timeStr[2].split(":"); if (hmStr != null && hmStr.length > 1) { if (timeStr[1].equals("上午")) { hour = hmStr[0]; } else { hour = String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(hmStr[0]) + 12); } min = hmStr[1]; } } return year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hour + ":" + min; } public int compDate(String date) { int day = 0; String s1 = " "; String s2 = " "; if (isBeginTime) { s1 = mToday; s2 = date; } else { s1 = mComparedTime; s2 = date; } Log.e("test", "s1 :" + s1); Log.e("test", "s2 :" + s2); try { SimpleDateFormat sf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm"); Date date1 = new Date(); Date date2 = new Date(); date1 = sf.parse(s1); date2 = sf.parse(s2); day = (int) ((date2.getTime() - date1.getTime()) /* * / 3600 / 24 / * 1000 */); } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } Log.i("test", "dvalue :" + day); return day; } /* * get the selected year */ public static int getYear() { return wv_year.getCurrentItem() + START_YEAR; } /* * get the selected month */ public static int getMonth() { return wv_month.getCurrentItem() + 1; } /* * get the selected day */ public static int getDay() { return wv_day.getCurrentItem() + 1; } /* * get the selected hour */ public static int getHour() { return wv_hours.getCurrentItem(); } /* * get the selected minute */ public static int getMin() { return wv_mins.getCurrentItem(); } public static String getTitle() { return title.getText().toString(); } /* * set the title */ public void setTitle(String str) { title.setText(str); } }