package org.bouncycastle2.bcpg; import*; /** * The string to key specifier class */ public class S2K extends BCPGObject { private static final int EXPBIAS = 6; public static final int SIMPLE = 0; public static final int SALTED = 1; public static final int SALTED_AND_ITERATED = 3; public static final int GNU_DUMMY_S2K = 101; int type; int algorithm; byte[] iv; int itCount = -1; int protectionMode = -1; S2K( InputStream in) throws IOException { DataInputStream dIn = new DataInputStream(in); type =; algorithm =; // // if this happens we have a dummy-S2K packet. // if (type != GNU_DUMMY_S2K) { if (type != 0) { iv = new byte[8]; dIn.readFully(iv, 0, iv.length); if (type == 3) { itCount =; } } } else {; // G; // N; // U protectionMode =; // protection mode } } public S2K( int algorithm) { this.type = 0; this.algorithm = algorithm; } public S2K( int algorithm, byte[] iv) { this.type = 1; this.algorithm = algorithm; this.iv = iv; } public S2K( int algorithm, byte[] iv, int itCount) { this.type = 3; this.algorithm = algorithm; this.iv = iv; this.itCount = itCount; } public int getType() { return type; } /** * return the hash algorithm for this S2K */ public int getHashAlgorithm() { return algorithm; } /** * return the iv for the key generation algorithm */ public byte[] getIV() { return iv; } /** * return the iteration count */ public long getIterationCount() { return (16 + (itCount & 15)) << ((itCount >> 4) + EXPBIAS); } /** * the protection mode - only if GNU_DUMMY_S2K */ public int getProtectionMode() { return protectionMode; } public void encode( BCPGOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.write(type); out.write(algorithm); if (type != GNU_DUMMY_S2K) { if (type != 0) { out.write(iv); } if (type == 3) { out.write(itCount); } } else { out.write('G'); out.write('N'); out.write('U'); out.write(protectionMode); } } }