package org.xmlpull.mxp1_serializer; import; import; import; import; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer; /** * Implementation of XmlSerializer interface from XmlPull V1 API. This * implementation is optimzied for performance and low memory footprint. * * <p> * Implemented features: * <ul> * <li>FEATURE_NAMES_INTERNED - when enabled all returned names (namespaces, * prefixes) will be interned and it is required that all names passed as * arguments MUST be interned * <li>FEATURE_SERIALIZER_ATTVALUE_USE_APOSTROPHE * </ul> * <p> * Implemented properties: * <ul> * <li>PROPERTY_SERIALIZER_INDENTATION * <li>PROPERTY_SERIALIZER_LINE_SEPARATOR * </ul> * */ public class MXSerializer implements XmlSerializer { protected final static String XML_URI = ""; protected final static String XMLNS_URI = ""; private static final boolean TRACE_SIZING = false; private static final boolean TRACE_ESCAPING = false; protected final String FEATURE_SERIALIZER_ATTVALUE_USE_APOSTROPHE = ""; protected final String FEATURE_NAMES_INTERNED = ""; protected final String PROPERTY_SERIALIZER_INDENTATION = ""; protected final String PROPERTY_SERIALIZER_LINE_SEPARATOR = ""; protected final static String PROPERTY_LOCATION = ""; // properties/features protected boolean namesInterned; protected boolean attributeUseApostrophe; protected String indentationString = null; // " "; protected String lineSeparator = "\n"; protected String location; protected Writer out; protected int autoDeclaredPrefixes; protected int depth = 0; // element stack protected String elNamespace[] = new String[2]; protected String elName[] = new String[elNamespace.length]; protected String elPrefix[] = new String[elNamespace.length]; protected int elNamespaceCount[] = new int[elNamespace.length]; // namespace stack protected int namespaceEnd = 0; protected String namespacePrefix[] = new String[8]; protected String namespaceUri[] = new String[namespacePrefix.length]; protected boolean finished; protected boolean pastRoot; protected boolean setPrefixCalled; protected boolean startTagIncomplete; protected boolean doIndent; protected boolean seenTag; protected boolean seenBracket; protected boolean seenBracketBracket; // buffer output if neede to write escaped String see text(String) private static final int BUF_LEN = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() > 1000000L ? 8 * 1024 : 256; protected char buf[] = new char[BUF_LEN]; protected static final String precomputedPrefixes[]; static { precomputedPrefixes = new String[32]; // arbitrary number ... for (int i = 0; i < precomputedPrefixes.length; i++) { precomputedPrefixes[i] = ("n" + i).intern(); } } private boolean checkNamesInterned = false; private void checkInterning(String name) { if (namesInterned && name != name.intern()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "all names passed as arguments must be interned" + "when NAMES INTERNED feature is enabled"); } } protected void reset() { location = null; out = null; autoDeclaredPrefixes = 0; depth = 0; // nullify references on all levels to allow it to be GCed for (int i = 0; i < elNamespaceCount.length; i++) { elName[i] = null; elPrefix[i] = null; elNamespace[i] = null; elNamespaceCount[i] = 2; } namespaceEnd = 0; // NOTE: no need to intern() as all literal strings and string-valued // constant expressions // are interned. String literals are defined in 3.10.5 of the Java // Language Specification // just checking ... // assert "xmlns" == "xmlns".intern(); // assert XMLNS_URI == XMLNS_URI.intern(); // TODO: how to prevent from reporting this namespace? // this is special namespace declared for consistensy with XML infoset namespacePrefix[namespaceEnd] = "xmlns"; namespaceUri[namespaceEnd] = XMLNS_URI; ++namespaceEnd; namespacePrefix[namespaceEnd] = "xml"; namespaceUri[namespaceEnd] = XML_URI; ++namespaceEnd; finished = false; pastRoot = false; setPrefixCalled = false; startTagIncomplete = false; // doIntent is not changed seenTag = false; seenBracket = false; seenBracketBracket = false; } protected void ensureElementsCapacity() { final int elStackSize = elName.length; // assert (depth + 1) >= elName.length; // we add at least one extra slot ... final int newSize = (depth >= 7 ? 2 * depth : 8) + 2; // = lucky 7 + 1 // //25 if (TRACE_SIZING) { System.err.println(getClass().getName() + " elStackSize " + elStackSize + " ==> " + newSize); } final boolean needsCopying = elStackSize > 0; String[] arr = null; // reuse arr local variable slot arr = new String[newSize]; if (needsCopying) System.arraycopy(elName, 0, arr, 0, elStackSize); elName = arr; arr = new String[newSize]; if (needsCopying) System.arraycopy(elPrefix, 0, arr, 0, elStackSize); elPrefix = arr; arr = new String[newSize]; if (needsCopying) System.arraycopy(elNamespace, 0, arr, 0, elStackSize); elNamespace = arr; final int[] iarr = new int[newSize]; if (needsCopying) { System.arraycopy(elNamespaceCount, 0, iarr, 0, elStackSize); } else { // special initialization iarr[0] = 0; } elNamespaceCount = iarr; } protected void ensureNamespacesCapacity() { // int size) { // int namespaceSize = namespacePrefix != null ? namespacePrefix.length // : 0; // assert (namespaceEnd >= namespacePrefix.length); // if(size >= namespaceSize) { // int newSize = size > 7 ? 2 * size : 8; // = lucky 7 + 1 //25 final int newSize = namespaceEnd > 7 ? 2 * namespaceEnd : 8; if (TRACE_SIZING) { System.err.println(getClass().getName() + " namespaceSize " + namespacePrefix.length + " ==> " + newSize); } final String[] newNamespacePrefix = new String[newSize]; final String[] newNamespaceUri = new String[newSize]; if (namespacePrefix != null) { System.arraycopy(namespacePrefix, 0, newNamespacePrefix, 0, namespaceEnd); System.arraycopy(namespaceUri, 0, newNamespaceUri, 0, namespaceEnd); } namespacePrefix = newNamespacePrefix; namespaceUri = newNamespaceUri; // TODO use hashes for quick namespace->prefix lookups // if( ! allStringsInterned ) { // int[] newNamespacePrefixHash = new int[newSize]; // if(namespacePrefixHash != null) { // System.arraycopy( // namespacePrefixHash, 0, newNamespacePrefixHash, 0, namespaceEnd); // } // namespacePrefixHash = newNamespacePrefixHash; // } // prefixesSize = newSize; // ////assert nsPrefixes.length > size && nsPrefixes.length == newSize // } } @Override public void setFeature(String name, boolean state) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("feature name can not be null"); } if (FEATURE_NAMES_INTERNED.equals(name)) { namesInterned = state; } else if (FEATURE_SERIALIZER_ATTVALUE_USE_APOSTROPHE.equals(name)) { attributeUseApostrophe = state; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("unsupported feature " + name); } } @Override public boolean getFeature(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("feature name can not be null"); } if (FEATURE_NAMES_INTERNED.equals(name)) { return namesInterned; } else if (FEATURE_SERIALIZER_ATTVALUE_USE_APOSTROPHE.equals(name)) { return attributeUseApostrophe; } else { return false; } } // precomputed variables to simplify writing indentation protected int offsetNewLine; protected int indentationJump; protected char[] indentationBuf; protected int maxIndentLevel; protected boolean writeLineSepartor; // should end-of-line be written protected boolean writeIndentation; // is indentation used? /** * For maximum efficiency when writing indents the required output is * pre-computed This is internal function that recomputes buffer after user * requested chnages. */ protected void rebuildIndentationBuf() { if (doIndent == false) return; final int maxIndent = 65; // hardcoded maximum indentation size in // characters int bufSize = 0; offsetNewLine = 0; if (writeLineSepartor) { offsetNewLine = lineSeparator.length(); bufSize += offsetNewLine; } maxIndentLevel = 0; if (writeIndentation) { indentationJump = indentationString.length(); maxIndentLevel = maxIndent / indentationJump; bufSize += maxIndentLevel * indentationJump; } if (indentationBuf == null || indentationBuf.length < bufSize) { indentationBuf = new char[bufSize + 8]; } int bufPos = 0; if (writeLineSepartor) { for (int i = 0; i < lineSeparator.length(); i++) { indentationBuf[bufPos++] = lineSeparator.charAt(i); } } if (writeIndentation) { for (int i = 0; i < maxIndentLevel; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < indentationString.length(); j++) { indentationBuf[bufPos++] = indentationString.charAt(j); } } } } // if(doIndent) writeIndent(); protected void writeIndent() throws IOException { final int start = writeLineSepartor ? 0 : offsetNewLine; final int level = (depth > maxIndentLevel) ? maxIndentLevel : depth; out.write(indentationBuf, start, ((level - 1) * indentationJump) + offsetNewLine); } @Override public void setProperty(String name, Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("property name can not be null"); } if (PROPERTY_SERIALIZER_INDENTATION.equals(name)) { indentationString = (String) value; } else if (PROPERTY_SERIALIZER_LINE_SEPARATOR.equals(name)) { lineSeparator = (String) value; } else if (PROPERTY_LOCATION.equals(name)) { location = (String) value; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("unsupported property " + name); } writeLineSepartor = lineSeparator != null && lineSeparator.length() > 0; writeIndentation = indentationString != null && indentationString.length() > 0; // optimize - do not write when nothing to write ... doIndent = indentationString != null && (writeLineSepartor || writeIndentation); // NOTE: when indentationString == null there is no indentation // (even though writeLineSeparator may be true ...) rebuildIndentationBuf(); seenTag = false; // for consistency } @Override public Object getProperty(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("property name can not be null"); } if (PROPERTY_SERIALIZER_INDENTATION.equals(name)) { return indentationString; } else if (PROPERTY_SERIALIZER_LINE_SEPARATOR.equals(name)) { return lineSeparator; } else if (PROPERTY_LOCATION.equals(name)) { return location; } else { return null; } } private String getLocation() { return location != null ? " @" + location : ""; } // this is special method that can be accessed directly to retrieve Writer // serializer is using public Writer getWriter() { return out; } @Override public void setOutput(Writer writer) { reset(); out = writer; } @Override public void setOutput(OutputStream os, String encoding) throws IOException { if (os == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("output stream can not be null"); reset(); if (encoding != null) { out = new OutputStreamWriter(os, encoding); } else { out = new OutputStreamWriter(os); } } @Override public void startDocument(String encoding, Boolean standalone) throws IOException { char apos = attributeUseApostrophe ? '\'' : '"'; if (attributeUseApostrophe) { out.write("<?xml version='1.0'"); } else { out.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\""); } if (encoding != null) { out.write(" encoding="); out.write(attributeUseApostrophe ? '\'' : '"'); out.write(encoding); out.write(attributeUseApostrophe ? '\'' : '"'); // out.write('\''); } if (standalone != null) { out.write(" standalone="); out.write(attributeUseApostrophe ? '\'' : '"'); if (standalone.booleanValue()) { out.write("yes"); } else { out.write("no"); } out.write(attributeUseApostrophe ? '\'' : '"'); // if(standalone.booleanValue()) { // out.write(" standalone='yes'"); // } else { // out.write(" standalone='no'"); // } } out.write("?>"); } @Override public void endDocument() throws IOException { // close all unclosed tag; while (depth > 0) { endTag(elNamespace[depth], elName[depth]); } // assert depth == 0; // assert startTagIncomplete == false; finished = pastRoot = startTagIncomplete = true; out.flush(); } @Override public void setPrefix(String prefix, String namespace) throws IOException { if (startTagIncomplete) closeStartTag(); // assert prefix != null; // assert namespace != null; if (prefix == null) { prefix = ""; } if (!namesInterned) { prefix = prefix.intern(); // will throw NPE if prefix==null } else if (checkNamesInterned) { checkInterning(prefix); } else if (prefix == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("prefix must be not null" + getLocation()); } // check that prefix is not duplicated ... for (int i = elNamespaceCount[depth]; i < namespaceEnd; i++) { if (prefix == namespacePrefix[i]) { throw new IllegalStateException("duplicated prefix " + printable(prefix) + getLocation()); } } if (!namesInterned) { namespace = namespace.intern(); } else if (checkNamesInterned) { checkInterning(namespace); } else if (namespace == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("namespace must be not null" + getLocation()); } if (namespaceEnd >= namespacePrefix.length) { ensureNamespacesCapacity(); } namespacePrefix[namespaceEnd] = prefix; namespaceUri[namespaceEnd] = namespace; ++namespaceEnd; setPrefixCalled = true; } protected String lookupOrDeclarePrefix(String namespace) { return getPrefix(namespace, true); } @Override public String getPrefix(String namespace, boolean generatePrefix) { return getPrefix(namespace, generatePrefix, false); } protected String getPrefix(String namespace, boolean generatePrefix, boolean nonEmpty) { // assert namespace != null; if (!namesInterned) { // when String is interned we can do much faster namespace stack // lookups ... namespace = namespace.intern(); } else if (checkNamesInterned) { checkInterning(namespace); // assert namespace != namespace.intern(); } if (namespace == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("namespace must be not null" + getLocation()); } else if (namespace.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "default namespace cannot have prefix" + getLocation()); } // first check if namespace is already in scope for (int i = namespaceEnd - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (namespace == namespaceUri[i]) { final String prefix = namespacePrefix[i]; if (nonEmpty && prefix.length() == 0) continue; // now check that prefix is still in scope for (int p = namespaceEnd - 1; p > i; --p) { if (prefix == namespacePrefix[p]) continue; // too bad - prefix is redeclared with // different namespace } return prefix; } } // so not found it ... if (!generatePrefix) { return null; } return generatePrefix(namespace); } private String generatePrefix(String namespace) { // assert namespace == namespace.intern(); while (true) { ++autoDeclaredPrefixes; // fast lookup uses table that was pre-initialized in static{} .... final String prefix = autoDeclaredPrefixes < precomputedPrefixes.length ? precomputedPrefixes[autoDeclaredPrefixes] : ("n" + autoDeclaredPrefixes).intern(); // make sure this prefix is not declared in any scope (avoid hiding // in-scope prefixes)! for (int i = namespaceEnd - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (prefix == namespacePrefix[i]) { continue; // prefix is already declared - generate new and // try again } } // declare prefix if (namespaceEnd >= namespacePrefix.length) { ensureNamespacesCapacity(); } namespacePrefix[namespaceEnd] = prefix; namespaceUri[namespaceEnd] = namespace; ++namespaceEnd; return prefix; } } @Override public int getDepth() { return depth; } @Override public String getNamespace() { return elNamespace[depth]; } @Override public String getName() { return elName[depth]; } @Override public XmlSerializer startTag(String namespace, String name) throws IOException { if (startTagIncomplete) { closeStartTag(); } seenBracket = seenBracketBracket = false; ++depth; if (doIndent && depth > 0 && seenTag) { writeIndent(); } seenTag = true; setPrefixCalled = false; startTagIncomplete = true; if ((depth + 1) >= elName.length) { ensureElementsCapacity(); } // //assert namespace != null; if (checkNamesInterned && namesInterned) checkInterning(namespace); elNamespace[depth] = (namesInterned || namespace == null) ? namespace : namespace.intern(); // assert name != null; // elName[ depth ] = name; if (checkNamesInterned && namesInterned) checkInterning(name); elName[depth] = (namesInterned || name == null) ? name : name.intern(); if (out == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "setOutput() must called set before serialization can start"); } out.write('<'); if (namespace != null) { if (namespace.length() > 0) { // ALEK: in future make this algo a feature on serializer String prefix = null; if (depth > 0 && (namespaceEnd - elNamespaceCount[depth - 1]) == 1) { // if only one prefix was declared un-declare it if the // prefix is already declared on parent el with the same URI String uri = namespaceUri[namespaceEnd - 1]; if (uri == namespace || uri.equals(namespace)) { String elPfx = namespacePrefix[namespaceEnd - 1]; // 2 == to skip predefined namesapces (xml and xmlns // ...) for (int pos = elNamespaceCount[depth - 1] - 1; pos >= 2; --pos) { String pf = namespacePrefix[pos]; if (pf == elPfx || pf.equals(elPfx)) { String n = namespaceUri[pos]; if (n == uri || n.equals(uri)) { --namespaceEnd; // un-declare namespace: // this is kludge! prefix = elPfx; } break; } } } } if (prefix == null) { prefix = lookupOrDeclarePrefix(namespace); } // assert prefix != null; // make sure that default ("") namespace to not print ":" if (prefix.length() > 0) { elPrefix[depth] = prefix; out.write(prefix); out.write(':'); } else { elPrefix[depth] = ""; } } else { // make sure that default namespace can be declared for (int i = namespaceEnd - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (namespacePrefix[i] == "") { final String uri = namespaceUri[i]; if (uri == null) { // declare default namespace setPrefix("", ""); } else if (uri.length() > 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "start tag can not be written in empty default namespace " + "as default namespace is currently bound to '" + uri + "'" + getLocation()); } break; } } elPrefix[depth] = ""; } } else { elPrefix[depth] = ""; } out.write(name); return this; } @Override public XmlSerializer attribute(String namespace, String name, String value) throws IOException { if (!startTagIncomplete) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "startTag() must be called before attribute()" + getLocation()); } // assert setPrefixCalled == false; out.write(' '); // //assert namespace != null; if (namespace != null && namespace.length() > 0) { // namespace = namespace.intern(); if (!namesInterned) { namespace = namespace.intern(); } else if (checkNamesInterned) { checkInterning(namespace); } String prefix = getPrefix(namespace, false, true); // assert( prefix != null); // if(prefix.length() == 0) { if (prefix == null) { // needs to declare prefix to hold default namespace // NOTE: attributes such as a='b' are in NO namespace prefix = generatePrefix(namespace); } out.write(prefix); out.write(':'); // if(prefix.length() > 0) { // out.write(prefix); // out.write(':'); // } } // assert name != null; out.write(name); out.write('='); // assert value != null; out.write(attributeUseApostrophe ? '\'' : '"'); writeAttributeValue(value, out); out.write(attributeUseApostrophe ? '\'' : '"'); return this; } protected void closeStartTag() throws IOException { if (finished) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "trying to write past already finished output" + getLocation()); } if (seenBracket) { seenBracket = seenBracketBracket = false; } if (startTagIncomplete || setPrefixCalled) { if (setPrefixCalled) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "startTag() must be called immediately after setPrefix()" + getLocation()); } if (!startTagIncomplete) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "trying to close start tag that is not opened" + getLocation()); } // write all namespace delcarations! writeNamespaceDeclarations(); out.write('>'); elNamespaceCount[depth] = namespaceEnd; startTagIncomplete = false; } } protected void writeNamespaceDeclarations() throws IOException { // int start = elNamespaceCount[ depth - 1 ]; for (int i = elNamespaceCount[depth - 1]; i < namespaceEnd; i++) { if (doIndent && namespaceUri[i].length() > 40) { writeIndent(); out.write(" "); } if (namespacePrefix[i] != "") { out.write(" xmlns:"); out.write(namespacePrefix[i]); out.write('='); } else { out.write(" xmlns="); } out.write(attributeUseApostrophe ? '\'' : '"'); // NOTE: escaping of namespace value the same way as attributes!!!! writeAttributeValue(namespaceUri[i], out); out.write(attributeUseApostrophe ? '\'' : '"'); } } @Override public XmlSerializer endTag(String namespace, String name) throws IOException { // check that level is valid // //assert namespace != null; // if(namespace != null) { // namespace = namespace.intern(); // } seenBracket = seenBracketBracket = false; if (namespace != null) { if (!namesInterned) { namespace = namespace.intern(); } else if (checkNamesInterned) { checkInterning(namespace); } } if (namespace != elNamespace[depth]) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected namespace " + printable(elNamespace[depth]) + " and not " + printable(namespace) + getLocation()); } if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("end tag name can not be null" + getLocation()); } if (checkNamesInterned && namesInterned) { checkInterning(name); } String startTagName = elName[depth]; if ((!namesInterned && !name.equals(startTagName)) || (namesInterned && name != startTagName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected element name " + printable(elName[depth]) + " and not " + printable(name) + getLocation()); } if (startTagIncomplete) { writeNamespaceDeclarations(); out.write(" />"); // space is added to make it easier to work in // XHTML!!! --depth; } else { // assert startTagIncomplete == false; if (doIndent && seenTag) { writeIndent(); } out.write("</"); String startTagPrefix = elPrefix[depth]; if (startTagPrefix.length() > 0) { out.write(startTagPrefix); out.write(':'); } // if(namespace != null && namespace.length() > 0) { // //TODO prefix should be alredy known from matching start tag ... // final String prefix = lookupOrDeclarePrefix( namespace ); // //assert( prefix != null); // if(prefix.length() > 0) { // out.write(prefix); // out.write(':'); // } // } out.write(name); out.write('>'); --depth; } namespaceEnd = elNamespaceCount[depth]; startTagIncomplete = false; seenTag = true; return this; } @Override public XmlSerializer text(String text) throws IOException { // assert text != null; if (startTagIncomplete || setPrefixCalled) closeStartTag(); if (doIndent && seenTag) seenTag = false; writeElementContent(text, out); return this; } @Override public XmlSerializer text(char[] buf, int start, int len) throws IOException { if (startTagIncomplete || setPrefixCalled) closeStartTag(); if (doIndent && seenTag) seenTag = false; writeElementContent(buf, start, len, out); return this; } @Override public void cdsect(String text) throws IOException { if (startTagIncomplete || setPrefixCalled || seenBracket) closeStartTag(); if (doIndent && seenTag) seenTag = false; out.write("<![CDATA["); out.write(text); // escape? out.write("]]>"); } @Override public void entityRef(String text) throws IOException { if (startTagIncomplete || setPrefixCalled || seenBracket) closeStartTag(); if (doIndent && seenTag) seenTag = false; out.write('&'); out.write(text); // escape? out.write(';'); } @Override public void processingInstruction(String text) throws IOException { if (startTagIncomplete || setPrefixCalled || seenBracket) closeStartTag(); if (doIndent && seenTag) seenTag = false; out.write("<?"); out.write(text); // escape? out.write("?>"); } @Override public void comment(String text) throws IOException { if (startTagIncomplete || setPrefixCalled || seenBracket) closeStartTag(); if (doIndent && seenTag) seenTag = false; out.write("<!--"); out.write(text); // escape? out.write("-->"); } @Override public void docdecl(String text) throws IOException { if (startTagIncomplete || setPrefixCalled || seenBracket) closeStartTag(); if (doIndent && seenTag) seenTag = false; out.write("<!DOCTYPE"); out.write(text); // escape? out.write(">"); } @Override public void ignorableWhitespace(String text) throws IOException { if (startTagIncomplete || setPrefixCalled || seenBracket) closeStartTag(); if (doIndent && seenTag) seenTag = false; if (text.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "empty string is not allowed for ignorable whitespace" + getLocation()); } out.write(text); // no escape? } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { if (!finished && startTagIncomplete) closeStartTag(); out.flush(); } // --- utility methods protected void writeAttributeValue(String value, Writer out) throws IOException { // .[apostrophe and <, & escaped], final char quot = attributeUseApostrophe ? '\'' : '"'; final String quotEntity = attributeUseApostrophe ? "'" : """; int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) { char ch = value.charAt(i); if (ch == '&') { if (i > pos) out.write(value.substring(pos, i)); out.write("&"); pos = i + 1; } if (ch == '<') { if (i > pos) out.write(value.substring(pos, i)); out.write("<"); pos = i + 1; } else if (ch == quot) { if (i > pos) out.write(value.substring(pos, i)); out.write(quotEntity); pos = i + 1; } else if (ch < 32) { // in XML 1.0 only legal character are #x9 | #xA | #xD // and they must be escaped otherwise in attribute value they // are normalized to spaces if (ch == 13 || ch == 10 || ch == 9) { if (i > pos) out.write(value.substring(pos, i)); out.write("&#"); out.write(Integer.toString(ch)); out.write(';'); pos = i + 1; } else { if (TRACE_ESCAPING) System.err.println(getClass().getName() + " DEBUG ATTR value.len=" + value.length() + " " + printable(value)); throw new IllegalStateException( // "character "+Integer.toString(ch)+" is not allowed in output"+getLocation()); "character " + printable(ch) + " (" + Integer.toString(ch) + ") is not allowed in output" + getLocation() + " (attr value=" + printable(value) + ")"); // in XML 1.1 legal are [#x1-#xD7FF] // if(ch > 0) { // if(i > pos) out.write(text.substring(pos, i)); // out.write("&#"); // out.write(Integer.toString(ch)); // out.write(';'); // pos = i + 1; // } else { // throw new IllegalStateException( // "character zero is not allowed in XML 1.1 output"+getLocation()); // } } } } if (pos > 0) { out.write(value.substring(pos)); } else { out.write(value); // this is shortcut to the most common case } } protected void writeElementContent(String text, Writer out) throws IOException { // esccape '<', '&', ']]>', <32 if necessary int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { // TODO: check if doing char[] text.getChars() would be faster than // getCharAt(i) ... char ch = text.charAt(i); if (ch == ']') { if (seenBracket) { seenBracketBracket = true; } else { seenBracket = true; } } else { if (ch == '&') { if (i > pos) out.write(text.substring(pos, i)); out.write("&"); pos = i + 1; } else if (ch == '<') { if (i > pos) out.write(text.substring(pos, i)); out.write("<"); pos = i + 1; } else if (seenBracketBracket && ch == '>') { if (i > pos) out.write(text.substring(pos, i)); out.write(">"); pos = i + 1; } else if (ch < 32) { // in XML 1.0 only legal character are #x9 | #xA | #xD if (ch == 9 || ch == 10 || ch == 13) { // pass through // } else if(ch == 13) { //escape // if(i > pos) out.write(text.substring(pos, i)); // out.write("&#"); // out.write(Integer.toString(ch)); // out.write(';'); // pos = i + 1; } else { if (TRACE_ESCAPING) System.err.println(getClass().getName() + " DEBUG TEXT value.len=" + text.length() + " " + printable(text)); throw new IllegalStateException("character " + Integer.toString(ch) + " is not allowed in output" + getLocation() + " (text value=" + printable(text) + ")"); // in XML 1.1 legal are [#x1-#xD7FF] // if(ch > 0) { // if(i > pos) out.write(text.substring(pos, i)); // out.write("&#"); // out.write(Integer.toString(ch)); // out.write(';'); // pos = i + 1; // } else { // throw new IllegalStateException( // "character zero is not allowed in XML 1.1 output"+getLocation()); // } } } if (seenBracket) { seenBracketBracket = seenBracket = false; } } } if (pos > 0) { out.write(text.substring(pos)); } else { out.write(text); // this is shortcut to the most common case } } protected void writeElementContent(char[] buf, int off, int len, Writer out) throws IOException { // esccape '<', '&', ']]>' final int end = off + len; int pos = off; for (int i = off; i < end; i++) { final char ch = buf[i]; if (ch == ']') { if (seenBracket) { seenBracketBracket = true; } else { seenBracket = true; } } else { if (ch == '&') { if (i > pos) { out.write(buf, pos, i - pos); } out.write("&"); pos = i + 1; } else if (ch == '<') { if (i > pos) { out.write(buf, pos, i - pos); } out.write("<"); pos = i + 1; } else if (seenBracketBracket && ch == '>') { if (i > pos) { out.write(buf, pos, i - pos); } out.write(">"); pos = i + 1; } else if (ch < 32) { // in XML 1.0 only legal character are #x9 | #xA | #xD if (ch == 9 || ch == 10 || ch == 13) { // pass through // } else if(ch == 13 ) { //if(ch == '\r') { // if(i > pos) { // out.write(buf, pos, i - pos); // } // out.write("&#"); // out.write(Integer.toString(ch)); // out.write(';'); // pos = i + 1; } else { if (TRACE_ESCAPING) System.err.println(getClass().getName() + " DEBUG TEXT value.len=" + len + " " + printable(new String(buf, off, len))); throw new IllegalStateException("character " + printable(ch) + " (" + Integer.toString(ch) + ") is not allowed in output" + getLocation()); // in XML 1.1 legal are [#x1-#xD7FF] // if(ch > 0) { // if(i > pos) out.write(text.substring(pos, i)); // out.write("&#"); // out.write(Integer.toString(ch)); // out.write(';'); // pos = i + 1; // } else { // throw new IllegalStateException( // "character zero is not allowed in XML 1.1 output"+getLocation()); // } } } if (seenBracket) { seenBracketBracket = seenBracket = false; } // assert seenBracketBracket == seenBracket == false; } } if (end > pos) { out.write(buf, pos, end - pos); } } /** simple utility method -- good for debugging */ protected static final String printable(String s) { if (s == null) return "null"; StringBuffer retval = new StringBuffer(s.length() + 16); retval.append("'"); char ch; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { addPrintable(retval, s.charAt(i)); } retval.append("'"); return retval.toString(); } protected static final String printable(char ch) { StringBuffer retval = new StringBuffer(); addPrintable(retval, ch); return retval.toString(); } private static void addPrintable(StringBuffer retval, char ch) { switch (ch) { case '\b': retval.append("\\b"); break; case '\t': retval.append("\\t"); break; case '\n': retval.append("\\n"); break; case '\f': retval.append("\\f"); break; case '\r': retval.append("\\r"); break; case '\"': retval.append("\\\""); break; case '\'': retval.append("\\\'"); break; case '\\': retval.append("\\\\"); break; default: if (ch < 0x20 || ch > 0x7e) { final String ss = "0000" + Integer.toString(ch, 16); retval.append("\\u" + ss.substring(ss.length() - 4, ss.length())); } else { retval.append(ch); } } } }