package com.rover12421.ApkUtil; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.Arrays; import; import static com.rover12421.ApkUtil.ZipConstants.*; public class ApkPseudoEncryption { private FileChannel ch; // channel to the zipfile private FileChannel fc; /** * 修复zip伪加密状态的Entry * @param inZip * @param storeZip * @throws IOException */ public void FixEncryptedEntry(File inZip, File fixZip) throws IOException { changEntry(inZip, fixZip, true); } /** * 修复zip伪加密状态的Entry * @param inZip * @param storeZip * @throws IOException */ public void FixEncryptedEntry(String inZip, String fixZip) throws IOException { FixEncryptedEntry(new File(inZip), new File(fixZip)); } /** * 修改zip的Entry为伪加密状态 * @param inZip * @param storeZip * @throws IOException */ public void ChangToEncryptedEntry(File inZip, File storeZip) throws IOException { changEntry(inZip, storeZip, false); } /** * 修改zip的Entry为伪加密状态 * @param inZip * @param storeZip * @throws IOException */ public void ChangToEncryptedEntry(String inZip, String storeZip) throws IOException { ChangToEncryptedEntry(new File(inZip), new File(storeZip)); } /** * 更改zip的Entry为伪加密状态 * @param inZip * @param storeZip * @param fix ture:修复伪加密 false:更改到伪加密 * @throws IOException */ private void changEntry(File inZip, File storeZip, boolean fix) throws IOException { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(inZip); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(storeZip); byte[] buf = new byte[10240]; int len; while ((len = != -1) { fos.write(buf, 0, len); } ch = fis.getChannel(); fc = fos.getChannel(); changEntry(fix); ch.close(); fc.close(); fis.close(); fos.close(); } // Reads zip file central directory. Returns the file position of first // CEN header, otherwise returns -1 if an error occured. If zip->msg != NULL // then the error was a zip format error and zip->msg has the error text. // Always pass in -1 for knownTotal; it's used for a recursive call. private void changEntry(boolean fix) throws IOException { END end = findEND(); if (end.cenlen > end.endpos) zerror("invalid END header (bad central directory size)"); long cenpos = end.endpos - end.cenlen; // position of CEN table // Get position of first local file (LOC) header, taking into // account that there may be a stub prefixed to the zip file. long locpos = cenpos - end.cenoff; if (locpos < 0) zerror("invalid END header (bad central directory offset)"); // read in the CEN and END byte[] cen = new byte[(int)(end.cenlen + ENDHDR)]; if (readFullyAt(cen, 0, cen.length, cenpos) != end.cenlen + ENDHDR) { zerror("read CEN tables failed"); } int pos = 0; int limit = cen.length - ENDHDR; while (pos < limit) { if (CENSIG(cen, pos) != CENSIG) zerror("invalid CEN header (bad signature)"); int method = CENHOW(cen, pos); int nlen = CENNAM(cen, pos); int elen = CENEXT(cen, pos); int clen = CENCOM(cen, pos); if (fix) { if ((CENFLG(cen, pos) & 1) != 0) { byte[] name = Arrays.copyOfRange(cen, pos + CENHDR, pos + CENHDR + nlen); System.out.println("Found the encrypted entry : " + new String(name) + ", fix..."); //b[n] & 0xff) | ((b[n + 1] & 0xff) << 8 cen[pos+8] &= 0xFE; // cen[pos+8] ^= CENFLG(cen, pos) % 2; // cen[pos+8] ^= cen[pos+8] % 2; // zerror("invalid CEN header (encrypted entry)"); } } else { if ((CENFLG(cen, pos) & 1) == 0) { byte[] name = Arrays.copyOfRange(cen, pos + CENHDR, pos + CENHDR + nlen); System.out.println("Chang the entry : " + new String(name) + ", Encrypted..."); //b[n] & 0xff) | ((b[n + 1] & 0xff) << 8 cen[pos+8] |= 0x1; // zerror("invalid CEN header (encrypted entry)"); } } if (method != METHOD_STORED && method != METHOD_DEFLATED) zerror("invalid CEN header (unsupported compression method: " + method + ")"); if (pos + CENHDR + nlen > limit) zerror("invalid CEN header (bad header size)"); // skip ext and comment pos += (CENHDR + nlen + elen + clen); } writeFullyAt(cen, 0, cen.length, cenpos); if (pos + ENDHDR != cen.length) { zerror("invalid CEN header (bad header size)"); } } /** * 检查是否是伪加密的zip文件 * 实际无法判断是真加密还是伪加密,仅用于APK的伪加密检测 * @return * @throws IOException */ public boolean isPseudoEncryption(File zipFile) throws IOException { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(zipFile); ch = fis.getChannel(); boolean bRet = isPseudoEncryption(); ch.close(); fc.close(); fis.close(); return bRet; } /** * 检查是否是伪加密的zip文件 * 实际无法判断是真加密还是伪加密,仅用于APK的伪加密检测 * @return * @throws IOException */ public boolean isPseudoEncryption(String zipFile) throws IOException { return isPseudoEncryption(new File(zipFile)); } /** * 检查是否是伪加密的zip文件 * 实际无法判断是真加密还是伪加密,仅用于APK的伪加密检测 * @return * @throws IOException */ private boolean isPseudoEncryption() throws IOException { END end = findEND(); if (end.cenlen > end.endpos) zerror("invalid END header (bad central directory size)"); long cenpos = end.endpos - end.cenlen; // position of CEN table // Get position of first local file (LOC) header, taking into // account that there may be a stub prefixed to the zip file. long locpos = cenpos - end.cenoff; if (locpos < 0) zerror("invalid END header (bad central directory offset)"); // read in the CEN and END byte[] cen = new byte[(int)(end.cenlen + ENDHDR)]; if (readFullyAt(cen, 0, cen.length, cenpos) != end.cenlen + ENDHDR) { zerror("read CEN tables failed"); } int pos = 0; int limit = cen.length - ENDHDR; while (pos < limit) { if (CENSIG(cen, pos) != CENSIG) zerror("invalid CEN header (bad signature)"); int method = CENHOW(cen, pos); int nlen = CENNAM(cen, pos); int elen = CENEXT(cen, pos); int clen = CENCOM(cen, pos); if ((CENFLG(cen, pos) & 1) != 0) { return true; } if (method != METHOD_STORED && method != METHOD_DEFLATED) zerror("invalid CEN header (unsupported compression method: " + method + ")"); if (pos + CENHDR + nlen > limit) zerror("invalid CEN header (bad header size)"); // skip ext and comment pos += (CENHDR + nlen + elen + clen); } return false; } // Reads len bytes of data from the specified offset into buf. // Returns the total number of bytes read. // Each/every byte read from here (except the cen, which is mapped). final long readFullyAt(byte[] buf, int off, long len, long pos) throws IOException { ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf); bb.position(off); bb.limit((int)(off + len)); return readFullyAt(bb, pos); } private final long readFullyAt(ByteBuffer bb, long pos) throws IOException { synchronized(ch) { return ch.position(pos).read(bb); } } final long writeFullyAt(byte[] buf, int off, long len, long pos) throws IOException { ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf); bb.position(off); bb.limit((int)(off + len)); return writeFullyAt(bb, pos); } private final long writeFullyAt(ByteBuffer bb, long pos) throws IOException { synchronized(fc) { return fc.position(pos).write(bb); } } // Searches for end of central directory (END) header. The contents of // the END header will be read and placed in endbuf. Returns the file // position of the END header, otherwise returns -1 if the END header // was not found or an error occurred. private END findEND() throws IOException { byte[] buf = new byte[READBLOCKSZ]; long ziplen = ch.size(); long minHDR = (ziplen - END_MAXLEN) > 0 ? ziplen - END_MAXLEN : 0; long minPos = minHDR - (buf.length - ENDHDR); for (long pos = ziplen - buf.length; pos >= minPos; pos -= (buf.length - ENDHDR)) { int off = 0; if (pos < 0) { // Pretend there are some NUL bytes before start of file off = (int)-pos; Arrays.fill(buf, 0, off, (byte)0); } int len = buf.length - off; if (readFullyAt(buf, off, len, pos + off) != len) zerror("zip END header not found"); // Now scan the block backwards for END header signature for (int i = buf.length - ENDHDR; i >= 0; i--) { if (buf[i+0] == (byte)'P' && buf[i+1] == (byte)'K' && buf[i+2] == (byte)'\005' && buf[i+3] == (byte)'\006' && (pos + i + ENDHDR + ENDCOM(buf, i) == ziplen)) { // Found END header buf = Arrays.copyOfRange(buf, i, i + ENDHDR); END end = new END(); end.endsub = ENDSUB(buf); end.centot = ENDTOT(buf); end.cenlen = ENDSIZ(buf); end.cenoff = ENDOFF(buf); end.comlen = ENDCOM(buf); end.endpos = pos + i; if (end.cenlen == ZIP64_MINVAL || end.cenoff == ZIP64_MINVAL || end.centot == ZIP64_MINVAL32) { // need to find the zip64 end; byte[] loc64 = new byte[ZIP64_LOCHDR]; if (readFullyAt(loc64, 0, loc64.length, end.endpos - ZIP64_LOCHDR) != loc64.length) { return end; } long end64pos = ZIP64_LOCOFF(loc64); byte[] end64buf = new byte[ZIP64_ENDHDR]; if (readFullyAt(end64buf, 0, end64buf.length, end64pos) != end64buf.length) { return end; } // end64 found, re-calcualte everything. end.cenlen = ZIP64_ENDSIZ(end64buf); end.cenoff = ZIP64_ENDOFF(end64buf); end.centot = (int)ZIP64_ENDTOT(end64buf); // assume total < 2g end.endpos = end64pos; } return end; } } } zerror("zip END header not found"); return null; //make compiler happy } static void zerror(String msg) { throw new ZipError(msg); } // End of central directory record static class END { int disknum; int sdisknum; int endsub; // endsub int centot; // 4 bytes long cenlen; // 4 bytes long cenoff; // 4 bytes int comlen; // comment length byte[] comment; /* members of Zip64 end of central directory locator */ int diskNum; long endpos; int disktot; @Override public String toString() { return "disknum : " + disknum + "\n" + "sdisknum : " + sdisknum + "\n" + "endsub : " + endsub + "\n" + "centot : " + centot + "\n" + "cenlen : " + cenlen + "\n" + "cenoff : " + cenoff + "\n" + "comlen : " + comlen + "\n" + "diskNum : " + diskNum + "\n" + "endpos : " + endpos + "\n" + "disktot : " + disktot; } } }