package com.bestapp.yikuair.utils; import; import; import java.util.Timer; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import com.bestapp.yikuair.AppstartActivity; import com.bestapp.yikuair.LoginActivity; import com.bestapp.yikuair.R; import com.bestapp.yikuair.database.DBOpenHelper; import com.bestapp.yikuair.fragments.ChatActivity; import com.bestapp.yikuair.fragments.ChatMsgEntity; import com.bestapp.yikuair.fragments.ClientSocket; import com.bestapp.yikuair.fragments.MenuFragment; import com.bestapp.yikuair.fragments.MessageFragment; import com.bestapp.yikuair.fragments.PersonalProfileActivity; import com.bestapp.yikuair.fragments.ResponsiveUIActivity; import com.bestapp.yikuair.fragments.ScheduleAddActivity; import com.bestapp.yikuair.fragments.SelectMemberActivity; import com.bestapp.yikuair.fragments.SettingActivity; import com.bestapp.yikuair.fragments.SocketConfig; import com.bestapp.yikuair.fragments.SocketTimer; import com.bestapp.yikuair.officialaccount.OfficialAccountFragment; import com.bestapp.yikuair.officialaccount.SubActivity; public class ClientConServerThread extends Thread { private Context mContext; private Socket socket; private InputStream in = null; // private BufferedInputStream buffer=null; private ClientSocket client; private String receiveString; // private CheckNewEdition checkUtil; public ClientConServerThread(Context context, Socket socket) { this.mContext = context; this.socket = socket; this.client = new ClientSocket(mContext); // this.checkUtil = new CheckNewEdition(mContext); } @Override public void run() { try { Log.e("test", "clientconserverpthread create........"); in = socket.getInputStream(); if (socket == null) Log.i("test", "socket is null....."); if (in == null) Log.i("test", "in is null........"); socket.setKeepAlive(true); socket.setSoTimeout(0); // while (true) { byte[] buf = new byte[240000]; int len = 0; byte[] arrayByte = null; // buffer = new BufferedInputStream(in); while ((len = != -1) { if (!UserInfo.isHomePressed) { arrayByte = DataUtil.byteArray(arrayByte, DataUtil.subBytes(buf, 0, len)); int ablen = arrayByte.length; int flaglen = SocketConfig.WRIETEFLAGBYTES.length; byte[] byteCode = DataUtil.subBytes(arrayByte, ablen - flaglen, flaglen); boolean isEnd = DataUtil.isBytesEquals(byteCode, SocketConfig.WRIETEFLAGBYTES); if (isEnd) { receiveString = new String(DataUtil.subBytes(arrayByte, 0, ablen - flaglen)); arrayByte = null; Log.i("test", "receive message" + receiveString); getJsonArray(receiveString); } } } // } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.e("FM", ""); try { if (socket != null) { Log.e("test", "clientconserverthread : closesocket"); // socket.close(); socket = null; Log.e("test", "clientconserverpthread create........"); in = socket.getInputStream(); if (socket == null) Log.i("test", "socket is null....."); if (in == null) Log.i("test", "in is null........"); socket.setKeepAlive(true); socket.setSoTimeout(0); // while (true) { byte[] buf = new byte[2400]; int len = 0; byte[] arrayByte = null; while ((len = != -1) { if (!UserInfo.isHomePressed) { arrayByte = DataUtil.byteArray(arrayByte, DataUtil.subBytes(buf, 0, len)); int ablen = arrayByte.length; int flaglen = SocketConfig.WRIETEFLAGBYTES.length; byte[] byteCode = DataUtil.subBytes(arrayByte, ablen - flaglen, flaglen); boolean isEnd = DataUtil.isBytesEquals(byteCode, SocketConfig.WRIETEFLAGBYTES); if (isEnd) { receiveString = new String(DataUtil.subBytes( arrayByte, 0, ablen - flaglen)); arrayByte = null; Log.i("test", "receive message" + receiveString); getJsonArray(receiveString); } } } } } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } private void getJsonArray(String str) { String[] st = str.split("_!@#\\$%\\^&\\*_"); for (int i = 0; i < st.length; i++) { String jsondata = st[i]; Log.i("test", "data :" + jsondata); if (jsondata != null && jsondata.length() > 0 && new JsonValidator().validate(jsondata) == true) { parseJson(jsondata); } else { if (ResponsiveUIActivity.instance == null) sendLoginResultBroadCast("", 406, 0); } } } private void parseJson(String strResult) { try { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(strResult); if (jsonObj.has("token")) { int token = jsonObj.getInt("token"); if (token == 0) { // checkUtil.checkEdition(); if (jsonObj.has("code")) { int code = jsonObj.getInt("code"); if (code == 200) { if (UserInfo.isSendBroadCast) { sendLoginResultBroadCast(strResult, code, token); } else { UserInfo.isSendBroadCast = true; } /* * if(UserInfo.isRecreateConnection){ * sendRecreateBroadcast(code); * UserInfo.isRecreateConnection = false; } */ Log.e("test", "begin timer................................."); /* * Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new * SocketTimer(socket), 1000, 250000); */ if (UserInfo.timer == null) { UserInfo.timer = new Timer(); } UserInfo.timer.schedule(new SocketTimer(socket), 1000, 230000); } else { Log.e("FM", "token not 200"); closeAllAcitivity(); sendLoginResultBroadCast(strResult, code, token); } } } else if (token == 1 || token == 2 || token == 3 || token == 22) { if (jsonObj.has("content") == false) { return; } else { String content = new String( DataUtil.decodeBase64(jsonObj .getString("content"))); String latitude; double tmpLatitude; String longitude; double tmpLongitude; String time = MessageInfo.parseTime(jsonObj .getString("longDate")); String fullTime = MessageInfo .parseMessageFullTime(jsonObj .getString("longDate")); String sender = jsonObj.getString("from"); String receiver = jsonObj.getString("to"); String msguuid = jsonObj.getString("msguuid"); String date = MessageInfo.parseDate(jsonObj .getString("longDate")); Log.e("test", "receive message date :" + date); String type = jsonObj.getString("type"); /* * if (date.equals( { date = ""; } * else { = date; } */ String smallPicUrl = null; String bigPicUrl = null; String voiceUrl = null; if (token == 2) { String smallPicPath = UserInfo.downloadImgUrl + jsonObj.getString("smallImgPath"); String bigPicPath = UserInfo.downloadImgUrl + jsonObj.getString("filePath"); content = mContext.getResources().getString( R.string.picture); smallPicUrl = smallPicPath; bigPicUrl = bigPicPath; } else if (token == 3) { voiceUrl = UserInfo.downloadVoiceUrl + jsonObj.getString("filePath"); content = mContext.getResources().getString( R.string.voice); } int status = MessageInfo.RECEIVE_MESSAGE; ChatMsgEntity entity = new ChatMsgEntity(true, sender, receiver, content, time, date, smallPicUrl, bigPicUrl, token, status, voiceUrl); entity.setMsguuid(msguuid);// add msguuid; entity.setFullTime(fullTime);// add fulltime to sort if (token == 22) { String strContent = content; JSONObject jsonContent = new JSONObject(content); content = jsonContent.getString("location"); tmpLatitude = jsonContent.getDouble("latitude"); tmpLongitude = jsonContent.getDouble("longitude"); latitude = "" + tmpLatitude; longitude = "" + tmpLongitude; entity.setlongitude(longitude); entity.setlatitude(latitude); entity.setContent(content); } String fromname; fromname = jsonObj.getString("fromName").trim(); DBlog.e("fromane", fromname); if (fromname != null && !"".equals(fromname)) { String getFromname = new String( DataUtil.decodeBase64(fromname)).trim(); DBlog.e("I want", jsonObj.toString()); entity.setFromname(getFromname.replace("������-", "")); } entity.setChatType(MessageInfo.INDIVIDUAL); if (type.equals("2")) { entity.setChatType(MessageInfo.GROUP); createLocalGroup(entity); } String tempReceiver = receiver; client.sendMessage(null, 7, msguuid, sender, tempReceiver, null, null, null, null, type, null, false, null); sendMessageBroadcast(entity); return; } } else if (token == 6) { String msguuid = jsonObj.getString("msguuid"); String sender = jsonObj.getString("from"); String receiver = jsonObj.getString("to"); String type = jsonObj.getString("type"); int chatType = 0; if (type.equals("2")) chatType = MessageInfo.GROUP; if (type.equals("4")) { chatType = MessageInfo.OFFICEACCOUNT; } ChatMsgEntity entity = new ChatMsgEntity(); entity.setStatus(MessageInfo.SEND_ARRIVAL); entity.setSenderId(sender); if (jsonObj.has("task_id")) { entity.setScheduleTaskId(jsonObj.getString("task_id")); } entity.setMsguuid(msguuid); entity.setReceiverId(receiver); entity.setChatType(chatType); if (jsonObj.has("task_id")) sendScheduleBroadcast(entity); sendMessageBroadcast(entity); } else if (token == 7) { } else if (token == 8) { String sender = jsonObj.getString("from"); String receiver = jsonObj.getString("to"); String msguuid = jsonObj.getString("msguuid"); String type = jsonObj.getString("type"); int chatType = 0; if (type.equals("2")) chatType = MessageInfo.GROUP; client.sendMessage(null, 9, msguuid, sender, receiver, null, null, null, null, type, null, false, null); client.sendMessage(null, 10, msguuid, sender, receiver, null, null, null, null, type, null, false, null); ChatMsgEntity entity = new ChatMsgEntity(); entity.setSenderId(sender); entity.setChatType(chatType); entity.setMsguuid(msguuid); entity.setStatus(MessageInfo.SEND_READED); entity.setReceiverId(receiver); sendMessageBroadcast(entity); } else if (token == 12) { JSONObject Obj = jsonObj.getJSONObject("data"); String dbId = Obj.getString("from"); String msguuid = jsonObj.getString("msguuid"); String headUrl = null; String signature = null; client.sendMessage(null, 8, msguuid, dbId, UserInfo.db_id, null, null, null, null, "3", null, false, null); client.sendMessage(null, 8, msguuid, dbId, UserInfo.db_id, null, null, null, null, "3", null, false, null); if (Obj.has("headurl")) headUrl = Obj.getString("headurl"); if (Obj.has("signature")) signature = Obj.getString("signature"); updateDB(dbId, headUrl, signature); } else if (token == 15) { int code = 200; if (!jsonObj.has("code")) { String group_id = jsonObj.getString("from"); String msguuid = jsonObj.getString("msguuid"); sendGroupBroadcast(msguuid, code, token, group_id); } else { JSONObject Obj = jsonObj.getJSONObject("data"); String msguuid = Obj.getString("msguuid"); String group_id = Obj.getString("group_id"); // String dbId = jsonObj.getString("from"); // client.sendMessage(null, 8, msguuid, group_id, // UserInfo.db_id, // null, null, null, null, null, null, false, null); sendGroupBroadcast(msguuid, code, token, group_id); } } else if (token == 100) { if (jsonObj.has("code")) { int code = jsonObj.getInt("code"); String result = null; if (code == 200) { result = receiveString; } sendLoginResultBroadCast(result, code, token); } } else if (token == 13) { Log.i("test", "token 13............."); String sender = jsonObj.getString("from"); String receiver = jsonObj.getString("to"); int type = jsonObj.getInt("type"); String msguuid = jsonObj.getString("msguuid"); String btime = jsonObj.getString("btime"); String etime = jsonObj.getString("etime"); String title = new String(DataUtil.decodeBase64(jsonObj .getString("title"))); String taskId = jsonObj.getString("task_id"); int taskType = jsonObj.getInt("tasktype"); String longDate = jsonObj.getString("longDate"); String address = ""; if (jsonObj.getString("address") != null && jsonObj.getString("address").length() > 0) { address = new String(DataUtil.decodeBase64(jsonObj .getString("address"))); } int tempTaskType; if (taskType == 1) tempTaskType = 1; else if (taskType == 2) tempTaskType = 0; else tempTaskType = 2; ChatMsgEntity entity = new ChatMsgEntity(); entity.setType(MessageInfo.SCHEDULE); entity.setScheduleType(tempTaskType); entity.setStatus(MessageInfo.RECEIVE_MESSAGE); entity.setSenderId(sender); entity.setReceiverId(receiver); entity.setMsguuid(msguuid); entity.setScheduleTitle(title); entity.setScheduleAddress(address); entity.setScheduleTaskId(taskId); entity.setTime(MessageInfo.parseTime(longDate)); entity.setFullTime(MessageInfo.parseMessageFullTime(jsonObj .getString("longDate"))); entity.setScheduleBeginTime(MessageInfo .parseScheduleDate(btime)); entity.setScheduleEndTime(MessageInfo .parseScheduleDate(etime)); entity.setIsComing(true); if (tempTaskType == MessageInfo.TASK) { entity.setContent(mContext.getResources().getString( R.string.message_item_task)); } else if (tempTaskType == MessageInfo.MEETING) { entity.setContent(mContext.getResources().getString( R.string.message_item_meeting)); } else { entity.setContent(mContext.getResources().getString( R.string.message_item_other)); } String tempReceiver = receiver; if (type == 2) { tempReceiver = UserInfo.db_id; entity.setChatType(MessageInfo.GROUP); } else entity.setChatType(MessageInfo.INDIVIDUAL); if (!sender.equals(UserInfo.db_id)) { client.sendMessage(null, 7, msguuid, sender, tempReceiver, null, null, null, null, String.valueOf(type), null, false, null); client.sendMessage(null, 8, msguuid, sender, tempReceiver, null, null, null, null, String.valueOf(type), null, false, null); /* * client.sendMessage(null, 8, msguuid, sender, * tempReceiver, null, null, null, null, * String.valueOf(type), false); */ if (type == 2 /* && !MessageInfo.groupMap.containsKey(receiver) */) createLocalGroup(entity); else sendScheduleBroadcast(entity); sendMessageBroadcast(entity); } } else if (token == 14) { Log.i("test", "token 14......................"); // JSONObject Obj = jsonObj.getJSONObject("data"); if (jsonObj.getInt("code") == 200) return; String msguuid = jsonObj.getString("msguuid"); String sender = jsonObj.getString("from"); String receiver = jsonObj.getString("to"); String taskId = jsonObj.getString("task_id"); int scheduleType = jsonObj.getInt("type"); int formatedType; if (scheduleType == 1) formatedType = MessageInfo.MEETING; else if (scheduleType == 2) formatedType = MessageInfo.TASK; else formatedType = MessageInfo.OTHER; ChatMsgEntity entity = new ChatMsgEntity(); entity.setSenderId(sender); entity.setReceiverId(receiver); entity.setScheduleTaskId(taskId); entity.setScheduleType(formatedType); entity.setMsguuid(msguuid); entity.setStatus(MessageInfo.SEND_READED); sendMessageBroadcast(entity); } else if (token == 16) { if (jsonObj.has("code")) sendGroupInfoBroadcast(200); else { String groupId = jsonObj.getString("to"); String sender = jsonObj.getString("from"); String msguuid = jsonObj.getString("msguuid"); changeGroupInfo(groupId, sender, msguuid); } } else if (token == 17) { if (jsonObj.has("code")) sendGroupInfoBroadcast(200); else { String groupId = jsonObj.getString("to"); String sender = jsonObj.getString("from"); String msguuid = jsonObj.getString("msguuid"); changeGroupInfo(groupId, sender, msguuid); } } else if (token == 23) { Log.e("test", "token 23....................."); String from = jsonObj.getString("from"); String msguuid = jsonObj.getString("msguuid"); String type = jsonObj.getString("type"); String to = jsonObj.getString("to"); if (from.equals(UserInfo.db_id)) return; client.sendMessage(null, 7, msguuid, from, to, null, null, null, null, type, null, false, null); client.sendMessage(null, 8, msguuid, from, to, null, null, null, null, type, null, false, null); if (jsonObj.has("task_id")) { String sender = jsonObj.getString("from"); String taskId = jsonObj.getString("task_id"); // sendScheduleDelBroadcast(sender, to, taskId, type); } } } else { sendLoginResultBroadCast("", 404, 0); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void updateDB(String dbId, String headUrl, String signature) { DBOpenHelper dbOpenHelper = new DBOpenHelper(mContext); SQLiteDatabase db = dbOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase(); ContentValues value = new ContentValues(); if (headUrl != null) { value.put("headURL", headUrl); db.update("contactsTable", value, "dbid=?", new String[] { dbId }); } if (signature != null) { value.put("signature", signature); db.update("contactsTable", value, "dbid=?", new String[] { dbId }); } dbOpenHelper.close(); db.close(); } private void changeGroupInfo(String groupId, String sender, String msguuid) { client.sendMessage(null, 8, msguuid, sender, UserInfo.db_id, null, null, null, null, "2", null, false, null); ChatMsgEntity entity = new ChatMsgEntity(); entity.setReceiverId(groupId); entity.setSenderId(sender); entity.setStatus(MessageInfo.GROUP_MODIFY); entity.setChatType(MessageInfo.GROUP); createLocalGroup(entity); } private void sendScheduleDelBroadcast(String sender, String to, String taskId, String type) { Log.e("test", "sendScheduledelbroadcast............................"); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(MessageInfo.ScheduleDelResultBroadCast); intent.putExtra("sender", sender); intent.putExtra("to", to); intent.putExtra("type", type); intent.putExtra("taskId", taskId); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); } private void closeAllAcitivity() { if (SettingActivity.instance != null) SettingActivity.instance.finish(); if (PersonalProfileActivity.instance != null) PersonalProfileActivity.instance.finish(); if (ResponsiveUIActivity.instance != null) ResponsiveUIActivity.instance.finish(); if (ChatActivity.instance != null) ChatActivity.instance.finish(); if (SelectMemberActivity.instance != null) SelectMemberActivity.instance.finish(); if (ScheduleAddActivity.instance != null) ScheduleAddActivity.instance.finish(); if (AppstartActivity.instance != null) AppstartActivity.instance.finish(); if (LoginActivity.instance == null) { Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, LoginActivity.class); intent.putExtra("username",; mContext.startActivity(intent); } /* * if (ClientSocket.rbr != null){ * mContext.unregisterReceiver(ClientSocket.rbr); ClientSocket.rbr = * null; } */ UserInfo.isRecreateConnection = false; ClientSocket.socket = null; } private void createLocalGroup(ChatMsgEntity entity) { CreateGroupUtil util = new CreateGroupUtil(mContext, entity); util.getGroupMember(); } private void sendLoginResultBroadCast(String result, int code, int token) { Log.e("test", "send login result broadcast........................"); Log.e("test", "result :" + result); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(MessageInfo.LoginResultBroadCast); intent.putExtra("result", result); intent.putExtra("code", code); intent.putExtra("token", token); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); } private void sendGroupInfoBroadcast(int code) { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(MessageInfo.GroupInfoResultBroadCast); intent.putExtra("code", code); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); } private void sendRecreateBroadcast(int code) { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(MessageInfo.RecreateResultBroadCast); intent.putExtra("code", code); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); } private void sendScheduleBroadcast(ChatMsgEntity entity) { Intent intent = new Intent(); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putSerializable("message", entity); intent.setAction(MessageInfo.ScheduleResultBroadCast); intent.putExtras(bundle); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); } private void sendMessageBroadcast(ChatMsgEntity entity) { if (MenuFragment.instance == null) Log.e("test", " menu is null.."); else Log.e("test", " menu is not null.."); if (MessageFragment.instance == null) Log.e("test", " messagefragment is null.."); else Log.e("test", " messagefragment is not null.."); if (ChatActivity.instance == null) Log.e("test", " chatactivity is null.."); else Log.e("test", " chatacitvity is not null.."); if (MenuFragment.instance == null && MessageFragment.instance == null && ChatActivity.instance == null) { entity.setIsAdd(true); // if (entity.getFromname() != null // && !entity.getFromname().trim().equals("")) { MessageInfo.matchMessageEntityList.add(entity); // sendBroadcastToFrind(); // } else { DBlog.e("tadiao", "------messageEntityList"); MessageInfo.messageEntityList.add(entity); Intent intent = new Intent(); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putSerializable("message", entity); intent.setAction(MessageInfo.MessageBroadCastName); intent.putExtras(bundle); // Log.e("test", "conserver send messagebroadcast"); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); // } } else { // if (entity.getFromname() != null // && !entity.getFromname().trim().equals("")) { MessageInfo.matchMessageEntityList.add(entity); // sendBroadcastToFrind(); // } else { Intent intent = new Intent(); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putSerializable("message", entity); intent.setAction(MessageInfo.MessageBroadCastName); intent.putExtras(bundle); // Log.e("test", "conserver send messagebroadcast"); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); Log.e("FM", "" + mContext); // } } } // private void sendBroadcastToFrind() { // Intent intent = new Intent(); // intent.setAction(MessageInfo.FriendMessageBroadCastName); // mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); // } private void sendGroupBroadcast(String msguuid, int code, int token, String groupId) { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(MessageInfo.GroupBroadCastName); intent.putExtra("msguuid", msguuid); intent.putExtra("code", code); intent.putExtra("token", token); intent.putExtra("group_id", groupId); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); } }