// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov. // Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/kpdus/jad.html // Decompiler options: packimports(3) fieldsfirst lnc // Source File Name: XSLText.java package com.icl.saxon.style; import com.icl.saxon.Context; import com.icl.saxon.om.AbstractNode; import com.icl.saxon.output.Outputter; import com.icl.saxon.tree.*; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; // Referenced classes of package com.icl.saxon.style: // StyleElement, StandardNames public class XSLText extends StyleElement { private boolean disable; private String value; public XSLText() { /* 18*/ disable = false; /* 19*/ value = null; } public boolean isInstruction() { /* 28*/ return true; } public void prepareAttributes() throws TransformerConfigurationException { /* 33*/ String s = null; /* 35*/ StandardNames standardnames = getStandardNames(); /* 36*/ AttributeCollection attributecollection = getAttributeList(); /* 38*/ for(int i = 0; i < attributecollection.getLength(); i++) { /* 39*/ int j = attributecollection.getNameCode(i); /* 40*/ int k = j & 0xfffff; /* 41*/ if(k == standardnames.DISABLE_OUTPUT_ESCAPING) /* 42*/ s = attributecollection.getValue(i); /* 44*/ else /* 44*/ checkUnknownAttribute(j); } /* 48*/ if(s != null) /* 49*/ if(s.equals("yes")) /* 50*/ disable = true; /* 51*/ else /* 51*/ if(s.equals("no")) /* 52*/ disable = false; /* 54*/ else /* 54*/ compileError("disable-output-escaping attribute must be either yes or no"); } public void validate() throws TransformerConfigurationException { /* 60*/ checkWithinTemplate(); /* 61*/ NodeImpl nodeimpl = (NodeImpl)getFirstChild(); /* 62*/ if(nodeimpl == null) { /* 63*/ value = ""; } else { /* 65*/ value = nodeimpl.getStringValue(); /* 67*/ for(; nodeimpl != null; nodeimpl = (NodeImpl)nodeimpl.getNextSibling()) /* 67*/ if(nodeimpl.getNodeType() == 1) /* 68*/ compileError("xsl:text must not have any child elements"); } } public void process(Context context) throws TransformerException { /* 76*/ if(!value.equals("")) { /* 77*/ Outputter outputter = context.getOutputter(); /* 78*/ if(disable) { /* 79*/ outputter.setEscaping(false); /* 80*/ outputter.writeContent(value); /* 81*/ outputter.setEscaping(true); } else { /* 83*/ outputter.writeContent(value); } } } }