package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.BigFatLock; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.f2f.messaging.OSF2FMessage; import edu.washington.cs.oneswarm.ui.gwt.BackendErrorLog; public class QueueManager { /* * all calls that are modifying the queue should synchronize on this object */ private static BigFatLock lock = OverlayManager.lock; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(QueueManager.class.getName()); public static final int MAX_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_MS = 200; // no matter how slow the connection is, always allow at least 3.5 friend // connection queues public static final int MIN_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_BYTES = (int) (3.5 * FriendConnectionQueue.MAX_FRIEND_QUEUE_LENGTH); // 40*4K = 160K public static final int MAX_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_BYTES = 40 * FriendConnectionQueue.MAX_FRIEND_QUEUE_LENGTH; public static final boolean QUEUE_DEBUG_LOGGING = System .getProperty("oneswarm.queue.debug.logging") != null; final static boolean QUEUE_LOCK_DEBUG = System.getProperty("oneswarm.queue.lock.debug") != null; private final LinkedList<FriendConnectionQueue> forwards = new LinkedList<FriendConnectionQueue>(); private int globalQueueLengthBytes = 0; private final SpeedManager globalSpeedManager; private long lastPacketSending = System.currentTimeMillis(); private long lastPacketSent = System.currentTimeMillis(); private int lastQueueDiff = 0; private int memFreed = 0; private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<OSF2FMessage> messagesToBeFreed = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<OSF2FMessage>(); private final Map<FriendConnection, FriendConnectionQueue> queueManagers = Collections .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<FriendConnection, FriendConnectionQueue>()); private final LinkedList<FriendConnectionQueue> searches = new LinkedList<FriendConnectionQueue>(); private int totalQueueDiffFixed = 0; private final LinkedList<FriendConnectionQueue> transports = new LinkedList<FriendConnectionQueue>(); private final Random random = new Random(); private final static double PROB_SEARCH_TRAFFIC = 0.1; private final static double PROB_FORWARD_TRAFFIC = 0.2; private final static double LIMIT_TRANSPORT_TRAFFIC = 1.0 - PROB_FORWARD_TRAFFIC - PROB_SEARCH_TRAFFIC; private final static double LIMIT_FORWARD_TRAFFIC = 1.0 - PROB_SEARCH_TRAFFIC; /** * The maximum fraction of the global queue length * (MAX_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_BYTES) allowed for each friend. */ private static final double MAX_QUEUE_FRACTION_PER_FRIEND = 0.4; public QueueManager() { this.globalSpeedManager = new SpeedManager(this, true); if (QUEUE_DEBUG_LOGGING) {"using queue.debug.logging"); } if (QUEUE_LOCK_DEBUG) {"using queue.lock.debug"); }"** Bound on MAX_QUEUE_FRACTION_PER_FRIEND * MAX_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_BYTES: " + (MAX_QUEUE_FRACTION_PER_FRIEND * MAX_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_BYTES)); /* * schedule a QueueLengthChecker to update the approximate queue length * to the exact queue length, just using the listeners is leaking a * couple bytes each time a friend connects/disconnects which causes the * global queue length to drift over time */ Timer t = new Timer("QueueLengthChecker", true); t.schedule(new QueueChecker(), 0, 60 * 1000); } private boolean canQueuePacket() { if (globalQueueLengthBytes > MAX_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_BYTES) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.finest("Queue manager: can queue=false: " + globalQueueLengthBytes + ">" + MAX_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_BYTES); } return false; } else if (globalQueueLengthBytes < MIN_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_BYTES) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.finest("Queue manager: can queue=true: " + globalQueueLengthBytes + "<" + MIN_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_BYTES); } return true; } else { boolean canQueuePacket = globalSpeedManager.canQueuePacket(globalQueueLengthBytes, MAX_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_MS); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.finest("Queue manager: can queue=" + canQueuePacket); } return canQueuePacket; } } void deregisterForQueueHandling(FriendConnection fc) { FriendConnectionQueue queue; lock.lock(); try { queue = queueManagers.remove(fc); } finally { lock.unlock(); } if (queue != null) { final List<OSF2FMessage> messagesStillInQueue = queue.close(); for (OSF2FMessage message : messagesStillInQueue) { globalQueueLengthBytes -= FriendConnectionQueue.getMessageLen(message); } messagesToBeFreed.addAll(messagesStillInQueue); } } public String getDebug() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean canQueue = canQueuePacket(); sb.append("can_queue=" + canQueue + " queued_bytes=" + globalQueueLengthBytes + " last_queued=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPacketSent) + " speed=" + globalSpeedManager.getCurrentUploadSpeed() + " total_drift=" + totalQueueDiffFixed + " last_min_drift=" + lastQueueDiff + " mem_freed=" + memFreed + "\nready to send: forwards=" + forwards.size() + " transports=" + transports.size() + " searches=" + searches.size()); // If we can't queue, include extra information which may be helpful // when debugging. if (!canQueue) { sb.append("\nglobalQueueLengthBytes > MAX_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_BYTES: " + (globalQueueLengthBytes > MAX_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_BYTES)); sb.append("\nglobalSpeedManager.canQueuePacket(globalQueueLengthBytes, MAX_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_MS): " + globalSpeedManager.canQueuePacket(globalQueueLengthBytes, MAX_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_MS)); sb.append("\ncurrentUploadSpeed: " + globalSpeedManager.getCurrentUploadSpeed()); } return sb.toString(); } public String getForwardQueueLengthDebug() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("global queue: " + globalQueueLengthBytes + "\n"); ArrayList<FriendConnectionQueue> queues = new ArrayList<FriendConnectionQueue>(); queues.addAll(queueManagers.values()); Collections.sort(queues, new Comparator<FriendConnectionQueue>() { public int compare(FriendConnectionQueue o1, FriendConnectionQueue o2) { // if (o1.getForwardQueueBytes() > o2.getForwardQueueBytes()) { // return -1; // } else if (o1.getForwardQueueBytes() == // o2.getForwardQueueBytes()) { // return 0; // } else { // return 1; // } if (o1.getForwardQueueDelay() > o2.getForwardQueueDelay()) { return -1; } else if (o1.getForwardQueueDelay() == o2.getForwardQueueDelay()) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } }); for (FriendConnectionQueue q : queues) { b.append(q.toString() + "\n"); } return b.toString(); } void messageQueued(int bytes) { globalQueueLengthBytes += bytes; } void messageSent(int bytes) { globalQueueLengthBytes -= bytes; if (globalQueueLengthBytes < 0) { logger.fine("Irregular accounting: global message queue length (" + globalQueueLengthBytes + " < 0). Resetting..."); globalQueueLengthBytes = 0; } globalSpeedManager.dataUploaded(bytes); logger.finest("Message sent: " + bytes + " bytes globalQueue=" + globalQueueLengthBytes + " current speed=" + ((int) globalSpeedManager.getCurrentUploadSpeed())); triggerPacketSending(); } FriendConnectionQueue registerConnectionForQueueHandling(FriendConnection fc) { FriendConnectionQueue m = new FriendConnectionQueue(this, fc); lock.lock(); try { queueManagers.put(fc, m); } finally { lock.unlock(); } return m; } void registerForForwardSelects(FriendConnectionQueue friendConnectionManager) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.finest(friendConnectionManager + " registering for forward selects"); } if (QUEUE_DEBUG_LOGGING) { if (forwards.contains(friendConnectionManager)) { Debug.out("tried to register forward, but forward is already there!!!!"); } } if (QueueManager.QUEUE_LOCK_DEBUG) { if (!lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) { Debug.out("not holding queue manager lock!!!"); } } forwards.offer(friendConnectionManager); } void registerForSearchSelects(FriendConnectionQueue friendConnectionManager) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.finest(friendConnectionManager + " registering for search selects"); } if (QUEUE_DEBUG_LOGGING) { if (searches.contains(friendConnectionManager)) { Debug.out("tried to register for search selects, but already registered!!!!"); } } if (QueueManager.QUEUE_LOCK_DEBUG) { if (!lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) { Debug.out("not holding queue manager lock!!!"); } } searches.offer(friendConnectionManager); } void registerForTransportSelects(FriendConnectionQueue friendConnectionManager) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.finest(friendConnectionManager + " registering for transport selects"); } if (QUEUE_DEBUG_LOGGING) { if (transports.contains(friendConnectionManager)) { Debug.out("tried to register transport, but transport is already there!!!!"); } } if (QueueManager.QUEUE_LOCK_DEBUG) { if (!lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) { Debug.out("not holding queue manager lock!!!"); } } transports.offer(friendConnectionManager); } /* * make sure to not hold the lock when calling this method, it must be * "lock free" to be able to do the azurues message notifications */ int triggerPacketSending() { if (QueueManager.QUEUE_LOCK_DEBUG) { if (lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) { Debug.out("holding queue manager lock!!!"); } } int packetsSent = 0; LinkedList<FriendConnectionQueue> toNotify = new LinkedList<FriendConnectionQueue>(); lock.lock(); try { while (canQueuePacket() && (isFriendQueueAdmissible(transports.peek()) || isFriendQueueAdmissible(forwards.peek()) || isFriendQueueAdmissible(searches .peek()))) { double rand = random.nextDouble(); lastPacketSending = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.finest("packet sending triggered"); // ok, there is room to queue a packet if (isFriendQueueAdmissible(transports.peek()) && rand < LIMIT_TRANSPORT_TRAFFIC) { // lets use round robin for now, remove the first and put it // last FriendConnectionQueue luckyFriendQueue = transports.remove(); // tell it to send a packet boolean packetSent = luckyFriendQueue.sendQueuedTransportPacket(); // if it has more, it will register itself for additional // selects if (packetSent) { packetsSent++; toNotify.add(luckyFriendQueue); } } else if (isFriendQueueAdmissible(forwards.peek()) && rand < LIMIT_FORWARD_TRAFFIC) { FriendConnectionQueue luckyFriendQueue = forwards.remove(); // tell it to send a packet boolean packetSent = luckyFriendQueue.sendQueuedForwardPacket(); // if it has more, it will register itself for additional // selects if (packetSent) { packetsSent++; toNotify.add(luckyFriendQueue); } } else if (isFriendQueueAdmissible(searches.peek())) { FriendConnectionQueue luckyFriendQueue = searches.remove(); // tell it to send a packet boolean packetSent = luckyFriendQueue.sendQueuedSearchPacket(); // if it has more, it will register itself for additional // selects if (packetSent) { packetsSent++; toNotify.add(luckyFriendQueue); } } if (packetsSent > 0) { lastPacketSent = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { logger.finest("sent " + packetsSent + " packets"); } /* * then perform the listener notifications on the connection that queued * packets */ for (FriendConnectionQueue fc : toNotify) { fc.doListenerNotifications(); } return packetsSent; } /** * Returns true iff our queueing policy permits sending from a given queue. * * Overall, our goal is to prevent one friend connection from dominating * 'too much' of our overall queue. If this happens, the global queue can * become temporarily 'stuck' waiting for queued bytes to time out. */ static boolean loggedOnce = false; private boolean isFriendQueueAdmissible(FriendConnectionQueue friendQueue) { if (friendQueue == null) { return false; } // If this friendQueue currently has queued more than // MAX_QUEUE_FRACTION_PER_FRIEND of the global queue size, refuse. long totalQueuedBytes = friendQueue.getTotalOutgoingBytesContributionToGlobalQueue(); if (totalQueuedBytes > MAX_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_BYTES && !loggedOnce) { loggedOnce = true; logger.warning("*** Total queued bytes for friendQueue exceeds max queue. total: " + totalQueuedBytes + " max: " + MAX_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_BYTES + " friend: " + friendQueue.toString()); } if (totalQueuedBytes > MAX_QUEUE_FRACTION_PER_FRIEND * MAX_GLOBAL_QUEUE_LEN_BYTES) { return false; } return true; } public static enum QueueBuckets { CONTROL, FORWARD, TRANSPORT; } /** * * The per-friend connection queues are authoritative, and the global queue * length is just a heuristic that's designed to roughly approximate it. * Unexpected events (e.g., client disconnects, etc.) can cause the byte * accounting that we rely on to measure the sum of the individual friend * queues to drift. So, periodically, we synchronize it. * */ private class QueueChecker extends TimerTask { @Override public void run() { lock.lock(); try { try { OSF2FMessage m; while ((m = messagesToBeFreed.poll()) != null) { memFreed += m.getMessageSize(); m.destroy(); } int totalQueueLen = 0; for (FriendConnectionQueue q : queueManagers.values()) { totalQueueLen += q.getTotalOutgoingQueueLengthBytes(); } lastQueueDiff = globalQueueLengthBytes - totalQueueLen; totalQueueDiffFixed += Math.abs(lastQueueDiff); globalQueueLengthBytes = totalQueueLen; logger.finer("pre-queuelengthcorrect ul=" + globalSpeedManager.getCurrentUploadSpeed()); logger.finer((new Date()) + " queuelengthcorrect=" + lastQueueDiff + " tot=" + totalQueueDiffFixed + " "); } finally { lock.unlock(); } try { Thread.sleep(5 * 1000); } catch (Exception e) { } lock.lock(); try { logger.finer("post-queuelengthcorrect ul=" + globalSpeedManager.getCurrentUploadSpeed()); } finally { lock.unlock(); } /* * check for registration inconsistency as well (but only if we * havn't sent anything in 10s */ if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPacketSent > 10 * 1000) { lock.lock(); try { /* * transports */ for (FriendConnectionQueue q : queueManagers.values()) { boolean reg = q.isRegisteredForForwardSelects(); boolean contains = transports.contains(q); if (reg != contains) { Debug.out("transport registration inconsistency (fixed): reg=" + reg + " contains=" + contains); if (reg && !contains) { transports.add(q); } } } /* * forwards */ for (FriendConnectionQueue q : queueManagers.values()) { boolean reg = q.isRegisteredForForwardSelects(); boolean contains = forwards.contains(q); if (reg != contains) { Debug.out("forward registration inconsistency (fixed): reg=" + reg + " contains=" + contains); if (reg && !contains) { forwards.add(q); } } } /* * searches */ for (FriendConnectionQueue q : queueManagers.values()) { boolean reg = q.isRegisteredForForwardSelects(); boolean contains = searches.contains(q); if (reg != contains) { Debug.out("search registration inconsistency (fixed): reg=" + reg + " contains=" + contains); if (reg && !contains) { searches.add(q); } } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } /* * check if it was a long time since we sent a packet if so, * trigger */ long timeSinceLastPacket = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPacketSending; if (timeSinceLastPacket > 30 * 1000) { int packetsSent = triggerPacketSending(); if (packetsSent > 0) { Debug.out("recovered from packet sending error, no packets sent last 30 senconds but after trigger " + packetsSent + " were sent"); } } } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warning("*** Unhandled error in the QueueChecker timer task: " + t.toString()); t.printStackTrace(); BackendErrorLog.get().logException(t); } } // run() } }