/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2016 Weasis Team and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Nicolas Roduit - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.weasis.dicom.codec.utils; import java.awt.image.DataBuffer; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.imageio.ImageReader; import javax.media.jai.LookupTableJAI; import javax.media.jai.PlanarImage; import javax.media.jai.operator.LookupDescriptor; import org.dcm4che3.data.Attributes; import org.dcm4che3.data.Tag; import org.dcm4che3.image.PaletteColorModel; import org.dcm4che3.imageio.codec.ImageReaderFactory; import org.dcm4che3.imageio.codec.ImageReaderFactory.ImageReaderParam; import org.weasis.core.api.image.LutShape; import org.weasis.core.api.media.data.TagReadable; import org.weasis.core.api.media.data.TagW; import org.weasis.dicom.codec.TagD; import org.weasis.dicom.codec.TransferSyntax; /** * * @author Benoit Jacquemoud, Nicolas Roduit * * @version $Rev$ $Date$ */ public class DicomImageUtils { private DicomImageUtils() { } public static PlanarImage getRGBImageFromPaletteColorModel(RenderedImage source, Attributes ds) { if (source == null) { return null; } // Convert images with PaletteColorModel to RGB model if (source.getColorModel() instanceof PaletteColorModel && ds != null) { int[] rDesc = DicomImageUtils.lutDescriptor(ds, Tag.RedPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor); int[] gDesc = DicomImageUtils.lutDescriptor(ds, Tag.GreenPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor); int[] bDesc = DicomImageUtils.lutDescriptor(ds, Tag.BluePaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor); byte[] r = DicomImageUtils.lutData(ds, rDesc, Tag.RedPaletteColorLookupTableData, Tag.SegmentedRedPaletteColorLookupTableData); byte[] g = DicomImageUtils.lutData(ds, gDesc, Tag.GreenPaletteColorLookupTableData, Tag.SegmentedGreenPaletteColorLookupTableData); byte[] b = DicomImageUtils.lutData(ds, bDesc, Tag.BluePaletteColorLookupTableData, Tag.SegmentedBluePaletteColorLookupTableData); LookupTableJAI lut = new LookupTableJAI(new byte[][] { r, g, b }); // Replace the original image with the RGB image. return LookupDescriptor.create(source, lut, null); } return PlanarImage.wrapRenderedImage(source); } /** * Minimum output is given for input value below (level - window/2)<br> * Maximum output is given for input value above (level + window/2) <br> * <br> * These Minimum and Maximum values depends on bitsStored and signed given attributes. ie : <br> * - when bitsStored=8 bits unsigned => minOutValue=0 and maxOutValue=255 <br> * - when bitsStored=8 bits signed => minOutValue=-128 and maxOutValue=127 <br> * - when bitsStored=16 bits unsigned => minOutValue= 0 and maxOutValue= 65535 <br> * - when bitsStored=16 bits signed => minOutValue= -32768 and maxOutValue= 32767 <br> * * @param lutShape * @param window * @param level * @param minValue * @param maxValue * @param bitsStored * @param isSigned * @param inverse * * @return a LookupTableJAI for data between minValue and maxValue according to all given parameters <br> */ public static LookupTableJAI createWindowLevelLut(LutShape lutShape, double window, double level, int minValue, int maxValue, int bitsStored, boolean isSigned, boolean inverse) { if (lutShape == null) { return null; } int bStored = bitsStored > 16 ? 16 : (bitsStored < 1) ? 1 : bitsStored; double win = window < 1.0 ? 1.0 : window; int bitsAllocated = (bStored <= 8) ? 8 : 16; int outRangeSize = (1 << bitsAllocated) - 1; int maxOutValue = isSigned ? (1 << (bitsAllocated - 1)) - 1 : outRangeSize; int minOutValue = isSigned ? -(maxOutValue + 1) : 0; int minInValue = Math.min(maxValue, minValue); int maxInValue = Math.max(maxValue, minValue); int numEntries = maxInValue - minInValue + 1; Object outLut = bStored <= 8 ? new byte[numEntries] : new short[numEntries]; if (lutShape.getFunctionType() != null) { switch (lutShape.getFunctionType()) { case LINEAR: setWindowLevelLinearLut(win, level, minInValue, outLut, minOutValue, maxOutValue, inverse); break; case SIGMOID: setWindowLevelSigmoidLut(win, level, minInValue, outLut, minOutValue, maxOutValue, inverse); break; case SIGMOID_NORM: setWindowLevelSigmoidLut(win, level, minInValue, outLut, minOutValue, maxOutValue, inverse, true); break; case LOG: setWindowLevelLogarithmicLut(win, level, minInValue, outLut, minOutValue, maxOutValue, inverse); break; case LOG_INV: setWindowLevelExponentialLut(win, level, minInValue, outLut, minOutValue, maxOutValue, inverse); break; default: return null; } } else { setWindowLevelSequenceLut(win, level, lutShape.getLookup(), minInValue, maxInValue, outLut, minOutValue, maxOutValue, inverse); } return (outLut instanceof byte[]) ? new LookupTableJAI((byte[]) outLut, minInValue) : // new LookupTableJAI((short[]) outLut, minInValue, isSigned); } /** * @return LookupTable with full range of possible input entries according to bitStored.<br> * Note that isSigned is relevant for both input and output values */ public static LookupTableJAI createRescaleRampLut(LutParameters params) { return createRescaleRampLut(params.getIntercept(), params.getSlope(), params.getBitsStored(), params.isSigned(), params.isOutputSigned(), params.getBitsOutput()); } public static LookupTableJAI createRescaleRampLut(double intercept, double slope, int bitsStored, boolean isSigned, boolean outputSigned, int bitsOutput) { return createRescaleRampLut(intercept, slope, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, bitsStored, isSigned, false, outputSigned, bitsOutput); } public static LookupTableJAI createRescaleRampLut(double intercept, double slope, int minValue, int maxValue, int bitsStored, boolean isSigned, boolean inverse, boolean outputSigned, int bitsOutput) { int stored = (bitsStored > 16) ? 16 : ((bitsStored < 1) ? 1 : bitsStored); int bitsOutLut = bitsOutput <= 8 ? 8 : 16; int outRangeSize = (1 << bitsOutLut) - 1; int maxOutValue = outputSigned ? (1 << (bitsOutLut - 1)) - 1 : outRangeSize; int minOutValue = outputSigned ? -(maxOutValue + 1) : 0; int minInValue = isSigned ? -(1 << (stored - 1)) : 0; int maxInValue = isSigned ? (1 << (stored - 1)) - 1 : (1 << stored) - 1; minInValue = Math.max(minInValue, maxValue < minValue ? maxValue : minValue); maxInValue = Math.min(maxInValue, maxValue < minValue ? minValue : maxValue); int numEntries = maxInValue - minInValue + 1; Object outLut = (bitsOutLut == 8) ? new byte[numEntries] : new short[numEntries]; for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { int value = (int) Math.round((i + minInValue) * slope + intercept); value = (value >= maxOutValue) ? maxOutValue : ((value <= minOutValue) ? minOutValue : value); value = inverse ? (maxOutValue + minOutValue - value) : value; if (outLut instanceof byte[]) { Array.set(outLut, i, (byte) value); } else if (outLut instanceof short[]) { Array.set(outLut, i, (short) value); } } return (outLut instanceof byte[]) ? new LookupTableJAI((byte[]) outLut, minInValue) : // new LookupTableJAI((short[]) outLut, minInValue, !outputSigned); } /** * Apply the pixel padding to the modality LUT * * @see DICOM standard PS 3.3 * * §C. Pixel Padding Value and Pixel Padding Range Limit If Photometric Interpretation * * * If a Pixel Padding Value (0028,0120) only is present in the image then image contrast manipulations shall * be not be applied to those pixels with the value specified in Pixel Padding Value (0028,0120). If both Pixel * Padding Value (0028,0120) and Pixel Padding Range Limit (0028,0121) are present in the image then image * contrast manipulations shall not be applied to those pixels with values in the range between the values of * Pixel Padding Value (0028,0120) and Pixel Padding Range Limit (0028,0121), inclusive." * * * (0028,0004) is MONOCHROME2, Pixel Padding Value (0028,0120) shall be less than (closer to or equal to the * minimum possible pixel value) or equal to Pixel Padding Range Limit (0028,0121). If Photometric * Interpretation (0028,0004) is MONOCHROME1, Pixel Padding Value (0028,0120) shall be greater than (closer to * or equal to the maximum possible pixel value) or equal to Pixel Padding Range Limit (0028,0121). * * When the relationship between pixel value and X-Ray Intensity is unknown, it is recommended that the * following values be used to pad with black when the image is unsigned: * * 0 if Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004) is MONOCHROME2. 2BitsStored - 1 if Photometric Interpretation * (0028,0004) is MONOCHROME1. * * and when the image is signed: -2BitsStored-1 if Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004) is MONOCHROME2. * 2BitsStored-1 - 1 if Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004) is MONOCHROME1. * * */ public static void applyPixelPaddingToModalityLUT(LookupTableJAI modalityLookup, LutParameters lutparams) { if (modalityLookup != null && lutparams.isApplyPadding() && lutparams.getPaddingMinValue() != null && modalityLookup.getDataType() <= DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT) { int paddingValue = lutparams.getPaddingMinValue(); Integer paddingLimit = lutparams.getPaddingMaxValue(); int paddingValueMin = (paddingLimit == null) ? paddingValue : Math.min(paddingValue, paddingLimit); int paddingValueMax = (paddingLimit == null) ? paddingValue : Math.max(paddingValue, paddingLimit); int numPaddingValues = paddingValueMax - paddingValueMin + 1; int paddingValuesStartIndex = paddingValueMin - modalityLookup.getOffset(); if (paddingValuesStartIndex >= modalityLookup.getNumEntries()) { return; } if (paddingValuesStartIndex < 0) { numPaddingValues += paddingValuesStartIndex; if (numPaddingValues < 1) { // No padding value in the LUT range return; } paddingValuesStartIndex = 0; } Object inLut; // if FALSE DataBuffer Type is supposed to be either TYPE_SHORT or TYPE_USHORT final boolean isDataTypeByte = modalityLookup.getDataType() == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE; if (isDataTypeByte) { inLut = modalityLookup.getByteData(0); } else { inLut = modalityLookup.getShortData(0); } Object outLut = inLut; if (isDataTypeByte) { byte fillVal = lutparams.isInversePaddingMLUT() ? (byte) 255 : (byte) 0; byte[] data = (byte[]) outLut; Arrays.fill(data, paddingValuesStartIndex, paddingValuesStartIndex + numPaddingValues, fillVal); } else { short[] data = (short[]) outLut; short fillVal = lutparams.isInversePaddingMLUT() ? data[data.length - 1] : data[0]; Arrays.fill(data, paddingValuesStartIndex, paddingValuesStartIndex + numPaddingValues, fillVal); } } } private static void setWindowLevelLinearLutLegacy(double window, double level, int minInValue, Object outLut, int minOutValue, int maxOutValue, boolean inverse) { /** * Pseudo code defined in Dicom Standard 2011 - PS 3.3 § C.11.2 VOI LUT Module */ double lowLevel = (level - 0.5) - (window - 1.0) / 2.0; double highLevel = (level - 0.5) + (window - 1.0) / 2.0; for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(outLut); i++) { int value; if ((i + minInValue) <= lowLevel) { value = minOutValue; } else if ((i + minInValue) > highLevel) { value = maxOutValue; } else { value = (int) ((((i + minInValue) - (level - 0.5)) / (window - 1.0) + 0.5) * (maxOutValue - minOutValue) + minOutValue); } value = (value >= maxOutValue) ? maxOutValue : ((value <= minOutValue) ? minOutValue : value); value = inverse ? (maxOutValue + minOutValue - value) : value; if (outLut instanceof byte[]) { Array.set(outLut, i, (byte) value); } else if (outLut instanceof short[]) { Array.set(outLut, i, (short) value); } } } private static void setWindowLevelLinearLut(double window, double level, int minInValue, Object outLut, int minOutValue, int maxOutValue, boolean inverse) { double slope = (maxOutValue - minOutValue) / window; double intercept = maxOutValue - slope * (level + (window / 2.0)); for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(outLut); i++) { int value = (int) ((i + minInValue) * slope + intercept); value = (value >= maxOutValue) ? maxOutValue : ((value <= minOutValue) ? minOutValue : value); value = inverse ? (maxOutValue + minOutValue - value) : value; if (outLut instanceof byte[]) { Array.set(outLut, i, (byte) value); } else if (outLut instanceof short[]) { Array.set(outLut, i, (short) value); } } } private static void setWindowLevelSigmoidLut(double width, double center, int minInValue, Object outLut, int minOutValue, int maxOutValue, boolean inverse) { setWindowLevelSigmoidLut(width, center, minInValue, outLut, minOutValue, maxOutValue, inverse, false); } private static void setWindowLevelSigmoidLut(double width, double center, int minInValue, Object outLut, int minOutValue, int maxOutValue, boolean inverse, boolean normalize) { double nFactor = -20d; // factor defined by default in Dicom standard ( -20*2/10 = -4 ) double outRange = maxOutValue - (double) minOutValue; double minValue = 0; double outRescaleRatio = 1; if (normalize) { double lowLevel = center - width / 2d; double highLevel = center + width / 2d; minValue = minOutValue + outRange / (1d + Math.exp((2d * nFactor / 10d) * (lowLevel - center) / width)); double maxValue = minOutValue + outRange / (1d + Math.exp((2d * nFactor / 10d) * (highLevel - center) / width)); outRescaleRatio = (maxOutValue - minOutValue) / Math.abs(maxValue - minValue); } for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(outLut); i++) { double value = outRange / (1d + Math.exp((2d * nFactor / 10d) * (i + minInValue - center) / width)); if (normalize) { value = (value - minValue) * outRescaleRatio; } value = (int) Math.round(value + minOutValue); value = (int) ((value > maxOutValue) ? maxOutValue : ((value < minOutValue) ? minOutValue : value)); value = (int) (inverse ? (maxOutValue + minOutValue - value) : value); if (outLut instanceof byte[]) { Array.set(outLut, i, (byte) value); } else if (outLut instanceof short[]) { Array.set(outLut, i, (short) value); } } } private static void setWindowLevelExponentialLut(double width, double center, int minInValue, Object outLut, int minOutValue, int maxOutValue, boolean inverse) { setWindowLevelExponentialLut(width, center, minInValue, outLut, minOutValue, maxOutValue, inverse, true); } private static void setWindowLevelExponentialLut(double width, double center, int minInValue, Object outLut, int minOutValue, int maxOutValue, boolean inverse, boolean normalize) { double nFactor = 20d; double outRange = maxOutValue - (double) minOutValue; double minValue = 0; double outRescaleRatio = 1; if (normalize) { double lowLevel = center - width / 2d; double highLevel = center + width / 2d; minValue = minOutValue + outRange * Math.exp((nFactor / 10d) * (lowLevel - center) / width); double maxValue = minOutValue + outRange * Math.exp((nFactor / 10d) * (highLevel - center) / width); outRescaleRatio = (maxOutValue - minOutValue) / Math.abs(maxValue - minValue); } for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(outLut); i++) { double value = outRange * Math.exp((nFactor / 10d) * (i + minInValue - center) / width); if (normalize) { value = (value - minValue) * outRescaleRatio; } value = (int) Math.round(value + minOutValue); value = (int) ((value > maxOutValue) ? maxOutValue : ((value < minOutValue) ? minOutValue : value)); value = (int) (inverse ? (maxOutValue + minOutValue - value) : value); if (outLut instanceof byte[]) { Array.set(outLut, i, (byte) value); } else if (outLut instanceof short[]) { Array.set(outLut, i, (short) value); } } } private static void setWindowLevelLogarithmicLut(double width, double center, int minInValue, Object outLut, int minOutValue, int maxOutValue, boolean inverse) { setWindowLevelLogarithmicLut(width, center, minInValue, outLut, minOutValue, maxOutValue, inverse, true); } private static void setWindowLevelLogarithmicLut(double width, double center, int minInValue, Object outLut, int minOutValue, int maxOutValue, boolean inverse, boolean normalize) { double nFactor = 20d; double outRange = maxOutValue - (double) minOutValue; double minValue = 0; double outRescaleRatio = 1; if (normalize) { double lowLevel = center - width / 2d; double highLevel = center + width / 2d; minValue = minOutValue + outRange * Math.log((nFactor / 10d) * (1 + (lowLevel - center) / width)); double maxValue = minOutValue + outRange * Math.log((nFactor / 10d) * (1 + (highLevel - center) / width)); outRescaleRatio = (maxOutValue - minOutValue) / Math.abs(maxValue - minValue); } for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(outLut); i++) { double value = outRange * Math.log((nFactor / 10d) * (1 + (i + minInValue - center) / width)); if (normalize) { value = (value - minValue) * outRescaleRatio; } value = (int) Math.round(value + minOutValue); value = (int) ((value > maxOutValue) ? maxOutValue : ((value < minOutValue) ? minOutValue : value)); value = (int) (inverse ? (maxOutValue + minOutValue - value) : value); if (outLut instanceof byte[]) { Array.set(outLut, i, (byte) value); } else if (outLut instanceof short[]) { Array.set(outLut, i, (short) value); } } } private static Object getLutDataArray(LookupTableJAI lookup) { Object lutDataArray = null; if (lookup != null) { if (lookup.getDataType() == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) { lutDataArray = lookup.getByteData(0); } else if (lookup.getDataType() <= DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT) { lutDataArray = lookup.getShortData(0); } } return lutDataArray; } /** * @param width * @param center * @param lookupSequence * @param minInValue * @param maxInValue * @param outLut * @param minOutValue * @param maxOutValue * @param inverse * @return a normalized LookupTableJAI based upon given lutSequence <br> */ private static void setWindowLevelSequenceLut(double width, double center, LookupTableJAI lookupSequence, int minInValue, int maxInValue, Object outLut, int minOutValue, int maxOutValue, boolean inverse) { final Object inLutDataArray = getLutDataArray(lookupSequence); if (inLutDataArray == null) { return; } // Use this mask to get positive value assuming inLutData value is always unsigned final int lutDataValueMask = inLutDataArray instanceof byte[] ? 0x000000FF : (inLutDataArray instanceof short[] ? 0x0000FFFF : 0xFFFFFFFF); double lowLevel = center - width / 2.0; double highLevel = center + width / 2.0; int maxInLutIndex = Array.getLength(inLutDataArray) - 1; int minLookupValue = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxLookupValue = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(inLutDataArray); i++) { int val = lutDataValueMask & Array.getInt(inLutDataArray, i); if (val < minLookupValue) { minLookupValue = val; } if (val > maxLookupValue) { maxLookupValue = val; } } int lookupValueRange = Math.abs(maxLookupValue - minLookupValue); double widthRescaleRatio = maxInLutIndex / width; double outRescaleRatio = (maxOutValue - minOutValue) / (double) lookupValueRange; for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(outLut); i++) { int value; double inValueRescaled; if ((i + minInValue) <= lowLevel) { inValueRescaled = 0; } else if ((i + minInValue) > highLevel) { inValueRescaled = maxInLutIndex; } else { inValueRescaled = (i + minInValue - lowLevel) * widthRescaleRatio; } int inValueRoundDown = Math.max(0, (int) Math.floor(inValueRescaled)); int inValueRoundUp = Math.min(maxInLutIndex, (int) Math.ceil(inValueRescaled)); int valueDown = lutDataValueMask & Array.getInt(inLutDataArray, inValueRoundDown); int valueUp = lutDataValueMask & Array.getInt(inLutDataArray, inValueRoundUp); // Linear Interpolation of the output value with respect to the rescaled ratio value = (int) ((inValueRoundUp == inValueRoundDown) ? valueDown : Math.round(valueDown + (inValueRescaled - inValueRoundDown) * (valueUp - valueDown) / (inValueRoundUp - inValueRoundDown))); value = (int) Math.round(value * outRescaleRatio); value = (value >= maxOutValue) ? maxOutValue : ((value <= minOutValue) ? minOutValue : value); value = inverse ? (maxOutValue + minOutValue - value) : value; if (outLut instanceof byte[]) { Array.set(outLut, i, (byte) value); } else if (outLut instanceof short[]) { Array.set(outLut, i, (short) value); } } } public static boolean hasImageReader(String tsuid) { ImageReaderFactory factory = ImageReaderFactory.getDefault(); if (factory != null) { List<ImageReaderParam> list = factory.get(tsuid); if (list != null) { synchronized (list) { for (Iterator<ImageReaderParam> it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ImageReaderParam imageParam = it.next(); String cl = imageParam.className; Iterator<ImageReader> iter = ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName(imageParam.formatName); while (iter.hasNext()) { ImageReader reader = iter.next(); if (cl == null || reader.getClass().getName().equals(cl)) { return true; } } } } } } return false; } public static double pixel2rescale(TagReadable tagable, double pixelValue) { if (tagable != null) { LookupTableJAI lookup = (LookupTableJAI) tagable.getTagValue(TagW.ModalityLUTData); if (lookup != null) { if (pixelValue >= lookup.getOffset() && pixelValue <= lookup.getOffset() + lookup.getNumEntries() - 1) { return lookup.lookup(0, (int) pixelValue); } } else { // value = pixelValue * rescale slope + intercept value Double slope = TagD.getTagValue(tagable, Tag.RescaleSlope, Double.class); Double intercept = TagD.getTagValue(tagable, Tag.RescaleIntercept, Double.class); if (slope != null || intercept != null) { return pixelValue * (slope == null ? 1.0 : slope) + (intercept == null ? 0.0 : intercept); } } } return pixelValue; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Take from dcm4che3, should be public public static int[] lutDescriptor(Attributes ds, int descTag) { int[] desc = DicomMediaUtils.getIntAyrrayFromDicomElement(ds, descTag, null); if (desc == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing LUT Descriptor!"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (desc.length != 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal number of LUT Descriptor values: " + desc.length); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (desc[0] < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal LUT Descriptor: len=" + desc[0]); //$NON-NLS-1$ } int bits = desc[2]; if (bits != 8 && bits != 16) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal LUT Descriptor: bits=" + bits); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return desc; } public static byte[] lutData(Attributes ds, int[] desc, int dataTag, int segmTag) { int len = desc[0] == 0 ? 0x10000 : desc[0]; int bits = desc[2]; byte[] data = ds.getSafeBytes(dataTag); if (data == null) { int[] segm = DicomMediaUtils.getIntAyrrayFromDicomElement(ds, segmTag, null); if (segm == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing LUT Data!"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (bits == 8) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Segmented LUT Data with LUT Descriptor: bits=8"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } data = new byte[len]; inflateSegmentedLut(segm, data); } else if (bits == 16 || data.length != len) { if (data.length != len << 1) { lutLengthMismatch(data.length, len); } int hilo = ds.bigEndian() ? 0 : 1; if (bits == 8) { hilo = 1 - hilo; // padded high bits -> use low bits } byte[] bs = new byte[data.length >> 1]; for (int i = 0; i < bs.length; i++) { bs[i] = data[(i << 1) | hilo]; } data = bs; } return data; } private static void inflateSegmentedLut(int[] in, byte[] out) { int x = 0; try { for (int i = 0; i < in.length;) { int op = in[i++]; int n = in[i++]; switch (op) { case 0: while (n-- > 0) { out[x++] = (byte) in[i++]; } break; case 1: x = linearSegment(in[i++], out, x, n); break; case 2: { int i2 = (in[i++] & 0xffff) | (in[i++] << 16); while (n-- > 0) { int op2 = in[i2++]; int n2 = in[i2++] & 0xffff; switch (op2) { case 0: while (n2-- > 0) { out[x++] = (byte) in[i2++]; } break; case 1: x = linearSegment(in[i2++], out, x, n); break; default: illegalOpcode(op, i2 - 2); } } } default: illegalOpcode(op, i - 2); } } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { if (x > out.length) { exceedsLutLength(out.length); } else { endOfSegmentedLut(); } } if (x < out.length) { lutLengthMismatch(x, out.length); } } private static void endOfSegmentedLut() { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Running out of data inflating segmented LUT"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } private static int linearSegment(int y1, byte[] out, int x, int n) { if (x == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Linear segment cannot be the first segment"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } try { int y0 = out[x - 1]; int dy = y1 - y0; for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) { out[x++] = (byte) ((y0 + dy * j / n) >> 8); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { exceedsLutLength(out.length); } return x; } private static void exceedsLutLength(int descLen) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of entries in inflated segmented LUT exceeds specified value: " //$NON-NLS-1$ + descLen + " in LUT Descriptor"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } private static void lutLengthMismatch(int lutLen, int descLen) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of actual LUT entries: " + lutLen + " mismatch specified value: " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ + descLen + " in LUT Descriptor"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } private static void illegalOpcode(int op, int i) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal op code:" + op + ", index:" + i); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } }