package; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; public final class S2ArraysMapperCache<K extends FieldKey<K>, M> implements IMapperCache<K, M> { private static final int SIZE_THRESHOLD = 32; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private final AtomicReference<SortedEntries<K>> sortedEntries; public S2ArraysMapperCache(Comparator<MapperKey<K>> comparator) { this.sortedEntries = new AtomicReference<SortedEntries<K>>(new SortedEntries<K>(0, comparator)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void add(final MapperKey<K> key, final M mapper) { SortedEntries<K> sortedEntries; SortedEntries<K> newSortedEntries; do { sortedEntries = this.sortedEntries.get(); final int i = sortedEntries.findKey(key); if (i >= 0) { if (!key.equals(sortedEntries.keys[i])) { throw new IllegalStateException("Comparator find key " + key + " to be equal to " + sortedEntries.keys[i] + " but is not"); } return; } int insertionPoint = -1 - i; newSortedEntries = sortedEntries.insertEntry(key, mapper, insertionPoint); } while(!this.sortedEntries.compareAndSet(sortedEntries, newSortedEntries)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public M get(MapperKey<K> key) { return (M) sortedEntries.get().search(key); } @Override public int size() { return sortedEntries.get().keys.length; } public static class SortedEntries<K extends FieldKey<K>> { private final MapperKey<K>[] keys; private final Object[] values; private final Comparator<MapperKey<K>> comparator; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") SortedEntries(int size, Comparator<MapperKey<K>> comparator) { this.comparator = comparator; this.keys = new MapperKey[size]; this.values = new Object[size]; } Object search(MapperKey<K> key) { final int i = findKey(key); if (i >= 0) { return values[i]; } return null; } int findKey(MapperKey<K> key) { return Arrays.binarySearch(keys, key, comparator); } SortedEntries<K> insertEntry(MapperKey<K> key, Object mapper, int insertionPoint) { SortedEntries<K> newEntries = new SortedEntries<K>(keys.length + 1, comparator); System.arraycopy(keys, 0, newEntries.keys, 0, insertionPoint); System.arraycopy(values, 0, newEntries.values, 0, insertionPoint); newEntries.keys[insertionPoint] = key; newEntries.values[insertionPoint] = mapper; System.arraycopy(keys, insertionPoint, newEntries.keys, insertionPoint + 1, keys.length - insertionPoint); System.arraycopy(values, insertionPoint, newEntries.values, insertionPoint + 1, keys.length - insertionPoint); return newEntries; } } @Override public String toString() { return "Sorted2ArraysMapperCache{" + "sortedEntries=" + Arrays.toString(sortedEntries.get().keys) + '}'; } }