package com.robert.maps.applib.tileprovider; import; import java.util.Locale; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import com.robert.maps.applib.MainPreferences; import com.robert.maps.applib.R; import com.robert.maps.applib.kml.PoiManager; import com.robert.maps.applib.kml.XMLparser.PredefMapsParser; import com.robert.maps.applib.preference.MixedMapsPreference; import com.robert.maps.applib.utils.RException; public class TileSourceBase { protected static final String EMPTY = ""; public static final String MAPNIK = "mapnik"; protected static final String EN = "en"; protected static final String PREF_ONLINECACHE = "pref_onlinecache"; protected static final String PREF_GOOGLELANG = "pref_googlelanguagecode"; public static final String USERMAP_ = "usermap_"; public static final String PREF_USERMAP_ = "pref_usermaps_"; protected static final String NAME_ = "_name"; protected static final String BASEURL_ = "_baseurl"; protected static final String NO_BASEURL = "no_baseurl"; protected static final String SQLITEDB = "sqlitedb"; protected static final String MNM = "mnm"; protected static final String PROJECTION_ = "_projection"; protected static final String TRAFFIC_ = "_traffic"; protected static final String MIXMAP_ = "mixmap_"; protected static final String GOOGLESCALE_ = "_googlescale"; protected static final String STRETCH_ = "_stretch"; public static final String OFFSETLAT_ = "_offsetlat"; public static final String OFFSETLON_ = "_offsetlon"; protected static final String STRING_1 = "1"; protected static final String UNDERLINE = "_"; public final static int PREDEF_ONLINE = 0; public final static int USERMAP_OFFLINE = 1; public final static int MIXMAP_PAIR = 2; public final static int MIXMAP_CUSTOM = 3; public String ID, BASEURL, NAME, IMAGE_FILENAMEENDING, GOOGLE_LANG_CODE, CACHE, MAPID, OVERLAYID; public int MAPTILE_SIZEPX, ZOOM_MINLEVEL, ZOOM_MAXLEVEL, URL_BUILDER_TYPE, // 0 - OSM, 1 - Google, 2 - Yandex, 3 - Yandex.Traffic, 4 - Google.Sattelite, 5 - openspace, 6 - microsoft, 8 - VFR Chart TILE_SOURCE_TYPE, // 0 - internet, 3 - MapNav file, 4 - TAR, 5 - sqlitedb YANDEX_TRAFFIC_ON, MAP_TYPE, PROJECTION; // 1-�������� �� �������, 2- �� ���������, 3- OSGB 36 British national grid reference system public boolean LAYER, mOnlineMapCacheEnabled, GOOGLESCALE = false, TIMEDEPENDENT = false; public double MAPTILE_SIZE_FACTOR = 1.0, GOOGLESCALE_SIZE_FACTOR = 1.0; public double OFFSET_LAT = 0, OFFSET_LON = 0; public TileSourceBase(Context ctx, String aId) throws SQLiteException, RException { if (aId.equalsIgnoreCase(EMPTY)) aId = MAPNIK; final SharedPreferences pref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ctx); mOnlineMapCacheEnabled = pref.getBoolean(PREF_ONLINECACHE, true); GOOGLE_LANG_CODE = pref.getString(PREF_GOOGLELANG, EN); this.OVERLAYID = EMPTY; this.OFFSET_LAT = pref.getFloat(aId+OFFSETLAT_, 0); this.OFFSET_LON = pref.getFloat(aId+OFFSETLON_, 0); String mixMapName = EMPTY; String mixMapId = EMPTY; if (aId.startsWith(MIXMAP_)) { final String[] params = aId.split(UNDERLINE); final PoiManager poiman = new PoiManager(ctx); mixMapId = aId; aId = MAPNIK; MAP_TYPE = PREDEF_ONLINE; Cursor c = poiman.getGeoDatabase().getMap(Long.parseLong(params[1])); if(c != null) { if(c.moveToFirst()) { mixMapName = c.getString(1); if(c.getInt(2) == 1) { // Pair maps final JSONObject json = MixedMapsPreference.getMapPairParams(c.getString(3)); try { aId = json.getString(MixedMapsPreference.MAPID); this.OVERLAYID = json.getString(MixedMapsPreference.OVERLAYID); this.MAP_TYPE = MIXMAP_PAIR; } catch (JSONException e) { } } else if(c.getInt(2) == 2 || c.getInt(2) == 3) { // Custom source final JSONObject json = MixedMapsPreference.getMapCustomParams(c.getString(3)); aId = mixMapId; this.ID = mixMapId; this.NAME = c.getString(1); this.BASEURL = json.optString(MixedMapsPreference.BASEURL, ""); this.PROJECTION = json.optInt(MixedMapsPreference.MAPPROJECTION, 1); this.LAYER = c.getInt(2) == 2 ? false : true; this.MAP_TYPE = MIXMAP_CUSTOM; this.URL_BUILDER_TYPE = 12; this.ZOOM_MINLEVEL = json.optInt(MixedMapsPreference.MINZOOM, 1)-1; this.ZOOM_MAXLEVEL = json.optInt(MixedMapsPreference.MAXZOOM, 20)-1; this.MAPTILE_SIZE_FACTOR = json.optDouble(MixedMapsPreference.STRETCH, 1.0f); this.MAPTILE_SIZEPX = (int) (256 * this.MAPTILE_SIZE_FACTOR); this.CACHE = EMPTY; this.mOnlineMapCacheEnabled = json.optBoolean(MixedMapsPreference.ONLINECACHE, true); return; } } c.close(); } } else if (aId.contains(USERMAP_)) { MAP_TYPE = USERMAP_OFFLINE; } else { MAP_TYPE = PREDEF_ONLINE; } if (aId.contains(USERMAP_)) { String prefix = PREF_USERMAP_ + aId.substring(8); this.ID = aId; this.MAPID = aId; this.NAME = pref.getString(prefix + NAME_, aId); this.BASEURL = pref.getString(prefix + BASEURL_, NO_BASEURL); this.ZOOM_MINLEVEL = 0; this.ZOOM_MAXLEVEL = 24; this.MAPTILE_SIZE_FACTOR = Double.parseDouble(pref.getString(prefix + STRETCH_, STRING_1)); this.MAPTILE_SIZEPX = (int) (256 * MAPTILE_SIZE_FACTOR); this.URL_BUILDER_TYPE = 0; if (aId.toLowerCase(Locale.UK).endsWith(SQLITEDB)) { this.TILE_SOURCE_TYPE = 5; this.IMAGE_FILENAMEENDING = EMPTY; } else if (aId.toLowerCase(Locale.UK).endsWith(MNM)) { this.TILE_SOURCE_TYPE = 3; this.IMAGE_FILENAMEENDING = EMPTY; } else { this.TILE_SOURCE_TYPE = 4; this.IMAGE_FILENAMEENDING = EMPTY; } this.PROJECTION = Integer.parseInt(pref.getString(prefix + PROJECTION_, STRING_1)); if (pref.getBoolean(prefix + TRAFFIC_, false)) this.YANDEX_TRAFFIC_ON = 1; else this.YANDEX_TRAFFIC_ON = 0; } else { final SAXParserFactory fac = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); SAXParser parser = null; try { parser = fac.newSAXParser(); if(parser != null){ final InputStream in = ctx.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.predefmaps); parser.parse(in, new PredefMapsParser(this, aId)); this.MAPTILE_SIZE_FACTOR = Double.parseDouble(pref.getString(MainPreferences.PREF_PREDEFMAPS_ + this.ID + STRETCH_, STRING_1)); this.MAPTILE_SIZEPX = (int) (this.MAPTILE_SIZEPX * this.MAPTILE_SIZE_FACTOR); if(this.GOOGLESCALE) { GOOGLESCALE_SIZE_FACTOR = Double.parseDouble(pref.getString(MainPreferences.PREF_PREDEFMAPS_ + this.ID + GOOGLESCALE_, STRING_1)); this.MAPTILE_SIZEPX = (int) (this.MAPTILE_SIZEPX * GOOGLESCALE_SIZE_FACTOR); } else { GOOGLESCALE_SIZE_FACTOR = 1.0; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if(!mixMapName.equals(EMPTY)) { this.NAME = mixMapName; this.ID = mixMapId; } // Patch xav // We scale with density screen double xavDensity = ctx.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; this.MAPTILE_SIZE_FACTOR = this.MAPTILE_SIZE_FACTOR * xavDensity; this.MAPTILE_SIZEPX = (int)((double)this.MAPTILE_SIZEPX * xavDensity); // End of patch xav if(MAPID == null) throw new RException(R.string.error_illegalmapid, aId); } }