package ca.ualberta.cs.team5geotopics; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; //taken from the following URL. Author chenlei // /** * Responsible for getting the hits to a reference to a comment * and gets the source of each comment from the CommentListController. */ public class ElasticSearchSearchResponse<T> { int took; boolean timed_out; transient Object _shards; Hits<T> hits; boolean exists; /** * Gets the Hits value of hits from a ElasticSearch Collection. * @return hits.getHits The hits from an ElasticSearch Collection. */ public Collection<ElasticSearchResponse<T>> getHits() { return hits.getHits(); } /** * Gets the sources from ElasticSearch. Sources being the raw data. * @return out A Collection of a new ArrayList. */ public Collection<T> getSources() { Collection<T> out = new ArrayList<T>(); for (ElasticSearchResponse<T> essrt : getHits()) { out.add( essrt.getSource() ); } return out; } /** * Creates and returns a string containing data about the ElasticSearch response. * @return (super.toString() + ":" + took + "," + _shards + "," + exists + "," + hits) The string containing information about the ElasticSearch response. */ public String toString() { return (super.toString() + ":" + took + "," + _shards + "," + exists + "," + hits); } }