package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.SQLWarning; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.ByteFormatter; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.SystemProperties; import; import edu.uw.cse.netlab.reputation.Computation; import edu.uw.cse.netlab.reputation.LocalIdentity; import edu.uw.cse.netlab.reputation.messages.Attestation; import edu.uw.cse.netlab.utils.ByteManip; import edu.uw.cse.netlab.utils.KeyManipulation; public class ReputationDAO { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ReputationDAO.class.getName()); private static ReputationDAO mInst = null; private String DRIVER = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"; private String DB_CONNECT = "jdbc:derby:OneSwarm;create=true;databaseName=peers"; private String [] CREATE_TABLES = {"CREATE TABLE keys" + "(" + " public_key VARCHAR(4096), " + " db_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY " + ")", // Since we go from public_key -> db_id often as well. "CREATE INDEX pub_key_index ON keys (public_key)", "CREATE TABLE state" + "(" + " remote_id BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, " + "" + // If remote_id and I are exchanging data directly " sent_direct BIGINT DEFAULT 0, " + " received_direct BIGINT DEFAULT 0, " + "" + // If remote_id is acting as intermediary between me and others " local_sent_due_to_remote_reco BIGINT DEFAULT 0, " + " local_recv_due_to_remote_reco BIGINT DEFAULT 0, " + "" + // If I'm acting as the intermediary between remote_id and others " others_sent_due_to_my_reco BIGINT DEFAULT 0, " + " others_recv_due_to_my_reco BIGINT DEFAULT 0, " + "" + // When is the last time any of the above data was touched " last_aged TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, " + "" + // How many times have 1) I seen this peer and 2) others seen this peer " my_observations INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + " indirect_observations DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT 0" + ")", "CREATE TABLE soft_state " + "(" + " db_id BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, " + " last_ip INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + " last_udp_port INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + " last_tcp_port INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + " last_update TIMESTAMP" + ")", /** * This avoids an effort to game topK selection by repeatedly connecting / disconnecting to people */ "CREATE TABLE seen_today " + "(" + " ip INTEGER NOT NULL, " + " infohash CHAR(40) NOT NULL, " + " time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, " + "" + " PRIMARY KEY(ip)" + ")", "CREATE TABLE attestations " + "(" + " signer BIGINT NOT NULL, " + " encoding_for BIGINT NOT NULL, " + "" + " intermediary_id BIGINT NOT NULL, " + "" + " time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, " + "" + " needs_currency_verification SMALLINT DEFAULT 0, " + // this should be a BOOLEAN, but derby doesn't support it " received_due_to_reco_offset_with_int INT DEFAULT 0, " + " last_verification_attempt TIMESTAMP, " + " verification_attempts SMALLINT DEFAULT 0, " + "" + " bytes BLOB, " + "" + " attest_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY" + ")", // All the fields we will select on "CREATE INDEX attestation_index ON attestations (signer, encoding_for, time, last_verification_attempt, needs_currency_verification)", // Record identifiers for updates that we've processed to prevent replays "CREATE TABLE processed_updates " + "(" + " hash CHAR(20) PRIMARY KEY " + ")" }; private Connection mDB = null; private LocalTopK mTopKCache = null; private long mLastTopKRefresh = 0; private SoftStateSync mSoftStateSync = new SoftStateSync(); public SoftStateSync getSoftStateSync() { return mSoftStateSync; } private ReputationDAO() { // allow this to be overridden if( System.getProperty("derby.system.home") == null ) System.setProperty("derby.system.home", SystemProperties.getUserPath()); System.setProperty("", "50"); // Create the Derby DB try { Class.forName(DRIVER); } catch( ClassNotFoundException e ) { logger.severe(e.toString()); } try { mDB = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_CONNECT); } catch( SQLException e ) { logger.severe(e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } create_tables(); logger.fine("starting table pruning timer"); (new Timer("table prune", true)).schedule(new TimerTask(){ public void run() { logger.fine("prune tables, named!"); prune_tables(); }}, 60*1000, 60*60*1000 ); } private synchronized void prune_tables() { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM seen_today WHERE time < ?"); // TODO: magic number -- this should probably be less than 1 day -- maybe hrs? stmt.setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() - 86400000) ); // 1 day int pruned = stmt.executeUpdate(); if( pruned == 0 ) { logger.fine("pruned " + pruned + " entries from seen_today"); } else { logger.fine("pruned " + pruned + " entries from seen_today"); } } catch( SQLException e ) { logger.severe(e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if( stmt != null ) { try { stmt.close(); } catch( Exception e ) {} } } } private synchronized void create_tables() { try { Statement s = mDB.createStatement(); // Statement stmt = mDB.createStatement(); // //for( String t : new String[]{"keys", "state", "soft_state", "attestations", "processed_updates"} ) // for( String t : new String[]{"soft_state"} ) // { // try { // stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE " + t); // } catch( Exception e ) { // Debug.out(e); // } // } // stmt.close(); for( String t : CREATE_TABLES ) { try { s.execute(t); } catch( Exception e ) { if( e.toString().endsWith("already exists in Schema 'APP'.") == false ) { logger.warning(e.toString()); } } } // first key is always ours: try { long int_id = get_internal_id(LocalIdentity.get().getCertificate().getPublicKey()); String encoded = KeyManipulation.concise(LocalIdentity.get().getCertificate().getPublicKey().getEncoded()); logger.fine("local internal_id: " + int_id + " " + encoded); } catch( IOException e ) { logger.warning(e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } s.close(); } catch( SQLException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Returns the topK set by observations (both direct and indirect weighted equally) * TODO: make this cleaner, move function somewhere else? * * @return topK peers by observations, descending * @throws IOException */ public synchronized LocalTopK get_topK_by_obs() throws IOException { // only recompute this every 5 minutes if( mTopKCache != null && (mLastTopKRefresh + 5*60*1000) > System.currentTimeMillis() ) { return mTopKCache; } logger.fine("recomputing top K"); mLastTopKRefresh = System.currentTimeMillis(); // TODO: keep per-execution change bits on these so we aren't constantly recomputing these during exec. // could be a pain to do so when the set of peers gets towards 4k... (then again, most peers should have occs <=1, so maybe // we should just prune to that) final Map<Long, Double> peer_to_score = new HashMap<Long, Double>(); String sql = "SELECT remote_id, my_observations + indirect_observations AS occs FROM state ORDER BY occs DESC"; Statement stmt = null; PreparedStatement key_lookup = null, attest_lookup = null; List<PublicKey> topK = new ArrayList<PublicKey>(); try { stmt = mDB.createStatement(); //stmt.setMaxRows(4000); key_lookup = mDB.prepareStatement("SELECT public_key FROM keys WHERE db_id = ?"); attest_lookup = mDB.prepareStatement( "SELECT bytes FROM attestations WHERE " + " encoding_for = 1 AND " + " signer = ? " + "ORDER BY time DESC"); //attest_lookup.setMaxRows(1); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while( ) { long candidate_id = rs.getLong(1); logger.fine("topk considering candidate: " + candidate_id); // 1. do we have an attestation for this popular intermediary? attest_lookup.setLong(1, candidate_id); ResultSet attest_rs = attest_lookup.executeQuery(); if( == false ) { attest_rs.close(); logger.fine("no attest"); continue; } // 2. recover the receipt info from the attestation Blob blob = attest_rs.getBlob("bytes"); Receipt latest_candidate_receipt = (Receipt) ByteManip.objectFromBytes(blob.getBytes(1, (int)blob.length())); // 3. Update the receipt with anything we've done to cash in on standing with this intermediary latest_candidate_receipt.peer_received_due_to_reco = get_local_recv_due_to_remote_reco(candidate_id); // 4. The score of this candidate is their perception of our quality, computed here peer_to_score.put(candidate_id, Computation.peer_value_at_intermediary(latest_candidate_receipt)); logger.fine("score: " + peer_to_score.get(candidate_id)); } // We sort the scores and take the top 2000 positive ones as our top K set Long [] scored_peers = peer_to_score.keySet().toArray(new Long[0]); Arrays.sort(scored_peers, new Comparator<Long>(){ public int compare( Long o1, Long o2 ) { double diff = peer_to_score.get(o1) - peer_to_score.get(o2); if( diff > 0 ) return -1; if( diff < 0 ) return 1; return 0; } }); logger.finest("sorted scored peers, first few..."); for( int i=0; i<Math.min(scored_peers.length, 3); i++ ) logger.finest(scored_peers[i] + " " + peer_to_score.get(scored_peers[i])); // TODO: (slightly less) magic constant for( int i=0; i<Math.min(2000, scored_peers.length); i++ ) { long candidate_id = scored_peers[i]; // TODO: should we include these? risk is that they will be chosen over peers with which we have better standing, hurting our performance, // but finding ANY shared intermediary might be valuable in other cases. Check this later if( peer_to_score.get(candidate_id) < 1.0 ) break; key_lookup.setLong(1, candidate_id); ResultSet keyRS = key_lookup.executeQuery(); if( == false ) throw new IOException("Inconsistent DB: key not found given db id: " + candidate_id); PublicKey key = KeyManipulation.keyForEncodedBytes(ByteFormatter.decodeString(keyRS.getString(1))); topK.add(key); } logger.fine("top K has " + topK.size()); } catch( SQLException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } catch( InvalidKeySpecException e ) { System.err.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } finally { try { if( stmt != null ) stmt.close(); if( key_lookup != null ) key_lookup.close(); if( attest_lookup != null ) attest_lookup.close(); } catch( Exception e ) {} } mTopKCache = new LocalTopK(topK.toArray(new PublicKey[0])); return mTopKCache; } public synchronized PublicKey get_public_key( long inInternalID ) throws IOException { PublicKey result = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("SELECT public_key FROM keys where db_id = ?"); stmt.setLong(1, inInternalID); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if( != false ) result = KeyManipulation.keyForEncodedBytes(ByteFormatter.decodeString(rs.getString(1))); } catch( Exception e ) { System.err.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } finally { try { stmt.close(); } catch( Exception e ) {} } return result; } public synchronized long get_internal_id( PublicKey inPubKey ) throws IOException { try { PreparedStatement stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("SELECT db_id FROM keys where public_key = ?"); stmt.setString(1, ByteFormatter.encodeString(inPubKey.getEncoded())); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); boolean inserting = false; if( == false ) { // need to insert and get ID stmt.close(); stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO keys (public_key) VALUES (?)"); stmt.setString(1, ByteFormatter.encodeString((inPubKey.getEncoded()))); if( stmt.executeUpdate() != 1 ) throw new IOException("Insert into keys DB didn't update anything"); stmt.close(); // reissue query stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("SELECT db_id FROM keys where public_key = ?"); stmt.setString(1, ByteFormatter.encodeString(inPubKey.getEncoded())); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if( == false ) throw new IOException("Couldn't retrieve db_id immediately after insertion"); inserting = true; } long id = rs.getLong(1); stmt.close(); if( inserting ) { // create a state entry for this. ensures that for all keys entries we have a state entry. stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO state (remote_id) VALUES (?)"); stmt.setLong(1, id); if( stmt.executeUpdate() != 1 ) throw new IOException("Insert into keys DB didn't update anything"); stmt.close(); } mDB.commit(); return id; } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } } public void sent_direct( long inID, long bytes ) throws IOException { increment_field(inID, "sent_direct", bytes); } public void received_direct( long inID, long bytes ) throws IOException { increment_field(inID, "received_direct", bytes); } public long get_sent_direct( long inID ) throws IOException { return retrieve_long(inID, "sent_direct"); } public long get_received_direct( long inID ) throws IOException { return retrieve_long(inID, "received_direct"); } public void local_sent_due_to_remote_reco( long inID, long bytes ) throws IOException { increment_field(inID, "local_sent_due_to_remote_reco", bytes); } public void local_recv_due_to_remote_reco( long inID, long bytes ) throws IOException { increment_field(inID, "local_recv_due_to_remote_reco", bytes); } public long get_local_sent_due_to_remote_reco( long inID ) throws IOException { return retrieve_long(inID, "local_sent_due_to_remote_reco"); } public long get_local_recv_due_to_remote_reco( long inID ) throws IOException { return retrieve_long(inID, "local_recv_due_to_remote_reco"); } public void others_sent_due_to_my_reco( long inID, long bytes ) throws IOException { increment_field(inID, "others_sent_due_to_my_reco", bytes); } public void others_recv_due_to_my_reco( long inID, long bytes ) throws IOException { increment_field(inID, "others_recv_due_to_my_reco", bytes); } public long get_others_sent_due_to_my_reco( long inID ) throws IOException { return retrieve_long(inID, "others_sent_due_to_my_reco"); } public long get_others_recv_due_to_my_reco( long inID ) throws IOException { return retrieve_long(inID, "others_recv_due_to_my_reco"); } public synchronized String get_soft_state( PublicKey inKey ) throws IOException { long internal_id = get_internal_id(inKey); String result = null; try { PreparedStatement stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("SELECT last_ip, last_udp_port FROM soft_state WHERE db_id = ?"); stmt.setLong(1, internal_id); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); // TODO: probably a better way to encode this than in a string that needs to be split if( ) { result = ByteManip.ntoa(rs.getInt(1)); result += " " + rs.getInt(2); } stmt.close(); } catch( SQLException e ) { System.err.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } return result; } public synchronized java.util.Date get_last_soft_state_update( PublicKey inKey ) throws IOException { long internal_id = get_internal_id(inKey); java.util.Date out_time = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("SELECT last_update FROM soft_state WHERE db_id = ?"); stmt.setLong(1, internal_id); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if( ) out_time = new java.util.Date(rs.getTime(1).getTime()); } catch( SQLException e ) { System.err.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } finally { try { stmt.close(); }catch( Exception e ) {} } return out_time; } public synchronized void update_soft_state( PublicKey inKey, byte [] inIP, int inTCPPort, int inUDPPort, java.util.Date inTimestamp ) throws IOException { long internal_id = get_internal_id(inKey); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(inIP)); int ip_int = dis.readInt(); // make sure a record exists. if not, we'll immediately update, so we can skimp on everything except primary key try { PreparedStatement st = mDB.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO soft_state (db_id) VALUES (?)"); st.setLong(1, internal_id); st.executeUpdate(); st.close(); } catch( SQLException e ) {} // we're expecting duplicate key errors try { PreparedStatement stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("UPDATE soft_state SET last_ip = ?, last_udp_port = ?, last_tcp_port = ?, last_update = ? WHERE db_id = ?"); stmt.setInt(1, ip_int); stmt.setInt(2, inUDPPort); stmt.setInt(3, inTCPPort); stmt.setTimestamp(4, new Timestamp(inTimestamp.getTime())); stmt.setLong(5, internal_id); int updated = stmt.executeUpdate(); logger.fine("sstate update updated: " + updated); stmt.close(); mDB.commit(); } catch( SQLException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } logger.fine("updated soft state: " + InetAddress.getByAddress(inIP).toString()); } private boolean is_daily_duplicate( InetAddress inIP, byte [] inInfohash ) throws IOException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; boolean dupe = false; try { DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(inIP.getAddress())); int ip_int = dis.readInt(); stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("SELECT ip FROM seen_today WHERE ip = ? AND infohash = ? AND time > ?"); stmt.setLong(1, ip_int); stmt.setString(2, ByteFormatter.encodeString(inInfohash)); stmt.setTimestamp(3, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() - 86400000) ); // 1 day ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if( ) dupe = true; } catch( SQLException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if( stmt != null ) { try { stmt.close(); } catch( Exception e ) {} } } return dupe; } public synchronized void direct_observation( long inID, InetAddress inIP, byte [] inInfohash ) throws IOException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { if( is_daily_duplicate( inIP, inInfohash ) ) { logger.fine("ignoring duplicate observation for " + inID); return; } stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("UPDATE state SET my_observations = my_observations + 1 WHERE remote_id = ?"); stmt.setLong(1, inID); stmt.executeUpdate(); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(inIP.getAddress())); int ip_int = dis.readInt(); stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO seen_today (ip, infohash, time) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); stmt.setLong(1, ip_int); stmt.setString(2, ByteFormatter.encodeString(inInfohash)); stmt.setTimestamp(3, new Timestamp((new java.util.Date()).getTime())); stmt.executeUpdate(); mDB.commit(); } catch( SQLException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } finally { if( stmt != null ) { try { stmt.close(); } catch( Exception e ) {} } } } protected synchronized void multiplicative_decrease_observations( long inID ) throws IOException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = mDB.prepareStatement( "UPDATE state SET " + // TODO: magic constant -- multiplicative decrease amount "my_observations = my_observations * 0.95, " + "indirect_observations = indirect_observations * 0.95 " + "WHERE remote_id = ?"); stmt.setLong(1, inID); stmt.executeUpdate(); mDB.commit(); } catch( SQLException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } finally { try { stmt.close(); } catch( Exception e ) {} } } public synchronized void indirect_observation( long inID, double inFraction ) throws IOException { if( inID == 1 ) { logger.fine("skipping indirect observation of ourself"); return; } logger.fine("recording indirect observation: " + inID + " / " + inFraction); try { PreparedStatement stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("UPDATE state SET indirect_observations = indirect_observations + ? WHERE remote_id = ?"); stmt.setLong(2, inID); stmt.setDouble(1, inFraction); stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); mDB.commit(); } catch( SQLException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } } public synchronized void record_update( Receipt inUpdateReceipt ) throws IOException { try { PreparedStatement stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO attestations (" + "signer, " + "encoding_for, " + "time, " + "bytes, " + "intermediary_id, " + "received_due_to_reco_offset_with_int, " + "needs_currency_verification) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, 1, 0, 0)"); stmt.setLong(1, inUpdateReceipt.getSigningID()); stmt.setLong(2, inUpdateReceipt.getEncodingStateForID()); stmt.setTimestamp(3, new Timestamp(inUpdateReceipt.getTimestamp().getTime())); stmt.setBytes(4, ByteManip.objectToBytes(inUpdateReceipt)); stmt.executeUpdate(); mDB.commit(); } catch( SQLException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } } public synchronized void record_attestation( Attestation inAttestation, HashMap<Long, Receipt> inReceiptBundle ) throws IOException { try { Receipt recpt = inAttestation.getReceipt(); PreparedStatement stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO attestations (signer, encoding_for, time, bytes, intermediary_id, received_due_to_reco_offset_with_int, needs_currency_verification) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); /** * When it comes time to verify, we care only about verifying the most recent state. Thus, we mark previous unverified indirect receipts * here as no longer requiring verification. This prevents a massive flood of updates if we've batched up a bunch while an intermediary * was offline. * * Update -- for accounting accuracy, we actually _do_ retain these old receipts and verify them, so the actual update is * commented out below. * */ PreparedStatement mark_previous = mDB.prepareStatement( "UPDATE attestations " + "SET " + " needs_currency_verification = 0 " + "WHERE " + " signer = ? AND " + " encoding_for = ? AND " + " intermediary_id = ? AND " + " time < ?"); stmt.setLong(1, get_internal_id(recpt.getSigningKey())); stmt.setLong(2, get_internal_id(recpt.getEncodingStateForKey())); stmt.setTimestamp(3, new Timestamp(recpt.getTimestamp().getTime())); mark_previous.setLong(1, get_internal_id(recpt.getSigningKey())); mark_previous.setLong(2, get_internal_id(recpt.getEncodingStateForKey())); // 3 is set per-intermediary below mark_previous.setTimestamp(4, new Timestamp(recpt.getTimestamp().getTime())); stmt.setBytes(4, ByteManip.objectToBytes(recpt)); // This isn't very efficient storage but makes the rest of the code and data storage (which is done on a per-int basis) much more // comprehensible. Set<Long> preferred_ints = inAttestation.getReceipt().getPreferredIntermediaries(); if( preferred_ints.size() > 0 ) // indirect attrib { logger.fine("recording indirect attesting receipt"); stmt.setShort(7, (short)1); for( Long intermediary_local_id : preferred_ints ) { assert !(intermediary_local_id == 1 && recpt.getEncodingStateForID() == 1) : "recording attestation for us with ourself as intermediary"; stmt.setLong(5, intermediary_local_id); stmt.setInt(6, inReceiptBundle.get(intermediary_local_id).get_received_due_to_reco_offset()); stmt.executeUpdate(); mark_previous.setLong(3, intermediary_local_id); // We actually do verify these for accounting accuracy. // int marked = mark_previous.executeUpdate(); // logger.fine("mark previous marked: " + marked); } } else { stmt.setShort(7, (short)0); logger.fine("recording direct attesting receipt"); stmt.setLong(5, -1); stmt.setInt(6, -1); stmt.executeUpdate(); } mDB.commit(); logger.fine("recorded attestation: " + inAttestation); } catch( SQLException e ) { throw new IOException(e.toString()); } } public synchronized boolean is_duplicate_update( Receipt inReceipt ) throws IOException { try { PreparedStatement stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM processed_updates WHERE hash = ?"); stmt.setString(1, new String(inReceipt.getSHA1())); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if( ) return true; return false; } catch( SQLException e ) { throw new IOException(e.toString()); } } public synchronized void record_processed_update( Receipt inReceipt ) throws IOException { try { PreparedStatement stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO processed_updates (hash) VALUES (?)"); stmt.setString(1, new String(inReceipt.getSHA1())); stmt.executeUpdate(); mDB.commit(); } catch( SQLException e ) { throw new IOException(e.toString()); } } private synchronized void increment_field( long inID, String inField, long inBytes ) throws IOException { try { String sql = "UPDATE state SET " + inField + " = " + inField + " + ? WHERE remote_id = ?"; PreparedStatement stmt = mDB.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setLong(1, inBytes); stmt.setLong(2, inID); stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); mDB.commit(); } catch( SQLException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } } private synchronized long retrieve_long( long inID, String inField ) throws IOException { try { PreparedStatement stmt = mDB.prepareStatement("SELECT " + inField + " FROM state WHERE remote_id = ?"); stmt.setLong(1, inID); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if( == false ) return -1; return rs.getLong(1); } catch( SQLException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } } public synchronized static ReputationDAO get() { if( mInst == null ) mInst = new ReputationDAO(); return mInst; } /** * @param args */ public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception { COConfigurationManager.preInitialise(); //AzureusCoreFactory.create().start(); ReputationDAO rep = ReputationDAO.get(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; Statement s = null; s = rep.mDB.createStatement(); // rep.getSoftStateSync().refreshRemoteID(LocalIdentity.get().getKeys().getPublic(), new SoftStateListener(){ // public void refresh_complete( PublicKey inID ) // { // logger.fine("refresh complete"); // try { // logger.fine(ReputationDAO.get().get_soft_state(inID)); // } catch( Exception e ) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // }}); while( true ) { String line; System.out.print( "\n> " ); System.out.flush(); line = in.readLine(); String [] toks = line.split("\\s+"); try { if( line.equals("create") ) { rep.create_tables(); } else if( line.toLowerCase().startsWith("topk") ) { System.out.println(rep.get_topK_by_obs()); } else if( line.toLowerCase().startsWith("verify") ) { Object [] out = rep.get_attestation_for_verification(); } else if( line.startsWith("attest" ) ) { ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery( "SELECT bytes FROM attestations WHERE attest_id = " + toks[1] ); if( ) System.out.println( ByteManip.objectFromBytes(rs.getBytes(1)) ); } else if( line.startsWith("show") ) { ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("select * from " + toks[1]); ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData(); Map<String, Integer> cols = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); System.out.println("col count: " + md.getColumnCount()); for( int i=1; i<=md.getColumnCount(); i++ ) { System.out.print( md.getColumnLabel(i) + " " ); } System.out.println(""); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)); while( ) { for( int i=1; i<=md.getColumnCount(); i++ ) { out.printf( "%" + md.getColumnLabel(i).length() + "s ", rs.getObject(i) == null ? "null" : rs.getObject(i).toString() ); out.flush(); } out.flush(); System.out.println(""); } } else if( line.equals("test") ) { test(rep); return; } else if( line.equals("q") ) return; else { if( line.toLowerCase().startsWith("select") ) { int count =0; ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(line); while( ) count++; System.out.println("count: " + count); } else System.out.println( s.execute(line) + "" ); } } catch( SQLException e ) { System.err.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static final void test(ReputationDAO rep) { try { Statement stmt = rep.mDB.createStatement(); rep.create_tables(); System.out.println("dropped / recreated tables"); CertAndKeyGen pair = new CertAndKeyGen("RSA", "SHA1withRSA", null); pair.generate(LocalIdentity.KEY_SIZE_BITS); System.out.println("id for new pair: " + rep.get_internal_id(pair.getPublicKey()) ); long id = rep.get_internal_id(pair.getPublicKey()); rep.others_sent_due_to_my_reco(id, 102); rep.others_recv_due_to_my_reco(id, 56); rep.local_sent_due_to_remote_reco(id, 204); rep.local_recv_due_to_remote_reco(id, 402); //rep.direct_observation(id); rep.indirect_observation(id, 0.21); rep.sent_direct(id, 34); rep.received_direct(id, 43); } catch( Exception e ) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * * @return object tuple {Receipt, which intermediary} * @throws IOException */ public synchronized Object [] get_attestation_for_verification() throws IOException { //System.out.println("calling get_attestation_for_verification..."); Receipt attest = null; long intermediary_id = -1; long attest_id = -1; Statement stmt = null; boolean done = false; try { SQLWarning warn = mDB.getWarnings(); while( warn != null ) { logger.warning("warning: " + warn); warn = warn.getNextWarning(); } mDB.clearWarnings(); } catch (SQLException e1) { System.err.println(e1); e1.printStackTrace(); } while( !done ) { try { stmt = mDB.createStatement(); /** * Retrieve long-term attestations that need verifying. This won't return the same attestation until * 15 minutes have elapsed. Callers of this handle short-term retries of verification. */ stmt.setMaxRows(1); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT bytes, attest_id, verification_attempts, time, intermediary_id, received_due_to_reco_offset_with_int " + "FROM attestations " + "WHERE " + " needs_currency_verification = 1 AND " + // TODO: magic constant -- 15 minutes " (last_verification_attempt < '" + new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() - (15 * 60 * 1000)) + "' OR last_verification_attempt IS NULL) " + "ORDER BY last_verification_attempt ASC "); if( ) { logger.finer("result had next"); short verification_attempts = rs.getShort(3); Timestamp original_receipt_time = rs.getTimestamp(4); // TODO: magic constant -- how many long-term verifications before failing an update boolean perm_failure = verification_attempts > 10 || verification_attempts > 1 && original_receipt_time.before( new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - (24*60*60*1000)) ); attest = (Receipt)ByteManip.objectFromBytes(rs.getBytes(1)); // Since we didn't serialize this... attest.set_received_due_to_reco_offset(rs.getInt("received_due_to_reco_offset_with_int")); attest_id = rs.getLong(2); intermediary_id = rs.getLong(5); /** * We're about to try this, so update the last_verification_attempt time * TODO: this method probably shouldn't do this... */ String sql = "UPDATE attestations " + "SET " + (perm_failure ? "needs_currency_verification = 0, " : "") + "verification_attempts = " + (verification_attempts+1) + ", " + "last_verification_attempt = '" + (new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())).toString() + "' " + "WHERE attest_id = " + attest_id; logger.finer("trying: " + sql); if( stmt.executeUpdate(sql) != 1 ) { throw new IOException("failed to update last_verification_attempt in attestations"); } mDB.commit(); /** * If this update has permanently failed, decrease our opinion of this intermediary */ if( perm_failure ) { logger.fine("perm failure, multiplicative decrease"); multiplicative_decrease_observations(intermediary_id); continue; } logger.fine("found an attestation"); done = true; // found something to do } else { logger.finest("found no attestations"); done = true; // nothing to do } mDB.commit(); } catch( Exception e ) { System.err.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } finally { try { stmt.close(); } catch( Exception e ) {} } } return new Object[]{attest, new Long(intermediary_id), new Long(attest_id)}; } public synchronized List<Integer> compute_offsets_from_latest_receipts( List<Receipt> receipts ) throws IOException { /** * Compare our local state with the state encoded in each of these receipts and * return the offsets */ List<Integer> offsets = new LinkedList<Integer>(); for( Receipt r : receipts ) { PublicKey remote = r.getSigningKey(); /** * R is an intermediary that we have standing with, but we may have been using this receipt multiple times (and * we may not have received a new one). In the case that updates were applied at the intermediary (and we're out of * sync)---we need to append an update so users can compute the more recent ROI and not be surprised if later * verification with the intermediary doesn't match up * * We do this only for peer_received_due_to_reco since that might be verified with intermediaries (and lying would help us) but * not with sent_due_to_reco. Although we may be out of sync (i.e. the intermediary should have a higher opinion of us), there's * no real way for that to be verified independently with recourse (unless we make the protocol much more complicated). But, the * peer can prune an intermediary with which it does not have an up to date receipt from its intermediary list, giving it * control over whether or not it wants to risk never receiving the standing for that contribution */ int offset = (int)(get_local_recv_due_to_remote_reco(get_internal_id(remote)) - r.peer_received_due_to_reco); offsets.add(offset); } return offsets; } /** * This is pretty similar to getting the top K except we don't condition on actually having a receipt for these. * Instead, we just promote popular peers whether or not we have directly interacted with them. * * TODO: may also have to cache results here to avoid computational bottlenecks during connections. */ public synchronized PublicKey[] get_frequently_observed() throws IOException { Statement stmt = null; List<PublicKey> freq = new LinkedList<PublicKey>(); try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); String sql = "SELECT remote_id, my_observations + indirect_observations AS occs FROM state ORDER BY occs DESC"; stmt = mDB.createStatement(); stmt.setMaxRows(2001); ResultSet pop = stmt.executeQuery(sql); logger.finer("get_frequently_observed took: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-start) + " ms"); while( ) { long remote_id = pop.getLong("remote_id"); // even if we're popular, we don't advertise ourselves if( remote_id == 1 ) continue; freq.add(get_public_key(remote_id)); } } catch( SQLException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } finally { try { stmt.close(); } catch( Exception e ) {} } return freq.toArray(new PublicKey[0]); } public synchronized Receipt get_latest_attestation_for_id( long inID ) { PreparedStatement attest_lookup = null; Receipt r = null; try { attest_lookup = mDB.prepareStatement( "SELECT bytes FROM attestations WHERE " + " encoding_for = 1 AND " + " signer = ? " + "ORDER BY time DESC"); attest_lookup.setMaxRows(1); attest_lookup.setLong(1, inID); ResultSet rs = attest_lookup.executeQuery(); if( ) { r = (Receipt)ByteManip.objectFromBytes(rs.getBytes("bytes")); } } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.warning(e.toString()); } finally { try { if( attest_lookup != null ) attest_lookup.close(); } catch( Exception e ) {} } return r; } /** * The top K set is our standing with peers that we believe OTHERS will value. * This is the set of peers that WE value (when looking at the top K sets of others) * * @return * @throws IOException */ public synchronized List<PublicKey> get_desired_peers() throws IOException { // for now, just use top 2k frequently observed return Arrays.asList(get_frequently_observed()); } public synchronized void attestation_verification_complete( long attest_id ) throws IOException { String sql = "UPDATE attestations " + "SET " + "needs_currency_verification = 0 " + "WHERE attest_id = ?"; PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = mDB.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setLong(1, attest_id); int updated = stmt.executeUpdate(); if( updated != 1 ) throw new IOException("Attempting to update supposedly verified attestation that doesn't exist (or is already verified), id: " + attest_id); mDB.commit(); } catch( SQLException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } finally { try { if( stmt != null ) stmt.close(); } catch( Exception e ) {} } } }