package org.obo.annotation.view; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener; import javax.swing.table.TableCellEditor; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.obo.annotation.base.TermSet; import; import; import; import org.obo.datamodel.OBOClass; import org.obo.datamodel.OBOObject; public class TermAutocompleteFieldFactory { /** * Update SelectionManager with current term selection. This allows components * like the Term Info panel to display information about the term. */ private static void updateGlobalTermSelection(Object source, OBOClass term, SelectionManager selectionManager) { selectionManager.selectTerm(source, term, false); } public static AutocompleteField<OBOObject> createAutocompleteBox(TermSet terms, OntologyCoordinator coordinator) { final AutocompleteField<OBOObject> ac = new AutocompleteField<OBOObject>(new TermSearcher(terms)); ac.getListComponent().addListSelectionListener(new CompletionListListener(coordinator.getSelectionManager())); return ac; } public static TableCellEditor createAutocompleteEditor(TermSet terms, OntologyCoordinator coordinator) { return new AutocompleteCellEditor<OBOObject>(createAutocompleteBox(terms, coordinator)); } private static class CompletionListListener implements ListSelectionListener { private SelectionManager selectionManager; public CompletionListListener(SelectionManager selectionManager) { this.selectionManager = selectionManager; } @Override public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent event) { final Object source = event.getSource(); if (source instanceof JList) { final JList menu = (JList)source; try { final Object value = menu.getSelectedValue(); if ((value instanceof SearchHit<?>) && (((SearchHit<?>)value).getHit() instanceof OBOClass)) { updateGlobalTermSelection(this, (OBOClass)((SearchHit<?>)value).getHit(), this.selectionManager); // TODO: code that updates the global term upon selection outside of the autocomplete box } else { // sometimes the selection is a String instead } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // for some reason sometimes the menu selection is not valid } } else { log().error("Source of combobox mouse over event is not JList"); } } } private static Logger log() { return Logger.getLogger(TermAutocompleteFieldFactory.class); } }