package org.quaere.alias.test; import static org.quaere.alias.CompareType.*; import static org.quaere.alias.ListProvider.*; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.junit.Test; /** * Implementation of the 101 LINQ Samples as described in * */ // TODO warn about non-public fields, and null / unknown objects passed to set // TODO from(customers, c).with(c.region, R)... public class SamplesTest { @Test public void testWhereSimple1() { // public void Linq1() { // int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 }; // var lowNums = // from n in numbers // where n < 5 // select n; // Console.WriteLine("Numbers < 5:"); // foreach (var x in lowNums) { // Console.WriteLine(x); // } // } int[] numbers = {5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0}; Integer n = alias(numbers); List<Integer> lowNums = from(n) .where(test(n, SMALLER, 5)) .select(); String result = ""; for (int x : lowNums) { result += x + ";"; } Assert.assertEquals(result, "4;1;3;2;0;"); } @Test public void testWhereSimple2() { // public void Linq2() { // List products = GetProductList(); // var soldOutProducts = // from p in products // where p.UnitsInStock == 0 // select p; // Console.WriteLine("Sold out products:"); // foreach (var product in soldOutProducts) { // Console.WriteLine("{0} is sold out!", product.ProductName); // } // } List<Product> products = Product.getProductList(); Product p = alias(Product.class, products); List<Product> soldOutProducts = from(p) .where(equal(p.unitsInStock, 0)) .select(); String result = ""; for (Product x : soldOutProducts) { result += x.productName + ";"; } Assert.assertEquals(result, "Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix;Alice Mutton;Thueringer Rostbratwurst;Gorgonzola Telino;Perth Pasties;"); } @Test public void testWhereSimple3() { // public void Linq3() { // List products = GetProductList(); // var expensiveInStockProducts = // from p in products // where p.UnitsInStock > 0 && p.UnitPrice > 3.00M // select p; // Console.WriteLine("In-stock products that cost more than 3.00:"); // foreach (var product in expensiveInStockProducts) { // Console.WriteLine("{0} is in stock and costs more than 3.00.", product.ProductName); // } // } List<Product> products = Product.getProductList(); Product p = alias(Product.class, products); List<Product> expensiveInStockProducts = from(p) .where(test(p.unitsInStock, BIGGER, 0).and(p.unitPrice, BIGGER, 3.0)) .select(); String result = ""; for (Product x : expensiveInStockProducts) { result += x.productName + ";"; } Assert.assertEquals( result, "Chai;Chang;Aniseed Syrup;Chef Anton's Cajun Seasoning;Grandma's Boysenberry Spread;" + "Uncle Bob's Organic Dried Pears;Northwoods Cranberry Sauce;Mishi Kobe Niku;Ikura;" + "Queso Cabrales;Queso Manchego La Pastora;Konbu;Tofu;Genen Shouyu;Pavlova;" + "Carnarvon Tigers;Teatime Chocolate Biscuits;Sir Rodney's Marmalade;Sir Rodney's Scones;" + "Gustaf's Knaeckebroed;Tunnbroed;Guarana Fantastica;NuNuCa Nuss-Nougat-Creme;Gumbaer Gummibaerchen;" + "Schoggi Schokolade;Roessle Sauerkraut;Nord-Ost Matjeshering;Mascarpone Fabioli;Sasquatch Ale;" + "Steeleye Stout;Inlagd Sill;Gravad lax;Cote de Blaye;" + "Chartreuse verte;Boston Crab Meat;Jack's New England Clam Chowder;" + "Singaporean Hokkien Fried Mee;Ipoh Coffee;Gula Malacca;Rogede sild;" + "Spegesild;Zaanse koeken;Chocolade;Maxilaku;Valkoinen suklaa;" + "Manjimup Dried Apples;Filo Mix;Tourtiere;Pate chinois;" + "Gnocchi di nonna Alice;Ravioli Angelo;Escargots de Bourgogne;" + "Raclette Courdavault;Camembert Pierrot;Sirop d'erable;" + "Tarte au sucre;Vegie-spread;Wimmers gute Semmelknoedel;" + "Louisiana Fiery Hot Pepper Sauce;Louisiana Hot Spiced Okra;" + "Laughing Lumberjack Lager;Scottish Longbreads;Gudbrandsdalsost;" + "Outback Lager;Flotemysost;Mozzarella di Giovanni;Roed Kaviar;" + "Longlife Tofu;Rhoenbraeu Klosterbier;Lakkalikoeoeri;" + "Original Frankfurter gruene Sosse;"); } @Test public void testWhereSimple4() { // public void Linq4() { // List customers = GetCustomerList(); // var waCustomers = // from c in customers // where c.Region == "WA" // select c; // Console.WriteLine("Customers from Washington and their orders:"); // foreach (var customer in waCustomers) { // Console.WriteLine("Customer {0}: {1}", customer.CustomerID, customer.CompanyName); // foreach (var order in customer.Orders) { // Console.WriteLine(" Order {0}: {1}", order.OrderID, order.OrderDate); // } // } // } List<Customer> customers = Customer.getCustomerList(); Customer c = alias(Customer.class); List<Customer> waCustomers = from(customers, c) .where(equal(c.region, "WA")) .select(); } @Test public void testWhereSimple5() { // public void Linq5() { // string[] digits = { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" }; // var shortDigits = digits.Where((digit, index) => digit.Length < index); // Console.WriteLine("Short digits:"); // foreach (var d in shortDigits) { // Console.WriteLine("The word {0} is shorter than its name.", d); // } // } String[] digits = {"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"}; String digit = alias(digits); List<String> shortDigits = from(digit) .where(test(length(digit), SMALLER, index())) .select(); String result = ""; for (String x : shortDigits) { result += x + ";"; } Assert.assertEquals(result, "five;six;seven;eight;nine;"); } @Test public void testSelectSimple1() { // public void Linq6() { // int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 }; // var numsPlusOne = // from n in numbers // select n + 1; // Console.WriteLine("Numbers + 1:"); // foreach (var i in numsPlusOne) { // Console.WriteLine(i); // } // } int[] numbers = {5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0}; Integer n = alias(numbers); List<Integer> lowNums = from(n) .select(add(n, 1)); String result = ""; for (int x : lowNums) { result += x + ";"; } Assert.assertEquals(result, "6;5;2;4;10;9;7;8;3;1;"); } @Test public void testSelectSimple2() { // public void Linq7() { // List products = GetProductList(); // var productNames = // from p in products // select p.ProductName; // Console.WriteLine("Product Names:"); // foreach (var productName in productNames) { // Console.WriteLine(productName); // } // } List<Product> products = Product.getProductList(); Product p = alias(Product.class, products); List<String> productNames = from(p) .select(p.productName); for (int i = 0; i < products.size(); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(products.get(i).productName, productNames.get(i)); } } @Test public void testSelectTransformation() { // public void Linq8() { // int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 }; // string[] strings = { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" }; // var textNums = // from n in numbers // select strings[n]; // Console.WriteLine("Number strings:"); // foreach (var s in textNums) { // Console.WriteLine(s); // } // } int[] numbers = {5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0}; String[] strings = {"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"}; Integer n = alias(numbers); List<String> textNums = from(n) .select(get(strings, n)); String result = ""; for (String x : textNums) { result += x + ";"; } Assert.assertEquals(result, "five;four;one;three;nine;eight;six;seven;two;zero;"); } public static class UpperLower { public String upper, lower; } @Test public void testAnonymousTypes1() { // public void Linq9() { // string[] words = { "aPPLE", "BlUeBeRrY", "cHeRry" }; // var upperLowerWords = // from w in words // select new {Upper = w.ToUpper(), Lower = w.ToLower()}; // foreach (var ul in upperLowerWords) { // Console.WriteLine("Uppercase: {0}, Lowercase: {1}", ul.Upper, ul.Lower); // } // } String[] words = {"aPPLE", "BlUeBeRrY", "cHeRry"}; String w = alias(words); UpperLower x = template(UpperLower.class); List<UpperLower> upperLowerWords = from(w) .select(x, set(x.upper, upper(w)), set(x.lower, lower(w))); String resultUpper = "", resultLower = ""; for (UpperLower ul : upperLowerWords) { resultUpper += ul.upper + ";"; resultLower += ul.lower + ";"; } Assert.assertEquals(resultUpper, "APPLE;BLUEBERRY;CHERRY;"); Assert.assertEquals(resultLower, "apple;blueberry;cherry;"); } public static class Digit { public String digit; public Boolean even; } @Test public void testAnonymousTypes2() { // public void Linq10() { // int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 }; // string[] strings = { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" }; // var digitOddEvens = // from n in numbers // select new {Digit = strings[n], Even = (n % 2 == 0)}; // foreach (var d in digitOddEvens) { // Console.WriteLine("The digit {0} is {1}.", d.Digit, d.Even ? "even" : "odd"); // } // } int[] numbers = {5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0}; String[] strings = {"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"}; Integer n = alias(numbers); Digit x = template(Digit.class); List<Digit> digitOddEvens = from(n) .select(x, set(x.digit, get(strings, n)), set(x.even, equal(mod(n, 2), 0))); String result = ""; for (Digit d : digitOddEvens) { result += d.digit + ":" + (d.even ? "even" : "odd") + ";"; } Assert.assertEquals("five:odd;four:even;one:odd;three:odd;nine:odd;eight:even;six:even;seven:odd;two:even;zero:even;", result); } public static class ProductPrice { public String productName; public String category; public Double price; } @Test public void testAnonymousTypes3() { // public void Linq11() { // List products = GetProductList(); // var productInfos = // from p in products // select new {p.ProductName, p.Category, Price = p.UnitPrice}; // Console.WriteLine("Product Info:"); // foreach (var productInfo in productInfos) { // Console.WriteLine("{0} is in the category {1} and costs {2} per unit.", productInfo.ProductName, productInfo.Category, productInfo.Price); // } List<Product> products = Product.getProductList(); Product p = alias(Product.class, products); ProductPrice x = template(ProductPrice.class); List<ProductPrice> productInfos = from(p) .select(x, set(x.productName, p.productName), set(x.category, p.category), set(x.price, p.unitPrice)); for (int i = 0; i < productInfos.size(); i++) { Assert.assertEquals(products.get(i).productName, productInfos.get(i).productName); Assert.assertEquals(products.get(i).category, productInfos.get(i).category); Assert.assertEquals(products.get(i).unitPrice, productInfos.get(i).price); } } public static class NumberInplace { public Integer num; public Boolean inPlace; } @Test public void testSelectIndexes() { // public void Linq12() { // int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 }; // var numsInPlace = numbers.Select((num, index) => new {Num = num, InPlace = (num == index)}); // Console.WriteLine("Number: In-place?"); // foreach (var n in numsInPlace) { // Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", n.Num, n.InPlace); // } // } int[] numbers = {5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0}; Integer i = alias(numbers); NumberInplace x = template(NumberInplace.class); List<NumberInplace> numsInPlace = from(i).select(x, set(x.num, i), set(x.inPlace, equal(i, index()))); String result = ""; for (NumberInplace n : numsInPlace) { result += n.num + ":" + n.inPlace + ";"; } Assert.assertEquals("5:false;4:false;1:false;3:true;9:false;8:false;6:true;7:true;2:false;0:false;", result); } @Test public void testSelectFiltered() { // public void Linq13() { // int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 }; // string[] digits = { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" }; // var lowNums = // from n in numbers // where n < 5 // select digits[n]; // Console.WriteLine("Numbers < 5:"); // foreach (var num in lowNums) { // Console.WriteLine(num); // } // } int[] numbers = {5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0}; String[] digits = {"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"}; Integer n = alias(numbers); List<String> lowNums = from(n).where(test(n, SMALLER, 5)).select(get(digits, n)); String result = ""; for (String x : lowNums) { result += x + ";"; } Assert.assertEquals("four;one;three;two;zero;", result); } }