/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package libcore.net.http; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.CacheResponse; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.ProtocolException; import java.net.Proxy; import java.net.SecureCacheResponse; import java.net.URL; import java.security.Permission; import java.security.Principal; import java.security.cert.Certificate; import java.security.cert.CertificateException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection; import javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException; import javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException; import javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket; final class HttpsURLConnectionImpl extends HttpsURLConnection { /** HttpUrlConnectionDelegate allows reuse of HttpURLConnectionImpl */ private final HttpUrlConnectionDelegate delegate; protected HttpsURLConnectionImpl(URL url, int port) { super(url); delegate = new HttpUrlConnectionDelegate(url, port); } protected HttpsURLConnectionImpl(URL url, int port, Proxy proxy) { super(url); delegate = new HttpUrlConnectionDelegate(url, port, proxy); } private void checkConnected() { if (delegate.getSSLSocket() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Connection has not yet been established"); } } HttpEngine getHttpEngine() { return delegate.getHttpEngine(); } @Override public String getCipherSuite() { SecureCacheResponse cacheResponse = delegate.getCacheResponse(); if (cacheResponse != null) { return cacheResponse.getCipherSuite(); } checkConnected(); return delegate.getSSLSocket().getSession().getCipherSuite(); } @Override public Certificate[] getLocalCertificates() { SecureCacheResponse cacheResponse = delegate.getCacheResponse(); if (cacheResponse != null) { List<Certificate> result = cacheResponse.getLocalCertificateChain(); return result != null ? result.toArray(new Certificate[result.size()]) : null; } checkConnected(); return delegate.getSSLSocket().getSession().getLocalCertificates(); } @Override public Certificate[] getServerCertificates() throws SSLPeerUnverifiedException { SecureCacheResponse cacheResponse = delegate.getCacheResponse(); if (cacheResponse != null) { List<Certificate> result = cacheResponse.getServerCertificateChain(); return result != null ? result.toArray(new Certificate[result.size()]) : null; } checkConnected(); return delegate.getSSLSocket().getSession().getPeerCertificates(); } @Override public Principal getPeerPrincipal() throws SSLPeerUnverifiedException { SecureCacheResponse cacheResponse = delegate.getCacheResponse(); if (cacheResponse != null) { return cacheResponse.getPeerPrincipal(); } checkConnected(); return delegate.getSSLSocket().getSession().getPeerPrincipal(); } @Override public Principal getLocalPrincipal() { SecureCacheResponse cacheResponse = delegate.getCacheResponse(); if (cacheResponse != null) { return cacheResponse.getLocalPrincipal(); } checkConnected(); return delegate.getSSLSocket().getSession().getLocalPrincipal(); } @Override public void disconnect() { delegate.disconnect(); } @Override public InputStream getErrorStream() { return delegate.getErrorStream(); } @Override public String getRequestMethod() { return delegate.getRequestMethod(); } @Override public int getResponseCode() throws IOException { return delegate.getResponseCode(); } @Override public String getResponseMessage() throws IOException { return delegate.getResponseMessage(); } @Override public void setRequestMethod(String method) throws ProtocolException { delegate.setRequestMethod(method); } @Override public boolean usingProxy() { return delegate.usingProxy(); } @Override public boolean getInstanceFollowRedirects() { return delegate.getInstanceFollowRedirects(); } @Override public void setInstanceFollowRedirects(boolean followRedirects) { delegate.setInstanceFollowRedirects(followRedirects); } @Override public void connect() throws IOException { connected = true; delegate.connect(); } @Override public boolean getAllowUserInteraction() { return delegate.getAllowUserInteraction(); } @Override public Object getContent() throws IOException { return delegate.getContent(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Spec does not generify @Override public Object getContent(Class[] types) throws IOException { return delegate.getContent(types); } @Override public String getContentEncoding() { return delegate.getContentEncoding(); } @Override public int getContentLength() { return delegate.getContentLength(); } @Override public String getContentType() { return delegate.getContentType(); } @Override public long getDate() { return delegate.getDate(); } @Override public boolean getDefaultUseCaches() { return delegate.getDefaultUseCaches(); } @Override public boolean getDoInput() { return delegate.getDoInput(); } @Override public boolean getDoOutput() { return delegate.getDoOutput(); } @Override public long getExpiration() { return delegate.getExpiration(); } @Override public String getHeaderField(int pos) { return delegate.getHeaderField(pos); } @Override public Map<String, List<String>> getHeaderFields() { return delegate.getHeaderFields(); } @Override public Map<String, List<String>> getRequestProperties() { return delegate.getRequestProperties(); } @Override public void addRequestProperty(String field, String newValue) { delegate.addRequestProperty(field, newValue); } @Override public String getHeaderField(String key) { return delegate.getHeaderField(key); } @Override public long getHeaderFieldDate(String field, long defaultValue) { return delegate.getHeaderFieldDate(field, defaultValue); } @Override public int getHeaderFieldInt(String field, int defaultValue) { return delegate.getHeaderFieldInt(field, defaultValue); } @Override public String getHeaderFieldKey(int posn) { return delegate.getHeaderFieldKey(posn); } @Override public long getIfModifiedSince() { return delegate.getIfModifiedSince(); } @Override public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return delegate.getInputStream(); } @Override public long getLastModified() { return delegate.getLastModified(); } @Override public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { return delegate.getOutputStream(); } @Override public Permission getPermission() throws IOException { return delegate.getPermission(); } @Override public String getRequestProperty(String field) { return delegate.getRequestProperty(field); } @Override public URL getURL() { return delegate.getURL(); } @Override public boolean getUseCaches() { return delegate.getUseCaches(); } @Override public void setAllowUserInteraction(boolean newValue) { delegate.setAllowUserInteraction(newValue); } @Override public void setDefaultUseCaches(boolean newValue) { delegate.setDefaultUseCaches(newValue); } @Override public void setDoInput(boolean newValue) { delegate.setDoInput(newValue); } @Override public void setDoOutput(boolean newValue) { delegate.setDoOutput(newValue); } @Override public void setIfModifiedSince(long newValue) { delegate.setIfModifiedSince(newValue); } @Override public void setRequestProperty(String field, String newValue) { delegate.setRequestProperty(field, newValue); } @Override public void setUseCaches(boolean newValue) { delegate.setUseCaches(newValue); } @Override public void setConnectTimeout(int timeout) { delegate.setConnectTimeout(timeout); } @Override public int getConnectTimeout() { return delegate.getConnectTimeout(); } @Override public void setReadTimeout(int timeout) { delegate.setReadTimeout(timeout); } @Override public int getReadTimeout() { return delegate.getReadTimeout(); } @Override public String toString() { return delegate.toString(); } @Override public void setFixedLengthStreamingMode(int contentLength) { delegate.setFixedLengthStreamingMode(contentLength); } @Override public void setChunkedStreamingMode(int chunkLength) { delegate.setChunkedStreamingMode(chunkLength); } private final class HttpUrlConnectionDelegate extends HttpURLConnectionImpl { private HttpUrlConnectionDelegate(URL url, int port) { super(url, port); } private HttpUrlConnectionDelegate(URL url, int port, Proxy proxy) { super(url, port, proxy); } @Override protected HttpEngine newHttpEngine(String method, RawHeaders requestHeaders, HttpConnection connection, RetryableOutputStream requestBody) throws IOException { return new HttpsEngine(this, method, requestHeaders, connection, requestBody, HttpsURLConnectionImpl.this); } public SecureCacheResponse getCacheResponse() { HttpsEngine engine = (HttpsEngine) httpEngine; return engine != null ? (SecureCacheResponse) engine.getCacheResponse() : null; } public SSLSocket getSSLSocket() { HttpsEngine engine = (HttpsEngine) httpEngine; return engine != null ? engine.sslSocket : null; } } private static class HttpsEngine extends HttpEngine { /** * Local stash of HttpsEngine.connection.sslSocket for answering * queries such as getCipherSuite even after * httpsEngine.Connection has been recycled. It's presence is also * used to tell if the HttpsURLConnection is considered connected, * as opposed to the connected field of URLConnection or the a * non-null connect in HttpURLConnectionImpl */ private SSLSocket sslSocket; private final HttpsURLConnectionImpl enclosing; /** * @param policy the HttpURLConnectionImpl with connection configuration * @param enclosing the HttpsURLConnection with HTTPS features */ private HttpsEngine(HttpURLConnectionImpl policy, String method, RawHeaders requestHeaders, HttpConnection connection, RetryableOutputStream requestBody, HttpsURLConnectionImpl enclosing) throws IOException { super(policy, method, requestHeaders, connection, requestBody); this.sslSocket = connection != null ? connection.getSecureSocketIfConnected() : null; this.enclosing = enclosing; } @Override protected void connect() throws IOException { // first try an SSL connection with compression and // various TLS extensions enabled, if it fails (and its // not unheard of that it will) fallback to a more // barebones connections boolean connectionReused; try { connectionReused = makeSslConnection(true); } catch (IOException e) { // If the problem was a CertificateException from the X509TrustManager, // do not retry, we didn't have an abrupt server initiated exception. if (e instanceof SSLHandshakeException && e.getCause() instanceof CertificateException) { throw e; } release(false); connectionReused = makeSslConnection(false); } if (!connectionReused) { sslSocket = connection.verifySecureSocketHostname(enclosing.getHostnameVerifier()); } } /** * Attempt to make an https connection. Returns true if a * connection was reused, false otherwise. * * @param tlsTolerant If true, assume server can handle common * TLS extensions and SSL deflate compression. If false, use * an SSL3 only fallback mode without compression. */ private boolean makeSslConnection(boolean tlsTolerant) throws IOException { // make an SSL Tunnel on the first message pair of each SSL + proxy connection if (connection == null) { connection = openSocketConnection(); if (connection.getAddress().getProxy() != null) { makeTunnel(policy, connection, getRequestHeaders()); } } // if super.makeConnection returned a connection from the // pool, sslSocket needs to be initialized here. If it is // a new connection, it will be initialized by // getSecureSocket below. sslSocket = connection.getSecureSocketIfConnected(); // we already have an SSL connection, if (sslSocket != null) { return true; } connection.setupSecureSocket(enclosing.getSSLSocketFactory(), tlsTolerant); return false; } /** * To make an HTTPS connection over an HTTP proxy, send an unencrypted * CONNECT request to create the proxy connection. This may need to be * retried if the proxy requires authorization. */ private void makeTunnel(HttpURLConnectionImpl policy, HttpConnection connection, RequestHeaders requestHeaders) throws IOException { RawHeaders rawRequestHeaders = requestHeaders.getHeaders(); while (true) { HttpEngine connect = new ProxyConnectEngine(policy, rawRequestHeaders, connection); connect.sendRequest(); connect.readResponse(); int responseCode = connect.getResponseCode(); switch (connect.getResponseCode()) { case HTTP_OK: return; case HTTP_PROXY_AUTH: rawRequestHeaders = new RawHeaders(rawRequestHeaders); boolean credentialsFound = policy.processAuthHeader(HTTP_PROXY_AUTH, connect.getResponseHeaders(), rawRequestHeaders); if (credentialsFound) { continue; } else { throw new IOException("Failed to authenticate with proxy"); } default: throw new IOException("Unexpected response code for CONNECT: " + responseCode); } } } @Override protected boolean acceptCacheResponseType(CacheResponse cacheResponse) { return cacheResponse instanceof SecureCacheResponse; } @Override protected boolean includeAuthorityInRequestLine() { // Even if there is a proxy, it isn't involved. Always request just the file. return false; } @Override protected HttpURLConnection getHttpConnectionToCache() { return enclosing; } } private static class ProxyConnectEngine extends HttpEngine { public ProxyConnectEngine(HttpURLConnectionImpl policy, RawHeaders requestHeaders, HttpConnection connection) throws IOException { super(policy, HttpEngine.CONNECT, requestHeaders, connection, null); } /** * If we're establishing an HTTPS tunnel with CONNECT (RFC 2817 5.2), send * only the minimum set of headers. This avoids sending potentially * sensitive data like HTTP cookies to the proxy unencrypted. */ @Override protected RawHeaders getNetworkRequestHeaders() throws IOException { RequestHeaders privateHeaders = getRequestHeaders(); URL url = policy.getURL(); RawHeaders result = new RawHeaders(); result.setStatusLine("CONNECT " + url.getHost() + ":" + url.getEffectivePort() + " HTTP/1.1"); // Always set Host and User-Agent. String host = privateHeaders.getHost(); if (host == null) { host = getOriginAddress(url); } result.set("Host", host); String userAgent = privateHeaders.getUserAgent(); if (userAgent == null) { userAgent = getDefaultUserAgent(); } result.set("User-Agent", userAgent); // Copy over the Proxy-Authorization header if it exists. String proxyAuthorization = privateHeaders.getProxyAuthorization(); if (proxyAuthorization != null) { result.set("Proxy-Authorization", proxyAuthorization); } // Always set the Proxy-Connection to Keep-Alive for the benefit of // HTTP/1.0 proxies like Squid. result.set("Proxy-Connection", "Keep-Alive"); return result; } @Override protected boolean requiresTunnel() { return true; } } }