package org.simpleflatmapper.jdbc.spring; import org.simpleflatmapper.jdbc.*; import org.simpleflatmapper.util.CheckedConsumer; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.ConnectionCallback; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcOperations; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; public class JdbcTemplateCrud<T, K> { private final JdbcOperations jdbcTemplate; private final Crud<T, K> crud; public JdbcTemplateCrud(JdbcOperations jdbcOperations, Crud<T, K> crud) { this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcOperations; this.crud = crud; } /** * insert value into the db through the specified connection. * * @param value the value * @throws DataAccessException if an error occurs */ public void create(final T value) throws DataAccessException { jdbcTemplate.execute(new ConnectionCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object doInConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { crud.create(connection, value); return null; } }); } /** * insert values into the db through the specified connection. * * @param values the values * @throws DataAccessException if an error occurs */ public void create(final Collection<T> values) throws DataAccessException { jdbcTemplate.execute(new ConnectionCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object doInConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { crud.create(connection, values); return null; } }); } /** * insert value into the db through the specified connection. * Callback keyConsumer with the generated key if one was. * * @param value the value * @param keyConsumer the key consumer * @param <RH> the type of keyConsumer * @return the keyConsumer * @throws DataAccessException */ public <RH extends CheckedConsumer<? super K>> RH create(final T value, final RH keyConsumer) throws DataAccessException { return jdbcTemplate.execute(new ConnectionCallback<RH>() { @Override public RH doInConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { return crud.create(connection, value, keyConsumer); } }); } /** * insert values into the db through the specified connection. * Callback keyConsumer for the generated keys. * * @param values the values * @param keyConsumer the key consumer * @param <RH> the type of keyConsumer * @return the keyConsumer * @throws DataAccessException */ public <RH extends CheckedConsumer<? super K>> RH create(final Collection<T> values, final RH keyConsumer) throws DataAccessException { return jdbcTemplate.execute(new ConnectionCallback<RH>() { @Override public RH doInConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { return crud.create(connection, values, keyConsumer); } }); } /** * retrieve the object with the specified key. * * @param key the key * @return the object or null if not found * @throws DataAccessException if an error occurs */ public T read(final K key) throws DataAccessException { return jdbcTemplate.execute(new ConnectionCallback<T>() { @Override public T doInConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { return, key); } }); } /** * retrieve the objects with the specified keys and pass them to the consumer. * * @param keys the keys * @param consumer the handler that is callback for each row * @throws DataAccessException if an error occurs */ public <RH extends CheckedConsumer<? super T>> RH read(final Collection<K> keys, final RH consumer) throws DataAccessException { return jdbcTemplate.execute(new ConnectionCallback<RH>() { @Override public RH doInConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { return, keys, consumer); } }); } /** * update the object. * * @param value the object * @throws DataAccessException if an error occurs */ public void update(final T value) throws DataAccessException { jdbcTemplate.execute(new ConnectionCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object doInConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { crud.update(connection, value); return null; } }); } /** * update the objects. * * @param values the objects * @throws DataAccessException if an error occurs */ public void update(final Collection<T> values) throws DataAccessException { jdbcTemplate.execute(new ConnectionCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object doInConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { crud.update(connection, values); return null; } }); } /** * delete the object with the specified key. * * @param key the key * @throws DataAccessException if an error occurs */ public void delete(final K key) throws DataAccessException { jdbcTemplate.execute(new ConnectionCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object doInConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { crud.delete(connection, key); return null; } }); } /** * delete the objects with the specified keys. * * @param keys the keys * @throws DataAccessException if an error occurs */ public void delete(final List<K> keys) throws DataAccessException { jdbcTemplate.execute(new ConnectionCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object doInConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { crud.delete(connection, keys); return null; } }); } /** * UPSERT only supported on Mysql * @param value the value * @throws DataAccessException * @throws UnsupportedOperationException */ public void createOrUpdate(final T value) throws DataAccessException { jdbcTemplate.execute(new ConnectionCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object doInConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { crud.createOrUpdate(connection, value); return null; } }); } /** * UPSERT only supported on Mysql * @param values the values to upsert * @throws DataAccessException * @throws UnsupportedOperationException */ public void createOrUpdate(final Collection<T> values) throws DataAccessException { jdbcTemplate.execute(new ConnectionCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object doInConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { crud.createOrUpdate(connection, values); return null; } }); } /** * UPSERT only supported on Mysql. * Used the callback with caution has Mysql will return an incremented id event for when no insert actually occurred. * @param value the value to upsert * @param keyConsumer generated key consumer * @param <RH> the keyConsumer type * @return the keyConsumer * @throws DataAccessException */ public <RH extends CheckedConsumer<? super K>> RH createOrUpdate(final T value, final RH keyConsumer) throws DataAccessException { return jdbcTemplate.execute(new ConnectionCallback<RH>() { @Override public RH doInConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { return crud.createOrUpdate(connection, value, keyConsumer); } }); } /** * UPSERT only supported on Mysql. * Used the callback with caution has Mysql will return an incremented id event for when no insert actually occurred. * @param values the values to insert * @param keyConsumer generated key consumer * @param <RH> the keyConsumer type * @return the keyConsumer * @throws DataAccessException */ public <RH extends CheckedConsumer<? super K>> RH createOrUpdate(final Collection<T> values, final RH keyConsumer) throws DataAccessException { return jdbcTemplate.execute(new ConnectionCallback<RH>() { @Override public RH doInConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { return crud.createOrUpdate(connection, values, keyConsumer); } }); } public <P> ConnectedSelectQuery<T, P> where(String whereClause, Type paramClass) { SelectQuery<T, P> selectQuery = crud.where(whereClause, paramClass); return new ConnectedSelectQuery<T, P>(selectQuery, new JdbcTemplateTransactionTemplate(jdbcTemplate)); } private static class JdbcTemplateTransactionTemplate implements TransactionTemplate { private final JdbcOperations jdbcOperations; private JdbcTemplateTransactionTemplate(JdbcOperations jdbcOperations) { this.jdbcOperations = jdbcOperations; } @Override public <R> R doInTransaction(final SQLFunction<? super Connection, ? extends R> sqlFunction) throws DataAccessException { return jdbcOperations.execute(new ConnectionCallback<R>() { @Override public R doInConnection(Connection con) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { return sqlFunction.apply(con); } }); } } }