package com.processpuzzle.artifact.domain; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import com.processpuzzle.artifact.domain.Modification; import com.processpuzzle.application.configuration.domain.ProcessPuzzleContext; import; import; import; import com.processpuzzle.artifact.domain.Artifact; import com.processpuzzle.artifact.domain.ArtifactFactory; import com.processpuzzle.artifact.domain.ArtifactVersion; import com.processpuzzle.artifact.domain.CommentList; import com.processpuzzle.artifact.domain.CommentListFactory; import com.processpuzzle.artifact.domain.DefaultArtifactRepository; import com.processpuzzle.artifact_type.domain.ArtifactType; import com.processpuzzle.artifact_type.domain.ArtifactTypeFactory; import com.processpuzzle.artifact_type.domain.ArtifactTypeTestFixture; import com.processpuzzle.persistence.domain.DefaultUnitOfWork; import com.processpuzzle.sharedfixtures.domaintier.DomainTierTestConfiguration; import com.processpuzzle.sharedfixtures.domaintier.ProcessPuzzleContextFixture; import com.processpuzzle.user_session.domain.UserRequestManager; public class ArtifactVersionTest { private ProcessPuzzleContextFixture applicationContextFixture; private ArtifactTypeTestFixture typeFixture = null; private static User person; private static Date creation; private ArtifactVersion version; private static DefaultArtifactRepository repository = null; private static UserRepository userRepository = null; private ProcessPuzzleContext applicationContext; private UserFactory userFactory; private ArtifactTypeFactory artifactTypeFactory; private CommentListFactory commentListFactory; private User currentUser; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { applicationContextFixture = ProcessPuzzleContextFixture.getInstance( DomainTierTestConfiguration.APPLICATION_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR_PATH ); applicationContextFixture.setUp(); applicationContext = applicationContextFixture.getApplicationContext(); typeFixture = new ArtifactTypeTestFixture( null ); typeFixture.setUp(); userFactory = applicationContext.getEntityFactory( UserFactory.class ); artifactTypeFactory = applicationContext.getEntityFactory( ArtifactTypeFactory.class ); commentListFactory = applicationContext.getEntityFactory( CommentListFactory.class ); currentUser = UserRequestManager.getInstance().currentUser(); repository = (DefaultArtifactRepository) ProcessPuzzleContext.getInstance().getRepository( DefaultArtifactRepository.class ); userRepository = (UserRepository) ProcessPuzzleContext.getInstance().getRepository( UserRepository.class ); creation = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() ); person = userFactory.createUser( "Kis Nagy", "psw" ); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { typeFixture.tearDown(); } @Ignore @Test public final void testCreateArtifatVersion_withEmptyConstructor() { ArtifactVersion version = new ArtifactVersion(); assertNotNull( "The artifact version object is exist.", version ); assertNotNull( "The artifact version's date of creation is not null.", version.getCreation() ); assertNotNull( "The artifact version's name is not null.", version.getName() ); assertFalse( "The default value of the isVersionControlled field is the false.", version.isVersionControlled() ); assertNull( "The default value of responsible field is null.", version.getCreator() ); assertNull( "The default value of commentListName field is null.", version.getCommentList() ); assertNull( "The default value of next field is null.", version.getNextModification() ); assertNull( "The default value of previos field is null.", version.getPreviousModification() ); } @Ignore @Test public final void testCreateArtifactVersion_withNameAndResponsible() { assertNotNull( "The person object is exist.", person ); ArtifactVersion version = new ArtifactVersion( "AVersion", person ); assertNotNull( "The artifact version object is exist.", version ); assertNotNull( "The artifact version's date of creation is not null.", version.getCreation() ); assertNotNull( "The artifact version's name is not null.", version.getName() ); assertEquals( "The name of artifact version is same 'AVersion'.", version.getName(), "AVersion" ); assertNotNull( "The responsible of artifact version is not null.", version.getCreator() ); assertEquals( "The responsible of artifact version is 'Kis Nagy'.", version.getCreator(), person ); } @Ignore @Test public final void testCreateArtifactVersion_withNameAndResponsibleAndCreation() { assertNotNull( "The person object is exist.", person ); assertNotNull( "Creation date object is not null.", creation ); ArtifactVersion version = new ArtifactVersion( "AVersion", person, creation ); assertNotNull( "The artifact version object is exist.", version ); assertNotNull( "The artifact version's date of creation is not null.", version.getCreation() ); assertEquals( "The date of creration of artifact version is " + creation.getTime(), version.getCreation().getTime(), creation .getTime() ); assertNotNull( "The artifact version's name is not null.", version.getName() ); assertEquals( "The name of artifact version is same 'AVersion'.", version.getName(), "AVersion" ); assertNotNull( "The responsible of artifact version is not null.", version.getCreator() ); assertEquals( "The responsible of artifact version is 'Kis Nagy'.", version.getCreator(), person ); } @Ignore @Test public final void testCreateArtifactVersion_withNameAndResponsibleAndType() { ArtifactType type = artifactTypeFactory.create( "testType", "ArtifactGroup" ); ArtifactVersion version = new ArtifactVersion( "AVersion", person ); assertNotNull( "The artifact version object is exist.", version ); assertNotNull( "The artifact version's date of creation is not null.", version.getCreation() ); assertNotNull( "The artifact version's name is not null.", version.getName() ); assertEquals( "The name of artifact version is same 'AVersion'.", version.getName(), "AVersion" ); assertNotNull( "The responsible of artifact version is not null.", version.getCreator() ); assertEquals( "The responsible of artifact version is 'Kis Nagy'.", version.getCreator(), person ); } @Ignore @Test public final void testGettersAndSettersOfArtifactVersion() { ArtifactVersion version = new ArtifactVersion(); assertNotNull( "The artifact version object is exist.", version ); assertNotNull( "The person object is exist.", person ); version.setResponsible( person ); assertNotNull( "The responsible of artifact version is not null.", version.getCreator() ); assertEquals( "The responsible of artifact version is 'Kis Nagy'.", version.getCreator(), person ); assertNotNull( "Creation date object is not null.", creation ); version.setCreation( creation ); assertNotNull( "The artifact version's date of creation is not null.", version.getCreation() ); assertEquals( "The date of creration of artifact version is " + creation.getTime(), version.getCreation().getTime(), creation .getTime() ); Date modification = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() ); assertNotNull( "Modification date object is not null.", modification ); version.setModification( modification ); assertNotNull( "The artifact version's date of modification is not null.", version.getModification() ); assertEquals( "The date of modification of artifact version is " + modification.getTime(), version.getModification().getTime(), modification.getTime() ); version.setVersionControlled( true ); assertTrue( "The artifact version is is version controlled.", version.isVersionControlled() ); ArtifactType artifactType = artifactTypeFactory.create( "anArtifactType", "ArtifactGroup" ); assertNotNull( "The artifact type is not null.", artifactType ); CommentList commentList = commentListFactory.create( "aCommentList" ); assertNotNull( "The comment list is not null.", commentList ); version.setCommentList( commentList ); assertNotNull( "The comment list of artifact version is not null.", version.getCommentList() ); assertEquals( "The name of comment list of artifact version is same 'aCommentList'.", version.getCommentList().getName(), commentList .getName() ); Set<Artifact<?>> relatedArtifacts = new HashSet<Artifact<?>>(); assertNotNull( "The relatedArtifacts is not null.", relatedArtifacts ); addRelatedArtifacts( version, relatedArtifacts ); assertNotNull( "The relatedArtifacts of artifact version is not null.", version.getRelatedArtifacts() ); assertEquals( "The relatedArtifacts of artifact version is equals with relatedArtifacts.", version.getRelatedArtifacts(), relatedArtifacts ); Modification next = new Modification( version, person, "aComment" ); assertNotNull( "The next is not null.", next ); version.setNextModification( next ); assertNotNull( "The next of artifact version is not null.", version.getNextModification() ); assertEquals( "The next of artifact version is ", version.getNextModification(), next ); Modification previous = new Modification( version, person, "aComment" ); assertNotNull( "The previous is not null.", previous ); version.setPreviousModification( previous ); assertNotNull( "The previous of artifact version is not null.", version.getPreviousModification() ); assertEquals( "The previous of artifact version is ", version.getPreviousModification(), previous ); } @Ignore @Test public final void testCloneArtifactVersion() { version = new ArtifactVersion( "AVersion", person, creation ); Date modification = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() ); assertNotNull( "Modification date object is not null.", modification ); version.setModification( modification ); version.setVersionControlled( true ); ArtifactType artifactType = artifactTypeFactory.create( "anArtifactType", "ArtifactGroup" ); assertNotNull( "The artifact type is not null.", artifactType ); CommentList commentList = commentListFactory.create( "aCommentList" ); assertNotNull( "The comment list is not null.", commentList ); version.setCommentList( commentList ); Set<Artifact<?>> relatedArtifacts = new HashSet<Artifact<?>>(); assertNotNull( "The relatedArtifacts is not null.", relatedArtifacts ); addRelatedArtifacts( version, relatedArtifacts ); Modification next = new Modification( version, person, "aComment" ); assertNotNull( "The next is not null.", next ); version.setNextModification( next ); Modification previous = new Modification( version, person, "aComment" ); assertNotNull( "The previous is not null.", previous ); version.setPreviousModification( previous ); ArtifactVersion version2 = (ArtifactVersion) version.clone(); assertNotNull( "The name of the clone artifact version is not null.", version2.getName() ); assertEquals( "The name of the clone and the original artifact versions are equals.", version.getName(), version2.getName() ); assertNotNull( "The date of creation of the clone artifact version is not null.", version2.getCreation() ); assertEquals( "The date of creation of the clone and the original artifact versions are equals.", version.getCreation().getTime(), version2.getCreation().getTime() ); assertNotNull( "The responsible of the clone artifact version is not null.", version2.getCreator() ); assertEquals( "The responsible of the clone and the original artifact version is 'Kis Nagy'.", version.getCreator(), version2 .getCreator() ); assertNotNull( "The date of modification of the clone artifact version is not null.", version2.getModification() ); assertEquals( "The date of modification of the clone and the original artifact versions are equals.", version.getModification() .getTime(), version2.getModification().getTime() ); assertTrue( "The artifact version is version controlled.", version2.isVersionControlled() ); assertNotNull( "The comment list of the clone artifact version is not null.", version2.getCommentList() ); assertEquals( "The name of comment list of the clone and the original artifact versions are equals.", version.getCommentList() .getName(), version2.getCommentList().getName() ); assertNotNull( "The relatedArtifacts of the clone artifact version is not null.", version2.getRelatedArtifacts() ); assertEquals( "The relatedArtifacts of the clone and the original artifact versions are equals.", version.getRelatedArtifacts() .size(), version2.getRelatedArtifacts().size() ); // assertNotNull("The next of the clone artifact version is not null.", version2.getNextModification()); // assertEquals("The next of the clone and the original artifact versions are equals.", // version.getNextModification(), version2.getNextModification()); // assertNotNull("The previous of the clone artifact version is not null.", version2.getPreviousModification()); // assertEquals("The previous of the clone and the original artifact versions are equals.", // version.getPreviousModification(), version2.getPreviousModification()); } @Ignore @Test public final void testAddRelatedArtifact_withName() { version = ArtifactFactory.createArifactVersion( "AVersion", person, creation ); Artifact<?> artifact = new ArtifactSubClass( "anArtifact", typeFixture.getArtifactSubClassType(), currentUser ); version.addRelatedArtifact( artifact ); assertNotNull( "Can't add artifact without name.", version.getRelatedArtifacts() ); assertEquals( "The artifact version have a related artifact.", version.getRelatedArtifacts().size(), 1 ); assertEquals( "The artifact version have a related artifact call anArtifact.", ((Artifact<?>) (version.getRelatedArtifacts().iterator() .next())).getName(), "anArtifact" ); } @Ignore @Test public final void testAddRelatedArtifactName_withNullNameIfEmpty() { version = ArtifactFactory.createArifactVersion( "AVersion", person, creation ); version.addRelatedArtifact( null ); assertEquals( "Can't add artifact without name.", 0, version.getRelatedArtifacts().size() ); } @Ignore @Test public final void testAddRelatedArtifactName_withName() { version = ArtifactFactory.createArifactVersion( "AVersion", person, creation ); version.addRelatedArtifact( new ArtifactSubClass( "relatedArtifactName", typeFixture.getArtifactSubClassType(), currentUser ) ); assertNotNull( "Can't add artifact without name.", version.getRelatedArtifacts() ); assertEquals( "The artifact version have a related artifact.", version.getRelatedArtifacts().size(), 1 ); assertEquals( "The artifact version have a related artifact call anArtifact.", ((Artifact<?>) (version.getRelatedArtifacts().iterator() .next())).getName(), "relatedArtifactName" ); } @Ignore @Test public final void testFindRelatedArtifactName_withNullParameterInNotNullSet() { version = ArtifactFactory.createArifactVersion( "AVersion", person, creation ); version.addRelatedArtifact( new ArtifactSubClass( "relatedArtifactName", typeFixture.getArtifactSubClassType(), currentUser ) ); assertNotNull( "The artifact version don't have related artifact name.", version.getRelatedArtifacts() ); } @Ignore @Test public final void testFindRelatedArtifactName_withNotNullParameterInNullSet() { version = ArtifactFactory.createArifactVersion( "AVersion", person, creation ); version.addRelatedArtifact( null ); assertEquals( "The artifact version don't have related artifact name.", 0, version.getRelatedArtifacts().size() ); assertNull( "Not find related artifact name.", version.findRelatedArtifact( "relatedArtifact" ) ); } @Ignore @Test public final void testFindRelatedArtifactName_withNotNullParameterInNotNullSet() { version = ArtifactFactory.createArifactVersion( "AVersion", person, creation ); version.addRelatedArtifact( new ArtifactSubClass( "relatedArtifactName", typeFixture.getArtifactSubClassType(), currentUser ) ); assertNotNull( "The artifact version don't have related artifact name.", version.getRelatedArtifacts() ); assertNotNull( "Found related artifact name.", version.findRelatedArtifact( "relatedArtifactName" ) ); assertEquals( "The related artifact name what found is equals with 'relatedArtifactName'", version.findRelatedArtifact( "relatedArtifactName" ).getName(), "relatedArtifactName" ); } @Ignore @Test public final void testFindRelatedArtifactName_withWrongParameterInNotSet() { version = ArtifactFactory.createArifactVersion( "AVersion", person, creation ); version.addRelatedArtifact( new ArtifactSubClass( "relatedArtifactName", typeFixture.getArtifactSubClassType(), currentUser ) ); assertNotNull( "The artifact version don't have related artifact name.", version.getRelatedArtifacts() ); assertNull( "Not find related artifact name.", version.findRelatedArtifact( "relatedArtifactName1" ) ); } @Ignore @Test public final void testRemoveRelatedArtifactName_withNotNullParameterFromNotNullSet() { version = ArtifactFactory.createArifactVersion( "AVersion", person, creation ); version.addRelatedArtifact( new ArtifactSubClass( "relatedArtifactName", typeFixture.getArtifactSubClassType(), currentUser ) ); version.removeRelatedArtifact( "relatedArtifactName" ); assertEquals( "The related artifact call relatedArtifactName removed.", version.getRelatedArtifacts().size(), 0 ); } @Ignore @Test public final void testRemoveRelatedArtifactName_withWrongParameterFromNotNullSet() { version = ArtifactFactory.createArifactVersion( "AVersion", person, creation ); version.addRelatedArtifact( new ArtifactSubClass( "relatedArtifactName", typeFixture.getArtifactSubClassType(), currentUser ) ); version.removeRelatedArtifact( "relatedArtifactName1" ); assertEquals( "The related artifact call relatedArtifactName1 can't remove.", version.getRelatedArtifacts().size(), 1 ); } @Ignore @Test public void testArtifactVersionWithModification() { DefaultUnitOfWork work = new DefaultUnitOfWork( true ); userRepository.addUser( work, person ); ArtifactVersion ver = ArtifactFactory.createArifactVersion( "AVersion", person, creation ); // repository.addArtifactVersion(work, ver); // assertNull("", repository.findArtifactVersionsById(work, ver.getId()).getNextModification()); new Modification( ver, person, "" ); assertNotNull( "", ver.getNextModification() ); assertNotNull( "", ver.getId() ); // repository.updateArtifactVersion(work, ver); // assertNotNull("", repository.findArtifactVersionsById(work, ver.getId()).getNextModification()); new Modification( ver.getNextModification().getTargetVersion(), person, "" ); // repository.updateArtifactVersion(work, ver); assertNotNull( "", ver.getNextModification().getTargetVersion().getNextModification() ); // assertNotNull("", repository.findArtifactVersionsById(work, // ver.getId()).getNextModification().getTargetVersion().getNextModification()); // repository.deleteArtifactVersion(work, ver); userRepository.deleteUser( work, person ); work.finish(); } private void addRelatedArtifacts( ArtifactVersion version, Set<Artifact<?>> relatedArtifacts ) { for( Artifact<?> artifact : relatedArtifacts ) { version.addRelatedArtifact( artifact ); } } }