package de.flower.rmt.ui.model; import de.flower.common.util.Check; import de.flower.rmt.model.db.entity.event.AbstractSoccerEvent_; import de.flower.rmt.model.db.entity.event.Event; import de.flower.rmt.model.db.entity.event.Event_; import de.flower.rmt.model.db.entity.event.Match_; import de.flower.rmt.model.db.type.EventType; import de.flower.rmt.service.IEventManager; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.apache.wicket.spring.injection.annot.SpringBean; import javax.persistence.metamodel.Attribute; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * @author flowerrrr */ public class EventModel<T extends Event> extends AbstractEntityModel<T> { @SpringBean private IEventManager manager; private EventType type; private boolean eagerFetchAssociations = false; public EventModel(T entity, boolean eagerFetchAssociations) { super(entity.getId()); type = entity.getEventType(); this.eagerFetchAssociations = eagerFetchAssociations; } public EventModel(T entity) { super(entity); Check.notNull(entity); this.type = EventType.from(entity); } public EventModel(final IModel<T> model) { super(model); } @Override protected void onDetach() { // if entity is transient we must save the event type in order to recreate event if (type == null) { T entity = getObject(); type = EventType.from(entity); } super.onDetach(); } @Override protected T load(Long id) { Event entity; if (eagerFetchAssociations) { entity = manager.loadById(id, getAttributes()); } else { entity = manager.loadById(id); } return (T) entity; } @Override protected T newInstance() { return (T) manager.newInstance(type); } private Attribute[] getAttributes() { List<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); attributes.add(; attributes.add(Event_.venue); if (type.isMatch()) { attributes.add(Match_.opponent); } if (type.isSoccerEvent()) { attributes.add(AbstractSoccerEvent_.uniform); } return attributes.toArray(new Attribute[]{}); } }