package edu.ncsu.dlf.servlet; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; import edu.ncsu.dlf.database.DBAbstraction; import edu.ncsu.dlf.database.DatabaseFactory; import edu.ncsu.dlf.model.Pdf; import edu.ncsu.dlf.model.PdfComment; import edu.ncsu.dlf.model.PdfComment.Tag; import edu.ncsu.dlf.model.Repo; import edu.ncsu.dlf.model.Review; import edu.ncsu.dlf.utils.ImageUtils; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemIterator; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemStream; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import org.apache.pdfbox.exceptions.COSVisitorException; import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.Issue; import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.Label; import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.Repository; import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.RepositoryContents; import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.User; import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.client.GitHubClient; import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.service.ContentsService; import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.service.IssueService; import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.service.LabelService; import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.service.RepositoryService; import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.service.UserService; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; public class ReviewSubmitServlet extends HttpServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override protected void doPost(final HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { final ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(); Repo repo = new Repo(req.getParameter("writer"), req.getParameter("repoName")); String accessToken = req.getParameter("access_token"); if (repo.repoOwner == null || repo.repoName == null || accessToken == null) { System.out.println("Something blank"); resp.sendError(500); return; } GitHubClient client = new GitHubClient(); client.setOAuth2Token(accessToken); UserService userService = new UserService(client); User reviewer = userService.getUser(); Review fulfilledReview = DatabaseFactory.getDatabase().findReview(reviewer.getLogin(), repo); if (fulfilledReview == null) { //either they already uploaded the pdf or it doesn't exist resp.sendError(409); //409 = conflict return; } UploadIssuesRunnable task = new UploadIssuesRunnable(); String urlToPdfInRepo = ""; Pdf pdf = null; try { FileItemIterator iter = upload.getItemIterator(req); FileItemStream file =; pdf = new Pdf(file.openStream(), getServletContext()); int totalIssues = getNumTotalIssues(client, repo); //TODO perhaps involve database to avoid race conditions List<PdfComment> comments = updatePdfWithNumberedAndColoredAnnotations(pdf, repo, totalIssues); urlToPdfInRepo = addPdfToRepo(pdf, reviewer, client, repo, accessToken); task.setter(comments, accessToken, repo, totalIssues, fulfilledReview.customLabels); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); resp.sendError(500, "There has been an error uploading your Pdf."); return; } finally { if (pdf != null) { pdf.close(); } } resp.getWriter().write(urlToPdfInRepo); Thread thread = new Thread(task); thread.start(); } private List<PdfComment> updatePdfWithNumberedAndColoredAnnotations(Pdf pdf, Repo repo, int totalIssues) throws IOException { List<PdfComment> pdfComments = pdf.getPDFComments(); if(!pdfComments.isEmpty()) { // Set the issue numbers int issueNumber = totalIssues + 1; for(PdfComment com : pdfComments) { if(com.getIssueNumber() == 0) { com.setIssueNumber(issueNumber++); } } // Update the comments to link to the repository and their newly assigned issue number pdf.updateCommentsWithColorsAndLinks(pdfComments, repo); } return pdfComments; } private int getNumTotalIssues(GitHubClient client, Repo repo) throws IOException { IssueService issueService = new IssueService(client); Map<String, String> prefs = new HashMap<String, String>(); //By default, only open issues are shown prefs.put(IssueService.FILTER_STATE, "all"); //get all issues for this repo List<Issue> issues = issueService.getIssues(repo.repoOwner, repo.repoName, prefs); return issues.size(); } static void closeReviewIssue(GitHubClient client, Repo repo, String reviewer, String comment) throws IOException { IssueService issueService = new IssueService(client); for(Issue issue : issueService.getIssues(repo.repoOwner, repo.repoName, null)) { if(issue.getAssignee() != null) { if(issue.getTitle().startsWith("Reviewer - ") && issue.getAssignee().getLogin().equals(reviewer)) { issueService.createComment(repo.repoOwner, repo.repoName, issue.getNumber(), comment); issue.setState("closed"); issueService.editIssue(repo.repoOwner, repo.repoName, issue); } } } } private String addPdfToRepo(Pdf pdf, User reviewer, GitHubClient client, Repo repo, String accessToken) throws IOException { String filePath = "reviews/" + reviewer.getLogin() + ".pdf"; String sha = null; ContentsService contents = new ContentsService(client); try { //list all the files in reviews. We can't just fetch our paper, because it might be //bigger than 1MB which breaks this API call List<RepositoryContents> files = contents.getContents(getRepo(client, repo), "reviews/"); for(RepositoryContents file: files) { if (file.getName().equals(reviewer.getLogin()+".pdf")) { sha = file.getSha(); } } } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } HttpPut request = new HttpPut(buildURIForFileUpload(accessToken, repo.repoOwner, repo.repoName, filePath)); try { ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pdf.getDoc().save(output); String content = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(output.toByteArray()); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); if (sha == null) { //if we are uploading the review for the first time json.put("message", reviewer.getLogin() + " has submitted their review."); } else { //updating review json.put("message", reviewer.getLogin() + " has updated their review."); json.put("sha", sha); } json.put("path", filePath); json.put("content", content); StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(json.toString()); entity.setContentType("application/json"); request.setEntity(entity); HttpClients.createDefault().execute(request); } catch(JSONException | COSVisitorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { request.releaseConnection(); } return filePath; } private Repository getRepo(GitHubClient client, Repo repo) throws IOException { RepositoryService repoService = new RepositoryService(client); return repoService.getRepository(repo.repoOwner, repo.repoName); } private URI buildURIForFileUpload(String accessToken, String writerLogin, String repoName, String filePath) throws IOException { try { URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder("" + writerLogin + '/' + repoName + "/contents/" + filePath); builder.addParameter("access_token", accessToken); return; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IOException("Could not build uri", e); } } private final static class UploadIssuesRunnable implements Runnable { private String accessToken; private List<PdfComment> comments; private int issueCount; private Repo repo; private List<String> customLabelStrings; public void setter(List<PdfComment> comments, String accessToken, Repo repo, int issueCount, List<String> customLabels) { this.comments = comments; this.accessToken = accessToken; this.repo = repo; this.issueCount = issueCount; this.customLabelStrings = customLabels; } @Override public void run() { try { GitHubClient client = new GitHubClient(); client.setOAuth2Token(accessToken); DBAbstraction database = DatabaseFactory.getDatabase(); UserService userService = new UserService(client); User reviewer = userService.getUser(); List<Label> customLabels = createCustomLabels(client); createIssues(client, customLabels); String closeComment = "@" + reviewer.getLogin() + " has reviewed this paper."; closeReviewIssue(client, repo, reviewer.getLogin(), closeComment); database.removeReviewFromDatastore(reviewer.getLogin(), repo); } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Error processing Pdf."); } } private List<Label> createCustomLabels(GitHubClient client) { List<Label> labels = new ArrayList<>(); LabelService labelService = new LabelService(client); for (String customLabel : customLabelStrings) { Label newLabel = new Label().setColor(randomColor()).setName(customLabel); try { Label alreadyExistingLabel = labelService.getLabel(repo.repoOwner, repo.repoName, customLabel); labels.add(alreadyExistingLabel); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("new label " +customLabel + " not found. Going to create it"); try { newLabel = labelService.createLabel(repo.repoOwner, repo.repoName, newLabel); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); //this is a bigger problem } labels.add(newLabel); } } return labels; } private String randomColor() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(6); Random r = new Random(); for(int i = 0; i< 6; i++) { sb.append("0123456789abcdef".charAt(r.nextInt(16))); } return sb.toString(); } public void createIssues(GitHubClient client, List<Label> customLabels) throws IOException { for(PdfComment comment : comments) { System.out.println(comment); createOrUpdateIssue(client, repo, comment, customLabels); } } public void createOrUpdateIssue(GitHubClient client, Repo repo, PdfComment comment, List<Label> customLabels) throws IOException { IssueService issueService = new IssueService(client); // If the issue does not already exist if(comment.getIssueNumber() > issueCount) { createIssue(repo, comment, issueService, customLabels); } // If the issue already exists, update it else { updateIssue(repo, comment, issueService); } } private void createIssue(Repo repo, PdfComment comment, IssueService issueService, List<Label> customLabels) throws IOException { Issue issue = new Issue(); issue.setTitle(comment.getTitle()); String body = comment.getComment(); try { String imageURL = ImageUtils.uploadPhoto(comment.getImage()); body = String.format("![snippet](%s)%n%n%s", imageURL, body); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // could not upload image, but carry on anyway } issue.setBody(body); List<Label> newLabels = new ArrayList<>(customLabels); //add tags to labels for(Tag tag : comment.getTags()) { Label label = new Label(); label.setName(; // these tags are, by default, the normal grey color. newLabels.add(label); // User can change these to the severity whey want } issue.setLabels(newLabels); //creates an issue remotely issue = issueService.createIssue(repo.repoOwner, repo.repoName, issue); comment.setIssueNumber(issue.getNumber()); } private void updateIssue(Repo repo, PdfComment comment, IssueService issueService) throws IOException { System.out.println("Looking for "+repo.repoOwner+'/'+repo.repoName); Issue issue = issueService.getIssue(repo.repoOwner, repo.repoName, comment.getIssueNumber()); String issueText = comment.getComment(); if(!issue.getBody().equals(issueText)) { // makes a comment if the text has changed issueService.createComment(repo.repoOwner, repo.repoName, comment.getIssueNumber(), issueText); } List<Label> existingLabels = issue.getLabels(); List<Label> labels = new ArrayList<>(); for(Tag tag : comment.getTags()) { Label l = new Label(); l.setName(; labels.add(l); } boolean shouldUpdateLabels = labels.size() != existingLabels.size(); if(!shouldUpdateLabels) { for(Label l1 : labels) { shouldUpdateLabels = true; for(Label l2 : existingLabels) { if(l1.getName().equals(l2.getName())) { shouldUpdateLabels = false; break; } } if(shouldUpdateLabels) break; } } if(shouldUpdateLabels) { issue.setLabels(labels); issueService.editIssue(repo.repoOwner, repo.repoName, issue); } } } }