package pallettown; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.application.Platform; import; import; import; import; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.geometry.Insets; import javafx.geometry.Pos; import javafx.scene.Group; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.*; import javafx.scene.control.cell.PropertyValueFactory; import javafx.scene.image.Image; import javafx.scene.image.ImageView; import javafx.scene.layout.*; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.stage.FileChooser; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.util.Pair; import*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import static pallettown.PalletTown.*; /** * Created by Paris on 20/01/2017. */ public class GUI extends Application{ private static final ObservableList<AccountThread> accountThreads = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); private final Group mainRoot = new Group(); static final Group controls = new Group(); private Stage primaryStage; static final Group advancedRoot = new Group(); private Stage advancedStage = null; private Scene advancedScene; private static TableView table; private static final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); private static Label statusLabel; @Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception { this.primaryStage = primaryStage; primaryStage.setTitle("PalletTown v"+VERSION); Scene scene = new Scene(mainRoot); primaryStage.setResizable(false); // load the image Image background = new Image("pallet-town.jpg"); // simple displays ImageView the image as is ImageView viewBG = new ImageView(); viewBG.setImage(background); mainRoot.getChildren().add(controls); loadSettings(); makeControls(); makeAdvancedControls(); primaryStage.setScene(scene);; viewBG.setFitHeight(scene.getHeight()); viewBG.setFitWidth(scene.getWidth()); mainRoot.getChildren().add(0,viewBG); makePython(); } private void makePython() { try { String prg = "import sys\n" + "import time\n" + "import string\n" + "import random\n" + "import datetime\n" + "import urllib2\n" + "import platform\n" + "\n" + "from selenium import webdriver\n" + "from import WebDriverWait\n" + "from import expected_conditions as EC\n" + "from import By\n" + "from selenium.common.exceptions import StaleElementReferenceException, TimeoutException\n" + "from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities\n" + "# from pikaptcha.jibber import *\n" + "# from pikaptcha.ptcexceptions import *\n" + "# from pikaptcha.url import *\n" + "from cgi import escape\n" + "user_agent = (\n" + " \"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_4) \" + \"AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.57 Safari/537.36\")\n" + "\n" + "BASE_URL = \"\"\n" + "\n" + "# endpoints taken from PTCAccount\n" + "SUCCESS_URLS = (\n" + " ''\n" + " # This initially seemed to be the proper success redirect\n" + " #'',\n" + " #''\n" + " # but experimentally it now seems to return to the sign-up, but still registers\n" + ")\n" + "\n" + "# As both seem to work, we'll check against both success destinations until I have I better idea for how to check success\n" + "DUPE_EMAIL_URL = ''\n" + "BAD_DATA_URL = ''\n" + "RATE_LIMIT_URL = ''\n" + "\n" + "logfile = \"pallettown.log\"\n" + "\n" + "def log(name,str):\n" + " prnt = \"[\" + name + \"]: \" + str\n" + " print(prnt)\n" + " file = open(logfile,\"a\")\n" + " file.write(prnt + \"\\n\")\n" + " file.close\n" + "\n" + "__all__ = [\n" + " 'PTCException',\n" + " 'PTCInvalidStatusCodeException',\n" + " 'PTCInvalidNameException',\n" + " 'PTCInvalidEmailException',\n" + " 'PTCInvalidPasswordException',\n" + " 'PTCInvalidBirthdayException',\n" + " 'PTCRateLimitExceededException',\n" + " 'PTCTwocaptchaException'\n" + "]\n" + "\n" + "class PTCException(Exception):\n" + " \"\"\"Base exception for all PTC Account exceptions\"\"\"\n" + " pass\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "class PTCInvalidStatusCodeException(Exception):\n" + " \"\"\"Base exception for all PTC Account exceptions\"\"\"\n" + " pass\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "class PTCInvalidNameException(PTCException):\n" + " \"\"\"Username already in use\"\"\"\n" + " pass\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "class PTCInvalidEmailException(PTCException):\n" + " \"\"\"Email invalid or already in use\"\"\"\n" + " pass\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "class PTCInvalidPasswordException(PTCException):\n" + " \"\"\"Password invalid\"\"\"\n" + " pass\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "class PTCInvalidBirthdayException(PTCException):\n" + " \"\"\"Birthday invalid\"\"\"\n" + " pass\n" + "\n" + "class PTCRateLimitExceededException(PTCException):\n" + " \"\"\"5 accounts per IP per 10 minutes limit exceeded\"\"\"\n" + " pass\n" + "\n" + "class PTCTwocaptchaException(PTCException):\n" + " \"\"\"2captcha unable to provide service\"\"\"\n" + " pass\n" + "\n" + "def openurl(address):\n" + " try:\n" + " urlresponse = urllib2.urlopen(address).read()\n" + " return urlresponse \n" + " except urllib2.HTTPError, e:\n" + " print(\"HTTPError = \" + str(e.code))\n" + " except urllib2.URLError, e:\n" + " print(\"URLError = \" + str(e.args))\n" + " except Exception:\n" + " import traceback\n" + " print(\"Generic Exception: \" + traceback.format_exc())\n" + " print(\"Request to \" + address + \"failed.\") \n" + " return \"Failed\"\n" + "\n" + "def activateurl(address):\n" + " try:\n" + " urlresponse = urllib2.urlopen(address)\n" + " return urlresponse\n" + " except urllib2.HTTPError, e:\n" + " print(\"HTTPError = \" + str(e.code))\n" + " except urllib2.URLError, e:\n" + " print(\"URLError = \" + str(e.args))\n" + " except Exception:\n" + " import traceback\n" + " print(\"Generic Exception: \" + traceback.format_exc())\n" + " print(\"Request to \" + address + \"failed.\") \n" + " return \"Failed\"\n" + "\n" + "def _validate_response(driver):\n" + " url = driver.current_url\n" + " log(\"RESPONSE_VALIDATOR\",url)\n" + " if url in SUCCESS_URLS:\n" + " return True\n" + " elif url == DUPE_EMAIL_URL:\n" + " log (\"RESPONSE_VALIDATOR\",\"Email already in use\")\n" + " raise PTCInvalidEmailException(\"Email already in use.\")\n" + " elif url == BAD_DATA_URL:\n" + " if \"Enter a valid email address.\" in driver.page_source:\n" + " log (\"RESPONSE_VALIDATOR\",\"Invalid Email used\")\n" + " raise PTCInvalidEmailException(\"Invalid email.\")\n" + " else:\n" + " log (\"RESPONSE_VALIDATOR\",\"Username already in use\")\n" + " raise PTCInvalidNameException(\"Username already in use.\")\n" + " elif url == RATE_LIMIT_URL:\n" + " log(\"RESPONSE_VALIDATOR\",\"Account creation IP limit exceeded\")\n" + " raise PTCRateLimitExceededException(\"Account creation IP limit exceeded\")\n" + " else:\n" + " log (\"RESPONSE_VALIDATOR\",\"Some other error returned by Niantic\")\n" + " raise PTCException(\"Generic failure. User was not created.\")\n" + "\n" + "def create_account(username, password, email, birthday, captchakey2, threadname, proxy, auth, captchatimeout):\n" + "\n" + " log(threadname,\" initializing..\")\n" + " log(threadname,\"Attempting to create user {user}:{pw}. Opening browser...\".format(user=username, pw=password))\n" + " \n" + " proxyType = ''\n" + "\n" + " if(proxy.startswith('https')):\n" + " proxyType = 'https'\n" + " proxy = proxy[8:]\n" + " elif(proxy.startswith('http')):\n" + " proxyType = 'http'\n" + " proxy = proxy[7:]\n" + " elif(proxy.startswith('socks5')):\n" + " proxyType = 'socks5'\n" + " proxy = proxy[9:]\n" + " elif(proxy.startswith('socks4')):\n" + " proxy = proxy[9:]\n" + " proxyType = 'socks4'\n" + "\n" + " log(threadname,\"Proxy type: \" + proxyType)\n" + "\n" + " if(captchakey2 == \"null\"):\n" + " captchakey2 = None\n" + " if(proxy == \"null\"):\n" + " proxy = None\n" + "\n" + " if captchakey2 != None:\n" + " log(threadname,\"2captcha key\")\n" + " dcap = dict(DesiredCapabilities.PHANTOMJS)\n" + " dcap[\"\"] = user_agent\n" + "\n" + " print(proxy)\n" + " if proxy != None:\n" + " if(auth == 'IP'):\n" + " serv_args = [\n" + " '--proxy=' + proxy,\n" + " '--proxy-type=' + proxyType,\n" + " ]\n" + " else:\n" + " serv_args = [\n" + " '--proxy=' + proxy,\n" + " '--proxy-type=' + proxyType,\n" + " '--proxy-auth=' + auth\n" + " ]\n" + " driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(desired_capabilities=dcap,service_args=serv_args)\n" + " #driver.get(\"\")\n" + " #log(threadname,\"proxy: \" + proxy)\n" + " #log(threadname, driver.current_url)\n" + " #elem = driver.find_element_by_tag_name(\"span\")\n" + " #log(threadname, \"span text: \" + elem.text)\n" + " #if(elem.text == \"\"):\n" + " # return True\n" + " # return True\n" + " else:\n" + " driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(desired_capabilities=dcap)\n" + " # driver = webdriver.Chrome()\n" + " else:\n" + " log(threadname,\"No 2captcha key\")\n" + "\n" + " if(platform.system() == \"Windows\" or platform.system() == \"Darwin\"):\n" + " if(proxy != None):\n" + " chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()\n" + " chrome_options.add_argument('--proxy-server=%s' % proxy)\n" + " driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options)\n" + " else:\n" + " driver = webdriver.Chrome()\n" + " else:\n" + " driver = webdriver.Firefox()\n" + "\n" + " driver.set_window_size(600, 600)\n" + "\n" + " try:\n" + " # Input age: 1992-01-08\n" + " print(\"Step 1: Verifying age using birthday: {}\".format(birthday))\n" + " driver.get(\"{}/sign-up/\".format(BASE_URL))\n" + " assert driver.current_url == \"{}/sign-up/\".format(BASE_URL)\n" + " elem = driver.find_element_by_name(\"dob\")\n" + "\n" + " except Exception as e:\n" + " log(threadname, \"unknown Error verifying age, terminating\")\n" + " log(threadname, driver.current_url)\n" + " driver.close()\n" + " driver.quit()\n" + " raise e\n" + " return False\n" + "\n" + " if driver.current_url != \"{}/sign-up/\".format(BASE_URL):\n" + " log(threadname,\"Driver url wrong, exiting...\")\n" + " driver.close()\n" + " driver.quit()\n" + " return False\n" + " \n" + " elem = driver.find_element_by_name(\"dob\")\n" + "\n" + " log(threadname,\"trying to execute workaround script\")\n" + " # Workaround for different region not having the same input type\n" + " driver.execute_script(\n" + " \"var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type='text'; input.setAttribute('name', 'dob'); arguments[0].parentNode.replaceChild(input, arguments[0])\",\n" + " elem)\n" + " log(threadname,\"done executing workaround script, submitting dob\")\n" + "\n" + " elem = driver.find_element_by_name(\"dob\")\n" + " elem.send_keys(birthday)\n" + " elem.submit()\n" + "\n" + " log(threadname,\"dob submitted\")\n" + " # Todo: ensure valid birthday\n" + "\n" + " # Create account page\n" + " log(threadname,\"Step 2: Entering account details\")\n" + " #assert driver.current_url == \"{}/parents/sign-up\".format(BASE_URL)\n" + " log(threadname,\"{}/parents/sign-up\".format(BASE_URL))\n" + " log(threadname,driver.current_url)\n" + "\n" + " driver.implicitly_wait(10)\n" + " user = driver.find_element_by_name(\"username\")\n" + " user.clear()\n" + " user.send_keys(username)\n" + "\n" + " elem = driver.find_element_by_name(\"password\")\n" + " elem.clear()\n" + " elem.send_keys(password)\n" + "\n" + " elem = driver.find_element_by_name(\"confirm_password\")\n" + " elem.clear()\n" + " elem.send_keys(password)\n" + "\n" + " elem = driver.find_element_by_name(\"email\")\n" + " elem.clear()\n" + " elem.send_keys(email)\n" + "\n" + " elem = driver.find_element_by_name(\"confirm_email\")\n" + " elem.clear()\n" + " elem.send_keys(email)\n" + "\n" + " driver.find_element_by_id(\"id_public_profile_opt_in_1\").click()\n" + " driver.find_element_by_name(\"terms\").click()\n" + "\n" + " if captchakey2 == None:\n" + " # Do manual captcha entry\n" + " log(threadname,\"You did not pass a 2captcha key. Please solve the captcha manually.\")\n" + " elem = driver.find_element_by_class_name(\"g-recaptcha\")\n" + " driver.execute_script(\"arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);\", elem)\n" + " # Waits 1 minute for you to input captcha\n" + " try:\n" + " WebDriverWait(driver, 60).until(\n" + " EC.text_to_be_present_in_element_value((By.NAME, \"g-recaptcha-response\"), \"\"))\n" + " log(threadname,\"Waiting on captcha\")\n" + " log(threadname,\"Captcha successful. Sleeping for 1 second...\")\n" + " time.sleep(1)\n" + " except TimeoutException, err:\n" + " log(threadname,\"Timed out while manually solving captcha\")\n" + " driver.close()\n" + " driver.quit()\n" + " return False\n" + " else:\n" + "# # Now to automatically handle captcha\n" + " log(threadname,\"Starting autosolve recaptcha\")\n" + " html_source = driver.page_source\n" + "\n" + " gkey_index = html_source.find(\"\") + 47\n" + " gkey = html_source[gkey_index:gkey_index + 40]\n" + " recaptcharesponse = \"Failed\"\n" + " url=escape(driver.current_url)\n" + " while (recaptcharesponse == \"Failed\"):\n" + " recaptcharesponse = openurl(\"{}&method=userrecaptcha&googlekey={}&pageurl={}\".format(captchakey2,gkey,url))\n" + " captchaid = recaptcharesponse[3:]\n" + " recaptcharesponse = \"CAPCHA_NOT_READY\"\n" + " elem = driver.find_element_by_class_name(\"g-recaptcha\")\n" + "\n" + " log(threadname,\"We will wait 10 seconds for captcha to be solved by 2captcha\")\n" + " start_time = int(time.time())\n" + " timedout = False\n" + " while recaptcharesponse == \"CAPCHA_NOT_READY\":\n" + " time.sleep(10)\n" + " elapsedtime = int(time.time()) - start_time\n" + " if elapsedtime > captchatimeout:\n" + " log(threadname,\"Captcha timeout reached. Exiting.\")\n" + " driver.close()\n" + " driver.quit()\n" + " timedout = True\n" + " return True\n" + " log (threadname,\"Captcha still not solved, waiting another 10 seconds.\")\n" + " recaptcharesponse = \"Failed\"\n" + " while (recaptcharesponse == \"Failed\"):\n" + " recaptcharesponse = openurl(\n" + " \"\" + captchakey2 + \"&action=get&id=\" + captchaid)\n" + " if timedout == False:\n" + " solvedcaptcha = recaptcharesponse[3:]\n" + " captchalen = len(solvedcaptcha)\n" + " elem = driver.find_element_by_name(\"g-recaptcha-response\")\n" + " elem = driver.execute_script(\"arguments[0].style.display = 'block'; return arguments[0];\", elem)\n" + " elem.send_keys(solvedcaptcha)\n" + " log (threadname,\"Solved captcha\")\n" + " try:\n" + " log (threadname,\"trying to submit\")\n" + " user.submit()\n" + " log (threadname,\"submitted\")\n" + " except StaleElementReferenceException:\n" + " log(threadname,\"Error StaleElementReferenceException!\")\n" + " driver.close()\n" + " driver.quit()\n" + " return False\n" + "\n" + " try:\n" + " log (threadname,\"trying to validate response\")\n" + " _validate_response(driver)\n" + " log (threadname,\"validated response\")\n" + " except PTCRateLimitExceededException:\n" + " log(threadname,\"Failed to create user: {}\".format(username) + \"exiting...\")\n" + " driver.close()\n" + " driver.quit()\n" + " log(threadname, \"IP rate limit exceeded, account failed.\")\n" + " return False\n" + " except PTCException:\n" + " log(threadname,\"Failed to create user: {}\".format(username) + \"exiting...\")\n" + " driver.close()\n" + " driver.quit()\n" + " log(threadname, \"threw failed to create user exception, terminate\")\n" + " return False\n" + "\n" + " driver.close()\n" + " driver.quit()\n" + " log(threadname,\"Closed driver\")\n" + " log(threadname,\"Account \" + username + \":\" + password + \" successfully created.\\n \\n\")\n" + " return True\n" + "\n" + "create_account(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2],sys.argv[3],sys.argv[4],sys.argv[5],sys.argv[6],sys.argv[7],sys.argv[8],300)"; BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("")); out.write(prg); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void makeControls() { VBox mainVb = new VBox(); mainVb.setSpacing(10); mainVb.setPadding(new Insets(15,15,15,15)); mainVb.setLayoutX(10); mainVb.setLayoutY(10); mainVb.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); mainVb.setBackground(new Background(new BackgroundFill(Color.rgb(140,140,140,.5), CornerRadii.EMPTY, Insets.EMPTY))); Label plusMaillabel = new Label("Email:"); final TextField plusMailText = new TextField(plusMail == null ? "" : plusMail); plusMailText.setPromptText("Enter plusmail compatible email (no gmail)"); plusMailText.setPrefWidth(350); HBox mail = new HBox(); mail.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); mail.getChildren().addAll(plusMaillabel, plusMailText); mail.setSpacing(10); mainVb.getChildren().add(mail); Label userLabel = new Label("Username:"); final TextField userNameText = new TextField(userName == null ? "" : userName); userNameText.setPromptText("Enter account username"); userNameText.setPrefWidth(350); HBox user = new HBox(); user.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); user.getChildren().addAll(userLabel, userNameText); user.setSpacing(10); mainVb.getChildren().add(user); Label passLabel = new Label("Password:"); final TextField passwordText = new TextField(password == null ? "" : password); passwordText.setPrefWidth(350); passwordText.setPromptText("Enter account password to use"); HBox pass = new HBox(); pass.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); pass.getChildren().addAll(passLabel,passwordText); pass.setSpacing(10); mainVb.getChildren().add(pass); Label numLabel = new Label("Number of accounts:"); final TextField numAccounts = new TextField(Integer.toString(count)); numAccounts.setPrefWidth(350); numAccounts.setPromptText("Number of accounts to create."); HBox num = new HBox(); num.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); num.getChildren().addAll(numLabel,numAccounts); num.setSpacing(10); mainVb.getChildren().add(num); Label startLabel = new Label("Start number:"); final TextField startNumText; if(startNum != null) startNumText= new TextField(Integer.toString(startNum)); else startNumText = new TextField(); startNumText.setPrefWidth(350); startNumText.setPromptText("Starting number"); HBox start = new HBox(); start.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); start.getChildren().addAll(startLabel,startNumText); start.setSpacing(10); mainVb.getChildren().add(start); Label captchaLabel = new Label("2Captcha Key:"); final TextField captchaKeyText = new TextField(captchaKey); captchaKeyText.setPrefWidth(350); captchaKeyText.setPromptText("Enter 2Captcha Key"); HBox captcha = new HBox(); captcha.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); captcha.getChildren().addAll(captchaLabel,captchaKeyText); captcha.setSpacing(10); mainVb.getChildren().add(captcha); CheckBox autoVerifyBox = new CheckBox("Auto Verify Accounts"); autoVerifyBox.setSelected(autoVerify); mainVb.getChildren().add(autoVerifyBox); Label avMailLabel = new Label("Email account for auto verification:"); final TextField avMailText = new TextField(avMail); avMailText.setPromptText("Email account for auto verification"); avMailText.setPrefWidth(350); avMailText.setOnKeyTyped(event -> autoVerifyBox.setSelected(true)); HBox av = new HBox(); av.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); av.getChildren().addAll(avMailLabel, avMailText); av.setSpacing(10); mainVb.getChildren().add(av); Label avPassLabel = new Label("Email password for auto verification:"); final TextField avPassText = new TextField(avPass); avPassText.setPromptText("Email account password for auto verification"); avPassText.setPrefWidth(350); avPassText.setOnKeyTyped(event -> autoVerifyBox.setSelected(true)); HBox avPw = new HBox(); avPw.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); avPw.getChildren().addAll(avPassLabel, avPassText); avPw.setSpacing(10); mainVb.getChildren().add(avPw); CheckBox acceptTos = new CheckBox("Accept account TOS"); acceptTos.setDisable(true); mainVb.getChildren().add(acceptTos); ArrayList<String> extensions = new ArrayList<>(); extensions.add("*.txt"); extensions.add("*.csv"); FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser(); fileChooser.setTitle("Select output file"); fileChooser.getExtensionFilters().add( new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter("Text File", extensions) ); fileChooser.setSelectedExtensionFilter(fileChooser.getExtensionFilters().get(0)); Label outputLabel = new Label("Output File:"); TextField outputFileText; if(outputFile != null) outputFileText = new TextField(outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); else outputFileText = new TextField(); outputFileText.setPrefWidth(350); Button clearOutput = new Button("Clear"); clearOutput.setOnAction(event -> outputFileText.clear()); HBox output = new HBox(); output.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); output.getChildren().addAll(outputLabel, outputFileText,clearOutput); output.setSpacing(10); mainVb.getChildren().add(output); File[] file = new File[1]; outputFileText.setOnMouseClicked(event -> { file[0] = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(primaryStage); if (file[0] != null) { outputFileText.setText(file[0].getAbsolutePath()); } }); Label proxyLabel = new Label("Proxy File"); TextField proxyFileText; if(proxyFile != null) proxyFileText = new TextField(proxyFile.getAbsolutePath()); else proxyFileText = new TextField(); proxyFileText.setPrefWidth(350); Button clearProxy = new Button("Clear"); clearProxy.setOnAction(event -> proxyFileText.clear()); HBox proxy = new HBox(); proxy.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); proxy.getChildren().addAll(proxyLabel, proxyFileText,clearProxy); proxy.setSpacing(10); mainVb.getChildren().add(proxy); File[] pFile = new File[1]; proxyFileText.setOnMouseClicked(event -> { fileChooser.setTitle("Select proxy file"); fileChooser.getExtensionFilters().removeAll(); fileChooser.getExtensionFilters().add( new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter("Text File","*.txt") ); fileChooser.setSelectedExtensionFilter(fileChooser.getExtensionFilters().get(1)); pFile[0] = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(primaryStage); if (pFile[0] != null) { proxyFileText.setText(pFile[0].getAbsolutePath()); } PalletTown.changedProxies = true; }); Button advanced = new Button("Advanced Settings"); advanced.setOnAction(event -> showAdvanced()); mainVb.getChildren().add(advanced); Button submit = new Button("Create accounts"); submit.setOnAction(event -> { if((captchaKeyText.getText() != null) && !captchaKeyText.getText().isEmpty()){ table.setVisible(true); } accountThreads.clear(); table.refresh(); PalletTown palletTown = new PalletTown(); Thread thread = new Thread(palletTown, "Main Thread"); thread.start(); // PalletTown.Start(); }); mainVb.getChildren().add(submit); statusLabel = new Label("Status: Waiting to start"); mainVb.getChildren().add(statusLabel); table = new TableView(); table.setEditable(false); table.setMaxWidth(500); table.setMaxHeight(200); TableColumn threadNameCol = new TableColumn("Thread"); threadNameCol.setCellValueFactory( new PropertyValueFactory<AccountThread,String>("threadName") ); threadNameCol.prefWidthProperty().bind(table.widthProperty().multiply(0.2)); threadNameCol.setResizable(false); TableColumn successCol = new TableColumn("Success"); successCol.setCellValueFactory( new PropertyValueFactory<AccountThread,Integer>("successes") ); successCol.prefWidthProperty().bind(table.widthProperty().multiply(0.15)); threadNameCol.setResizable(false); TableColumn failureCol = new TableColumn("Fail"); failureCol.setCellValueFactory( new PropertyValueFactory<AccountThread,Integer>("failures") ); failureCol.prefWidthProperty().bind(table.widthProperty().multiply(0.1)); failureCol.setResizable(false); TableColumn timeCol = new TableColumn("Time"); timeCol.setCellValueFactory( new PropertyValueFactory<AccountThread,String>("latestTime") ); timeCol.prefWidthProperty().bind(table.widthProperty().multiply(0.2)); timeCol.setResizable(false); TableColumn messageCol = new TableColumn("Message"); messageCol.setCellValueFactory( new PropertyValueFactory<AccountThread,String>("latestMessage") ); messageCol.prefWidthProperty().bind(table.widthProperty().multiply(0.343)); messageCol.setResizable(false); table.setItems(accountThreads); table.getColumns().addAll(threadNameCol, successCol, failureCol,timeCol, messageCol); table.setVisible(false); mainVb.getChildren().add(table); controls.getChildren().add(mainVb); } private void showAdvanced() { //If the helpScene hasnt been created yet, create it if (advancedScene == null) { // makeAdvancedControls(); advancedScene = new Scene(advancedRoot); advancedStage = new Stage(); advancedStage.setTitle("Advanced Settings"); advancedStage.setScene(advancedScene);; advancedStage.setX(primaryStage.getX() + primaryStage.getWidth() + 5); advancedStage.setY(primaryStage.getY()); } if(advancedStage.isShowing()){ advancedStage.requestFocus(); }else{; advancedStage.setX(primaryStage.getX() + primaryStage.getWidth() + 5); advancedStage.setY(primaryStage.getY()); } } private void makeAdvancedControls() { VBox vb = new VBox(); vb.setSpacing(10); vb.setPadding(new Insets(15,15,15,15)); vb.setLayoutX(10); vb.setLayoutY(10); vb.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); advancedRoot.getChildren().addAll(vb); Label threadsLabel = new Label("Threads:"); final TextField threadsText = new TextField(Integer.toString(threads)); threadsText.setPrefWidth(50); HBox thrds = new HBox(); thrds.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); thrds.getChildren().addAll(threadsLabel,threadsText); thrds.setSpacing(10); vb.getChildren().add(thrds); Label delayLabel = new Label("Delay between accounts (ms):"); final TextField delayText = new TextField(Integer.toString(delay)); delayText.setPrefWidth(50); HBox del = new HBox(); del.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); del.getChildren().addAll(delayLabel,delayText); del.setSpacing(10); vb.getChildren().add(del); Label resetLabel = new Label("Proxy reset time (minutes):"); final TextField resetText = new TextField(Integer.toString(resetTime)); resetText.setPrefWidth(50); HBox reset = new HBox(); reset.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); reset.getChildren().addAll(resetLabel,resetText); reset.setSpacing(10); vb.getChildren().add(reset); Label trashLabel = new Label("Gmail trash folder name: "); final TextField trashNameField = new TextField(trashName); trashNameField.setPrefWidth(65); HBox trash = new HBox(); trash.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); trash.getChildren().addAll(trashLabel,trashNameField); trash.setSpacing(10); vb.getChildren().add(trash); // CheckBox outputFormat = new CheckBox("RocketMap output formatting"); // outputFormat.setSelected(); ComboBox<OutputFormat> outputFormatComboBox = new ComboBox<>(FXCollections.observableArrayList(OutputFormat.values())); outputFormatComboBox.setValue(PalletTown.outputFormat); vb.getChildren().add(outputFormatComboBox); CheckBox useMyIP = new CheckBox("Use my IP as well as proxies"); useMyIP.setSelected(useNullProxy); vb.getChildren().add(useMyIP); CheckBox debugBox = new CheckBox("Debug Mode"); debugBox.setSelected(debug); vb.getChildren().add(debugBox); CheckBox usePrivateDomain = new CheckBox("Use private email domain ("); usePrivateDomain.setSelected(privateDomain); vb.getChildren().addAll(usePrivateDomain); TextArea textArea = new TextArea(); textArea.setEditable(false); textArea.setPrefHeight(500); textArea.setPrefWidth(600); Console console = new Console(textArea); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(console,true); System.setOut(ps); System.setErr(ps); vb.getChildren().add(textArea); } public static void setStatus(String status){ Platform.runLater(() -> statusLabel.setText("Status: " + status)); } synchronized public static void addThread(AccountThread accountThread) { accountThreads.add(accountThread); } public static void showAlert(Alert.AlertType warning, String title, String headerText, String verify) { Alert alert = new Alert(warning); alert.setTitle(title); alert.setHeaderText(headerText); alert.setContentText(verify);; } private static String currentTime(){ Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); return sdf.format(cal.getTime()); } synchronized public static void Log(String s){ System.out.println("[" + currentTime() + "] " + s); } public static class Console extends OutputStream { private final TextArea output; public Console(TextArea ta) { this.output = ta; } @Override public void write(int i) throws IOException { Platform.runLater(() -> output.appendText(String.valueOf((char) i))); } } public static class AccountThread { private final SimpleStringProperty threadName; private SimpleStringProperty latestTime; private SimpleStringProperty latestMessage; private final SimpleIntegerProperty successes = new SimpleIntegerProperty(0); private final SimpleIntegerProperty failures = new SimpleIntegerProperty(0); private final ArrayList<Pair<String, String>> messages = new ArrayList<>(); public AccountThread(String name){ threadName = new SimpleStringProperty(name); } public void LogMessage(String message){ String time = currentTime(); messages.add(new Pair<>(time, message)); latestTime = new SimpleStringProperty(time); latestMessage = new SimpleStringProperty(message); table.refresh(); } public void Success(){ successes.setValue(successes.get()+1); table.refresh(); } public void Failure(){ failures.setValue(failures.get()+1); table.refresh(); } public Pair<String,String> LatestMessage(){ return messages.get(messages.size()-1); } public String getThreadName(){ return threadName.get(); } public String getLatestTime(){ return latestTime.get(); } public String getLatestMessage(){ return latestMessage.get(); } public Integer getFailuresProperty(){ return failures.get();} public Integer getSuccessesProperty() { return successes.get();} public StringProperty threadNameProperty(){ return threadName; } public StringProperty latestMessageProperty(){ return latestMessage; } public StringProperty latestTimeProperty(){ return latestTime; } public IntegerProperty successesProperty(){ return successes;} public IntegerProperty failuresProperty(){return failures;} } }