package edu.pdx.cs410J.grader; import; import; import javax.mail.Message; import*; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import; import; import static edu.pdx.cs410J.grader.Submit.ManifestAttributes.*; class ProjectSubmissionsProcessor extends StudentEmailAttachmentProcessor { @VisibleForTesting static final String EMAIL_FOLDER_NAME = "Project Submissions"; public ProjectSubmissionsProcessor(File directory, GradeBook gradeBook) { super(directory, gradeBook); } @Override public Iterable<? extends String> getSupportedContentTypes() { return Collections.singleton("application/zip"); } @Override public void processAttachment(Message message, String fileName, InputStream inputStream) { debug(" File name: " + fileName); debug(" InputStream: " + inputStream); byte[] bytes; try { bytes = readAttachmentIntoByteArray(inputStream); } catch (IOException ex) { logException("While copying \"" + fileName + " \" to a byte buffer", ex); return; } Manifest manifest; try { manifest = getManifestFromByteArray(bytes); } catch (IOException ex) { logException("While reading jar file \"" + fileName + "\"", ex); return; } try { writeSubmissionToDisk(fileName, bytes, manifest); } catch (IOException | SubmissionException ex) { logException("While writing \"" + fileName + "\" to \"" + directory + "\"", ex); return; } try { noteSubmissionInGradeBook(manifest); } catch (SubmissionException ex) { logException("While noting submission from \"" + fileName + "\"", ex); } } private byte[] readAttachmentIntoByteArray(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { byte[] bytes; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteStreams.copy(inputStream, baos); bytes = baos.toByteArray(); return bytes; } private void writeSubmissionToDisk(String fileName, byte[] bytes, Manifest manifest) throws SubmissionException, IOException { File projectDir = getProjectDirectory(manifest); File file = new File(projectDir, fileName); if (file.exists()) { warnOfPreExistingFile(file); } info("Writing " + fileName + " to " + projectDir); ByteStreams.copy(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), new FileOutputStream(file)); } private File getProjectDirectory(Manifest manifest) throws SubmissionException, IOException { String projectName = getProjectNameFromManifest(manifest.getMainAttributes()); File projectDir = new File(directory, projectName); if (!projectDir.exists()) { if(!projectDir.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException("Could not create directory: " + projectDir); } } return projectDir; } @VisibleForTesting void noteSubmissionInGradeBook(Manifest manifest) throws SubmissionException { Attributes attrs = manifest.getMainAttributes(); Student student = getStudentFromGradeBook(attrs); Assignment project = getProjectFromGradeBook(attrs); String note = getSubmissionNote(attrs); Grade grade = student.getGrade(project); if (grade == null) { grade = new Grade(project, Grade.NO_GRADE); student.setGrade(project.getName(), grade); } grade.addNote(note); LocalDateTime submissionTime = getSubmissionTime(attrs); grade.addSubmissionTime(submissionTime); if (project.isSubmissionLate(submissionTime)) { student.addLate(project.getName()); } } private LocalDateTime getSubmissionTime(Attributes attrs) throws SubmissionException { String string = getSubmissionTimeString(attrs); return Submit.ManifestAttributes.parseSubmissionTime(string); } private String getSubmissionNote(Attributes attrs) throws SubmissionException { String studentName = getManifestAttributeValue(attrs, USER_NAME, "Student name missing from manifest"); String submissionTime = getSubmissionTimeString(attrs); String submissionComment = getManifestAttributeValue(attrs, SUBMISSION_COMMENT, "Submission comment missing from manifest"); return "Submitted by: " + studentName + "\n" + "On: " + submissionTime + "\n" + "With comment: " + submissionComment + "\n"; } private String getSubmissionTimeString(Attributes attrs) throws SubmissionException { return getManifestAttributeValue(attrs, SUBMISSION_TIME, "Submission time missing from manifest"); } private Assignment getProjectFromGradeBook(Attributes attrs) throws SubmissionException { String projectName = getProjectNameFromManifest(attrs); Assignment assignment = this.gradeBook.getAssignment(projectName); if (assignment == null) { throw new SubmissionException("Assignment with name \"" + projectName + "\" is not in grade book"); } return assignment; } private String getProjectNameFromManifest(Attributes attrs) throws SubmissionException { return getManifestAttributeValue(attrs, PROJECT_NAME, "Project name missing from manifest"); } private Student getStudentFromGradeBook(Attributes attrs) throws SubmissionException { String studentId = getManifestAttributeValue(attrs, USER_ID, "Student Id missing from manifest"); String studentName = getManifestAttributeValue(attrs, USER_NAME, "Student Name missing from manifest"); String studentEmail = getManifestAttributeValue(attrs, USER_EMAIL, "Student Email missing from manifest"); Optional<Student> optional = this.gradeBook.studentsStream().filter(student -> hasStudentId(student, studentId) || hasFirstNameLastName(student, studentName) || hasNickNameLastName(student, studentName) || hasEmail(student, studentEmail)).findAny(); return optional.orElseThrow(() -> { String s = "Could not find student with id \"" + studentId + "\" or name \"" + studentName + "\" or email \"" + studentEmail + "\" in grade book"; return new SubmissionException(s); }); } private boolean hasEmail(Student student, String studentEmail) { return studentEmail.equals(student.getEmail()); } private boolean hasNickNameLastName(Student student, String studentName) { return studentName.equals(student.getNickName() + " " + student.getLastName()); } private boolean hasFirstNameLastName(Student student, String studentName) { return studentName.equals(student.getFirstName() + " " + student.getLastName()); } private boolean hasStudentId(Student student, String studentId) { return student.getId().equals(studentId); } private String getManifestAttributeValue(Attributes attrs, Attributes.Name attribute, String message) throws SubmissionException { String value = attrs.getValue(attribute); if (value == null) { throwSubmissionException(message); } return value; } private void throwSubmissionException(String message) throws SubmissionException { throw new SubmissionException(message); } private Manifest getManifestFromByteArray(byte[] file) throws IOException { ZipInputStream in = new ZipInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(file)); for (ZipEntry entry = in.getNextEntry(); entry != null ; entry = in.getNextEntry()) { if (entry.getName().equals(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME)) { Manifest manifest = new Manifest();; in.closeEntry(); return manifest; } else { in.closeEntry(); } } throw new IllegalStateException("Zip file did not contain manifest"); } private void warnOfPreExistingFile(File file) { warn("Overwriting existing file \"" + file + "\""); } @Override public String getEmailFolder() { return EMAIL_FOLDER_NAME; } }