package; public class GameLang { public static String ERROR_GAME_NOT_FOUND = "*No such game exists!*"; public static String ERROR_GAME_NOT_RUNNING = "*No game is currently running!*"; public static String ERROR_GAME_NOT_STARTED = "*The game has not started yet!*"; public static String ERROR_GAME_RUNNING = "*A game is currently running!*"; public static String ERROR_INVALID_SELECTION = "*That selection is invalid!*"; public static String ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_PLAYERS = "*There are not enough players to continue!*"; public static String GAME_CAH_ACTIVECARDS = "*The decks have been chosen!\n\nDecks: %s*"; public static String GAME_CAH_ALLPLAYED = "*The czar is choosing a winner.*"; public static String GAME_CAH_ALLPLAYED_CHOOSING = "*All users have played. A winner will be chosen shortly...*\n\n%s"; public static String GAME_CAH_ALLPLAYED_CZAR = "*All users have played.*\n*Please choose a winner!*"; public static String GAME_CAH_CHOOSE_EXTRAS = "*Which expansion card packs would you like?\n\nClick done when you have made your selections.*"; public static String GAME_CAH_CHOOSE_VERSION = "*Which card deck would you like?*"; public static String GAME_CAH_COMMANDHELP = "CardsAgainstHumanity Command Menu:\n" + "+help - View the help menu\n" + "+cards - View your cards\n" + "+score - View your cards"; public static String GAME_CAH_DESCRIPTION = "The most fun and offensive card game ever known."; public static String GAME_CAH_NAME = "CardsAgainstHumanity"; public static String GAME_CAH_NOPLAYERS = "*Nobody played! Skipping...*"; public static String GAME_CAH_PLAY_MORE = "*Please play %s more card(s).*"; public static String GAME_CAH_STARTROUND_CZAR = "*Starting Round %s\nCzar: %s*"; public static String GAME_CAH_TIMENOTICE = "*Not everybody has played!*"; public static String GAME_CAH_TIMEWARNING = "*All players have 10 seconds to play all cards.*"; public static String GAME_CAH_USERPLAY = "*%s has played.*"; public static String GAME_CAH_WAITING = "*Please wait while the %s chooses the card decks...*"; public static String GAME_CAH_WHITECARDS = "_Please play %s white cards._"; public static String GAME_CAH_WIN_ROUND = "*%s %s won the round!*"; public static String ERROR_ALREADY_PLAYED_CARD = "*You cannot play this card again!*"; public static String GAME_GENERAL_NOT_TURN = "*It's not your turn!*"; }