package com.spencernetdevelopment.arguments; public class StaticPagesHelp { public static String getHelpMenu(){ return "TITLE\n StaticPages \n\nCOPYRIGHT\n © 2012 Joseph Spencer \n\nLICENSE\n\n \n\nDESCRIPTION\n StaticPages builds extremely optimized \n websites based on static assets. \n\nEXAMPLE\n java -jar --project-dir /some/path \n ...(options)... \n\nARGUMENTS\n OPTIONAL\n --project-dir\n The base path of your project. This \n builds all the pages in your project. \n Only the assets that are declared in \n your pages and views will be built. \n\n --new-project\n Creates a default project in the \n specified directory. This overwrites \n the default files / resources provided \n by the framework. All other existing \n files are left untouched. Nothing is \n built by using this option. \n\n --asset-prefix-in-browser\n Provides a way to prefix assets as seen \n in the browser. This is always relative \n to your domain. The resulting prefix is \n never allowed to end in '/'. This means \n that '/' would be converted to '' and \n '/url/' would be converted to '/url'. \n The default value is '' which will \n result in all assets being prefixed \n with '/'. :) \n\n --dev-asset-prefix-in-browser\n The asset prefix to use when \n enable-dev-mode is true. See \n asset-prefix-in-browser for more \n detail. \n\n --enable-compression\n Enables or disables compression. \n\n --clean\n Cleans all resources in the given \n projce build directory when true. \n\n --enable-asset-fingerprinting\n Enables or disables asset \n fingerprinting. An asset fingerprint \n contains a unix timestamp of the \n following format just before the file \n extension: 'file.UTC23452345345.js'. \n The benefit of using a fingerprint in \n this manner, is that you can easily \n write a recursive directory scanner \n that can clean up old assets from time \n to time. \n\n --enable-dev-mode\n Enables dev mode. Certain features are \n only available when dev mode is \n enabled. \n\n --max-data-uri-size-in-bytes\n Sets the maximum size (in bytes) of \n data uri embedded resources within css. \n The default is the limit imposed by IE8 \n (32768). \n\n --max-wait-time-to-validate-external-link\n Sets the number of milliseconds to wait \n for an external link reference to \n return. \n\n --enable-external-link-validation\n Enables external link validation \n\n --prefix-to-ignore-files\n Files with this prefix will be ignored. \n\n --enable-logging-info\n Enables INFO level logging. \n\n --enable-logging-warn\n Enables WARN level logging. \n\n --enable-logging-error\n Enables ERROR level logging. \n\n --enable-logging-fatal\n Enables FATAL level logging. \n\n --enable-logging-debug\n Enables DEBUG level logging. \n\n --logging-level\n Controls the level of logging. \n\n 0 (default) outputs the type of log in \n caps, I.E. INFO message \n\n 1 outputs the classname 2 outputs the \n line number the log was called 3 \n outputs the file name where the log was \n called 4 outputs the method name where \n the log was called 5 outputs a full \n stack trace on fatal logs \n\n --variables\n An absolute path to a .properties file. \n Each property in the properties file is \n used as a variable value within certain \n contexts. The following contexts are \n considered for variable expansion: \n\n *) xml text nodes\n *) xml attribute nodes\n Variable expansion is accomplished by \n providing the following pattern within \n the context: ${variable_name}. Variable \n names conform to the following pattern: \n [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* \n\n"; } }