package; import; import javax.swing.JFrame; /** * A collection of static methods providing platform-specific functionality. * @author Jim Balhoff */ public class CrossPlatform { public static enum Platform { MAC, WINDOWS, UNIX; } final private static String BULLET = String.format("%c", '\u2022'); public static Platform getCurrentPlatform() { final String name = System.getProperty(""); if (name.startsWith("Mac")) { return Platform.MAC; } else if (name.startsWith("Windows")) { return Platform.WINDOWS; } else { return Platform.UNIX; } } /** * Don't add "Exit" to the File menu on Mac. * Instead there is "Quit" under the automatic app menu. */ public static boolean shouldPutExitInFileMenu() { return !getCurrentPlatform().equals(Platform.MAC); } /** * Don't put the application name in the window title on Mac. * Instead it is visible in the menubar. */ public static boolean shouldPutAppNameInWindowTitle() { return !getCurrentPlatform().equals(Platform.MAC); } /** * Titles this window appropriately to represent the given file, or as untitled * if the file is null. Also adds a proxy document icon on supported platforms (Mac OS X). */ public static void setTitleOnWindowForFile(JFrame window, File file, String appName) { final String docName = file != null ? file.getName() : "Untitled"; final String windowTitle; if (CrossPlatform.shouldPutAppNameInWindowTitle()) { windowTitle = docName + " - " + appName; } else { windowTitle = docName; } window.setTitle(windowTitle); window.getRootPane().putClientProperty("Window.documentFile", file); } public static void setWindowModified(JFrame window, boolean modified) { if (CrossPlatform.getCurrentPlatform().equals(Platform.MAC)) { window.getRootPane().putClientProperty("windowModified", modified); window.getRootPane().putClientProperty( "Window.documentModified", modified); } else { final String currentTitle = window.getTitle(); final boolean currentModified = currentTitle.startsWith(BULLET); if (modified == currentModified) { return; } else { if (modified) { window.setTitle(BULLET + " " + currentTitle); } else { window.setTitle(currentTitle.substring(2)); } } } } /** * Returns a folder suitable for storing per-user application support files. * This is unrelated to the storage location for java.util.prefs. */ public static File getUserPreferencesFolder(String name) { final String homePath = System.getProperty("user.home"); switch(getCurrentPlatform()) { // it would be much better to find a supported API for obtaining the Application Support folder case MAC: return new File(homePath, "Library/Application Support/" + name); case WINDOWS: return new File(homePath, name); // UNIX behavior is default default: return new File(homePath, "." + name.toLowerCase()); } } }