package peergos.shared.merklebtree; import peergos.shared.cbor.*; import*; import java.util.*; public class HashCasPair implements Cborable { public final MaybeMultihash original; public final MaybeMultihash updated; public HashCasPair(MaybeMultihash original, MaybeMultihash updated) { if (original.equals(updated)) throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to create a CAS pair with original == target!"); this.original = original; this.updated = updated; } @Override public CborObject toCbor() { return new CborObject.CborList(Arrays.asList( original.toCbor(), updated.toCbor() )); } public static HashCasPair fromCbor(CborObject cbor) { if (! (cbor instanceof CborObject.CborList)) throw new IllegalStateException("Incorrect cbor for HashCasPair: " + cbor); List<CborObject> value = ((CborObject.CborList) cbor).value; return new HashCasPair(MaybeMultihash.fromCbor(value.get(0)), MaybeMultihash.fromCbor(value.get(1))); } }