package pallettown; import javafx.application.Platform; import pallettown.GUI.AccountThread; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import static pallettown.GUI.Log; import static pallettown.GUI.setStatus; /** * Created by Paris on 20/01/2017. */ class AccountCreator implements Runnable{ // --Commented out by Inspection (6/02/2017 10:54 AM):static final String BASE_URL = ""; // --Commented out by Inspection (6/02/2017 10:54 AM):private static final long CAPTCHA_TIMEOUT = 6000; // --Commented out by Inspection (6/02/2017 10:54 AM):private static final int THREADS = 5; private static String username; private static String password; private static String plusMail; private static String captchaKey = ""; private static int WORK_ITEMS; private int accNum = 1; static int success = 0; private static ArrayList<PTCProxy> proxies = null; public static void createAccounts(String user, String pass, String plus, String captcha) { //Dont reset proxies, should instead have a flag to see if proxies need to be reloaded (eg file changed, else leave it) // If file needs to be changed, wipe and reload, else leave it if(PalletTown.changedProxies || proxies == null) { GUI.setStatus("Loading proxies..."); proxies = new ArrayList<>(); loadProxies(); // seleniumTestProxies(proxies); // return false; PalletTown.changedProxies = false; } //5 accounts per IP per 10 minutes username = user; password = pass; plusMail = plus; captchaKey = captcha; WORK_ITEMS = PalletTown.count; GUI.setStatus("Starting account creation..."); if(PalletTown.captchaKey.equals("")){ Log("manual captcha"); for (int i = 1; i <= PalletTown.count; i++) { PTCProxy proxy = getProxy(); createAccount(i, Thread.currentThread().getName(), proxy); proxy.Use(); } }else{ AccountCreator accCreator = new AccountCreator(); Thread[] threads = new Thread[PalletTown.threads]; for (int i = 0; i < PalletTown.threads; i++) { threads[i] = new Thread(accCreator,"Worker " + i); } for (int i = 0; i < PalletTown.threads; i++) { threads[i].start(); } Log(Thread.currentThread().getName()+ " is twiddling its thumbs"); try { for (int i = 0; i < PalletTown.threads; i++) threads[i].join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } GUI.setStatus("Finished account creation..."); Log("done"); } synchronized private static PTCProxy getProxy() { Log("getting proxy for " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); PTCProxy shortestWait = null; for (int i = 0; i < proxies.size(); i++) { PTCProxy proxy = proxies.get(i); Log(" trying proxy " + i + ": " + proxy.IP()); if(shortestWait == null){ shortestWait = proxy; } if(proxy.NotStarted()){ Log(" proxy unstarted, using.."); proxy.ReserveUse(); return proxy; } if(proxy.Usable()){ Log(" proxy usable, using..."); proxy.ReserveUse(); return proxy; }else{ Log(" proxy unusable"); if(proxy.WaitTime() == 0){ Log(" proxy ready to be reset, updating queue and using..."); proxy.UpdateQueue(); proxy.ReserveUse(); return proxy; } if(proxy.WaitTime() < shortestWait.WaitTime()){ Log(" proxy new shortest delay"); shortestWait = proxy; } } } PTCProxy finalShortestWait = shortestWait; Platform.runLater(() -> { assert finalShortestWait != null; setStatus("Waiting for next available proxy..."); // GUI.showAlert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION, "Waiting...", null, "Waiting " + PalletTown.millisToTime(finalShortestWait.WaitTime()) + " until IP restriction is lifted"); }); Log(" no available proxies, waiting for next available proxy..."); try { assert shortestWait != null; Log(" shortest wait time: " + PalletTown.millisToTime(shortestWait.WaitTime())); Thread.currentThread().sleep(shortestWait.WaitTime()); setStatus("Proxy available.."); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } shortestWait.UpdateQueue(); shortestWait.ReserveUse(); return shortestWait; } private static void loadProxies() { if(PalletTown.proxyFile == null){ Log("no proxy file specified"); proxies.add(new PTCProxy("null", "IP")); return; } try { Scanner in = new Scanner(PalletTown.proxyFile); while (in.hasNext()) { String proxy = in.nextLine(); if(!proxy.startsWith("http") && !proxy.startsWith("socks")){ proxy = "https://"+proxy; } int doubleSlashIndex = proxy.indexOf("://"); String protocol = proxy.substring(0,doubleSlashIndex + 3); String proxyIP = proxy.substring(doubleSlashIndex + 3); String proxyAuth = "IP"; if(proxy.contains("@") && proxy.substring(0,proxy.indexOf("@")).contains(":")){ proxyIP = protocol + proxy.substring(proxy.indexOf("@") + 1); proxyAuth = proxy.substring(doubleSlashIndex+3,proxy.indexOf("@")); proxies.add(new PTCProxy(proxyIP, proxyAuth)); Log("Testing of user:pass proxies not implemented yet, adding to list anyway"); }else{ if(protocol.startsWith("socks")) { Log("Testing of socks proxies not implemented yet, adding to list anyway"); Log("Adding " + proxy + " to list"); proxies.add(new PTCProxy(proxy, proxyAuth)); } else if(ProxyTester.testProxy(proxyIP,proxyAuth)) { Log("Adding " + proxy + " to list"); proxies.add(new PTCProxy(proxy, proxyAuth)); } else Log(proxy + " failed test, not adding"); } } if(PalletTown.useNullProxy) proxies.add(new PTCProxy("null", "IP")); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log("Invalid proxy file"); } } @Override public void run() { int mytaskcount = 0; AccountThread accountThread = new AccountThread(Thread.currentThread().getName()); GUI.addThread(accountThread); int accNum; while ((accNum = incAccNum()) <= WORK_ITEMS) { Log(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" making account "+ accNum); accountThread.LogMessage("making account " + accNum); PTCProxy proxy = getProxy(); boolean createAcc = createAccount(accNum,Thread.currentThread().getName(), proxy); Log(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "done making account " + accNum + " sleeping for " + PalletTown.delay+"ms"); accountThread.LogMessage("done making account " + accNum + " sleeping for " + PalletTown.delay+"ms"); if(createAcc){ accountThread.Success(); }else{ accountThread.Failure(); } mytaskcount++; try { Thread.sleep(PalletTown.delay); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } proxy.Use(); } Log(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" did "+mytaskcount+ " tasks"); accountThread.LogMessage("did " + mytaskcount + " tasks"); } synchronized private int incAccNum() { return accNum++; } static synchronized private void incSuccess(){ success++; } private static boolean createAccount(int accNum, String name, PTCProxy proxy) { String birthday = RandomDetails.randomBirthday(); Log("Making account #" + (accNum)); String accUser; if(username == null){ // Log("no username specified, generating one"); accUser = RandomDetails.randomUsername(); }else{ if(PalletTown.count > 1 && PalletTown.startNum == null) accUser = PalletTown.userName + (accNum); else if (PalletTown.count >= 1 && PalletTown.startNum != null) accUser = PalletTown.userName + (PalletTown.startNum + accNum); else accUser = PalletTown.userName; } String accPw; if(password == null){ // Log("no password specified, generating one"); accPw = RandomDetails.randomPassword(); }else{ accPw = password; } String accMail; if(!PalletTown.privateDomain) accMail = plusMail.replace("@","+" + accUser + "@"); else accMail = plusMail.replace("@",accUser + "@"); Log(" Username: " + accUser); Log(" Password: " + accPw); Log(" Email : " + accMail); boolean createAcc = createAccPy(accUser,accPw,accMail,birthday,captchaKey,name, proxy.IP(), proxy.auth); Log(createAcc ? "Account " + accNum + " created succesfully" : "Account " + accNum + " failed"); if(!createAcc) return false; incSuccess(); if(PalletTown.outputFile != null) switch(PalletTown.outputFormat){ case RocketMap: PalletTown.outputAppend("ptc," + accUser+","+accPw); break; case PokeAlert: PalletTown.outputAppend(accUser + " " + accPw + " PTC None"); break; case Standard: PalletTown.outputAppend(accUser+","+accPw); break; } if(PalletTown.acceptTos) TOSAccept.acceptTos(accUser,password,accMail); else Log("Skipping TOS acceptance"); return true; } // public static void main(String[] args) { // createAccPy("palletttrainer10","J@kolantern7","","1957-1-1","5d579f38e793dc5b3d4905540a4215fa", name); // } private static boolean createAccPy(String username, String password, String email, String dob, String captchaKey, String name, String proxy, String authType){ try{ if(captchaKey == null || captchaKey.isEmpty()) captchaKey = "null"; if(proxy.isEmpty()) proxy = "null"; String[] commands = new String[] { "python", "", username, password, email, dob, captchaKey, name, proxy, authType }; ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(commands); pb.redirectErrorStream(true); Process p = pb.start(); if(!p.waitFor(4, TimeUnit.MINUTES)){ Log(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " python process timed out, terminating..."); p.destroy(); Thread.sleep(1000); if(p.isAlive()){ p.destroyForcibly(); } return false; } Scanner in = new Scanner(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); String line = "dud"; while(in.hasNext()){ line = in.nextLine(); if(PalletTown.debug) Log(" [DEBUG]:" + line); } Log(line); if (line.contains(" successfully created.")) return true; // }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } }