/* AUTO-GENERATED FILE. DO NOT MODIFY. * * This class was automatically generated by the * aapt tool from the resource data it found. It * should not be modified by hand. */ package cn.edu.tsinghua.hpc.tcontacts; public final class R { public static final class anim { public static final int dummy_animation=0x7f040000; public static final int quickcontact=0x7f040001; public static final int quickcontact_above_enter=0x7f040002; public static final int quickcontact_above_exit=0x7f040003; public static final int quickcontact_below_enter=0x7f040004; public static final int quickcontact_below_exit=0x7f040005; } public static final class array { /** The labels that are under the otherLabelsGroup when editing a contact. */ public static final int otherLabels=0x7f0c0000; } public static final class attr { /** Column in data table to show details of this data <p>Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. <p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or theme attribute (in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") containing a value of this type. */ public static final int detailColumn=0x7f010004; /** <p>Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "<code>14.5sp</code>". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), mm (millimeters). <p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or theme attribute (in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") containing a value of this type. */ public static final int edgeWidth=0x7f010005; /** Icon that should be used to represent this data <p>Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "<code>@[+][<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>" or to a theme attribute in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>". */ public static final int icon=0x7f010002; /** <p>Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.</p> <table> <colgroup align="left" /> <colgroup align="left" /> <colgroup align="left" /> <tr><th>Constant</th><th>Value</th><th>Description</th></tr> <tr><td><code>left</code></td><td>0x01</td><td></td></tr> <tr><td><code>right</code></td><td>0x02</td><td></td></tr> </table> */ public static final int listenEdges=0x7f010006; /** Mime-type handled by this mapping <p>Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. <p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or theme attribute (in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") containing a value of this type. */ public static final int mimeType=0x7f010000; /** RemoteViews XML that should be used to format this data <p>Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "<code>@[+][<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>" or to a theme attribute in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>". */ public static final int remoteViews=0x7f010001; /** Column in data table to summarize this data <p>Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. <p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or theme attribute (in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") containing a value of this type. */ public static final int summaryColumn=0x7f010003; } public static final class bool { /** Flag indicating whether Contacts app is allowed to export contacts to SDCard */ public static final int config_allow_export_to_sdcard=0x7f080003; /** Flag indicating whether Contacts app is allowed to export contacts to system contact */ public static final int config_allow_export_to_system=0x7f080005; /** Flag indicating whether Contacts app is allowed to import contacts from SDCard */ public static final int config_allow_import_from_sdcard=0x7f080000; /** Flag indicating whether Contacts app is allowed to import contacts from system contact */ public static final int config_allow_import_from_system=0x7f080004; /** If true, vcard importer shows a dialog which asks the user whether the user wants to import all vcard files in SDCard or select one vcard file. If false, the dialog is skipped and the importer asks the user to choose one vcard file. If config_import_all_vcard_from_sdcard_automatically is set true, this configuration is ignored. */ public static final int config_allow_users_select_all_vcard_import=0x7f080002; /** If true, enable vibration (haptic feedback) for dialer key presses. The pattern is set on a per-platform basis using config_virtualKeyVibePattern. TODO: If enough users are annoyed by this, we might eventually need to make it a user preference rather than a per-platform resource. */ public static final int config_enable_dialer_key_vibration=0x7f080006; /** If true, all vcard files are imported from SDCard without asking a user. If not, dialog shows to let the user to select whether all vcard files are imported or not. If the user selects "not", then the application ask the user to select a file. */ public static final int config_import_all_vcard_from_sdcard_automatically=0x7f080001; /** If true, show an onscreen "Dial" button in the dialer. In practice this is used on all platforms even the ones with hard SEND/END keys, but for maximum flexibility it's controlled by a flag here (which can be overridden on a per-product basis.) */ public static final int config_show_onscreen_dial_button=0x7f080007; } public static final class color { public static final int Gray=0x7f070006; public static final int alert_bottom=0x7f070009; public static final int black=0x7f07000c; /** <color name="detail_bottom_bar">#BDBEBD</color> */ public static final int detail_bottom_bar=0x7f07000a; public static final int dialer_button_text=0x7f07000d; public static final int edit_divider=0x7f070005; public static final int header_color_1=0x7f070007; public static final int header_color_2=0x7f070008; public static final int kind_title=0x7f07000e; public static final int quickcontact_disambig=0x7f070003; public static final int quickcontact_disambig_divider=0x7f070004; public static final int sect_secondary=0x7f070002; public static final int tab_indicator_text=0x7f07000f; public static final int tab_text_over=0x7f07000b; public static final int textColorIconOverlay=0x7f070000; public static final int textColorIconOverlayShadow=0x7f070001; } public static final class dimen { public static final int account_name_height=0x7f0b0005; public static final int contact_shortcut_frame_height=0x7f0b0007; public static final int contact_shortcut_frame_width=0x7f0b0006; public static final int edit_photo_size=0x7f0b0003; public static final int quickcontact_shadow_horiz=0x7f0b0000; public static final int quickcontact_shadow_touch=0x7f0b0002; public static final int quickcontact_shadow_vert=0x7f0b0001; /** The height of the ScrollingTabWidget */ public static final int tab_height=0x7f0b0004; } public static final class drawable { public static final int badge_action_call=0x7f020000; public static final int badge_action_sms=0x7f020001; public static final int bg_infobar_new=0x7f020002; public static final int btn_circle=0x7f020003; public static final int btn_circle_disable=0x7f020004; public static final int btn_circle_disable_focused=0x7f020005; public static final int btn_circle_normal=0x7f020006; public static final int btn_circle_pressed=0x7f020007; public static final int btn_circle_selected=0x7f020008; public static final int btn_contact_picture=0x7f020009; public static final int btn_dial=0x7f02000a; public static final int btn_dial_action=0x7f02000b; public static final int btn_dial_action_left_disable=0x7f02000c; public static final int btn_dial_action_left_disable_focused=0x7f02000d; public static final int btn_dial_action_left_normal=0x7f02000e; public static final int btn_dial_action_left_pressed=0x7f02000f; public static final int btn_dial_action_left_selected=0x7f020010; public static final int btn_dial_action_middle_disable=0x7f020011; public static final int btn_dial_action_middle_disable_focused=0x7f020012; public static final int btn_dial_action_middle_normal=0x7f020013; public static final int btn_dial_action_middle_pressed=0x7f020014; public static final int btn_dial_action_middle_selected=0x7f020015; public static final int btn_dial_action_right_disable=0x7f020016; public static final int btn_dial_action_right_disable_focused=0x7f020017; public static final int btn_dial_action_right_normal=0x7f020018; public static final int btn_dial_action_right_pressed=0x7f020019; public static final int btn_dial_action_right_selected=0x7f02001a; public static final int btn_dial_delete=0x7f02001b; public static final int btn_dial_normal=0x7f02001c; public static final int btn_dial_normal_blue=0x7f02001d; public static final int btn_dial_normal_green=0x7f02001e; public static final int btn_dial_pressed=0x7f02001f; public static final int btn_dial_selected=0x7f020020; public static final int btn_dial_textfield=0x7f020021; public static final int btn_dial_textfield_activated=0x7f020022; public static final int btn_dial_textfield_active=0x7f020023; public static final int btn_dial_textfield_normal=0x7f020024; public static final int btn_dial_textfield_pressed=0x7f020025; public static final int btn_dial_textfield_selected=0x7f020026; public static final int btn_dial_voicemail=0x7f020027; public static final int call_background=0x7f020028; public static final int contact_picture_border_highlight=0x7f020029; public static final int contact_picture_border_in_list=0x7f02002a; public static final int contact_picture_border_normal=0x7f02002b; public static final int contact_picture_border_pressed=0x7f02002c; public static final int dial_num_0=0x7f02002d; public static final int dial_num_0_blk=0x7f02002e; public static final int dial_num_0_wht=0x7f02002f; public static final int dial_num_1_no_vm=0x7f020030; public static final int dial_num_1_no_vm_blk=0x7f020031; public static final int dial_num_1_no_vm_wht=0x7f020032; public static final int dial_num_2=0x7f020033; public static final int dial_num_2_blk=0x7f020034; public static final int dial_num_2_wht=0x7f020035; public static final int dial_num_3=0x7f020036; public static final int dial_num_3_blk=0x7f020037; public static final int dial_num_3_wht=0x7f020038; public static final int dial_num_4=0x7f020039; public static final int dial_num_4_blk=0x7f02003a; public static final int dial_num_4_wht=0x7f02003b; public static final int dial_num_5=0x7f02003c; public static final int dial_num_5_blk=0x7f02003d; public static final int dial_num_5_wht=0x7f02003e; public static final int dial_num_6=0x7f02003f; public static final int dial_num_6_blk=0x7f020040; public static final int dial_num_6_wht=0x7f020041; public static final int dial_num_7=0x7f020042; public static final int dial_num_7_blk=0x7f020043; public static final int dial_num_7_wht=0x7f020044; public static final int dial_num_8=0x7f020045; public static final int dial_num_8_blk=0x7f020046; public static final int dial_num_8_wht=0x7f020047; public static final int dial_num_9=0x7f020048; public static final int dial_num_9_blk=0x7f020049; public static final int dial_num_9_wht=0x7f02004a; public static final int dial_num_pound=0x7f02004b; public static final int dial_num_pound_blk=0x7f02004c; public static final int dial_num_pound_wht=0x7f02004d; public static final int dial_num_star=0x7f02004e; public static final int dial_num_star_blk=0x7f02004f; public static final int dial_num_star_wht=0x7f020050; public static final int divider_vertical_dark=0x7f020051; public static final int ic_aggregated=0x7f020052; public static final int ic_btn_round_minus=0x7f020053; public static final int ic_btn_round_more=0x7f020054; public static final int ic_btn_round_plus=0x7f020055; public static final int ic_call_log_header_incoming_call=0x7f020056; public static final int ic_call_log_header_missed_call=0x7f020057; public static final int ic_call_log_header_outgoing_call=0x7f020058; public static final int ic_call_log_list_incoming_call=0x7f020059; public static final int ic_call_log_list_missed_call=0x7f02005a; public static final int ic_call_log_list_outgoing_call=0x7f02005b; public static final int ic_contact_list_picture=0x7f02005c; public static final int ic_contact_picture=0x7f02005d; public static final int ic_contact_picture_2=0x7f02005e; public static final int ic_contact_picture_3=0x7f02005f; public static final int ic_contacts_details=0x7f020060; public static final int ic_default_number=0x7f020061; public static final int ic_dial_action_call=0x7f020062; public static final int ic_dial_action_delete=0x7f020063; public static final int ic_dial_action_voice_mail=0x7f020064; public static final int ic_dial_number=0x7f020065; public static final int ic_dial_number_blk=0x7f020066; public static final int ic_dial_number_wht=0x7f020067; public static final int ic_dialer_fork_add_call=0x7f020068; public static final int ic_dialer_fork_current_call=0x7f020069; public static final int ic_dialer_fork_tt_keypad=0x7f02006a; public static final int ic_join=0x7f02006b; public static final int ic_launcher_contacts=0x7f02006c; public static final int ic_launcher_folder_live_contacts=0x7f02006d; public static final int ic_launcher_folder_live_contacts_phone=0x7f02006e; public static final int ic_launcher_folder_live_contacts_starred=0x7f02006f; public static final int ic_launcher_phone=0x7f020070; public static final int ic_launcher_shortcut_contact=0x7f020071; public static final int ic_launcher_shortcut_directdial=0x7f020072; public static final int ic_launcher_shortcut_directmessage=0x7f020073; public static final int ic_list_split=0x7f020074; public static final int ic_menu_2sec_pause=0x7f020075; public static final int ic_menu_account_list=0x7f020076; public static final int ic_menu_add_picture=0x7f020077; public static final int ic_menu_export_contact=0x7f020078; public static final int ic_menu_import_contact=0x7f020079; public static final int ic_menu_import_export=0x7f02007a; public static final int ic_menu_mark=0x7f02007b; public static final int ic_menu_merge=0x7f02007c; public static final int ic_menu_recovery_contact=0x7f02007d; public static final int ic_menu_resync=0x7f02007e; public static final int ic_menu_show_barcode=0x7f02007f; public static final int ic_menu_sources=0x7f020080; public static final int ic_menu_split=0x7f020081; public static final int ic_menu_wait=0x7f020082; public static final int ic_tab_contacts=0x7f020083; public static final int ic_tab_dialer=0x7f020084; public static final int ic_tab_friends=0x7f020085; public static final int ic_tab_recent=0x7f020086; public static final int ic_tab_selected_contacts=0x7f020087; public static final int ic_tab_selected_dialer=0x7f020088; public static final int ic_tab_selected_friends_list=0x7f020089; public static final int ic_tab_selected_recent=0x7f02008a; public static final int ic_tab_selected_starred=0x7f02008b; public static final int ic_tab_starred=0x7f02008c; public static final int ic_tab_unselected_contacts=0x7f02008d; public static final int ic_tab_unselected_dialer=0x7f02008e; public static final int ic_tab_unselected_friends_list=0x7f02008f; public static final int ic_tab_unselected_recent=0x7f020090; public static final int ic_tab_unselected_starred=0x7f020091; public static final int infobar_dark=0x7f020092; public static final int line_right=0x7f020093; public static final int quickcontact=0x7f020094; public static final int quickcontact_arrow_down=0x7f020095; public static final int quickcontact_arrow_up=0x7f020096; public static final int quickcontact_bottom_frame=0x7f020097; public static final int quickcontact_disambig_bottom_bg=0x7f020098; public static final int quickcontact_disambig_checkbox=0x7f020099; public static final int quickcontact_disambig_checkbox_off=0x7f02009a; public static final int quickcontact_disambig_checkbox_on=0x7f02009b; public static final int quickcontact_disambig_divider=0x7f02009c; public static final int quickcontact_drop_shadow=0x7f02009d; public static final int quickcontact_frame_divider_med=0x7f02009e; public static final int quickcontact_photo_frame=0x7f02009f; public static final int quickcontact_slider_background=0x7f0200a0; public static final int quickcontact_slider_btn=0x7f0200a1; public static final int quickcontact_slider_btn_normal=0x7f0200a2; public static final int quickcontact_slider_btn_on=0x7f0200a3; public static final int quickcontact_slider_btn_pressed=0x7f0200a4; public static final int quickcontact_slider_btn_selected=0x7f0200a5; public static final int quickcontact_slider_grip_left=0x7f0200a6; public static final int quickcontact_slider_grip_right=0x7f0200a7; public static final int quickcontact_slider_presence_active=0x7f0200a8; public static final int quickcontact_slider_presence_away=0x7f0200a9; public static final int quickcontact_slider_presence_busy=0x7f0200aa; public static final int quickcontact_slider_presence_inactive=0x7f0200ab; public static final int quickcontact_top_frame=0x7f0200ac; public static final int scrollBar_blue=0x7f0200c6; public static final int section_dark=0x7f0200ad; public static final int stat_tsync_off=0x7f0200ae; public static final int stat_tsync_on=0x7f0200af; public static final int sym_action_add=0x7f0200b0; public static final int sym_action_map=0x7f0200b1; public static final int sym_action_organization=0x7f0200b2; public static final int sym_action_sms=0x7f0200b3; public static final int sym_action_view_contact=0x7f0200b4; public static final int sym_note=0x7f0200b5; public static final int sym_ringtone=0x7f0200b6; public static final int sym_send_to_voicemail=0x7f0200b7; public static final int tab_bottom=0x7f0200b8; public static final int tab_focused=0x7f0200b9; public static final int tab_focused_bottom=0x7f0200ba; public static final int tab_indicator_bg=0x7f0200bb; public static final int tab_left_arrow=0x7f0200bc; public static final int tab_pressed=0x7f0200bd; public static final int tab_pressed_bottom=0x7f0200be; public static final int tab_right_arrow=0x7f0200bf; public static final int tab_selected=0x7f0200c0; public static final int tab_selected_bottom=0x7f0200c1; public static final int tab_unselected=0x7f0200c2; public static final int title_bar_medium=0x7f0200c3; public static final int title_bar_shadow=0x7f0200c4; public static final int transparent_background=0x7f0200c7; public static final int unknown_source=0x7f0200c5; } public static final class id { public static final int account_name=0x7f060091; public static final int action_icon=0x7f060078; public static final int add=0x7f06005d; public static final int addicon=0x7f060042; public static final int additionalData=0x7f06008e; public static final int aggregate_badge=0x7f060032; public static final int arrow=0x7f060095; public static final int arrow_down=0x7f060082; public static final int arrow_down_stub=0x7f060083; public static final int arrow_up=0x7f060081; public static final int banner=0x7f060030; public static final int btn_discard=0x7f060023; public static final int btn_done=0x7f060022; public static final int btn_recover=0x7f06008a; public static final int btn_remove=0x7f06008b; public static final int call_button=0x7f06003f; public static final int call_icon=0x7f060085; public static final int call_type_icon=0x7f060086; public static final int call_view=0x7f06003d; public static final int cancel=0x7f060090; public static final int card_root_view=0x7f06002d; public static final int checkable=0x7f060059; public static final int checkbox=0x7f06005a; public static final int color_bar=0x7f06005e; public static final int contact_data=0x7f06002f; public static final int contact_header_widget=0x7f06002e; /** The EditText for entries in the EditContactActivity */ public static final int data=0x7f060002; public static final int data2=0x7f060057; public static final int date=0x7f060087; public static final int delete=0x7f060055; public static final int deleteButton=0x7f06009d; public static final int dialButton=0x7f06009c; public static final int dialog_delete=0x7f060004; /** For ContactsListActivity */ public static final int dialog_delete_contact_confirmation=0x7f060014; public static final int dialog_error_with_message=0x7f060013; /** For ExportVCard */ public static final int dialog_export_confirmation=0x7f06001c; public static final int dialog_exporting_vcard=0x7f06001d; public static final int dialog_fail_to_export_with_reason=0x7f06001e; public static final int dialog_final_delete_contact_confirmation=0x7f060018; public static final int dialog_first_sync_ok=0x7f060021; public static final int dialog_import_export=0x7f06000a; public static final int dialog_io_exception=0x7f060012; public static final int dialog_label=0x7f060007; public static final int dialog_label_custom=0x7f060008; public static final int dialog_multiple_contact_delete_confirmation=0x7f060016; public static final int dialog_multiple_contact_final_delete_confirmation=0x7f06001a; public static final int dialog_name=0x7f060006; public static final int dialog_photo=0x7f060005; public static final int dialog_reading_vcard=0x7f060011; public static final int dialog_readonly_contact_delete_confirmation=0x7f060017; public static final int dialog_readonly_contact_final_delete_confirmation=0x7f06001b; public static final int dialog_readonly_contact_final_hide_confirmation=0x7f060019; public static final int dialog_readonly_contact_hide_confirmation=0x7f060015; public static final int dialog_sdcard_not_found=0x7f06000c; /** For ImportVCardActivity */ public static final int dialog_searching_vcard=0x7f06000b; public static final int dialog_select_import_type=0x7f06000e; public static final int dialog_select_multiple_vcard=0x7f060010; public static final int dialog_select_one_vcard=0x7f06000f; public static final int dialog_sync_add=0x7f060009; public static final int dialog_sync_failed=0x7f060020; /** the dialog id for sync progress. Added by Boern */ public static final int dialog_sync_progress=0x7f06001f; public static final int dialog_vcard_not_found=0x7f06000d; public static final int dialpad=0x7f060044; public static final int dialpadChooser=0x7f060099; public static final int digits=0x7f060098; public static final int discardButton=0x7f060054; public static final int divider=0x7f06003e; public static final int duration=0x7f060028; public static final int edit_delete=0x7f06006d; public static final int edit_fields=0x7f06006e; public static final int edit_label=0x7f06006c; public static final int edit_more=0x7f06006f; public static final int edit_name=0x7f060065; public static final int edit_photo=0x7f060064; public static final int edit_read_only=0x7f06006b; public static final int editors=0x7f060024; public static final int eight=0x7f06004c; public static final int emptyText=0x7f060029; public static final int entry_group=0x7f060056; public static final int entry_ringtone=0x7f060058; public static final int five=0x7f060049; public static final int footer=0x7f060076; public static final int footer_disambig=0x7f060080; public static final int four=0x7f060048; public static final int head_secondary=0x7f060069; public static final int head_secondary_divider=0x7f060068; public static final int header=0x7f06003b; public static final int header_account_name=0x7f060062; public static final int header_account_type=0x7f060061; public static final int header_color_bar=0x7f06005f; public static final int header_icon=0x7f060060; public static final int header_large=0x7f06007d; public static final int header_medium=0x7f06007c; public static final int header_phones=0x7f060003; public static final int header_small=0x7f06007b; public static final int header_text=0x7f06007a; public static final int icon=0x7f060025; public static final int join_contact_blurb=0x7f06003a; public static final int kind_editors=0x7f060072; public static final int kind_header=0x7f060070; public static final int kind_title=0x7f060071; public static final int label=0x7f06002b; public static final int launch_button=0x7f060074; public static final int left=0x7f060000; public static final int line1=0x7f060088; public static final int line2=0x7f06002a; public static final int list=0x7f060052; public static final int list_divider=0x7f060040; public static final int menu_about=0x7f0600a8; public static final int menu_add=0x7f0600a2; public static final int menu_delete=0x7f0600a0; public static final int menu_discard=0x7f06009f; public static final int menu_display_groups=0x7f0600a5; public static final int menu_done=0x7f06009e; public static final int menu_edit=0x7f0600a9; public static final int menu_import_export=0x7f0600a4; public static final int menu_options=0x7f0600ab; public static final int menu_preference=0x7f0600a6; public static final int menu_recover_contacts=0x7f0600a3; public static final int menu_resync=0x7f0600a7; public static final int menu_search=0x7f0600a1; public static final int menu_share=0x7f0600aa; public static final int name=0x7f060037; public static final int nine=0x7f06004d; public static final int noQuickContactPhoto=0x7f060041; public static final int number=0x7f06002c; public static final int ok=0x7f06008f; public static final int one=0x7f060045; public static final int phonetic_name=0x7f06005b; public static final int photo=0x7f060031; public static final int photoImage=0x7f060051; public static final int pound=0x7f06004f; public static final int presence=0x7f060035; public static final int presence_icon=0x7f060077; public static final int primary_icon=0x7f060075; public static final int quickcontact=0x7f06007f; public static final int read_only_name=0x7f060066; public static final int read_only_warning=0x7f060073; public static final int recover_list=0x7f060089; public static final int right=0x7f060001; public static final int right_side=0x7f06003c; public static final int ringtone=0x7f060038; public static final int saveButton=0x7f060053; public static final int scroll=0x7f06007e; public static final int secondary_action_button=0x7f060079; public static final int sect_general=0x7f060067; public static final int sect_secondary=0x7f06006a; public static final int separator=0x7f06005c; public static final int setPrimary=0x7f06008c; public static final int seven=0x7f06004b; public static final int six=0x7f06004a; public static final int sourceIcon=0x7f06008d; public static final int star=0x7f060036; public static final int status=0x7f060033; public static final int status_date=0x7f060034; public static final int stub_photo=0x7f060063; public static final int tab_icon=0x7f060093; public static final int tab_scroll_view=0x7f060092; public static final int tab_title=0x7f060094; public static final int text=0x7f060050; public static final int three=0x7f060047; public static final int time=0x7f060027; public static final int timestamp=0x7f060084; public static final int title=0x7f060043; public static final int top=0x7f060097; public static final int totalContactsText=0x7f060096; public static final int two=0x7f060046; public static final int type=0x7f060026; public static final int voicemail=0x7f060039; public static final int voicemailAndDialAndDelete=0x7f06009a; public static final int voicemailButton=0x7f06009b; public static final int zero=0x7f06004e; } public static final class integer { /** Maximum number of exported VCard file index */ public static final int config_export_file_max_index=0x7f0a0001; /** Minimum number of exported VCard file index */ public static final int config_export_file_min_index=0x7f0a0000; } public static final class layout { public static final int act_display_groups=0x7f030000; public static final int act_edit=0x7f030001; public static final int all_tab_indicator=0x7f030002; public static final int call_detail=0x7f030003; public static final int call_detail_list_item=0x7f030004; public static final int contact_card_layout=0x7f030005; public static final int contact_header=0x7f030006; public static final int contact_header_name=0x7f030007; public static final int contact_options=0x7f030008; public static final int contacts_list_content=0x7f030009; public static final int contacts_list_content_join=0x7f03000a; public static final int contacts_list_item=0x7f03000b; public static final int contacts_list_item_photo=0x7f03000c; public static final int contacts_list_show_all_item=0x7f03000d; public static final int create_new_contact=0x7f03000e; public static final int dialer_activity=0x7f03000f; public static final int dialpad=0x7f030010; public static final int dialpad_chooser_list_item=0x7f030011; public static final int display_child=0x7f030012; public static final int display_group=0x7f030013; public static final int display_header=0x7f030014; public static final int edit_contact=0x7f030015; public static final int edit_contact_entry=0x7f030016; public static final int edit_contact_entry_group=0x7f030017; public static final int edit_contact_entry_org=0x7f030018; public static final int edit_contact_entry_ringtone=0x7f030019; public static final int edit_contact_entry_static_label=0x7f03001a; public static final int edit_contact_entry_voicemail=0x7f03001b; public static final int edit_divider=0x7f03001c; public static final int edit_phonetic_name=0x7f03001d; public static final int edit_separator=0x7f03001e; public static final int edit_separator_alone=0x7f03001f; public static final int empty=0x7f030020; public static final int item_contact_editor=0x7f030021; public static final int item_editor_field=0x7f030022; public static final int item_generic_editor=0x7f030023; public static final int item_kind_section=0x7f030024; public static final int item_photo_editor=0x7f030025; public static final int item_read_only_contact_editor=0x7f030026; public static final int item_read_only_field=0x7f030027; public static final int launcher=0x7f030028; public static final int list_item_text_icons=0x7f030029; public static final int list_section=0x7f03002a; public static final int list_separator=0x7f03002b; public static final int quickcontact=0x7f03002c; public static final int quickcontact_header_large=0x7f03002d; public static final int quickcontact_header_med=0x7f03002e; public static final int quickcontact_header_small=0x7f03002f; public static final int quickcontact_item=0x7f030030; public static final int quickcontact_resolve_item=0x7f030031; public static final int recent_calls=0x7f030032; public static final int recent_calls_list_item=0x7f030033; public static final int recover_layout_main=0x7f030034; public static final int set_primary_checkbox=0x7f030035; public static final int split_aggregate_list_item=0x7f030036; public static final int sync_settings=0x7f030037; public static final int tab_account_name=0x7f030038; public static final int tab_indicator=0x7f030039; public static final int tab_layout=0x7f03003a; public static final int tab_left_arrow=0x7f03003b; public static final int tab_right_arrow=0x7f03003c; public static final int total_contacts=0x7f03003d; public static final int twelve_key_dialer=0x7f03003e; public static final int voicemail_dial_delete=0x7f03003f; } public static final class menu { public static final int edit=0x7f0f0000; public static final int list=0x7f0f0001; public static final int view=0x7f0f0002; } public static final class plurals { /** The description of a group with the total number of contacts */ public static final int groupDescrip=0x7f0d0000; /** The description of a group with the total number of contacts, and the total number of contacts with phone numbers */ public static final int groupDescripPhones=0x7f0d0001; /** Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the total number of contacts found when "Only contacts with phones" not selected */ public static final int listFoundAllContacts=0x7f0d0004; /** Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the total number of contacts visible when "Only contacts with phones" not selected */ public static final int listTotalAllContacts=0x7f0d0003; /** Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the total number of contacts visible when "Only contacts with phones" is selected */ public static final int listTotalPhoneContacts=0x7f0d0002; } public static final class string { public static final int abandon_and_enter_main_screen_button=0x7f0901a5; public static final int about_text=0x7f090015; /** Formatting string for account name */ public static final int account_name_format=0x7f090199; /** Title for data source when creating or editing a contact that doesn't belong to a specific account. This contact will only exist on the phone and will not be synced. <string name="account_phone" msgid="4025734638492419713">"仅保存在手机中(不同步)"</string> */ public static final int account_phone=0x7f090149; /** String describing which account type a contact came from when editing it */ public static final int account_type_format=0x7f09019a; /** Action string for calling a phone number. */ public static final int actionCall=0x7f0900cb; /** Action string for sending an instant message to a chat buddy. */ public static final int actionChat=0x7f0900ce; /** Action string for sending an email to an email address. */ public static final int actionEmail=0x7f0900cc; /** Description for incoming calls going to voice mail vs. not */ public static final int actionIncomingCall=0x7f0900d0; /** Action string for viewing an address on a map. */ public static final int actionMap=0x7f0900cf; /** Action string for sending a text message to a phone number. */ public static final int actionText=0x7f0900cd; /** The button/menu item that allows you to add a picture to a contact */ public static final int addPicture=0x7f090072; /** Menu items for dialpad options as part of Pause and Wait ftr */ public static final int add_2sec_pause=0x7f090121; /** Dialog message when prompting before creating a contact. Includes the email address, e.g. "Add xyz@foo.com to contacts?" */ public static final int add_contact_dlg_message_fmt=0x7f0900d9; /** Dialog title when prompting before creating a contact */ public static final int add_contact_dlg_title=0x7f0900d8; /** In edit contact screen, add more info spinner title */ public static final int add_more_items=0x7f0900ca; public static final int add_wait=0x7f090122; /** Label for the all data tab in the view and edit card */ public static final int all_tab_label=0x7f0900da; /** Description of the activity used to set a photo in the pictures application as the icon for a contact */ public static final int attachToContact=0x7f090069; /** Info blurb on the Join Contact screen */ public static final int blurbJoinContactDataWith=0x7f09003e; /** Action string for calling a number in the call log again */ public static final int callAgain=0x7f0900d4; /** Action string for calling back a number in the call log */ public static final int callBack=0x7f0900d3; /** Title bar for call detail screen */ public static final int callDetailTitle=0x7f0900bf; /** A nicely formatted call duration displayed when viewing call details. For example "42 mins 28 secs" */ public static final int callDetailsDurationFormat=0x7f0900d6; /** Activity title when the user is selecting a contact for a direct dial shortcut. */ public static final int callShortcutActivityTitle=0x7f09001b; /** Action string for calling an assistant phone number */ public static final int call_assistant=0x7f09015e; /** Action string for calling a callback number */ public static final int call_callback=0x7f090153; /** Action string for calling a car phone number */ public static final int call_car=0x7f090154; /** Action string for calling a company main phone number */ public static final int call_company_main=0x7f090155; /** Action string for calling a custom phone number */ public static final int call_custom=0x7f09014b; /** Title for the call disambiguation dialog */ public static final int call_disambig_title=0x7f090124; /** In call detail screen, label for call duration */ public static final int call_duration=0x7f0900c7; /** Action string for calling a home fax phone number */ public static final int call_fax_home=0x7f090150; /** Action string for calling a work fax phone number */ public static final int call_fax_work=0x7f09014f; /** Action string for calling a home phone number */ public static final int call_home=0x7f09014c; /** Action string for calling a ISDN phone number */ public static final int call_isdn=0x7f090156; /** Action string for calling a main phone number */ public static final int call_main=0x7f090157; /** Action string for calling a MMS phone number */ public static final int call_mms=0x7f09015f; /** Action string for calling a mobile phone number */ public static final int call_mobile=0x7f09014d; /** Action string for calling an other phone number */ public static final int call_other=0x7f090152; /** Action string for calling an other fax phone number */ public static final int call_other_fax=0x7f090158; /** Action string for calling a pager phone number */ public static final int call_pager=0x7f090151; /** Action string for calling a radio phone number */ public static final int call_radio=0x7f090159; /** Action string for calling a Telex phone number */ public static final int call_telex=0x7f09015a; /** In call detail screen, label for call date/time */ public static final int call_time=0x7f0900c5; /** Action string for calling a TTY/TDD phone number */ public static final int call_tty_tdd=0x7f09015b; /** In call detail screen, label for call type */ public static final int call_type=0x7f0900c1; /** Action string for calling a work phone number */ public static final int call_work=0x7f09014e; /** Action string for calling a work mobile phone number */ public static final int call_work_mobile=0x7f09015c; /** Action string for calling a work pager phone number */ public static final int call_work_pager=0x7f09015d; /** The button/menu item that allows you to change an existing contact picture */ public static final int changePicture=0x7f090073; /** Generic action string for starting an IM chat */ public static final int chat=0x7f090187; /** Action string for starting an IM chat with the AIM protocol */ public static final int chat_aim=0x7f09017f; /** Action string for starting an IM chat with the Google Talk protocol */ public static final int chat_gtalk=0x7f090184; /** Action string for starting an IM chat with the ICQ protocol */ public static final int chat_icq=0x7f090185; /** Action string for starting an IM chat with the Jabber protocol */ public static final int chat_jabber=0x7f090186; /** Action string for starting an IM chat with the MSN or Windows Live protocol */ public static final int chat_msn=0x7f090180; /** Action string for starting an IM chat with the QQ protocol */ public static final int chat_qq=0x7f090183; /** Action string for starting an IM chat with the Skype protocol */ public static final int chat_skype=0x7f090182; /** Action string for starting an IM chat with the Yahoo protocol */ public static final int chat_yahoo=0x7f090181; public static final int chose_sync_mode=0x7f0901a6; /** The error reason the vCard composer emits: "Failed to get database information" */ public static final int composer_failed_to_get_database_infomation=0x7f09011b; /** The error reason the vCard composer emits: "There is no exportable contact. You might choose un-exportable data" */ public static final int composer_has_no_exportable_contact=0x7f09011c; /** The error reason the vCard composer emits: "The vCard composer object is not correctly initialized" */ public static final int composer_not_initialized=0x7f09011d; /** Directory in which exported VCard file is stored */ public static final int config_export_dir=0x7f090002; /** The list (separated by ',') of extensions should be checked in addition to config_export_extension. e.g. If "aaa" is added to here and 00001.vcf and 00002.aaa exist in a target directory, 00003.vcf becomes a next file name candidate. Without this configuration, 00002.vcf becomes the candidate. */ public static final int config_export_extensions_to_consider=0x7f090006; /** Extension for exported VCard files */ public static final int config_export_file_extension=0x7f090005; /** Prefix of exported VCard file */ public static final int config_export_file_prefix=0x7f090003; /** Suffix of exported VCard file. Attached before an extension */ public static final int config_export_file_suffix=0x7f090004; /** The type of VCard for export. If you want to let the app emit vCard which is specific to some vendor (like DoCoMo), specify this type (e.g. "docomo") */ public static final int config_export_vcard_type=0x7f090001; /** The type of vcard for improt. If the vcard importer cannot guess the exact type of a vCard type, the improter uses this type. */ public static final int config_import_vcard_type=0x7f090000; /** Dialog message shown when a user confirms whether he/she export Contact data */ public static final int confirm_export_message=0x7f090110; /** Dialog title shown when a user confirms whether he/she export Contact data */ public static final int confirm_export_title=0x7f09010e; /** Confirming string for selecting system for exporting contacts */ public static final int confirm_export_to_system=0x7f0900f3; /** Confirming string for selecting system for importing contacts */ public static final int confirm_import_from_system=0x7f0900f1; public static final int confirm_import_title=0x7f09010f; /** Toast displayed when a contact is created */ public static final int contactCreatedToast=0x7f090085; /** Title for the Options activity for a given contact */ public static final int contactOptionsTitle=0x7f090044; /** Toast displayed when saving a contact failed */ public static final int contactSavedErrorToast=0x7f090087; /** Toast displayed when a contact is saved */ public static final int contactSavedToast=0x7f090086; /** Text used to explain that a contact cannot be edited since the data is read only */ public static final int contact_read_only=0x7f09019d; /** The description text for the favorites tab. Space is limited for this string, so the shorter the better */ public static final int contactsFavoritesLabel=0x7f09009b; /** The description text for the contacts tab. Space is limited for this string, so the shorter the better */ public static final int contactsIconLabel=0x7f09009a; /** Toast shown after two contacts have been joined by a user action */ public static final int contactsJoinedMessage=0x7f090042; /** Title for the activity that shows contacts. This is the name used in the Launcher icon. */ public static final int contactsList=0x7f090007; /** Toast shown after a contact has been split from an aggregate by a user action */ public static final int contactsSplitMessage=0x7f090036; /** Displayed when a user is prompted to setup a Google account for syncing */ public static final int contactsSyncPlug=0x7f0900b2; public static final int contactsTest=0x7f0901a2; /** Title of the dialog used to set a custom label for a contact detail, like a phone number or email address. For example, this may be used to set a phone number's label to "Vaction house" */ public static final int customLabelPickerTitle=0x7f09006a; /** In call detail screen, combine date/time string and relative time to give verbose call date/time */ public static final int datetime_relative=0x7f0900c6; /** String used to indicate that a contact doesn't have a custom ringtone */ public static final int default_ringtone=0x7f090071; /** Confirmation dialog contents after users selects to delete a Writable contact. */ public static final int deleteConfirmation=0x7f090049; /** Confirmation dialog title after users selects to delete a contact. */ public static final int deleteConfirmation_title=0x7f090045; /** String describing the image on ImageButton eight Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. */ public static final int description_image_button_eight=0x7f0900e2; /** String describing the image on ImageButton five Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. */ public static final int description_image_button_five=0x7f0900df; /** String describing the image on ImageButton four Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. */ public static final int description_image_button_four=0x7f0900de; /** String describing the image on ImageButton nine Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. */ public static final int description_image_button_nine=0x7f0900e3; /** Content description values String describing the image on ImageButton one Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. */ public static final int description_image_button_one=0x7f0900db; /** String describing the image on ImageButton pound Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. */ public static final int description_image_button_pound=0x7f0900e6; /** String describing the image on ImageButton seven Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. */ public static final int description_image_button_seven=0x7f0900e1; /** String describing the image on ImageButton six Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. */ public static final int description_image_button_six=0x7f0900e0; /** String describing the image on ImageButton star Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. */ public static final int description_image_button_star=0x7f0900e4; /** String describing the image on ImageButton three Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. */ public static final int description_image_button_three=0x7f0900dd; /** String describing the image on ImageButton two Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. */ public static final int description_image_button_two=0x7f0900dc; /** String describing the image on ImageButton zero Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. */ public static final int description_image_button_zero=0x7f0900e5; /** Detail text for incoming calls going to voice mail */ public static final int detailIncomingCallsGoToVoicemail=0x7f0900d1; /** Description of what the contact specific ringtone is set to */ public static final int detailsRingtone=0x7f0900d2; /** Label for onscreen "Dial" button */ public static final int dial_button_label=0x7f090123; /** Hint text displayed in the "digits" field above the dialer's dialpad, if there's already a call in progress. (This hint reminds the user that the dialer will add a new call, as opposed to sending DTMF tones over the current call.) */ public static final int dialerDialpadHintText=0x7f0900af; /** The description text for the dialer tab. Space is limited for this string, so the shorter the better */ public static final int dialerIconLabel=0x7f09009c; /** Displayed in the text entry box in the dialer when in landscape mode to guide the user to dial using the physical keyboard */ public static final int dialerKeyboardHintText=0x7f0900ae; /** Item label: use the Dialer's dialpad to add another call. (Part of a list of options shown in the dialer when another call is already in progress.) */ public static final int dialer_addAnotherCall=0x7f0900be; /** Item label: jump to the in-call UI. (Part of a list of options shown in the dialer when another call is already in progress.) */ public static final int dialer_returnToInCallScreen=0x7f0900bd; /** Item label: jump to the in-call DTMF dialpad. (Part of a list of options shown in the dialer when another call is already in progress.) */ public static final int dialer_useDtmfDialpad=0x7f0900bc; /** Dialog title when selecting the bulk operation to perform from a list. */ public static final int dialog_import_export=0x7f09012c; public static final int dialog_new_contact_account=0x7f090142; public static final int dialog_primary_name=0x7f090141; public static final int dialog_sync_add=0x7f090144; /** Title of activity that lets user pick which contact groups to display */ public static final int displayGroups=0x7f09006c; /** List title for a special contacts group that covers all contacts that aren't members of any other group. */ public static final int display_all_contacts=0x7f090147; public static final int display_more_groups=0x7f090145; /** List title for a special contacts group that covers all contacts. */ public static final int display_ungrouped=0x7f090146; /** Warning message given to users just before they remove a currently syncing group that would also cause all ungrouped contacts to stop syncing. */ public static final int display_warn_remove_ungrouped=0x7f090148; /** The description presented to the user in the Intent choose when there are multiple activities that allow editing a contact. This string represents the built in way to edit the contact. */ public static final int editContactDescription=0x7f090022; /** The title of the activity that edits and existing contact */ public static final int editContact_title_edit=0x7f09004c; /** The title of the activity that creates a new contact */ public static final int editContact_title_insert=0x7f09004d; /** In edit dialog, shown if the contact is marked as being read-only */ public static final int edit_read_only=0x7f09013f; /** Shown as the header title over a collapsible section that, by default, hides secondary contact detail edit fields, such as birthday. */ public static final int edit_secondary_collapse=0x7f090140; /** Generic action string for sending an email */ public static final int email=0x7f09017a; /** Header that expands to list all of the types of email addresses when editing or creating an email address for a contact */ public static final int emailLabelsGroup=0x7f090063; /** Action string for sending an email to a custom email address */ public static final int email_custom=0x7f090179; /** Action string for sending an email to a home email address */ public static final int email_home=0x7f090175; /** Action string for sending an email to a mobile email address */ public static final int email_mobile=0x7f090176; /** Action string for sending an email to an other email address */ public static final int email_other=0x7f090178; /** Action string for sending an email to a work email address */ public static final int email_work=0x7f090177; /** Title of the dialog that appears if there are no pictures from which to create an icon for a contact */ public static final int errorDialogTitle=0x7f090067; /** Header that expands to list all event types when editing an event of a contact */ public static final int eventLabelsGroup=0x7f090139; /** The message for exporting all contacts in the phone, without caring its Account */ public static final int export_all_contacts=0x7f09010b; /** The menu item that launches VCard export activity */ public static final int export_contact_list=0x7f09010d; /** The message for exporting only contacts is the phone locally, which are not associated with any account */ public static final int export_phone_local_only=0x7f09010c; /** Action that exports all contacts to SD Card */ public static final int export_to_sdcard=0x7f0900ed; /** Action that exports all contacts to system */ public static final int export_to_system=0x7f0900f2; /** Dialog message shown when exporting Contact data failed */ public static final int exporting_contact_failed_message=0x7f090112; /** Dialog title shown when exporting Contact data failed */ public static final int exporting_contact_failed_title=0x7f090111; /** Message shown when the application is exporting contact data outside */ public static final int exporting_contact_list_message=0x7f090118; /** Message in progress bar while exporting contact list to a file "(current number) of (total number) contacts" The order of "current number" and "total number" cannot be changed (like "total: (total number), current: (current number)") */ public static final int exporting_contact_list_progress=0x7f09011f; /** Dialog title shown when the application is exporting contact data outside */ public static final int exporting_contact_list_title=0x7f090117; public static final int exporting_system_message=0x7f0900f0; /** The failed reason: "Cannot open or create the destination directory" */ public static final int fail_reason_cannot_open_destination_dir=0x7f090116; /** The failed reason: "Could not initialize the exporter" */ public static final int fail_reason_could_not_initialize_exporter=0x7f090119; /** The failed reason: "Could not open a specific file" */ public static final int fail_reason_could_not_open_file=0x7f09011e; /** The failed reason: "Error occured during export" */ public static final int fail_reason_error_occurred_during_export=0x7f09011a; /** The failed reason: "One or more files failed to be imported. (<a list of file names>)" */ public static final int fail_reason_failed_to_read_files=0x7f0900ff; /** The failed reason: "I/O Error" */ public static final int fail_reason_io_error=0x7f0900fa; /** The failed reason: "There is no exportable contact" */ public static final int fail_reason_no_exportable_contact=0x7f090113; /** The failed reason: "There is no valid VCard entry in the file(s)" */ public static final int fail_reason_no_vcard_entry=0x7f0900fe; /** The failed reason: "There is no VCard file" */ public static final int fail_reason_no_vcard_file=0x7f0900fd; /** The failed reason: "Too long filename". This error usually does not happen. */ public static final int fail_reason_too_long_filename=0x7f090115; /** The failed reason: "Too many vcard files on the SD Card" */ public static final int fail_reason_too_many_vcard=0x7f090114; /** The failed reason: "Unknown error". This message should not be shown but it may in some buggy condition. */ public static final int fail_reason_unknown=0x7f090100; /** The failed reason: "The VCard is not supported right now, but may be supported in the future" */ public static final int fail_reason_vcard_not_supported_error=0x7f0900fc; /** The failed reason: "Failed to parse VCard data" */ public static final int fail_reason_vcard_parse_error=0x7f0900fb; /** A list separator for the Favorites tab indicating that items below it are frequently called contacts rather than starred contacts */ public static final int favoritesFrquentSeparator=0x7f0900d7; public static final int final_delete=0x7f0901aa; public static final int first_sync=0x7f090008; public static final int first_sync_canel=0x7f0901ad; public static final int first_sync_message=0x7f090009; public static final int first_sync_succeed=0x7f09000a; public static final int first_synce_confirm=0x7f0901ac; /** Title for the activity that shows only frequently contacted contacts */ public static final int frequentList=0x7f09001e; /** String describing which account a contact came from when editing it */ public static final int from_account_format=0x7f09019b; /** Hint text for the organization name when editing */ public static final int ghostData_company=0x7f090057; /** Hint text for the email address field when editing */ public static final int ghostData_email=0x7f09005c; /** Hint text for the group field when editing */ public static final int ghostData_group=0x7f09005e; /** Hint text for an IM account when editing */ public static final int ghostData_im=0x7f090059; /** Hint text for the contact name when editing */ public static final int ghostData_name=0x7f090055; /** Hint text for the notes field when editing */ public static final int ghostData_notes=0x7f09005a; /** Hint text for the phone number field when editing */ public static final int ghostData_phone=0x7f09005b; /** Hint text for the phonetic reading of the contact name when editing */ public static final int ghostData_phonetic_name=0x7f090056; /** Hint text for the postal address field when editing */ public static final int ghostData_postal=0x7f09005d; /** Hint text for the organization position when editing */ public static final int ghostData_title=0x7f090058; public static final int giveup_first_sync=0x7f0901b0; /** The text displayed when the contacts list is empty while displaying a single group of contacts */ public static final int groupEmpty=0x7f09007a; /** The name of the system "My Contacts" group. This should be kept in sync with the web UI */ public static final int groupNameMyContacts=0x7f090080; /** The group type that displays only contacts with phone numbers */ public static final int groupNameWithPhones=0x7f090081; /** Provides a delimeter in a list of groups. For example, "g1, g2" has ", g2" generated using this string */ public static final int group_list=0x7f090053; /** The header over the list of all contacts groups */ public static final int headerContactGroups=0x7f09007e; /** In call detail screen, header title for actions section */ public static final int header_actions=0x7f0900c8; /** Header that expands to list all of the types of IM account when editing or creating an IM account for a contact */ public static final int imLabelsGroup=0x7f090064; /** The title of a dialog that displays the IMEI of the phone */ public static final int imei=0x7f0900a8; /** The menu item that launches the SIM card import activity */ public static final int importFromSim=0x7f09006e; /** "Import all vCard files" */ public static final int import_all_vcard_string=0x7f0900f6; /** Action string for selecting SD Card for importing contacts */ public static final int import_from_sdcard=0x7f0900ec; /** Action string for selecting SIM for importing contacts */ public static final int import_from_sim=0x7f0900eb; /** Action string for selecting system for importing contacts */ public static final int import_from_system=0x7f0900ee; /** "Import more than one vCard */ public static final int import_multiple_vcard_string=0x7f0900f5; /** "Import one vCard file" */ public static final int import_one_vcard_string=0x7f0900f4; public static final int importing_system_message=0x7f0900ef; /** Dialog message shown when importing VCard data into local database */ public static final int importing_vcard_message=0x7f090106; /** The description presented to the user in the Intent choose when there are multiple activities that allow creating a new contact. This string represents the built in way to create the contact. */ public static final int insertContactDescription=0x7f090023; /** Message displayed in a toast when you try to view the details of a contact that for some reason doesn't exist anymore. */ public static final int invalidContactMessage=0x7f09005f; /** The label describing the display name field of an Email address, allowing the user to give a specific name to describe this address. */ public static final int label_email_display_name=0x7f09014a; /** The label for a list of all the groups that the contact is associated with */ public static final int label_groups=0x7f090052; /** The label describing the Notes field of a contact. This field allows free form text entry about a contact */ public static final int label_notes=0x7f090050; /** The label describing the phonetic pronunciation/reading of a contact name */ public static final int label_phonetic_name=0x7f09004f; /** The label describing the custom ringtone for a contact */ public static final int label_ringtone=0x7f090051; public static final int label_trash=0x7f0901b1; /** Add by Hong Zhang */ public static final int launch_instrumentation=0x7f0901a1; /** Title for the activity that dials the phone. This is the name used in the Launcher icon. */ public static final int launcherDialer=0x7f090016; /** Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the zero total number of contacts found when "Only contacts with phones" not selected */ public static final int listFoundAllContactsZero=0x7f090098; /** Separator in the contact details list describing that the items below it will place a call when clicked */ public static final int listSeparatorCallNumber=0x7f090088; /** Section header in the Edit Contacts screen for phone numbers */ public static final int listSeparatorCallNumber_edit=0x7f090089; /** Separator in the contact details list describing that the items below are non-actionable group information */ public static final int listSeparatorGroups=0x7f090092; /** Separator in the contact details list describing that the items below it will open maps with the given address */ public static final int listSeparatorMapAddress=0x7f09008f; /** Section header in the Edit Contacts screen for map addresses */ public static final int listSeparatorMapAddress_edit=0x7f090090; /** Section header in the Edit Contacts screen for the "Add more items" button */ public static final int listSeparatorMore_edit=0x7f090095; /** Separator in the contact details list describing that the items below are non-actionable organization information */ public static final int listSeparatorOrganizations=0x7f090091; /** Separator in the contact details list describing that the items below are random other non-actionable information about a contact */ public static final int listSeparatorOtherInformation=0x7f090093; /** Section header in the Edit Contacts screen for other options, such as setting ringtone */ public static final int listSeparatorOtherInformation_edit=0x7f090094; /** Separator in the contact details list describing that the items below it will send an email */ public static final int listSeparatorSendEmail=0x7f09008b; /** Section header in the Edit Contacts screen for E-mail addresses */ public static final int listSeparatorSendEmail_edit=0x7f09008c; /** Separator in the contact details list describing that the items below it will send an IM */ public static final int listSeparatorSendIm=0x7f09008d; /** Section header in the Edit Contacts screen for Instant messanger accounts */ public static final int listSeparatorSendIm_edit=0x7f09008e; /** Separator in the contact details list describing that the items below it will send an SMS/MMS to a phone number */ public static final int listSeparatorSendSmsMms=0x7f09008a; /** Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the zero total number of contacts visible when "Only contacts with phones" not selected */ public static final int listTotalAllContactsZero=0x7f090097; /** Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the zero as total number of contacts visible when "Only contacts with phones" is selected */ public static final int listTotalPhoneContactsZero=0x7f090096; public static final int liveFolderAll=0x7f09009e; public static final int liveFolderFavorites=0x7f09009f; public static final int liveFolderPhone=0x7f0900a0; /** Live folder label for all contacts */ public static final int liveFolder_all_label=0x7f0900b9; /** Live folder label for only starred contacts */ public static final int liveFolder_favorites_label=0x7f0900ba; /** Live folder label for all contacts with phone numbers */ public static final int liveFolder_phones_label=0x7f0900bb; /** Message next to disamgiguation dialog check box */ public static final int make_primary=0x7f090126; /** Action string for viewing a custom postal address */ public static final int map_custom=0x7f09017e; /** Action string for viewing a home postal address */ public static final int map_home=0x7f09017b; /** Action string for viewing an other postal address */ public static final int map_other=0x7f09017d; /** Action string for viewing a work postal address */ public static final int map_work=0x7f09017c; /** The title of a dialog that displays the MEID of the CDMA phone */ public static final int meid=0x7f0900a9; public static final int menu_about=0x7f090014; /** The menu item to open the list of accounts */ public static final int menu_accounts=0x7f09012a; /** Button that adds more info to a contact, like a new phone number, email address, or postal address */ public static final int menu_addItem=0x7f09004e; /** Menu item used to add a star to a contact, which makes that contact show up at the top of favorites */ public static final int menu_addStar=0x7f090029; /** Menu item used to call a specific contact when viewing the details of that contact. */ public static final int menu_call=0x7f09002e; /** Menu item used to call a contact, containing the name of the contact to call */ public static final int menu_callNumber=0x7f090028; /** Menu item that opens the Options activity for a given contact */ public static final int menu_contactOptions=0x7f090043; /** Menu item used to delete a specific contact */ public static final int menu_deleteContact=0x7f09002d; /** The menu item to open the list of groups to display */ public static final int menu_displayGroup=0x7f09006b; /** Menu item to indicate you want to stop editing a contact and NOT save the changes you've made */ public static final int menu_doNotSave=0x7f09004b; /** Menu item to indicate you are done editing a contact and want to save the changes you've made */ public static final int menu_done=0x7f09004a; /** Menu item used to edit a specific contact */ public static final int menu_editContact=0x7f09002c; public static final int menu_hideSources=0x7f09003b; /** The menu item to bulk import or bulk export contacts from SIM card or SD card. */ public static final int menu_import_export=0x7f09012b; /** Menu item that joins an aggregate with another aggregate */ public static final int menu_joinAggregate=0x7f090039; /** Menu item that makes an email address the default for a contact. The default email used when you try to email a contact without specifying a specific address. */ public static final int menu_makeDefaultEmail=0x7f090033; /** Menu item that makes a phone the default for a contact. The default number used when you try to call a contact without specifying a specific number. */ public static final int menu_makeDefaultNumber=0x7f090032; /** Menu item to create a new contact */ public static final int menu_newContact=0x7f090026; /** Preferences */ public static final int menu_preferences=0x7f09012d; /** Recover */ public static final int menu_recover=0x7f09012e; /** Remove */ public static final int menu_remove=0x7f090130; /** Menu item used to remove a star from a contact, making the contact no longer show up at the top of favorites */ public static final int menu_removeStar=0x7f09002a; /** ReSync */ public static final int menu_resync=0x7f090131; /** Menu item to search contacts */ public static final int menu_search=0x7f090025; /** Menu item used to send an email message to a specific email address */ public static final int menu_sendEmail=0x7f090030; /** Menu item used to send an SMS or MMS message to a specific phone number or a contacts default phone number */ public static final int menu_sendSMS=0x7f09002f; /** Menu item used to send an SMS or MMS message to a phone number */ public static final int menu_sendTextMessage=0x7f0900a1; /** The menu item to share the currently viewed contact */ public static final int menu_share=0x7f090132; /** Optional menu item to encode the current contact as a QR Code using Barcode Scanner. */ public static final int menu_showBarcode=0x7f09002b; /** Menu item to toggle the tabs that show where the contact data comes from. */ public static final int menu_showSources=0x7f09003a; /** Menu item that splits an item from the contact detail into a separate aggregate */ public static final int menu_splitAggregate=0x7f090034; public static final int menu_sync_remove=0x7f090143; /** Trash */ public static final int menu_trash=0x7f09012f; /** Menu item used to view a contact's address on a map */ public static final int menu_viewAddress=0x7f090031; /** Menu item used to view the details for a specific contact */ public static final int menu_viewContact=0x7f090027; /** Menu item used to send user to the edit contact screen */ public static final int menu_viewGroup=0x7f090054; public static final int menu_wipe_data=0x7f090013; /** Activity title when the user is selecting a contact for a direct message shortcut. */ public static final int messageShortcutActivityTitle=0x7f09001c; /** Warning dialog contents after users selects to delete a contact with multiple Writable sources. */ public static final int multipleContactDeleteConfirmation=0x7f090048; /** Header that expands to list all name types when editing a structured name of a contact */ public static final int nameLabelsGroup=0x7f090135; /** Field title for the family name of a contact */ public static final int name_family=0x7f090190; /** Field title for the given name of a contact */ public static final int name_given=0x7f09018f; /** Field title for the middle name of a contact */ public static final int name_middle=0x7f090192; /** Field title for the phonetic family name of a contact */ public static final int name_phonetic_family=0x7f090196; /** Field title for the phonetic given name of a contact */ public static final int name_phonetic_given=0x7f090194; /** Field title for the phonetic middle name of a contact */ public static final int name_phonetic_middle=0x7f090195; /** Field title for the prefix name of a contact */ public static final int name_prefix=0x7f090191; /** Field title for the suffix name of a contact */ public static final int name_suffix=0x7f090193; /** Header that expands to list all nickname types when editing a nickname of a contact */ public static final int nicknameLabelsGroup=0x7f090136; /** The text displayed when the contacts list is empty while displaying all contacts */ public static final int noContacts=0x7f090075; /** Displayed full screen when the user has no contacts and they are displaying the My Contacts group, and contact syncing is disabled */ public static final int noContactsHelpText=0x7f0900b3; /** Displayed full screen when the user has no contacts and they are displaying the My Contacts group, and contact syncing is enabled */ public static final int noContactsHelpTextWithSync=0x7f0900b4; /** Displayed full screen when the user has no contacts and they are displaying the My Contacts group, and contact syncing is disabled, and there is no sim card (cdma) */ public static final int noContactsNoSimHelpText=0x7f0900b5; /** Displayed full screen when the user has no contacts and they are displaying the My Contacts group, and contact syncing is enabled, and there is no sim card (cdma) */ public static final int noContactsNoSimHelpTextWithSync=0x7f0900b6; /** The text displayed when the contacts list is empty while displaying only contacts that have phone numbers */ public static final int noContactsWithPhoneNumbers=0x7f090077; /** The text displayed when the contacts list is empty while displaying favorite contacts */ public static final int noFavorites=0x7f090078; /** Displayed full screen when the user has no favorites and they are displaying the favorites tab */ public static final int noFavoritesHelpText=0x7f0900b7; /** The text displayed when the contacts list is empty while displaying results after searching contacts */ public static final int noMatchingContacts=0x7f090076; /** Text describing that a contact has no information available other than name and photo */ public static final int no_contact_details=0x7f09019e; /** Dialog message shown when SDcard does not exist */ public static final int no_sdcard_message=0x7f0900e8; /** Dialog title shown when SD Card does not exist */ public static final int no_sdcard_title=0x7f0900e7; /** Header that expands to list all organization types when editing an organization of a contact */ public static final int organizationLabelsGroup=0x7f090137; /** Header that expands to list other types of data you can add to a contact, like notes and organizations */ public static final int otherLabelsGroup=0x7f090066; /** String used to display calls from pay phone in the call log */ public static final int payphone=0x7f0900ad; /** Header that expands to list all of the types of phone numbers when editing or creating a phone number for a contact */ public static final int phoneLabelsGroup=0x7f090062; /** Description in the dialog that appears if there are no pictures from which to create an icon for a contact */ public static final int photoPickerNotFoundText=0x7f090068; /** When picking a contact from a list of all contacts there is an entry at the top of the list that allows the user to create a new contact, which this string is used for */ public static final int pickerNewContactHeader=0x7f090060; /** Header that expands to list all of the types of postal addresses when editing or creating an postal address for a contact */ public static final int postalLabelsGroup=0x7f090065; /** Field title for the city of a structured postal address of a contact */ public static final int postal_city=0x7f09018b; /** Field title for the country of a structured postal address of a contact */ public static final int postal_country=0x7f09018e; /** Field title for the neighborhood of a structured postal address of a contact */ public static final int postal_neighborhood=0x7f09018a; /** Field title for the PO box of a structured postal address of a contact */ public static final int postal_pobox=0x7f090189; /** Field title for the postal code of a structured postal address of a contact */ public static final int postal_postcode=0x7f09018d; /** Field title for the region, or state, of a structured postal address of a contact */ public static final int postal_region=0x7f09018c; /** Field title for the street of a structured postal address of a contact */ public static final int postal_street=0x7f090188; public static final int pre_title_sync_interval=0x7f0901a3; public static final int pref_minutes_to_sync=0x7f0901a9; public static final int pref_summary_sync_interval=0x7f0901a8; /** Settings item description for boolean MMS transparent sync */ public static final int pref_summary_transparent_sync=0x7f0901a0; /** Settings item for boolean option to whether syn */ public static final int pref_title_transparent_sync=0x7f09019f; /** String used to display calls from private numbers in the call log */ public static final int private_num=0x7f0900ac; /** The message shown while reading a vCard file/entry. The first argument is like "Reading VCard" or "Reading VCard files" and the second is the display name of the current data being parsed */ public static final int progress_shower_message=0x7f090103; /** Shown as a toast when the user taps on a Fast-Track icon, and no application was found that could perform the selected action */ public static final int quickcontact_missing_app=0x7f090127; /** Shown as the header name for a person when the name is missing or unknown. */ public static final int quickcontact_missing_name=0x7f090129; /** Shown as the checkbox label that, when checked, will store remember the selected choice and shortcut to it in the future. For example, this would make a selected phone number the default. */ public static final int quickcontact_remember_choice=0x7f090128; /** Warning dialog contents after users selects to delete a contact with ReadOnly and Writable sources. */ public static final int readOnlyContactDeleteConfirmation=0x7f090047; /** Warning dialog contents after users selects to delete a ReadOnly contact. */ public static final int readOnlyContactWarning=0x7f090046; /** Message while reading one vCard file "(current number) of (total number) contacts" The order of "current number" and "total number" cannot be changed (like "total: (total number), current: (current number)") */ public static final int reading_vcard_contacts=0x7f090109; /** Dialog message shown when reading VCard data failed */ public static final int reading_vcard_failed_message=0x7f090108; /** Dialog title shown when reading VCard data failed */ public static final int reading_vcard_failed_title=0x7f090107; /** Message while reading multiple vCard files "(current number) of (total number) files" The order of "current number" and "total number" cannot be changed (like "total: (total number), current: (current number)") */ public static final int reading_vcard_files=0x7f09010a; /** Dialog message shown when reading a VCard file */ public static final int reading_vcard_message=0x7f090105; /** Dialog title shown when reading VCard data */ public static final int reading_vcard_title=0x7f090104; /** The description text for the call log tab. Space is limited for this string, so the shorter the better */ public static final int recentCallsIconLabel=0x7f09009d; /** Menu item used to add a number from the call log to contacts */ public static final int recentCalls_addToContact=0x7f0900a4; /** Menu item used to call a contact from the call log */ public static final int recentCalls_callNumber=0x7f0900a2; /** Menu item used to remove all calls from the call log */ public static final int recentCalls_deleteAll=0x7f0900a6; /** Menu item used to copy a number from the call log to the dialer so it can be edited before calling it */ public static final int recentCalls_editNumberBeforeCall=0x7f0900a3; /** Text displayed when the call log is empty */ public static final int recentCalls_empty=0x7f0900a7; /** Menu item used to remove a single call from the call log */ public static final int recentCalls_removeFromRecentList=0x7f0900a5; public static final int recover_failed=0x7f09000c; /** The menu item that allows you to remove a picture from a contact */ public static final int removePicture=0x7f090074; public static final int remove_msg=0x7f0901b2; public static final int resync=0x7f090010; public static final int resync_message=0x7f090011; public static final int resync_succeed=0x7f090012; public static final int retry_first_sync=0x7f0901af; /** Action string for returning a missed call in the call log */ public static final int returnCall=0x7f0900d5; /** In edit contact screen, combine the actual ringtone name with prefix for placement in spinner */ public static final int ringtone_spinner=0x7f0900c9; /** Displayed in a spinner dialog after the user creates a contact and it's being saved to the database */ public static final int savingContact=0x7f090083; /** Displayed in a spinner dialog as user changes to display options are saved */ public static final int savingDisplayGroups=0x7f090084; /** Dialog message shown when searching VCard data failed. */ public static final int scanning_sdcard_failed_message=0x7f0900f9; /** Dialog title shown when searching VCard data failed. */ public static final int scanning_sdcard_failed_title=0x7f0900f8; /** Hint text in the search box when the user hits the Search key while in the contacts app */ public static final int searchHint=0x7f090024; /** The string used to describe Contacts as a searchable item within system search settings. */ public static final int search_settings_description=0x7f090120; /** Dialog message shown when searching VCard data from SD Card */ public static final int searching_vcard_message=0x7f0900f7; /** Dialog title shown when searching VCard data from SD Card */ public static final int searching_vcard_title=0x7f0900e9; /** Activity title for the activity that lets the user choose which groups of contacts to sync from the server */ public static final int seclectSyncGroups_title=0x7f0900b8; /** Dialog title when you select a label when creating or edit a contact */ public static final int selectLabel=0x7f090061; public static final int select_all=0x7f09000e; /** Title for group selection dialog. The dialog contains a list of contact groups that the user can pick from, indicating they only want to see the contacts in that group. */ public static final int select_group_title=0x7f090079; /** Dialog title shown when asking a user whether import contact data from SIM or SD Card */ public static final int select_import_type_title=0x7f0900ea; /** Dialog message shown when a user is asked to choose VCard file */ public static final int select_vcard_message=0x7f090102; /** Dialog title shown when a user is asked to select VCard file */ public static final int select_vcard_title=0x7f090101; /** Check box label that allows calls to the contact to be sent directly to voicemail */ public static final int send_to_voicemail_checkbox=0x7f09006f; /** String letting the user know that calls from the contact they're viewing will be sent directly to voicemail */ public static final int send_to_voicemail_view=0x7f090070; /** List separator for the Join Contact list: A-Z */ public static final int separatorJoinAggregateAll=0x7f090041; /** List separator for the Join Contact list: Suggestions */ public static final int separatorJoinAggregateSuggestions=0x7f090040; public static final int set_sync_interval=0x7f0901a4; /** Toast indicating that sharing a contact has failed. */ public static final int share_error=0x7f090134; /** Dialog title when picking the application to share a contact with. */ public static final int share_via=0x7f090133; /** Activity title when the user is selecting a contact for a shortcut. */ public static final int shortcutActivityTitle=0x7f09001a; /** Name of activity that allows users to create shortcuts on the home screen to a contact. This shows up in a list of things like bookmark, folder, music playlist, etc */ public static final int shortcutContact=0x7f090017; /** Name of activity that allows users to create shortcuts on the home screen to dial a contact. This shows up in a list of things like bookmark, folder, music playlist, etc */ public static final int shortcutDialContact=0x7f090018; /** Name of activity that allows users to create shortcuts on the home screen to message (SMS) a contact. This shows up in a list of things like bookmark, folder, music playlist, etc */ public static final int shortcutMessageContact=0x7f090019; /** An item in the Join Contact activity that opens up the full contact A-Z list */ public static final int showAllContactsJoinItem=0x7f09003f; /** The description of all groups when asking the user what they want to display */ public static final int showAllGroups=0x7f09007b; /** The title of the filter to only show contacts with phone numbers */ public static final int showFilterPhones=0x7f09007c; /** The description of the filter to only show contacts with phone numbers */ public static final int showFilterPhonesDescrip=0x7f09007d; /** Dialog text displayed when loading a phone number from the SIM card for speed dial */ public static final int simContacts_emptyLoading=0x7f0900b0; /** Dialog title displayed when loading a phone number from the SIM card for speed dial */ public static final int simContacts_title=0x7f0900b1; /** Action string for sending an SMS to an assistant phone number */ public static final int sms_assistant=0x7f090173; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a callback number */ public static final int sms_callback=0x7f090168; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a car phone number */ public static final int sms_car=0x7f090169; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a company main phone number */ public static final int sms_company_main=0x7f09016a; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a custom phone number */ public static final int sms_custom=0x7f090160; /** Title for the sms disambiguation dialog */ public static final int sms_disambig_title=0x7f090125; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a home fax phone number */ public static final int sms_fax_home=0x7f090165; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a work fax phone number */ public static final int sms_fax_work=0x7f090164; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a home phone number */ public static final int sms_home=0x7f090161; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a ISDN phone number */ public static final int sms_isdn=0x7f09016b; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a main phone number */ public static final int sms_main=0x7f09016c; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a MMS phone number */ public static final int sms_mms=0x7f090174; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a mobile phone number */ public static final int sms_mobile=0x7f090162; /** Action string for sending an SMS to an other phone number */ public static final int sms_other=0x7f090167; /** Action string for sending an SMS to an other fax phone number */ public static final int sms_other_fax=0x7f09016d; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a pager phone number */ public static final int sms_pager=0x7f090166; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a radio phone number */ public static final int sms_radio=0x7f09016e; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a Telex phone number */ public static final int sms_telex=0x7f09016f; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a TTY/TDD phone number */ public static final int sms_tty_tdd=0x7f090170; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a work phone number */ public static final int sms_work=0x7f090163; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a work mobile phone number */ public static final int sms_work_mobile=0x7f090171; /** Action string for sending an SMS to a work pager phone number */ public static final int sms_work_pager=0x7f090172; /** The description text for the social activity stream tab. Space is limited for this string, so the shorter the better */ public static final int socialStreamIconLabel=0x7f090099; /** Dialog title for the list of constituent contacts in the split aggregate dialog. */ public static final int splitAggregate_title=0x7f090035; /** Confirmation dialog for separating contacts into multiple instances */ public static final int splitConfirmation=0x7f090038; /** Title of the confirmation dialog for separating contacts into multiple instances */ public static final int splitConfirmation_title=0x7f090037; /** The explanation of what "split" will do. This needs word-smithing. */ public static final int split_explanation=0x7f090198; /** The title for the action to remove a contact from an aggregated contact */ public static final int split_label=0x7f090197; /** The group type that displays "Starred in Android" contacts */ public static final int starredInAndroid=0x7f090082; /** Title for the activity that shows only starred contacts */ public static final int starredList=0x7f09001d; /** Title for the activity that shows a mix of starred contacts and frequently contacted contacts. */ public static final int strequentList=0x7f09001f; /** The setting to sync all contacts from the server */ public static final int syncAllGroups=0x7f09007f; /** The menu item that leads to the settings for contact syncing */ public static final int syncGroupPreference=0x7f09006d; public static final int sync_failed=0x7f09000b; /** Activity title for the Join Contact list */ public static final int titleJoinAggregate=0x7f09003c; /** Heading of the Join Contact screen */ public static final int titleJoinContactDataWith=0x7f09003d; /** Toast for call detail screen when couldn't read the requested details */ public static final int toast_call_detail_error=0x7f0900c0; /** Title for incoming call details screen */ public static final int type_incoming=0x7f0900c2; /** Title for missed call details screen */ public static final int type_missed=0x7f0900c4; /** Title for outgoing call details screen */ public static final int type_outgoing=0x7f0900c3; /** Single-character overlay for home phone numbers when creating desktop shortcuts */ public static final int type_short_home=0x7f09013a; /** Single-character overlay for mobile phone numbers when creating desktop shortcuts */ public static final int type_short_mobile=0x7f09013b; /** Single-character overlay for other phone numbers when creating desktop shortcuts */ public static final int type_short_other=0x7f09013e; /** Single-character overlay for pager phone numbers when creating desktop shortcuts */ public static final int type_short_pager=0x7f09013d; /** Single-character overlay for work phone numbers when creating desktop shortcuts */ public static final int type_short_work=0x7f09013c; /** String used to display calls from unknown numbers in the call log */ public static final int unknown=0x7f0900ab; public static final int unselect_all=0x7f09000f; /** Checkbox asking the user if they want to display a particular photo for a contact */ public static final int use_photo_as_primary=0x7f09019c; public static final int user_cancel_first_sychonizing=0x7f0901a7; /** The description presented to the user in the Intent choose when there are multiple activities that allow viewing a contact. This string represents the built in way to view the contact. */ public static final int viewContactDesription=0x7f090021; /** The title bar when viewing the contact details activity */ public static final int viewContactTitle=0x7f090020; /** String used for displaying calls to the voicemail number in the call log */ public static final int voicemail=0x7f0900aa; public static final int wait_for_loading=0x7f0901ab; public static final int waiting_for_sync=0x7f0901ae; public static final int waiting_message=0x7f09000d; /** Header that expands to list all website types when editing a website of a contact */ public static final int websiteLabelsGroup=0x7f090138; } public static final class style { public static final int BackgroundOnly=0x7f0e0005; public static final int DialtactsTheme=0x7f0e0000; public static final int DummyAnimation=0x7f0e000b; public static final int FullyTranslucent=0x7f0e0006; public static final int FullyTranslucent_QuickContact=0x7f0e0007; public static final int MinusButton=0x7f0e0001; public static final int MoreButton=0x7f0e0003; public static final int PlusButton=0x7f0e0002; /** TODO: create our own animation style in framework <item name="android:windowAnimationStyle">@*android:style/Animation.ZoomButtons</item> */ public static final int QuickContact=0x7f0e0008; public static final int QuickContactAboveAnimation=0x7f0e0009; public static final int QuickContactBelowAnimation=0x7f0e000a; public static final int TallTitleBarTheme=0x7f0e0004; } public static final class xml { public static final int preferences=0x7f050000; public static final int searchable=0x7f050001; } public static final class styleable { /** Attributes that can be used with a EdgeTriggerView. <p>Includes the following attributes:</p> <table> <colgroup align="left" /> <colgroup align="left" /> <tr><th>Attribute</th><th>Description</th></tr> <tr><td><code>{@link #EdgeTriggerView_edgeWidth cn.edu.tsinghua.hpc.tcontacts:edgeWidth}</code></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td><code>{@link #EdgeTriggerView_listenEdges cn.edu.tsinghua.hpc.tcontacts:listenEdges}</code></td><td></td></tr> </table> @see #EdgeTriggerView_edgeWidth @see #EdgeTriggerView_listenEdges */ public static final int[] EdgeTriggerView = { 0x7f010005, 0x7f010006 }; /** <p>This symbol is the offset where the {@link cn.edu.tsinghua.hpc.tcontacts.R.attr#edgeWidth} attribute's value can be found in the {@link #EdgeTriggerView} array. <p>Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "<code>14.5sp</code>". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), mm (millimeters). <p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or theme attribute (in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") containing a value of this type. @attr name android:edgeWidth */ public static final int EdgeTriggerView_edgeWidth = 0; /** <p>This symbol is the offset where the {@link cn.edu.tsinghua.hpc.tcontacts.R.attr#listenEdges} attribute's value can be found in the {@link #EdgeTriggerView} array. <p>Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.</p> <table> <colgroup align="left" /> <colgroup align="left" /> <colgroup align="left" /> <tr><th>Constant</th><th>Value</th><th>Description</th></tr> <tr><td><code>left</code></td><td>0x01</td><td></td></tr> <tr><td><code>right</code></td><td>0x02</td><td></td></tr> </table> @attr name android:listenEdges */ public static final int EdgeTriggerView_listenEdges = 1; /** Maps a contact kind or mime-type to a RemoteViews XML formatter <p>Includes the following attributes:</p> <table> <colgroup align="left" /> <colgroup align="left" /> <tr><th>Attribute</th><th>Description</th></tr> <tr><td><code>{@link #Mapping_detailColumn cn.edu.tsinghua.hpc.tcontacts:detailColumn}</code></td><td> Column in data table to show details of this data </td></tr> <tr><td><code>{@link #Mapping_icon cn.edu.tsinghua.hpc.tcontacts:icon}</code></td><td> Icon that should be used to represent this data </td></tr> <tr><td><code>{@link #Mapping_mimeType cn.edu.tsinghua.hpc.tcontacts:mimeType}</code></td><td> Mime-type handled by this mapping </td></tr> <tr><td><code>{@link #Mapping_remoteViews cn.edu.tsinghua.hpc.tcontacts:remoteViews}</code></td><td> RemoteViews XML that should be used to format this data </td></tr> <tr><td><code>{@link #Mapping_summaryColumn cn.edu.tsinghua.hpc.tcontacts:summaryColumn}</code></td><td> Column in data table to summarize this data </td></tr> </table> @see #Mapping_detailColumn @see #Mapping_icon @see #Mapping_mimeType @see #Mapping_remoteViews @see #Mapping_summaryColumn */ public static final int[] Mapping = { 0x7f010000, 0x7f010001, 0x7f010002, 0x7f010003, 0x7f010004 }; /** <p> @attr description Column in data table to show details of this data <p>Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. <p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or theme attribute (in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") containing a value of this type. <p>This is a private symbol. @attr name android:detailColumn */ public static final int Mapping_detailColumn = 4; /** <p> @attr description Icon that should be used to represent this data <p>Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "<code>@[+][<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>" or to a theme attribute in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>". <p>This is a private symbol. @attr name android:icon */ public static final int Mapping_icon = 2; /** <p> @attr description Mime-type handled by this mapping <p>Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. <p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or theme attribute (in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") containing a value of this type. <p>This is a private symbol. @attr name android:mimeType */ public static final int Mapping_mimeType = 0; /** <p> @attr description RemoteViews XML that should be used to format this data <p>Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "<code>@[+][<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>" or to a theme attribute in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>". <p>This is a private symbol. @attr name android:remoteViews */ public static final int Mapping_remoteViews = 1; /** <p> @attr description Column in data table to summarize this data <p>Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. <p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or theme attribute (in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") containing a value of this type. <p>This is a private symbol. @attr name android:summaryColumn */ public static final int Mapping_summaryColumn = 3; }; }