package com.fireball1725.twitchnotifier.helper; import net.minecraft.block.BlockAir; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; public class SafeBlockReplacer { private static boolean CheckBlock(World world, BlockPos blockPos, boolean forceAir) { IBlockState blockState = world.getBlockState(blockPos); if (blockState == null) return true; // Check to make sure it is an air block, or replaceable... if ((blockState.getBlock() instanceof BlockAir && forceAir) || (blockState.getBlock().isReplaceable(world, blockPos) && forceAir)) return true; else if (forceAir) return false; // Check to make sure it is not an Tile Entity if (blockState.getBlock().hasTileEntity(blockState)) return false; // Make sure the block isn't unbreakable if (blockState.getBlock().getBlockHardness(world.getBlockState(blockPos), world, blockPos) == -1.0F) { return false; } // Make sure the block is on the whitelist //return BreakableWhiteListHelper.checkBlock(blockState); return false; } private static boolean CheckGraveSite(World world, BlockPos blockPos, EnumFacing facing) { BlockPos MasterGraveTile = blockPos; boolean placeGrave = true; if (!CheckBlock(world, MasterGraveTile, true)) placeGrave = false; return placeGrave; } // This is whats called. public static BlockPos GetSafeGraveSite(World world, BlockPos blockPos, EnumFacing facing) { BlockPos finalBlockPos = CheckSafeGraveSite(world, blockPos, facing); if (finalBlockPos == null) { //"[Graves] Unable to find place to put grave..."); //"[Graves] Trying to place the grave on the surface..."); finalBlockPos = world.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(blockPos); finalBlockPos = CheckSafeGraveSite(world, finalBlockPos, facing); } // Check 5 Blocks if (finalBlockPos == null) { //"[Graves] Placing on the surface failed (Maybe fell down a 1x1 hole?"); //"[Graves] Trying to place the grave on the surface 5 blocks north"); finalBlockPos = world.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(blockPos.north(5)); finalBlockPos = CheckSafeGraveSite(world, finalBlockPos, facing); } if (finalBlockPos == null) { //"[Graves] Placing on the surface failed (Maybe fell down a 1x1 hole?"); //"[Graves] Trying to place the grave on the surface 5 blocks east"); finalBlockPos = world.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(blockPos.east(5)); finalBlockPos = CheckSafeGraveSite(world, finalBlockPos, facing); } if (finalBlockPos == null) { //"[Graves] Placing on the surface failed (Maybe fell down a 1x1 hole?"); //"[Graves] Trying to place the grave on the surface 5 blocks south"); finalBlockPos = world.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(blockPos.south(5)); finalBlockPos = CheckSafeGraveSite(world, finalBlockPos, facing); } if (finalBlockPos == null) { //"[Graves] Placing on the surface failed (Maybe fell down a 1x1 hole?"); //"[Graves] Trying to place the grave on the surface 5 blocks west"); finalBlockPos = world.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(blockPos.west(5)); finalBlockPos = CheckSafeGraveSite(world, finalBlockPos, facing); } // Last ditch effort... just place it if (finalBlockPos == null) { //"[Graves] Sorry, still can't find a good place..."); // Make sure Y is ok int y = blockPos.getY(); if (y < 1) { y = 3; } else if (y > 255) { y = 253; } blockPos = new BlockPos(blockPos.getX(), y, blockPos.getZ()); finalBlockPos = blockPos; } return finalBlockPos; } public static BlockPos CheckSafeGraveSite(World world, BlockPos blockPos, EnumFacing facing) { int x = blockPos.getX(); int y = blockPos.getY(); int z = blockPos.getZ(); if (y < 11) { y = 11; } if (y > 245) { y = 245; } int blockX = x; int blockY = y; int blockZ = z; for (int searchY = 0; searchY < 17; searchY++) { if (searchY != 0 && searchY % 2 == 0) { blockY = y - searchY / 2; } else if (searchY != 0) { blockY = y + Math.round(searchY / 2) + 1; } else { blockY = y; } for (int searchX = 0; searchX < 17; searchX++) { if (searchX != 0 && searchX % 2 == 0) { blockX = x - searchX / 2; } else if (searchX != 0) { blockX = x + Math.round(searchX / 2) + 1; } else { blockX = x; } for (int searchZ = 0; searchZ < 17; searchZ++) { if (searchZ != 0 && searchZ % 2 == 0) { blockZ = z - searchZ / 2; } else if (searchZ != 0) { blockZ = z + Math.round(searchZ / 2) + 1; } else { blockZ = z; } if (CheckGraveSite(world, new BlockPos(blockX, blockY, blockZ), facing)) return new BlockPos(blockX, blockY, blockZ); } } } return null; } }