package edu.pdx.cs410J.grader; import; import edu.pdx.cs410J.ParserException; import*; public class FetchAndProcessGraderEmail { public static void main(String[] args) { String passwordFile = null; String directoryName = null; String gradeBookFile = null; String whatToFetch = null; for (String arg : args) { if (passwordFile == null) { passwordFile = arg; } else if (directoryName == null) { directoryName = arg; } else if (gradeBookFile == null) { gradeBookFile = arg; } else if (whatToFetch == null) { whatToFetch = arg; } else { usage("Extraneous argument: " + arg); } } if (passwordFile == null) { usage("Missing password file"); } if (directoryName == null) { usage("Missing directory name"); } if (gradeBookFile == null) { usage("Missing grade book file"); } if (whatToFetch == null) { usage("Missing kind of email to fetch"); } String password = readGraderEmailPasswordFromFile(passwordFile); File directory = getDirectory(directoryName); GradeBook gradeBook = getGradeBook(gradeBookFile); GraderEmailAccount account = new GraderEmailAccount(password); fetchAndProcessGraderEmails(whatToFetch, account, directory, gradeBook); saveGradeBookIfModified(gradeBook, gradeBookFile); } @VisibleForTesting static void fetchAndProcessGraderEmails(String whatToFetch, GraderEmailAccount account, File directory, GradeBook gradeBook) { StudentEmailAttachmentProcessor processor = getStudentEmailAttachmentProcessor(whatToFetch, directory, gradeBook); account.fetchAttachmentsFromUnreadMessagesInFolder(processor.getEmailFolder(), processor); } private static void saveGradeBookIfModified(GradeBook gradeBook, String gradeBookFile) { if (gradeBook.isDirty()) { File file = new File(gradeBookFile); try { XmlDumper dumper = new XmlDumper(file); dumper.dump(gradeBook); } catch (IOException e) { usage("Can't write grade book in \"" + gradeBookFile + "\""); } } } private static StudentEmailAttachmentProcessor getStudentEmailAttachmentProcessor(String whatToFetch, File directory, GradeBook gradeBook) { if (whatToFetch.equalsIgnoreCase("projects")) { return new ProjectSubmissionsProcessor(directory, gradeBook); } else if (whatToFetch.equalsIgnoreCase("surveys")) { return new SurveySubmissionsProcessor(directory, gradeBook); } else if (whatToFetch.equalsIgnoreCase("gwtProjects")) { return new GwtProjectSubmissionsProcessor(directory, gradeBook); } else { return usage("Cannot fetch \"" + whatToFetch + "\""); } } private static GradeBook getGradeBook(String gradeBookFile) { try { XmlGradeBookParser parser = new XmlGradeBookParser(gradeBookFile); return parser.parse(); } catch (IOException ex) { return usage("Couldn't read grade book file \"" + gradeBookFile + "\""); } catch (ParserException ex) { return usage("Couldn't parse grade book file \"" + gradeBookFile + "\""); } } private static File getDirectory(String directoryName) { File directory = new File(directoryName); if (!directory.exists()) { return usage("Download directory \"" + directoryName + "\" does not exist"); } if (!directory.isDirectory()) { return usage("Download directory \"" + directoryName + "\" is not a directory"); } return directory; } private static String readGraderEmailPasswordFromFile(String passwordFile) { File file = new File(passwordFile); if (!file.exists()) { return usage("Password file \"" + passwordFile + "\" does not exist"); } try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); return br.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { return usage("Exception while reading password file"); } } private static <T> T usage(String message) { PrintStream err = System.err; err.println("** " + message); err.println(); err.println("FetchAndProcessGraderEmail passwordFile directory gradeBookFile whatToFetch"); err.println(" passwordFile File containing the password for the Grader's email account"); err.println(" directory The directory in which to download attachments"); err.println(" gradeBookFile Grade Book XML file related to this submission"); err.println(" whatToFetch What kind of student emails should be fetched"); err.println(" projects Project submissions"); err.println(" surveys Student surveys"); err.println(" gwtProjects GWT Project submissions"); err.println(); System.exit(1); throw new IllegalStateException("Shouldn't reach here"); } }