package de.flower.common.ui.modal; import de.flower.common.ui.Css; import de.flower.common.util.Check; import org.apache.wicket.Component; import org.apache.wicket.Page; import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget; import org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.modal.ModalWindow; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.IHeaderResponse; import org.apache.wicket.util.iterator.ComponentHierarchyIterator; /** * Modal window class. Wraps wickets {@link ModalWindow} and sets some commonly used defaults. */ public class ModalDialogWindow extends ModalWindow { // Exactly enough to allow for 10 "twitter bootstrap columns" in the modal window. private static final int NUM_COLUMNS = 10; private static final int COLUMN_WIDTH = 60; private static final int ADDITIONAL_WIDTH = 42; /** * Instantiates a new modal dialog window. * * @param id the id */ public ModalDialogWindow(final String id) { super(id); setWindowClosedCallback(null); // no idea why it is enabled by default in wicket setCssClassName(Css.MODAL); // the next lines will cause javascript errors in IE 8. statements rendered before jquery link is output. // add(new CloseOnEscBehavior(this)); // add(new FocusFirstInputBehavior()); reset(); } /** * Reset the ModalDialogWindow's behavior. Call this to switch a modal dialog window back to default before * configuring it and adding new content. (This will automatically be done if you use the showContent() shortcut.) * * @return this */ public final ModalDialogWindow reset() { setBootstrapColumns(NUM_COLUMNS); setResizable(false); setCookieName(null); // setAutoSize(true); setUseInitialHeight(false); return this; } /** * Obtain the modal window. * * @param page the page holding reference to a modal window. * @return the current modal window */ public static ModalDialogWindow get(final Page page) { final ModalDialogWindow modalDialogWindow = (ModalDialogWindow) new ComponentHierarchyIterator(page) .filterByClass(ModalDialogWindow.class).getFirst(false); Check.notNull(modalDialogWindow, "No component of type [" + ModalDialogWindow.class.getSimpleName() + "] found in page."); return modalDialogWindow; } /** * Helper to easily show a modal window. * * @param parent the component added to an base page wanting to show a modal dialog * @param content the content (panel) to be shown in the modal dialog * @param numColumns the required number of bootstrap columns for the content */ public static void showContent(final Component parent, final Component content, final int numColumns) { get(parent.getPage()).reset().setContent(content, numColumns).show(AjaxRequestTarget.get()); } /** * Set the window width to the specified number of bootstrap columns. * * @param numColumns the number of bootstrap columns to fit within the window * @return this */ public final ModalDialogWindow setBootstrapColumns(final int numColumns) { return (ModalDialogWindow) super.setInitialWidth(numColumns * COLUMN_WIDTH + ADDITIONAL_WIDTH); } /** * Sets the content of the modal window along with the required width. * * @param component component to set * @param numColumns width in bootstrapColumns the content requires * @return this; */ public final ModalDialogWindow setContent(final Component component, final int numColumns) { super.setContent(component); setBootstrapColumns(numColumns); return this; } /** * Fix for * <p/> * Allows to use * <p/> * <pre> * modal.close(); * modal.setContent(new Panel()); *; * </pre> * <p/> * in one ajax request. * * @return the show java script */ @Override protected final CharSequence getShowJavaScript() { final String s = "setTimeout(function() { " + super.getShowJavaScript().toString().replace("\n", "") + "; }, 0);\n"; return s; } @Override public void renderHead(final IHeaderResponse response) { super.renderHead(response); response.renderJavaScript("Wicket.Window.unloadConfirmation = false;", null); } }