package org.quaere.objects; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import static org.quaere.DSL.*; import org.quaere.Variant; import org.quaere.expressions.*; import org.quaere.model.Customer; import org.quaere.model.Order; import org.quaere.model.Product; import java.util.*; public class ProjectionOperatorsScenarioTest { @Test public void canUseProjectionToProduceASequenceOfIntsOneHigherThanAnExistingArrayOfInts_linq6() { Integer[] numbers = {5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0}; Iterable<Integer> numsPlusOne = from("n").in(numbers). select("n + 1"); int index = 0; for (Integer n : numsPlusOne) { Assert.assertEquals(numbers[index++] + 1, (int) n); } } @Test public void canUseProjectionToReturnASequenceOfJustTheNamesOfAListOfProducts_linq7() { List<Product> products = Arrays.asList(Product.getAllProducts()); Iterable<String> productNames = from("p").in(products). select("p.getProductName()"); Iterator<Product> productIterator = products.iterator(); Iterator<String> productNameIterator = productNames.iterator(); while (productIterator.hasNext() && productNameIterator.hasNext()) { Assert.assertEquals(,; } Assert.assertFalse(productIterator.hasNext()); Assert.assertFalse(productNameIterator.hasNext()); } @Test public void canUseProjectionToProduceASequenceOfStringsRepresentingTheTextVersionOfASequenceOfInts_linq8() { final Integer[] numbers = {5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0}; final String[] strings = { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" }; Iterable<String> textNums = from("n").in(numbers). select( new Indexer( new Statement(Arrays.<Expression>asList(new Constant(strings, strings.getClass()))), new Identifier("n") ) ); List<String> expectedStrings = Arrays.asList( "five", "four", "one", "three", "nine", "eight", "six", "seven", "two", "zero" ); Assert.assertEquals(expectedStrings, asList(textNums)); } @Test public void canUseProjectionToCreateASequenceOfBothUpperAndLowercaseVersionsOfTheWordsInAnArray_linq9() { String[] words = {"aPPLE", "BlUeBeRrY", "cHeRry"}; Iterable<Variant> upperLowerWords = from("w").in(words). select( create( property("upper", "w.toUpperCase()"), property("lower", "w.toLowerCase()") ) ); int index = 0; for (Variant ul : upperLowerWords) { Assert.assertEquals(words[index].toUpperCase(), ul.get("upper")); Assert.assertEquals(words[index].toLowerCase(), ul.get("lower")); index++; } } @Test public void canUseProjectionToProduceASequenceOfTextRepresentationOfDigitsAndWhetherTheLengthIsEvenOrOdd_linq10() { final Integer[] numbers = {5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0}; final String[] strings = { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" }; Iterable<Variant> digitOddEvens = from("n").in(numbers). select( create( property( "digit", new Indexer( new Statement(Arrays.<Expression>asList(new Constant(strings, strings.getClass()))), new Identifier("n") ) ), property("isEven", "n % 2 == 0") ) ); String[] expectedDigits = { "five", "four", "one", "three", "nine", "eight", "six", "seven", "two", "zero" }; int index = 0; for (Variant num : digitOddEvens) { Assert.assertEquals(expectedDigits[index], num.get("digit")); Assert.assertEquals(numbers[index] % 2 == 0, num.get("isEven")); index++; } } @Test public void canUseProjectionToProduceASequenceContainingSomePropertiesOfProducts_linq11() { List<Product> products = Arrays.asList(Product.getAllProducts()); Iterable<Variant> productInfos = from("p").in(products). select( create( property("p.getProductName()"), property("p.getCategory()"), property("price", "p.getUnitPrice()") ) ); Iterator<Product> productIterator = products.iterator(); Iterator<Variant> productInfoIterator = productInfos.iterator(); while (productIterator.hasNext() && productInfoIterator.hasNext()) { Product p =; Variant pi =; Assert.assertEquals(p.getProductName(), pi.get("productName")); Assert.assertEquals(p.getCategory(), pi.get("category")); Assert.assertEquals(p.getUnitPrice(), pi.get("price")); } Assert.assertFalse(productIterator.hasNext()); Assert.assertFalse(productInfoIterator.hasNext()); } @Test @Ignore("Indexers don't work...") public void canUseIndexedProjectionToDetermineIfTheValueMatchesItsPlaceInTheArray_linq12() { // TODO: Redesign: Too many magic strings here. // Integer[] numbers = {5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0}; // Iterable<Variant> numsInPlace = select(numbers,"(num, index) => create {num = num, inPlace = (num == index)}"); // int index = 0; // for (Variant numInPlace : numsInPlace) { // Integer n = (Integer) numInPlace.get("num"); // Assert.assertEquals(numbers[index], n); // Assert.assertEquals(n == index, numInPlace.get("inPlace")); // index++; // } } @Test public void canCombineProjectionAndRestrictionToReturnTextFormOfEachDigitLessThanFive_linq13() { final Integer[] numbers = {5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0}; final String[] strings = { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" }; Iterable<String> lowNums = from("n").in(numbers). where(lt("n", 5)). select( new Indexer( new Statement(Arrays.<Expression>asList(new Constant(strings, strings.getClass()))), new Identifier("n") ) ); List<String> expectedNums = Arrays.asList("four", "one", "three", "two", "zero"); Assert.assertEquals(expectedNums, asList(lowNums)); } @Test public void canUseCompoundFromClauseToMakeAQueryThatReturnsAllPairsOfNumbersFromTwoArraysSuchThatTheNumberFromArrayAIsLessThanTheNumberFromArrayB_linq14() { Integer[] numbersA = {0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9}; Integer[] numbersB = {1, 3, 5, 7, 8}; Iterable<Variant> pairs = from("a").in(numbersA). from("b").in(numbersB). where(lt("a", "b")). select( create( property("a"), property("b") ) ); for (Variant pair : pairs) { Assert.assertTrue((Integer) pair.get("a") < (Integer) pair.get("b")); } } @Test public void canUseCompundFromClauseToSelectAllOrdersWhereTheOrderTotalIsLessThan500_linq15() { Customer[] customers = Customer.getAllCustomers(); Iterable<Variant> orders = from("c").in(customers). from("o").in("c.getOrders()"). where(lt("o.getTotal()", 500.0)). select( create( property("c.getCustomerID()"), property("o.getOrderID()"), property("o.getTotal()") ) ); //assertions: List<String> expectedCustomerIds = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("ALFKI", "ALFKI", "ANATR", "ANATR", "ANATR", "ANTON", "ANTON", "AROUT", "AROUT", "AROUT", "AROUT", "AROUT", "AROUT", "AROUT", "AROUT", "BERGS", "BERGS", "BERGS", "BLAUS", "BLAUS", "BLAUS", "BLAUS", "BLONP", "BOLID", "BONAP", "BONAP", "BONAP", "BONAP", "BSBEV", "BSBEV", "BSBEV", "BSBEV", "BSBEV", "BSBEV", "BSBEV", "CACTU", "CACTU", "CACTU", "CACTU", "CACTU", "CENTC", "COMMI", "COMMI", "COMMI", "CONSH", "DRACD", "DRACD", "DRACD", "DRACD", "DUMON", "DUMON", "DUMON", "ERNSH", "FAMIA", "FAMIA", "FAMIA", "FAMIA", "FOLKO", "FOLKO", "FOLKO", "FOLKO", "FOLKO", "FOLKO", "FRANS", "FRANS", "FRANS", "FRANS", "FRANS", "FURIB", "FURIB", "FURIB", "FURIB", "GALED", "GALED", "GALED", "GALED", "GALED", "GODOS", "GODOS", "GOURL", "GOURL", "GOURL", "GOURL", "GREAL", "GREAL", "GREAL", "GREAL", "GREAL", "GROSR", "HANAR", "HANAR", "HILAA", "HILAA", "HILAA", "HILAA", "HILAA", "HUNGC", "HUNGC", "HUNGC", "HUNGC", "ISLAT", "ISLAT", "ISLAT", "ISLAT", "ISLAT", "KOENE", "KOENE", "KOENE", "LACOR", "LACOR", "LAMAI", "LAMAI", "LAMAI", "LAMAI", "LAMAI", "LAMAI", "LAMAI", "LAMAI", "LAUGB", "LAUGB", "LAUGB", "LAZYK", "LAZYK", "LEHMS", "LEHMS", "LEHMS", "LETSS", "LILAS", "LILAS", "LILAS", "LILAS", "LINOD", "LINOD", "LINOD", "LONEP", "LONEP", "LONEP", "LONEP", "LONEP", "LONEP", "MAGAA", "MAGAA", "MAGAA", "MAGAA", "MAISD", "MEREP", "MEREP", "MORGK", "MORGK", "NORTS", "NORTS", "NORTS", "OCEAN", "OCEAN", "OCEAN", "OTTIK", "PERIC", "PERIC", "PICCO", "PRINI", "QUEDE", "QUEDE", "QUEDE", "QUICK", "RANCH", "RANCH", "REGGC", "REGGC", "REGGC", "REGGC", "REGGC", "REGGC", "RICAR", "RICAR", "RICSU", "RICSU", "ROMEY", "ROMEY", "ROMEY", "ROMEY", "ROMEY", "SANTG", "SAVEA", "SIMOB", "SIMOB", "SPECD", "SPECD", "SPECD", "SPLIR", "SPLIR", "SPLIR", "SPLIR", "SUPRD", "THEBI", "THEBI", "THEBI", "THECR", "THECR", "TOMSP", "TOMSP", "TOMSP", "TORTU", "TORTU", "TRADH", "TRAIH", "VAFFE", "VICTE", "VICTE", "VICTE", "VICTE", "VICTE", "VINET", "VINET", "VINET", "WANDK", "WANDK", "WARTH", "WARTH", "WARTH", "WARTH", "WELLI", "WELLI", "WELLI", "WELLI", "WHITC", "WILMK", "WILMK", "WILMK", "WILMK", "WILMK", "WOLZA", "WOLZA", "WOLZA", "WOLZA")); for (Variant order : orders) { //for each order in the result Assert.assertTrue("did not get customer " + order.get("customerID") + " as many times as expected", expectedCustomerIds.contains(order.get("customerID"))); //assert that the order belongs to a customer we expect expectedCustomerIds.remove(order.get("customerID")); //and remove that customer from the expected object - to make sure we didn't get less copies of the same customer than we expect } Assert.assertTrue("got the same customer too many times", expectedCustomerIds.isEmpty()); //finally, to make sure we didn't get MORE of the customer than expected - assert the expected list was emptied } @Test public void canUseCompundFromClauseToSelectAllOrdersWhereTheOrderWasMadeIn1998OrLater_linq16() { Customer[] customers = Customer.getAllCustomers(); Calendar dec31st1996 = Calendar.getInstance(); dec31st1996.set(1996, 11, 31); Date cutOffDate = dec31st1996.getTime(); Iterable<Variant> orders = from("c").in(customers). from("o").in("c.getOrders()"). where(gt("o.getOrderDate()", cutOffDate)). select( create( property("c.getCustomerID()"), property("o.getOrderID()"), property("o.getOrderDate()") ) ); List<Integer> inspectedOrderIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Variant o : orders) { Assert.assertFalse(inspectedOrderIds.contains(o.get("orderID"))); inspectedOrderIds.add((Integer) o.get("orderID")); Assert.assertTrue(((Date) o.get("orderDate")).compareTo(cutOffDate) > 0); } } @Test public void canUseCreateToCreateNewInstancesOfDefinedTypes() { Integer[] orderNumbers = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16}; Iterable<Order> orders = from("n").in(orderNumbers). select( create( Order.class, property("orderID", "n") ) ); int idx = 0; for (Order o : orders) { Assert.assertEquals((int) orderNumbers[idx++], o.getOrderID()); } } }