package; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import android.R.integer; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SyncAction { private static String TAG = "SyncAction: "; public static ExecutorService SyncActionPool = Executors .newSingleThreadExecutor(); public static boolean updateContact(int guid, String vcard, Context ctx) { SyncCommand csc = SyncCommand.UPDATE; HashMap<String, String> vcardData = new HashMap<String, String>(); VCardComposer vcardImpl = new VCardComposer(ctx); vcardImpl.init(); vcardData.put(, String.valueOf(guid)); vcardData.put(, vcard); String uid = Preferences.getUid(ctx); // added by Boern SyncRequestBuilder csrb = new SyncRequestBuilder(ctx, uid); // SyncRequestBuilder csrb = new SyncRequestBuilder(ctx, null); String xml; try { xml = csrb.buildXML(csc, vcardData); } catch (ElementNotFound e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block return false; } HttpCommunication hc = new HttpCommunication(); String ack; try { ack = hc.postXML(Const.url, xml); SyncResponseHandler csrh = new SyncResponseHandler(); return csrh.handleUpdateACK(ack); } catch (ServerActionFailed e) { return false; } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { return false; } catch (IOException e) { return false; } } private static class RetriveAchivedContactsCallable implements Callable { private Context ctx; private int page; private int count; private String queryString; private String uid; public RetriveAchivedContactsCallable(Context context, int page, int count, String queryString) { ctx = context; = page; this.count = count; this.queryString = queryString; // this.uid = uid; } public List<SyncRecord> call() throws Exception { SyncCommand csc = SyncCommand.SEARCH; HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (queryString == null) { data.put(, "tag=ARCHIVED&page=" + String.valueOf(page) + "&count=" + String.valueOf(count)); } else { data.put(, "tag=ARCHIVED&" + queryString + "&page=" + String.valueOf(page) + "&count=" + String.valueOf(count)); } // SyncRequestBuilder csrb = new SyncRequestBuilder(ctx, uid); this.uid = Preferences.getUid(ctx); // added by Boern SyncRequestBuilder csrb = new SyncRequestBuilder(ctx, uid); String xml = csrb.buildXML(csc, data); HttpCommunication hc = new HttpCommunication(); String ack = hc.postXML(Const.url, xml); SyncResponseHandler csrh = new SyncResponseHandler(); return csrh.handleSearchACK(ack); } } private static class FirstSyncContactsCallable implements Callable { private Context ctx; private int page; private String uid; public FirstSyncContactsCallable(Context mContext, int page, String uid) { ctx = mContext; = page; this.uid = uid; } public List<SyncRecord> call() throws Exception { SyncCommand csc = null; HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); SyncRequestBuilder srb = new SyncRequestBuilder(ctx, uid); String xml = null; HttpCommunication hc = new HttpCommunication(); SyncResponseHandler srh = new SyncResponseHandler(); String ack = null; csc = SyncCommand.FIRSTSYNC; data.clear(); // XXX data.put(, "page=" + page + "&count=5"); // count=n&page=m&tag=x&keywords xml = srb.buildXML(csc, data); // Log.v(TAG + "Sync to First Sync requst :", xml); ack = hc.postXML(Const.url, xml); // Log.v(TAG + "Sync to First Sync response :", ack); return srh.handleSearchACK(ack); } } public static List<SyncRecord> firstSyncContacts(Context ctx, int page, String uid) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { FirstSyncContactsCallable f = new FirstSyncContactsCallable(ctx, page, uid); Future result = SyncActionPool.submit(f); return (List<SyncRecord>) result.get(); } private static class RecoverContactsCallable implements Callable { private Context ctx; private int page; private String uid; public RecoverContactsCallable(Context context, int page) { ctx = context; = page; } public List<SyncRecord> call() throws Exception { SyncCommand csc = SyncCommand.SEARCH; HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); data.put(, "tag=DELETED&page=" + page + "&count=5"); // SyncRequestBuilder csrb = new SyncRequestBuilder(ctx, null); this.uid = Preferences.getUid(ctx); // added by Boern SyncRequestBuilder csrb = new SyncRequestBuilder(ctx, uid); String xml = csrb.buildXML(csc, data); HttpCommunication hc = new HttpCommunication(); String ack = hc.postXML(Const.url, xml); SyncResponseHandler csrh = new SyncResponseHandler(); return csrh.handleSearchACK(ack); } } public static List<SyncRecord> recoverContacts(Context ctx, int page) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { RecoverContactsCallable r = new RecoverContactsCallable(ctx, page); Future result = SyncActionPool.submit(r); return (List<SyncRecord>) result.get(); } public static List<SyncRecord> retriveAchivedContacts(Context ctx, int page, int count, String queryString) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { RetriveAchivedContactsCallable r = new RetriveAchivedContactsCallable( ctx, page, count, queryString); Future result = SyncActionPool.submit(r); return (List<SyncRecord>) result.get(); } private static class GetContactCountCallable implements Callable { private Context ctx; private String uid; public GetContactCountCallable(Context mContext, String uid) { ctx = mContext; this.uid = uid; } public Integer call() throws Exception { SyncCommand csc = null; HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); SyncRequestBuilder srb = new SyncRequestBuilder(ctx, uid); String xml = null; HttpCommunication hc = new HttpCommunication(); SyncResponseHandler srh = new SyncResponseHandler(); String ack = null; csc = SyncCommand.GETCOUNT; data.clear(); // XXX data.put(, uid); // data.put(, "tag=CACHED|DELETED"); // xml = srb.buildXML(csc, data); ack = hc.postXML(Const.url, xml); return srh.handleGetCountACK(ack); } } /** * Get all the sync contact count. * * @author * @param user * @return contact total count to sync * @throws ExecutionException * @throws InterruptedException */ public static int getSyncContactCount(Context ctx, String user) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { GetContactCountCallable getCountCall = new GetContactCountCallable(ctx, user); Future result = SyncActionPool.submit(getCountCall); return (Integer) result.get(); } }