/* * Copyright 2010 ZXing authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.zxing.aztec.detector; import com.google.zxing.NotFoundException; import com.google.zxing.ResultPoint; import com.google.zxing.aztec.AztecDetectorResult; import com.google.zxing.common.BitMatrix; import com.google.zxing.common.GridSampler; import com.google.zxing.common.detector.WhiteRectangleDetector; import com.google.zxing.common.reedsolomon.GenericGF; import com.google.zxing.common.reedsolomon.ReedSolomonDecoder; import com.google.zxing.common.reedsolomon.ReedSolomonException; /** * <p>Encapsulates logic that can detect an Aztec Code in an image, even if the Aztec Code * is rotated or skewed, or partially obscured.</p> * * @author David Olivier */ public final class Detector { private final BitMatrix image; private boolean compact; private int nbLayers; private int nbDataBlocks; private int nbCenterLayers; private int shift; public Detector(BitMatrix image) { this.image = image; } /** * <p>Detects an Aztec Code in an image.</p> * * @return {@link AztecDetectorResult} encapsulating results of detecting an Aztec Code * @throws NotFoundException if no Aztec Code can be found */ public AztecDetectorResult detect() throws NotFoundException { // 1. Get the center of the aztec matrix Point pCenter = getMatrixCenter(); // 2. Get the corners of the center bull's eye Point[] bullEyeCornerPoints = getBullEyeCornerPoints(pCenter); // 3. Get the size of the matrix from the bull's eye extractParameters(bullEyeCornerPoints); // 4. Get the corners of the matrix ResultPoint[] corners = getMatrixCornerPoints(bullEyeCornerPoints); // 5. Sample the grid BitMatrix bits = sampleGrid(image, corners[shift%4], corners[(shift+3)%4], corners[(shift+2)%4], corners[(shift+1)%4]); return new AztecDetectorResult(bits, corners, compact, nbDataBlocks, nbLayers); } /** * <p> Extracts the number of data layers and data blocks from the layer around the bull's eye </p> * * @param bullEyeCornerPoints the array of bull's eye corners * @throws NotFoundException in case of too many errors or invalid parameters */ private void extractParameters(Point[] bullEyeCornerPoints) throws NotFoundException { // Get the bits around the bull's eye boolean[] resab = sampleLine(bullEyeCornerPoints[0], bullEyeCornerPoints[1], 2*nbCenterLayers+1); boolean[] resbc = sampleLine(bullEyeCornerPoints[1], bullEyeCornerPoints[2], 2*nbCenterLayers+1); boolean[] rescd = sampleLine(bullEyeCornerPoints[2], bullEyeCornerPoints[3], 2*nbCenterLayers+1); boolean[] resda = sampleLine(bullEyeCornerPoints[3], bullEyeCornerPoints[0], 2*nbCenterLayers+1); // Determine the orientation of the matrix if (resab[0] && resab[2 * nbCenterLayers]) { shift = 0; } else if (resbc[0] && resbc[2 * nbCenterLayers]) { shift = 1; } else if (rescd[0] && rescd[2 * nbCenterLayers]) { shift = 2; } else if (resda[0] && resda[2 * nbCenterLayers]) { shift = 3; } else { throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance(); } //d a // //c b // Flatten the bits in a single array boolean[] parameterData; boolean[] shiftedParameterData; if (compact) { shiftedParameterData = new boolean[28]; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { shiftedParameterData[i] = resab[2+i]; shiftedParameterData[i+7] = resbc[2+i]; shiftedParameterData[i+14] = rescd[2+i]; shiftedParameterData[i+21] = resda[2+i]; } parameterData = new boolean[28]; for (int i = 0; i < 28; i++) { parameterData[i] = shiftedParameterData[(i+shift*7)%28]; } } else { shiftedParameterData = new boolean[40]; for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { if (i < 5) { shiftedParameterData[i] = resab[2+i]; shiftedParameterData[i+10] = resbc[2+i]; shiftedParameterData[i+20] = rescd[2+i]; shiftedParameterData[i+30] = resda[2+i]; } if (i > 5) { shiftedParameterData[i-1] = resab[2+i]; shiftedParameterData[i+10-1] = resbc[2+i]; shiftedParameterData[i+20-1] = rescd[2+i]; shiftedParameterData[i+30-1] = resda[2+i]; } } parameterData = new boolean[40]; for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { parameterData[i] = shiftedParameterData[(i+shift*10)%40]; } } // corrects the error using RS algorithm correctParameterData(parameterData, compact); // gets the parameters from the bit array getParameters(parameterData); } /** * * <p> Gets the aztec code corners from the bull's eye corners and the parameters </p> * * @param bullEyeCornerPoints the array of bull's eye corners * @return the array of aztec code corners * @throws NotFoundException if the corner points do not fit in the image */ private ResultPoint[] getMatrixCornerPoints(Point[] bullEyeCornerPoints) throws NotFoundException { float ratio = (2*nbLayers+(nbLayers>4?1:0)+(nbLayers-4)/8)/(2.0f*nbCenterLayers); int dx = bullEyeCornerPoints[0].x-bullEyeCornerPoints[2].x; dx+=dx>0?1:-1; int dy = bullEyeCornerPoints[0].y-bullEyeCornerPoints[2].y; dy+=dy>0?1:-1; int targetcx = round(bullEyeCornerPoints[2].x-ratio*dx); int targetcy = round(bullEyeCornerPoints[2].y-ratio*dy); int targetax = round(bullEyeCornerPoints[0].x+ratio*dx); int targetay = round(bullEyeCornerPoints[0].y+ratio*dy); dx = bullEyeCornerPoints[1].x-bullEyeCornerPoints[3].x; dx+=dx>0?1:-1; dy = bullEyeCornerPoints[1].y-bullEyeCornerPoints[3].y; dy+=dy>0?1:-1; int targetdx = round(bullEyeCornerPoints[3].x-ratio*dx); int targetdy = round(bullEyeCornerPoints[3].y-ratio*dy); int targetbx = round(bullEyeCornerPoints[1].x+ratio*dx); int targetby = round(bullEyeCornerPoints[1].y+ratio*dy); if (!isValid(targetax, targetay) || !isValid(targetbx, targetby) || !isValid(targetcx, targetcy) || !isValid(targetdx, targetdy)) { throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance(); } return new ResultPoint[]{new ResultPoint(targetax, targetay), new ResultPoint(targetbx, targetby), new ResultPoint(targetcx, targetcy), new ResultPoint(targetdx, targetdy)}; } /** * * <p> Corrects the parameter bits using Reed-Solomon algorithm </p> * * @param parameterData paremeter bits * @param compact true if this is a compact Aztec code * @throws NotFoundException if the array contains too many errors */ private static void correctParameterData(boolean[] parameterData, boolean compact) throws NotFoundException { int numCodewords; int numDataCodewords; if (compact) { numCodewords = 7; numDataCodewords = 2; } else { numCodewords = 10; numDataCodewords = 4; } int numECCodewords = numCodewords - numDataCodewords; int[] parameterWords = new int[numCodewords]; int codewordSize = 4; for (int i = 0; i < numCodewords; i++) { int flag = 1; for (int j = 1; j <= codewordSize; j++) { if (parameterData[codewordSize*i + codewordSize - j]) { parameterWords[i] += flag; } flag <<= 1; } } try { ReedSolomonDecoder rsDecoder = new ReedSolomonDecoder(GenericGF.AZTEC_PARAM); rsDecoder.decode(parameterWords, numECCodewords); } catch (ReedSolomonException rse) { throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance(); } for (int i = 0; i < numDataCodewords; i ++) { int flag = 1; for (int j = 1; j <= codewordSize; j++) { parameterData[i*codewordSize+codewordSize-j] = (parameterWords[i] & flag) == flag; flag <<= 1; } } } /** * * <p> Finds the corners of a bull-eye centered on the passed point </p> * * @param pCenter Center point * @return The corners of the bull-eye * @throws NotFoundException If no valid bull-eye can be found */ private Point[] getBullEyeCornerPoints(Point pCenter) throws NotFoundException { Point pina = pCenter; Point pinb = pCenter; Point pinc = pCenter; Point pind = pCenter; boolean color = true; for (nbCenterLayers = 1; nbCenterLayers < 9; nbCenterLayers++) { Point pouta = getFirstDifferent(pina, color, 1, -1); Point poutb = getFirstDifferent(pinb, color, 1, 1); Point poutc = getFirstDifferent(pinc, color, -1, 1); Point poutd = getFirstDifferent(pind, color, -1, -1); //d a // //c b if (nbCenterLayers>2) { float q = distance(poutd, pouta)*nbCenterLayers/(distance(pind, pina)*(nbCenterLayers+2)); if ( q < 0.75 || q > 1.25 || !isWhiteOrBlackRectangle(pouta, poutb, poutc, poutd)) { break; } } pina = pouta; pinb = poutb; pinc = poutc; pind = poutd; color = !color; } if (nbCenterLayers != 5 && nbCenterLayers != 7) { throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance(); } compact = nbCenterLayers==5; float ratio = 0.75f*2/(2*nbCenterLayers-3); int dx = pina.x-pinc.x; int dy = pina.y-pinc.y; int targetcx = round(pinc.x-ratio*dx); int targetcy = round(pinc.y-ratio*dy); int targetax = round(pina.x+ratio*dx); int targetay = round(pina.y+ratio*dy); dx = pinb.x-pind.x; dy = pinb.y-pind.y; int targetdx = round(pind.x-ratio*dx); int targetdy = round(pind.y-ratio*dy); int targetbx = round(pinb.x+ratio*dx); int targetby = round(pinb.y+ratio*dy); if (!isValid(targetax, targetay) || !isValid(targetbx, targetby) || !isValid(targetcx, targetcy) || !isValid(targetdx, targetdy)) { throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance(); } Point pa = new Point(targetax,targetay); Point pb = new Point(targetbx,targetby); Point pc = new Point(targetcx,targetcy); Point pd = new Point(targetdx,targetdy); return new Point[]{pa, pb, pc, pd}; } /** * * Finds a candidate center point of an Aztec code from an image * * @return the center point */ private Point getMatrixCenter() { ResultPoint pointA; ResultPoint pointB; ResultPoint pointC; ResultPoint pointD; //Get a white rectangle that can be the border of the matrix in center bull's eye or try { ResultPoint[] cornerPoints = new WhiteRectangleDetector(image).detect(); pointA = cornerPoints[0]; pointB = cornerPoints[1]; pointC = cornerPoints[2]; pointD = cornerPoints[3]; } catch (NotFoundException e) { // This exception can be in case the initial rectangle is white // In that case, surely in the bull's eye, we try to expand the rectangle. int cx = image.width/2; int cy = image.height/2; pointA = getFirstDifferent(new Point(cx+15/2, cy-15/2), false, 1, -1).toResultPoint(); pointB = getFirstDifferent(new Point(cx+15/2, cy+15/2), false, 1, 1).toResultPoint(); pointC = getFirstDifferent(new Point(cx-15/2, cy+15/2), false, -1, 1).toResultPoint(); pointD = getFirstDifferent(new Point(cx-15/2, cy-15/2), false, -1, -1).toResultPoint(); } //Compute the center of the rectangle int cx = round((pointA.getX() + pointD.getX() + pointB.getX() + pointC.getX())/4); int cy = round((pointA.getY() + pointD.getY() + pointB.getY() + pointC.getY())/4); // Redetermine the white rectangle starting from previously computed center. // This will ensure that we end up with a white rectangle in center bull's eye // in order to compute a more accurate center. try { ResultPoint[] cornerPoints = new WhiteRectangleDetector(image, 15, cx, cy).detect(); pointA = cornerPoints[0]; pointB = cornerPoints[1]; pointC = cornerPoints[2]; pointD = cornerPoints[3]; } catch (NotFoundException e) { // This exception can be in case the initial rectangle is white // In that case we try to expand the rectangle. pointA = getFirstDifferent(new Point(cx+15/2, cy-15/2), false, 1, -1).toResultPoint(); pointB = getFirstDifferent(new Point(cx+15/2, cy+15/2), false, 1, 1).toResultPoint(); pointC = getFirstDifferent(new Point(cx-15/2, cy+15/2), false, -1, 1).toResultPoint(); pointD = getFirstDifferent(new Point(cx-15/2, cy-15/2), false, -1, -1).toResultPoint(); } // Recompute the center of the rectangle cx = round((pointA.getX() + pointD.getX() + pointB.getX() + pointC.getX())/4); cy = round((pointA.getY() + pointD.getY() + pointB.getY() + pointC.getY())/4); return new Point(cx, cy); } /** * Samples an Aztec matrix from an image */ private BitMatrix sampleGrid(BitMatrix image, ResultPoint topLeft, ResultPoint bottomLeft, ResultPoint bottomRight, ResultPoint topRight) throws NotFoundException { int dimension; if (compact) { dimension = 4*nbLayers+11; } else { if (nbLayers <= 4) { dimension = 4*nbLayers + 15; } else { dimension = 4*nbLayers + 2*((nbLayers-4)/8 + 1) + 15 ; } } GridSampler sampler = GridSampler.getInstance(); return sampler.sampleGrid(image, dimension, dimension, 0.5f, 0.5f, dimension - 0.5f, 0.5f, dimension - 0.5f, dimension - 0.5f, 0.5f, dimension - 0.5f, topLeft.getX(), topLeft.getY(), topRight.getX(), topRight.getY(), bottomRight.getX(), bottomRight.getY(), bottomLeft.getX(), bottomLeft.getY()); } /** * Sets number of layers and number of datablocks from parameter bits */ private void getParameters(boolean[] parameterData) { int nbBitsForNbLayers; int nbBitsForNbDatablocks; if (compact) { nbBitsForNbLayers = 2; nbBitsForNbDatablocks = 6; } else { nbBitsForNbLayers = 5; nbBitsForNbDatablocks = 11; } for (int i = 0; i < nbBitsForNbLayers; i++) { nbLayers <<= 1; if (parameterData[i]) { nbLayers += 1; } } for (int i = nbBitsForNbLayers; i < nbBitsForNbLayers + nbBitsForNbDatablocks; i++) { nbDataBlocks <<= 1; if (parameterData[i]) { nbDataBlocks += 1; } } nbLayers ++; nbDataBlocks ++; } /** * * Samples a line * * @param p1 first point * @param p2 second point * @param size number of bits * @return the array of bits */ private boolean[] sampleLine(Point p1, Point p2,int size) { boolean[] res = new boolean[size]; float d = distance(p1,p2); float moduleSize = d/(size-1); float dx = moduleSize*(p2.x - p1.x)/d; float dy = moduleSize*(p2.y - p1.y)/d; float px = p1.x; float py = p1.y; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { res[i] = image.get(round(px), round(py)); px+=dx; py+=dy; } return res; } /** * @return true if the border of the rectangle passed in parameter is compound of white points only * or black points only */ private boolean isWhiteOrBlackRectangle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4) { int corr = 3; p1 = new Point(p1.x-corr, p1.y+corr); p2 = new Point(p2.x-corr, p2.y-corr); p3 = new Point(p3.x+corr, p3.y-corr); p4 = new Point(p4.x+corr, p4.y+corr); int cInit = getColor(p4, p1); if (cInit == 0) { return false; } int c = getColor(p1, p2); if (c!=cInit || c == 0) { return false; } c = getColor(p2, p3); if (c!=cInit || c == 0) { return false; } c = getColor(p3, p4); return c == cInit && c != 0; } /** * Gets the color of a segment * * @return 1 if segment more than 90% black, -1 if segment is more than 90% white, 0 else */ private int getColor(Point p1, Point p2) { float d = distance(p1,p2); float dx = (p2.x - p1.x)/d; float dy = (p2.y - p1.y)/d; int error = 0; float px = p1.x; float py = p1.y; boolean colorModel = image.get(p1.x, p1.y); for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) { px+=dx; py+=dy; if (image.get(round(px), round(py)) != colorModel) { error++; } } float errRatio = (float)error/d; if (errRatio > 0.1 && errRatio < 0.9) { return 0; } if (errRatio <= 0.1) { return colorModel?1:-1; } else { return colorModel?-1:1; } } /** * Gets the coordinate of the first point with a different color in the given direction */ private Point getFirstDifferent(Point init, boolean color, int dx, int dy) { int x = init.x+dx; int y = init.y+dy; while(isValid(x,y) && image.get(x,y) == color) { x+=dx; y+=dy; } x-=dx; y-=dy; while(isValid(x,y) && image.get(x, y) == color) { x+=dx; } x-=dx; while(isValid(x,y) && image.get(x, y) == color) { y+=dy; } y-=dy; return new Point(x,y); } private static class Point { public final int x; public final int y; public ResultPoint toResultPoint() { return new ResultPoint(x, y); } private Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } } private boolean isValid(int x, int y) { return (x >= 0 && x < image.width && y > 0 && y < image.height); } /** * Ends up being a bit faster than Math.round(). This merely rounds its * argument to the nearest int, where x.5 rounds up. */ private static int round(float d) { return (int) (d + 0.5f); } // L2 distance private static float distance(Point a, Point b) { return (float) Math.sqrt((a.x - b.x) * (a.x - b.x) + (a.y - b.y) * (a.y - b.y)); } }