package ca.ualberta.cs.team5geotopics; import io.searchbox.client.JestResult; import; import; /** * CommentSearch is used with respect to ElasticSearch and is called upon to help in matching * string queries to/from the server for sorting. This helps in maintaining the cache by sending * recently pulled comments from ES to the cache. */ public class CommentSearch { private CommentPull commentPull = new CommentPull(); private CommentListModel browseModel; protected Cache mCache; // a simple match all query private final static String MATCH_ALL_QUERY = "{\n" + "\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 100,\n" + "\"query\": {\n" + "\"match_all\": {}\n" + "}\n" + "}"; /** * CommentSearch creates a new instance of a search given a CommentListModel. * @param listModel The CommentListModel to be searched. */ public CommentSearch(CommentListModel listModel){ this.browseModel = listModel; commentPull.setClient(GeoTopicsApplication.getInstance().getClient()); GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); builder.registerTypeAdapter(Bitmap.class, new BitmapJsonConverter()); commentPull.setGson(builder.create()); commentPull.setLastResult(new JestResult(this.commentPull.getGson())); this.mCache = Cache.getInstance(); } /** * This CommentSearch creates a new instance of the Search given both a CommentListModel and a Cache to be searched. * @param listModel The CommentListModel to be searched. * @param cache The cache of the user. */ public CommentSearch(CommentListModel listModel, Cache cache){ this.browseModel = listModel; commentPull.setClient(GeoTopicsApplication.getInstance().getClient()); GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); builder.registerTypeAdapter(Bitmap.class, new BitmapJsonConverter()); commentPull.setGson(builder.create()); commentPull.setLastResult(new JestResult(this.commentPull.getGson())); this.mCache = cache; } /** * This method pulls all TopLevel comments * @param topLevelActivity The top level comments activity. * @return this.pull(topLevelActivity, MATCH_ALL_QUERY, "TopLevel", "history.sav") The data to be pushed to history.sav. */ public Thread pullTopLevel(BrowseActivity topLevelActivity){ return commentPull.pull(topLevelActivity, MATCH_ALL_QUERY, "TopLevel", "history.sav", browseModel, mCache); } /** * This method pulls all reply comments. * @param replyLevelActivity The reply level comments activity. * @param commentID The ID of the root comment. * @return this.pull(replyLevelActivity, query, "ReplyLevel", commentID) The reference to the reply given the root. */ public Thread pullReplies(BrowseActivity replyLevelActivity, String commentID){ String query = getReplyFilter(commentID); return commentPull.pull(replyLevelActivity, query, "ReplyLevel", commentID, browseModel, mCache); } /** * Gets the filter type for the replies. * @param parentID The ID of the parent comment. * @return String A string of data given the reply filter. */ public String getReplyFilter(String parentID){ return "{\n" + "\"filter\": {\n" + "\"type\":{\n" + "\"value\" : \"" + parentID + "\"\n" + "}\n" + "}\n" + "}"; } /** * Pulls a single comment, that is specified by it's id (mEsId). * @param id the mEsId of the CommentModel * @param index the index in which the target model resides (TopLevel or ReplyLevel) * @return returns a thread that is primarily used for testing. The commentModel field in * the CommentPull class will contain the model pulled from the server. */ public Thread pullComment(String id, String index){ return commentPull.pullComment(id, index, this.getReplyFilter(id)); } /** * Returns the result of the search. * @return lastResult The last result of the search. */ public JestResult returnResult(){ return commentPull.getLastResult(); } }