package net.pms.image; import java.awt.color.ColorSpace; import java.awt.image.ColorModel; import net.pms.util.ParseException; import com.drew.metadata.Metadata; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; @SuppressWarnings("serial") @SuppressFBWarnings("SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID") public class TIFFInfo extends ExifInfo { /** * Use * {@link ImageInfo#create(int, int, ImageFormat, long, ColorModel, Metadata, boolean, boolean)} * to instantiate. */ protected TIFFInfo( int width, int height, ImageFormat format, long size, ColorModel colorModel, Metadata metadata, boolean applyExifOrientation, boolean imageIOSupport ) throws ParseException { super(width, height, format, size, colorModel, metadata, applyExifOrientation, imageIOSupport); } /** * Use * {@link ImageInfo#create(int, int, ImageFormat, long, int, int, ColorSpace, ColorSpaceType, Metadata, boolean, boolean)} * to instantiate. */ protected TIFFInfo( int width, int height, ImageFormat format, long size, int bitDepth, int numComponents, ColorSpace colorSpace, ColorSpaceType colorSpaceType, Metadata metadata, boolean applyExifOrientation, boolean imageIOSupport ) throws ParseException { super( width, height, format, size, bitDepth, numComponents, colorSpace, colorSpaceType, metadata, applyExifOrientation, imageIOSupport ); } /** * Use * {@link ImageInfo#create(int, int, Metadata, ImageFormat, long, boolean, boolean)} * to instantiate. */ protected TIFFInfo( int width, int height, Metadata metadata, ImageFormat format, long size, boolean applyExifOrientation, boolean throwOnParseFailure ) throws ParseException { super(width, height, metadata, format, size, applyExifOrientation, throwOnParseFailure); } /** * Copy constructor */ protected TIFFInfo( int width, int height, ImageFormat format, long size, int bitDepth, int numComponents, ColorSpace colorSpace, ColorSpaceType colorSpaceType, boolean imageIOSupport, PhotometricInterpretation photometricInterpretation, ExifOrientation exifOrientation, ExifOrientation originalExifOrientation, Integer ExifVersion, ExifCompression exifCompression, ExifColorSpace exifColorSpace, boolean hasExifThumbnail ) { super( width, height, format, size, bitDepth, numComponents, colorSpace, colorSpaceType, imageIOSupport, photometricInterpretation, exifOrientation, originalExifOrientation, ExifVersion, exifCompression, exifColorSpace, hasExifThumbnail ); } @Override public TIFFInfo copy() { return new TIFFInfo( width, height, format, size, bitDepth, numComponents, colorSpace, colorSpaceType, imageIOSupport, photometricInterpretation, exifOrientation, originalExifOrientation, exifVersion, exifCompression, exifColorSpace, hasExifThumbnail ); } @Override protected ParseInfo createParseInfo() { return new ExifParseInfo(); } }