/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2016 Weasis Team and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Nicolas Roduit - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.weasis.dicom.codec; import java.awt.image.DataBuffer; import java.awt.image.DataBufferUShort; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import java.awt.image.SampleModel; import java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.media.jai.Histogram; import javax.media.jai.JAI; import javax.media.jai.LookupTableJAI; import javax.media.jai.OpImage; import javax.media.jai.ROI; import javax.media.jai.RenderedOp; import javax.media.jai.operator.FormatDescriptor; import javax.media.jai.operator.LookupDescriptor; import javax.media.jai.operator.RescaleDescriptor; import org.dcm4che3.data.Tag; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.weasis.core.api.gui.util.ActionW; import org.weasis.core.api.gui.util.JMVUtils; import org.weasis.core.api.gui.util.MathUtil; import org.weasis.core.api.image.LutShape; import org.weasis.core.api.image.PseudoColorOp; import org.weasis.core.api.image.WindowOp; import org.weasis.core.api.image.op.ImageStatisticsDescriptor; import org.weasis.core.api.image.util.ImageToolkit; import org.weasis.core.api.image.util.LayoutUtil; import org.weasis.core.api.image.util.Unit; import org.weasis.core.api.media.data.ImageElement; import org.weasis.core.api.media.data.SoftHashMap; import org.weasis.core.api.media.data.TagReadable; import org.weasis.core.api.media.data.TagW; import org.weasis.dicom.codec.display.PresetWindowLevel; import org.weasis.dicom.codec.display.WindowAndPresetsOp; import org.weasis.dicom.codec.geometry.GeometryOfSlice; import org.weasis.dicom.codec.utils.DicomImageUtils; import org.weasis.dicom.codec.utils.LutParameters; public class DicomImageElement extends ImageElement { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DicomImageElement.class); private static final SoftHashMap<LutParameters, LookupTableJAI> LUT_Cache = new SoftHashMap<>(); private volatile List<PresetWindowLevel> windowingPresetCollection = null; private volatile Collection<LutShape> lutShapeCollection = null; public DicomImageElement(DcmMediaReader mediaIO, Object key) { super(mediaIO, key); initPixelConfiguration(); } public void initPixelConfiguration() { this.pixelSizeX = 1.0; this.pixelSizeY = 1.0; this.pixelSpacingUnit = Unit.PIXEL; double[] val = null; String modality = TagD.getTagValue(mediaIO, Tag.Modality, String.class); if (!"SC".equals(modality) && !"OT".equals(modality)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // Physical distance in mm between the center of each pixel (ratio in mm) val = TagD.getTagValue(mediaIO, Tag.PixelSpacing, double[].class); if (val == null || val.length != 2) { val = TagD.getTagValue(mediaIO, Tag.ImagerPixelSpacing, double[].class); // Follows D. Clunie recommendations pixelSizeCalibrationDescription = val == null ? null : Messages.getString("DicomImageElement.detector"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { pixelSizeCalibrationDescription = TagD.getTagValue(mediaIO, Tag.PixelSpacingCalibrationDescription, String.class); } if (val == null || val.length != 2) { val = TagD.getTagValue(mediaIO, Tag.NominalScannedPixelSpacing, double[].class); } if (val != null && val.length == 2 && val[0] > 0.0 && val[1] > 0.0) { /* * Pixel Spacing = Row Spacing \ Column Spacing => (Y,X) The first value is the row spacing in mm, that * is the spacing between the centers of adjacent rows, or vertical spacing. Pixel Spacing must be * always positive, but some DICOMs have negative values */ setPixelSize(val[1], val[0]); pixelSpacingUnit = Unit.MILLIMETER; } // DICOM $C. Modality LUT and Rescale Type // Specifies the units of the output of the Modality LUT or rescale operation. // Defined Terms: // OD = The number in the LUT represents thousands of optical density. That is, a value of // 2140 represents an optical density of 2.140. // HU = Hounsfield Units (CT) // US = Unspecified // Other values are permitted, but are not defined by the DICOM Standard. pixelValueUnit = TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.RescaleType, String.class); if (pixelValueUnit == null) { // For some other modalities like PET pixelValueUnit = TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.Units, String.class); } if (pixelValueUnit == null && "CT".equals(modality)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ pixelValueUnit = "HU"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } } if (val == null) { int[] aspects = TagD.getTagValue(mediaIO, Tag.PixelAspectRatio, int[].class); if (aspects != null && aspects.length == 2 && aspects[0] != aspects[1]) { /* * Set the Pixel Aspect Ratio to the pixel size of the image to stretch the rendered image (for having * square pixel on the display image) */ if (aspects[1] < aspects[0]) { setPixelSize(1.0, (double) aspects[0] / (double) aspects[1]); } else { setPixelSize((double) aspects[1] / (double) aspects[0], 1.0); } } } } /** * @return return the min value after modality pixel transformation and after pixel padding operation if padding * exists. */ @Override public double getMinValue(TagReadable tagable, boolean pixelPadding) { // Computes min and max as slope can be negative return Math.min(pixel2mLUT(super.getMinValue(tagable, pixelPadding), tagable, pixelPadding), pixel2mLUT(super.getMaxValue(tagable, pixelPadding), tagable, pixelPadding)); } /** * @return return the max value after modality pixel transformation and after pixel padding operation if padding * exists. */ @Override public double getMaxValue(TagReadable tagable, boolean pixelPadding) { // Computes min and max as slope can be negative return Math.max(pixel2mLUT(super.getMinValue(tagable, pixelPadding), tagable, pixelPadding), pixel2mLUT(super.getMaxValue(tagable, pixelPadding), tagable, pixelPadding)); } @Override protected boolean isGrayImage(RenderedImage source) { Boolean val = (Boolean) getTagValue(TagW.MonoChrome); return val == null ? true : val; } /** * Data representation of the pixel samples. Each sample shall have the same pixel representation. Enumerated * Values: 0000H = unsigned integer. 0001H = 2's complement * * @return true if Tag exist and if explicitly defined a signed * @see DICOM standard PS 3.3 - §C.7.6.3 - Image Pixel Module */ public boolean isPixelRepresentationSigned() { Integer pixelRepresentation = TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.PixelRepresentation, Integer.class); return (pixelRepresentation != null) && (pixelRepresentation != 0); } public boolean isPhotometricInterpretationInverse(TagReadable tagable) { String prLUTShape = TagD.getTagValue(tagable, Tag.PresentationLUTShape, String.class); if (prLUTShape == null) { prLUTShape = TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.PresentationLUTShape, String.class); } return prLUTShape != null ? "INVERSE".equals(prLUTShape) : "MONOCHROME1" //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ .equalsIgnoreCase(getPhotometricInterpretation()); } /** * In the case where Rescale Slope and Rescale Intercept are used for modality pixel transformation, the output * ranges may be signed even if Pixel Representation is unsigned. * * @param pixelPadding * * @return */ public boolean isModalityLutOutSigned(TagReadable tagable, boolean pixelPadding) { boolean signed = isPixelRepresentationSigned(); return getMinValue(tagable, pixelPadding) < 0 ? true : signed; } public int getBitsStored() { return TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.BitsStored, Integer.class); } public int getBitsAllocated() { return TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.BitsAllocated, Integer.class); } @Override public String toString() { return TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.SOPInstanceUID, String.class); } public double getRescaleIntercept(TagReadable tagable) { Double prIntercept = TagD.getTagValue(tagable, Tag.RescaleIntercept, Double.class); Double intercept = prIntercept == null ? TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.RescaleIntercept, Double.class) : prIntercept; return intercept == null ? 0.0 : intercept; } public double getRescaleSlope(TagReadable tagable) { Double prSlope = TagD.getTagValue(tagable, Tag.RescaleSlope, Double.class); Double slope = prSlope == null ? TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.RescaleSlope, Double.class) : prSlope; return slope == null ? 1.0 : slope; } public double pixel2mLUT(Number pixelValue, TagReadable tagable, boolean pixelPadding) { if (pixelValue != null) { LookupTableJAI lookup = getModalityLookup(tagable, pixelPadding); if (lookup != null) { int val = pixelValue.intValue(); if (val >= lookup.getOffset() && val < lookup.getOffset() + lookup.getNumEntries()) { return lookup.lookup(0, val); } } return pixelValue.doubleValue(); } return 0; } public int getMinAllocatedValue(TagReadable tagable, boolean pixelPadding) { boolean signed = isModalityLutOutSigned(tagable, pixelPadding); int bitsAllocated = getBitsAllocated(); int maxValue = signed ? (1 << (bitsAllocated - 1)) - 1 : ((1 << bitsAllocated) - 1); return signed ? -(maxValue + 1) : 0; } public int getMaxAllocatedValue(TagReadable tagable, boolean pixelPadding) { boolean signed = isModalityLutOutSigned(tagable, pixelPadding); int bitsAllocated = getBitsAllocated(); return signed ? (1 << (bitsAllocated - 1)) - 1 : ((1 << bitsAllocated) - 1); } public int getAllocatedOutRangeSize() { int bitsAllocated = getBitsAllocated(); return (1 << bitsAllocated) - 1; } /** * The value of Photometric Interpretation specifies the intended interpretation of the image pixel data. * * @return following values (MONOCHROME1 , MONOCHROME2 , PALETTE COLOR ....) Other values are permitted but the * meaning is not defined by this Standard. */ public String getPhotometricInterpretation() { return TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.PhotometricInterpretation, String.class); } public boolean isPhotometricInterpretationMonochrome() { String photometricInterpretation = getPhotometricInterpretation(); return photometricInterpretation != null && // ("MONOCHROME1".equalsIgnoreCase(photometricInterpretation) //$NON-NLS-1$ || "MONOCHROME2" //$NON-NLS-1$ .equalsIgnoreCase(photometricInterpretation)); } /** * * Pixel Padding Value is used to pad grayscale images (those with a Photometric Interpretation of MONOCHROME1 or * MONOCHROME2)<br> * Pixel Padding Value specifies either a single value of this padding value, or when combined with Pixel Padding * Range Limit, a range of values (inclusive) that are padding.<br> * <br> * <b>Note :</b> It is explicitly described in order to prevent display applications from taking it into account * when determining the dynamic range of an image, since the Pixel Padding Value will be outside the range between * the minimum and maximum values of the pixels in the native image * * @see DICOM standard PS 3.3 - §C. - Pixel Padding Value and Pixel Padding Range Limit */ public Integer getPaddingValue() { return TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.PixelPaddingValue, Integer.class); } /** * @see getPaddingValue() */ public Integer getPaddingLimit() { return TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.PixelPaddingRangeLimit, Integer.class); } public LutParameters getLutParameters(TagReadable tagable, boolean pixelPadding, LookupTableJAI mLUTSeq, boolean inversePaddingMLUT) { Integer paddingValue = getPaddingValue(); boolean isSigned = isPixelRepresentationSigned(); int bitsStored = getBitsStored(); double intercept = getRescaleIntercept(tagable); double slope = getRescaleSlope(tagable); // No need to have a modality lookup table if (bitsStored > 16 || (MathUtil.isEqual(slope, 1.0) && MathUtil.isEqualToZero(intercept) && paddingValue == null)) { return null; } Integer paddingLimit = getPaddingLimit(); boolean outputSigned = false; int bitsOutputLut; if (mLUTSeq == null) { double minValue = super.getMinValue(tagable, pixelPadding) * slope + intercept; double maxValue = super.getMaxValue(tagable, pixelPadding) * slope + intercept; bitsOutputLut = Integer.SIZE - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros((int) Math.round(maxValue - minValue)); outputSigned = minValue < 0 ? true : isSigned; if (outputSigned && bitsOutputLut <= 8) { // Allows to handle negative values with 8-bit image bitsOutputLut = 9; } } else { bitsOutputLut = mLUTSeq.getDataType() == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE ? 8 : 16; } return new LutParameters(intercept, slope, pixelPadding, paddingValue, paddingLimit, bitsStored, isSigned, outputSigned, bitsOutputLut, inversePaddingMLUT); } public LookupTableJAI getModalityLookup(TagReadable tagable, boolean pixelPadding) { return getModalityLookup(tagable, pixelPadding, false); } /** * DICOM PS 3.3 $C.11.1 Modality LUT Module * * The LUT Data contains the LUT entry values. * * The output range of the Modality LUT Module depends on whether or not Rescale Slope (0028,1053) and Rescale * Intercept (0028,1052) or the Modality LUT Sequence (0028,3000) are used. In the case where Rescale Slope and * Rescale Intercept are used, the output ranges from (minimum pixel value*Rescale Slope+Rescale Intercept) to * (maximum pixel value*Rescale - Slope+Rescale Intercept), where the minimum and maximum pixel values are * determined by Bits Stored and Pixel Representation. Note: This range may be signed even if Pixel Representation * is unsigned. * * In the case where the Modality LUT Sequence is used, the output range is from 0 to 2n-1 where n is the third * value of LUT Descriptor. This range is always unsigned. * * @param pixelPadding * @param inverseLUT * @return the modality lookup table */ protected LookupTableJAI getModalityLookup(TagReadable tagable, boolean pixelPadding, boolean inverseLUTAction) { Integer paddingValue = getPaddingValue(); LookupTableJAI prModLut = (LookupTableJAI) (tagable != null ? tagable.getTagValue(TagW.ModalityLUTData) : null); final LookupTableJAI mLUTSeq = prModLut == null ? (LookupTableJAI) getTagValue(TagW.ModalityLUTData) : prModLut; if (mLUTSeq != null) { if (!pixelPadding || paddingValue == null) { if (super.getMinValue(tagable, false) >= mLUTSeq.getOffset() && super.getMaxValue(tagable, false) < mLUTSeq.getOffset() + mLUTSeq.getNumEntries()) { return mLUTSeq; } else if (prModLut == null) { // Remove MLut as it cannot be used. tags.remove(TagW.ModalityLUTData); LOGGER.warn( "Pixel values doesn't match to Modality LUT sequence table. So the Modality LUT is not applied."); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else { LOGGER.warn("Cannot apply Modality LUT sequence and Pixel Padding"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } boolean inverseLut = isPhotometricInterpretationInverse(tagable); if (pixelPadding) { inverseLut ^= inverseLUTAction; } LutParameters lutparams = getLutParameters(tagable, pixelPadding, mLUTSeq, inverseLut); // Not required to have a modality lookup table if (lutparams == null) { return null; } LookupTableJAI modalityLookup = LUT_Cache.get(lutparams); if (modalityLookup != null) { return modalityLookup; } if (mLUTSeq != null) { if (mLUTSeq.getNumBands() == 1) { if (mLUTSeq.getDataType() == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) { byte[] data = mLUTSeq.getByteData(0); if (data != null) { modalityLookup = new LookupTableJAI(data, mLUTSeq.getOffset(0)); } } else { short[] data = mLUTSeq.getShortData(0); if (data != null) { modalityLookup = new LookupTableJAI(data, mLUTSeq.getOffset(0), mLUTSeq.getData() instanceof DataBufferUShort); } } } if (modalityLookup == null) { modalityLookup = mLUTSeq; } } else { modalityLookup = DicomImageUtils.createRescaleRampLut(lutparams); } if (isPhotometricInterpretationMonochrome()) { DicomImageUtils.applyPixelPaddingToModalityLUT(modalityLookup, lutparams); } LUT_Cache.put(lutparams, modalityLookup); return modalityLookup; } /** * * @param window * @param level * @param shape * @param fillLutOutside * @param pixelPadding * * @return 8 bits unsigned Lookup Table */ public LookupTableJAI getVOILookup(TagReadable tagable, Double window, Double level, Double minLevel, Double maxLevel, LutShape shape, boolean fillLutOutside, boolean pixelPadding) { if (window == null || level == null || shape == null || minLevel == null || maxLevel == null) { return null; } int minValue; int maxValue; /* * When pixel padding is activated, VOI LUT must extend to the min bit stored value when MONOCHROME2 and to the * max bit stored value when MONOCHROME1. See C. */ if (fillLutOutside || (getPaddingValue() != null && isPhotometricInterpretationMonochrome())) { minValue = getMinAllocatedValue(tagable, pixelPadding); maxValue = getMaxAllocatedValue(tagable, pixelPadding); } else { minValue = minLevel.intValue(); maxValue = maxLevel.intValue(); } return DicomImageUtils.createWindowLevelLut(shape, window, level, minValue, maxValue, 8, false, isPhotometricInterpretationInverse(tagable)); } /** * @return default as first element of preset List <br> * Note : null should never be returned since auto is at least one preset */ public PresetWindowLevel getDefaultPreset(boolean pixelPadding) { List<PresetWindowLevel> presetList = getPresetList(pixelPadding); return (presetList != null && !presetList.isEmpty()) ? presetList.get(0) : null; } public List<PresetWindowLevel> getPresetList(boolean pixelPadding) { if (windowingPresetCollection == null && isImageAvailable()) { String type = Messages.getString("PresetWindowLevel.dcm_preset"); //$NON-NLS-1$ windowingPresetCollection = PresetWindowLevel.getPresetCollection(this, this, pixelPadding, type); } return windowingPresetCollection; } public boolean containsPreset(PresetWindowLevel preset) { if (preset != null) { List<PresetWindowLevel> collection = getPresetList(false); if (collection != null) { return collection.contains(preset); } } return false; } public Collection<LutShape> getLutShapeCollection(boolean pixelPadding) { if (lutShapeCollection != null) { return lutShapeCollection; } lutShapeCollection = new LinkedHashSet<>(); List<PresetWindowLevel> presetList = getPresetList(pixelPadding); if (presetList != null) { for (PresetWindowLevel preset : presetList) { lutShapeCollection.add(preset.getLutShape()); } } lutShapeCollection.addAll(LutShape.DEFAULT_FACTORY_FUNCTIONS); return lutShapeCollection; } /** * * @param imageSource * @param pixelPadding * @return Histogram of the image source after modality lookup rescaled */ public Histogram getHistogram(RenderedImage imageSource, TagReadable tagable, boolean pixelPadding) { LookupTableJAI lookup = getModalityLookup(tagable, pixelPadding); if (imageSource == null || lookup == null) { return null; } // TODO instead of computing histo from image get Dicom attribute if present. Handle pixel padding! ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock(); pb.addSource(imageSource); pb.add(lookup); final RenderedImage imageModalityTransformed = JAI.create("lookup", pb, null); //$NON-NLS-1$ pb.removeSources(); pb.removeParameters(); pb.addSource(imageModalityTransformed); pb.add(null); // No ROI pb.add(1); // Sampling pb.add(1); // periods pb.add(new int[] { getAllocatedOutRangeSize() }); // Num. bins. pb.add(new double[] { getMinAllocatedValue(tagable, pixelPadding) }); // Min value to be considered. pb.add(new double[] { getMaxAllocatedValue(tagable, pixelPadding) }); // Max value to be considered. RenderedOp op = JAI.create("histogram", pb, ImageToolkit.NOCACHE_HINT); //$NON-NLS-1$ return (Histogram) op.getProperty("histogram"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } @Override protected void findMinMaxValues(RenderedImage img, boolean exclude8bitImage) { /* * This function can be called several times from the inner class Load. min and max will be computed only once. */ if (img != null && !isImageAvailable()) { // Cannot trust SmallestImagePixelValue and LargestImagePixelValue values! So search min and max values int bitsStored = getBitsStored(); int bitsAllocated = getBitsAllocated(); minPixelValue = null; maxPixelValue = null; boolean monochrome = isPhotometricInterpretationMonochrome(); if (monochrome) { Integer paddingValue = getPaddingValue(); if (paddingValue != null) { Integer paddingLimit = getPaddingLimit(); int paddingValueMin = (paddingLimit == null) ? paddingValue : Math.min(paddingValue, paddingLimit); int paddingValueMax = (paddingLimit == null) ? paddingValue : Math.max(paddingValue, paddingLimit); findMinMaxValues(img, paddingValueMin, paddingValueMax); } } if (!isImageAvailable()) { super.findMinMaxValues(img, !monochrome); } if (bitsStored < bitsAllocated && isImageAvailable()) { boolean isSigned = isPixelRepresentationSigned(); int minInValue = isSigned ? -(1 << (bitsStored - 1)) : 0; int maxInValue = isSigned ? (1 << (bitsStored - 1)) - 1 : (1 << bitsStored) - 1; if (minPixelValue < minInValue || maxPixelValue > maxInValue) { /* * * * When the image contains values outside the bits stored values, the bits stored is replaced by the * bits allocated for having a LUT which handles all the values. * * Overlays in pixel data should be masked before finding min and max. */ setTag(TagD.get(Tag.BitsStored), bitsAllocated); } } /* * Lazily compute image pixel transformation here since inner class Load is called from a separate and * dedicated worker Thread. Also, it will be computed only once * * Considering that the default pixel padding option is true and Inverse LUT action is false */ getModalityLookup(null, true); } } /** * Computes Min/Max values from Image excluding range of values provided * * @param img * @param paddingValueMin * @param paddingValueMax */ private void findMinMaxValues(RenderedImage img, double paddingValueMin, double paddingValueMax) { if (img != null) { int datatype = img.getSampleModel().getDataType(); if (datatype == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) { this.minPixelValue = 0.0; this.maxPixelValue = 255.0; } else { RenderedOp dst = ImageStatisticsDescriptor.create(img, (ROI) null, 1, 1, paddingValueMin, paddingValueMax, null); // To ensure this image won't be stored in tile cache ((OpImage) dst.getRendering()).setTileCache(null); double[][] extrema = (double[][]) dst.getProperty("statistics"); //$NON-NLS-1$ double min = Double.MAX_VALUE; double max = -Double.MAX_VALUE; int numBands = dst.getSampleModel().getNumBands(); for (int i = 0; i < numBands; i++) { min = Math.min(min, extrema[0][i]); max = Math.max(max, extrema[1][i]); } this.minPixelValue = min; this.maxPixelValue = max; // Handle special case when min and max are equal, ex. black image // + 1 to max enables to display the correct value if (this.minPixelValue.equals(this.maxPixelValue)) { this.maxPixelValue += 1.0; } } } } public double[] getDisplayPixelSize() { return new double[] { pixelSizeX, pixelSizeY }; } public double getFullDynamicWidth(TagReadable tagable, boolean pixelPadding) { return getMaxValue(tagable, pixelPadding) - getMinValue(tagable, pixelPadding); } public double getFullDynamicCenter(TagReadable tagable, boolean pixelPadding) { double minValue = getMinValue(tagable, pixelPadding); double maxValue = getMaxValue(tagable, pixelPadding); return minValue + (maxValue - minValue) / 2.f; } @Override public LutShape getDefaultShape(boolean pixelPadding) { PresetWindowLevel defaultPreset = getDefaultPreset(pixelPadding); return (defaultPreset != null) ? defaultPreset.getLutShape() : super.getDefaultShape(pixelPadding); } @Override public double getDefaultWindow(boolean pixelPadding) { PresetWindowLevel defaultPreset = getDefaultPreset(pixelPadding); return (defaultPreset != null) ? defaultPreset.getWindow() : super.getDefaultWindow(pixelPadding); } @Override public double getDefaultLevel(boolean pixelPadding) { PresetWindowLevel defaultPreset = getDefaultPreset(pixelPadding); return (defaultPreset != null) ? defaultPreset.getLevel() : super.getDefaultLevel(pixelPadding); } /** * @param imageSource * is the RenderedImage upon which transformation is done * @param window * is width from low to high input values around level. If null, getDefaultWindow() value is used * @param level * is center of window values. If null, getDefaultLevel() value is used * @param lutShape * defines the shape of applied lookup table transformation. If null getDefaultLutShape() is used * @param pixPadding * indicates if some padding values defined in ImageElement should be applied or not. If null, TRUE is * considered * @return */ @Override public RenderedImage getRenderedImage(final RenderedImage imageSource, Map<String, Object> params) { if (imageSource == null) { return null; } SampleModel sampleModel = imageSource.getSampleModel(); if (sampleModel == null) { return null; } Double window = null; Double level = null; Double levelMin = null; Double levelMax = null; LutShape lutShape = null; Boolean pixelPadding = null; Boolean inverseLUT = null; Boolean fillLutOutside = null; Boolean wlOnColorImage = null; LookupTableJAI prLutData = null; TagReadable prTags = null; if (params != null) { window = (Double) params.get(ActionW.WINDOW.cmd()); level = (Double) params.get(ActionW.LEVEL.cmd()); levelMin = (Double) params.get(ActionW.LEVEL_MIN.cmd()); levelMax = (Double) params.get(ActionW.LEVEL_MAX.cmd()); lutShape = (LutShape) params.get(ActionW.LUT_SHAPE.cmd()); pixelPadding = (Boolean) params.get(ActionW.IMAGE_PIX_PADDING.cmd()); inverseLUT = (Boolean) params.get(PseudoColorOp.P_LUT_INVERSE); fillLutOutside = (Boolean) params.get(WindowOp.P_FILL_OUTSIDE_LUT); wlOnColorImage = (Boolean) params.get(WindowOp.P_APPLY_WL_COLOR); prTags = (TagReadable) params.get(WindowAndPresetsOp.P_PR_ELEMENT); if (prTags != null) { prLutData = (LookupTableJAI) prTags.getTagValue(TagW.PRLUTsData); } } boolean pixPadding = JMVUtils.getNULLtoTrue(pixelPadding); boolean invLUT = JMVUtils.getNULLtoFalse(inverseLUT); double windowValue = (window == null) ? getDefaultWindow(pixPadding) : window; double levelValue = (level == null) ? getDefaultLevel(pixPadding) : level; LutShape lut = (lutShape == null) ? getDefaultShape(pixPadding) : lutShape; double minLevel; double maxLevel; if (levelMin == null || levelMax == null) { minLevel = Math.min(levelValue - windowValue / 2.0, getMinValue(prTags, pixPadding)); maxLevel = Math.max(levelValue + windowValue / 2.0, getMaxValue(prTags, pixPadding)); } else { minLevel = Math.min(levelMin, getMinValue(prTags, pixPadding)); maxLevel = Math.max(levelMax, getMaxValue(prTags, pixPadding)); } int datatype = sampleModel.getDataType(); if (datatype >= DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE && datatype < DataBuffer.TYPE_INT) { LookupTableJAI modalityLookup = getModalityLookup(prTags, pixPadding, invLUT); // RenderingHints hints = new RenderingHints(JAI.KEY_IMAGE_LAYOUT, new ImageLayout(imageSource)); RenderedImage imageModalityTransformed = modalityLookup == null ? imageSource : LookupDescriptor.create(imageSource, modalityLookup, null); /* * C. Window center and window width * * Theses Attributes shall be used only for Images with Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004) values of * MONOCHROME1 and MONOCHROME2. They have no meaning for other Images. */ if (!JMVUtils.getNULLtoFalse(wlOnColorImage) && !isPhotometricInterpretationMonochrome()) { /* * If photometric interpretation is not monochrome do not apply VOILUT. It is necessary for * PALETTE_COLOR. */ return imageModalityTransformed; } LookupTableJAI voiLookup = null; if (prLutData == null || lut.getLookup() != null) { voiLookup = getVOILookup(prTags, windowValue, levelValue, minLevel, maxLevel, lut, JMVUtils.getNULLtoFalse(fillLutOutside), pixPadding); } if (prLutData == null) { // BUG fix: for some images the color model is null. Creating 8 bits gray model layout fixes this issue. return LookupDescriptor.create(imageModalityTransformed, voiLookup, LayoutUtil.createGrayRenderedImage()); } RenderedImage imageVoiTransformed = voiLookup == null ? imageModalityTransformed : LookupDescriptor.create(imageModalityTransformed, voiLookup, null); // BUG fix: for some images the color model is null. Creating 8 bits gray model layout fixes this issue. return LookupDescriptor.create(imageVoiTransformed, prLutData, LayoutUtil.createGrayRenderedImage()); } else if (datatype == DataBuffer.TYPE_INT || datatype == DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT || datatype == DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE) { double low = levelValue - windowValue / 2.0; double high = levelValue + windowValue / 2.0; double range = high - low; if (range < 1.0 && datatype == DataBuffer.TYPE_INT) { range = 1.0; } double slope = 255.0 / range; double yint = 255.0 - slope * high; RenderedOp rescale = RescaleDescriptor.create(imageSource, new double[] { slope }, new double[] { yint }, null); return FormatDescriptor.create(rescale, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, null); } return null; } public GeometryOfSlice getDispSliceGeometry() { // The geometry is adapted to get square pixel as all the images are displayed with square pixel. double[] imgOr = TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.ImageOrientationPatient, double[].class); if (imgOr != null && imgOr.length == 6) { double[] pos = TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.ImagePositionPatient, double[].class); if (pos != null && pos.length == 3) { Double sliceTickness = TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.SliceThickness, Double.class); if (sliceTickness == null) { sliceTickness = getPixelSize(); } double[] spacing = { getPixelSize(), getPixelSize(), sliceTickness }; Integer rows = TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.Rows, Integer.class); Integer columns = TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.Columns, Integer.class); if (rows != null && columns != null && rows > 0 && columns > 0) { // SliceTickness is only use in IntersectVolume // Multiply rows and columns by getZoomScale() to have square pixel image size return new GeometryOfSlice(new double[] { imgOr[0], imgOr[1], imgOr[2] }, new double[] { imgOr[3], imgOr[4], imgOr[5] }, pos, spacing, sliceTickness, new double[] { rows * getRescaleY(), columns * getRescaleX(), 1 }); } } } return null; } public GeometryOfSlice getSliceGeometry() { double[] imgOr = TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.ImageOrientationPatient, double[].class); if (imgOr != null && imgOr.length == 6) { double[] pos = TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.ImagePositionPatient, double[].class); if (pos != null && pos.length == 3) { Double sliceTickness = TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.SliceThickness, Double.class); if (sliceTickness == null) { sliceTickness = getPixelSize(); } double[] pixSize = getDisplayPixelSize(); double[] spacing = { pixSize[0], pixSize[1], sliceTickness }; Integer rows = TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.Rows, Integer.class); Integer columns = TagD.getTagValue(this, Tag.Columns, Integer.class); if (rows != null && columns != null && rows > 0 && columns > 0) { return new GeometryOfSlice(new double[] { imgOr[0], imgOr[1], imgOr[2] }, new double[] { imgOr[3], imgOr[4], imgOr[5] }, pos, spacing, sliceTickness, new double[] { rows, columns, 1 }); } } } return null; } }