package com.processpuzzle.sharedfixtures.domaintier; import com.processpuzzle.application.configuration.domain.ProcessPuzzleContext; import com.processpuzzle.commons.persistence.AggregateRoot; import com.processpuzzle.commons.persistence.Repository; import; import; import com.processpuzzle.persistence.domain.DefaultUnitOfWork; public class PartyTypeFixture { public static final String PERSON_TYPE_NAME = "PersonType"; public static final String COMPANY_TYPE_NAME = "CompanyType"; protected PartyTypeFactory partyTypeFactory; protected PartyType personType; protected PartyType companyType; public void setUp() { partyTypeFactory = new PartyTypeFactory(); personType = partyTypeFactory.create( PERSON_TYPE_NAME ); personType.setDescription( "Represents a natural person." ); companyType = partyTypeFactory.create( COMPANY_TYPE_NAME ); companyType.setDescription( "Represents the type of all legal business entities." ); } public void tearDown() { personType = null; companyType = null; } public void savePersonType( ProcessPuzzleContext applicationContext ) { if( personType.getId() == null ) saveAggregateRoot( personType, applicationContext ); } public void deletePersonType( ProcessPuzzleContext applicationContext ) { if( personType != null && personType.getId() != null ) { deleteAggregateRoot( personType, applicationContext ); personType = null; } } public PartyType getPersonType() { return personType; } public PartyType getCompanyType() { return companyType; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void saveAggregateRoot( AggregateRoot aggregateRoot, ProcessPuzzleContext applicationContext ) { Repository repository = applicationContext.getRepositoryByEntityClass( aggregateRoot.getClass() ); DefaultUnitOfWork work = new DefaultUnitOfWork( true ); repository.add( work, aggregateRoot ); work.finish(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void deleteAggregateRoot( AggregateRoot aggregateRoot, ProcessPuzzleContext applicationContext ) { Repository repository = applicationContext.getRepositoryByEntityClass( aggregateRoot.getClass() ); DefaultUnitOfWork work = new DefaultUnitOfWork( true ); repository.delete( work, aggregateRoot ); work.finish(); } }