package peergos.shared.user; import peergos.shared.crypto.*; import peergos.shared.crypto.asymmetric.*; import*; import peergos.shared.merklebtree.MaybeMultihash; import*; import java.util.concurrent.*; public interface Btree { /** * * @param sharingKey * @param mapKey * @param value * @return the new root hash of the btree * @throws IOException */ CompletableFuture<Boolean> put(SigningKeyPair sharingKey, byte[] mapKey, Multihash value); /** * * @param sharingKey * @param mapKey * @return the value stored under mapKey for sharingKey * @throws IOException */ CompletableFuture<MaybeMultihash> get(PublicSigningKey sharingKey, byte[] mapKey); /** * * @param sharingKey * @param mapKey * @return hash(sharingKey.metadata) | the new root hash of the btree * @throws IOException */ CompletableFuture<Boolean> remove(SigningKeyPair sharingKey, byte[] mapKey); }