package edu.ncsu.dlf.model; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * Parses comments in pdf to a more rich data type. * */ public class PdfComment { public static final int TITLE_LENGTH = 47; public enum Tag { MUST_FIX, SHOULD_FIX, CONSIDER_FIX, POSITIVE, CUSTOM_TAG } private static Map<String, Tag> tagMap = new HashMap<String, PdfComment.Tag>(); static { tagMap.put("mf", Tag.MUST_FIX); tagMap.put("must-fix", Tag.MUST_FIX); tagMap.put("must fix", Tag.MUST_FIX); tagMap.put("mustfix", Tag.MUST_FIX); tagMap.put("mustFix", Tag.MUST_FIX); tagMap.put("MUST_FIX", Tag.MUST_FIX); tagMap.put("sf", Tag.SHOULD_FIX); tagMap.put("should-fix", Tag.SHOULD_FIX); tagMap.put("should fix", Tag.SHOULD_FIX); tagMap.put("shouldfix", Tag.SHOULD_FIX); tagMap.put("shouldFix", Tag.SHOULD_FIX); tagMap.put("SHOULD_FIX", Tag.SHOULD_FIX); tagMap.put("cf", Tag.CONSIDER_FIX); tagMap.put("could-fix", Tag.CONSIDER_FIX); tagMap.put("could fix", Tag.CONSIDER_FIX); tagMap.put("couldfix", Tag.CONSIDER_FIX); tagMap.put("couldFix", Tag.CONSIDER_FIX); tagMap.put("considerfix", Tag.CONSIDER_FIX); tagMap.put("considerFix", Tag.CONSIDER_FIX); tagMap.put("CONSIDER_FIX", Tag.CONSIDER_FIX); tagMap.put("g", Tag.POSITIVE); tagMap.put("good", Tag.POSITIVE); tagMap.put("p", Tag.POSITIVE); tagMap.put("positive", Tag.POSITIVE); tagMap.put("pos", Tag.POSITIVE); tagMap.put("plus", Tag.POSITIVE); tagMap.put("+", Tag.POSITIVE); tagMap.put("POSITIVE", Tag.POSITIVE); } private List<Tag> tags; private String comment; private int issueNumber; private BufferedImage image; public PdfComment(String string) { string = setIssueNumberAndRepairBrokenTags(string); setTags(string); setComment(string); } public static List<PdfComment> getNegComments(List<String> comments) { List<PdfComment> retVal = new ArrayList<>(); for (String comment : comments) { PdfComment pdfComment = new PdfComment(comment); if (!pdfComment.getTags().contains(Tag.POSITIVE)) { retVal.add(pdfComment); } } return retVal; } private void setComment(String comment) { int tagsStartPos = comment.indexOf("{{"); int tagsEndPos = comment.indexOf("}}"); if (tagsStartPos != -1 && tagsEndPos != -1) { String fHalf = comment.substring(0, tagsStartPos).trim(); String sHalf = comment.substring(tagsEndPos + 2, comment.length()).trim(); comment = fHalf + ' ' + sHalf; } int issueStartPos = comment.indexOf("[["); int issueEndPos = comment.indexOf("]]"); if (issueStartPos != -1 && issueEndPos != -1) { String fHalf = comment.substring(0, issueStartPos).trim(); String sHalf = comment.substring(issueEndPos + 2, comment.length()).trim(); comment = fHalf + ' ' + sHalf; } this.comment = comment.trim(); } private final String setIssueNumberAndRepairBrokenTags(String originalString) { int issueStartPos = originalString.indexOf("[["); int issueEndPos = originalString.indexOf("]]"); if (issueStartPos != -1 && issueEndPos != -1) { String issueAreaStr = originalString.substring(issueStartPos, issueEndPos + 2); String issueStr = issueAreaStr.substring(issueAreaStr.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, issueAreaStr.indexOf("]]")); try { issueNumber = Integer.parseInt(issueStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Hmmm... Someone probably tried to tag something using [[]] instead of {{}} // We will try to repair it System.out.println("Broken string: " + originalString); String fixedString = issueAreaStr.replace("[[", "{{"); fixedString = fixedString.replace("]]", "}}"); originalString = originalString.replace(issueAreaStr, fixedString); System.out.println("Fixed string: " + originalString); } } return originalString; } public void setIssueNumber(int issueNumber) { this.issueNumber = issueNumber; } private void setTags(String str) { tags = new ArrayList<>(); int startPos = str.indexOf("{{"); int endPos = str.indexOf("}}"); if (startPos != -1 && endPos != -1) { String areaStr = str.substring(startPos + 2, endPos); String[] tagsStr = areaStr.split(","); for (String tag : tagsStr) tags.add(getTag(tag)); } } public static Tag getTag(String t) { t = t.trim(); if (tagMap.containsKey(t)) return tagMap.get(t); else return Tag.CUSTOM_TAG; } public String getComment() { return comment; } public String getTitle() { boolean tooLong = comment.length() > TITLE_LENGTH; int end = tooLong ? TITLE_LENGTH : comment.length(); String ellipsis = tooLong ? "..." : ""; return comment.substring(0, end).trim() + ellipsis; } public List<Tag> getTags() { return tags; } public int getIssueNumber() { return issueNumber; } static String buildLink(Repo repo, int issueNumber) { return "" + repo.repoOwner + '/' + repo.repoName + "/issues/" + issueNumber; } public JSONObject toJSON() { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); try { json.put("title", getTitle()); json.put("tags", getTags()); json.put("comment", getComment()); json.put("issueNumber", getIssueNumber()); } catch (JSONException e) { } return json; } @Override public String toString() { return "PdfComment [tags=" + tags + ", comment=" + comment + ", issueNumber=" + issueNumber + ", image=" + image.getWidth() + 'x' + image.getHeight() + "px]"; } public String getMessageWithLink(Repo repo) { String tagStr = ""; if (!getTags().isEmpty()) { StringBuilder tagsBuilder = new StringBuilder("{{"); for (Tag tag : getTags()) { tagsBuilder.append(tag).append(", "); } tagStr = tagsBuilder.toString(); tagStr = tagStr.substring(0, tagStr.length() - 2) + "}} "; } String issueLinkStr = ""; if (getIssueNumber() != 0) { issueLinkStr = "[[" + buildLink(repo, getIssueNumber()) + "]] "; } return (tagStr + issueLinkStr + getComment()).trim(); } public BufferedImage getImage() { return image; } public void setImage(BufferedImage image) { this.image = image; } }