/** * Copyright (C) 2014 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.basics.date; import static com.opengamma.basics.date.DayCounts.ACT_360; import static com.opengamma.basics.date.DayCounts.ACT_364; import static com.opengamma.basics.date.DayCounts.ACT_365F; import static com.opengamma.basics.date.DayCounts.ACT_365L; import static com.opengamma.basics.date.DayCounts.ACT_365_25; import static com.opengamma.basics.date.DayCounts.ACT_365_ACTUAL; import static com.opengamma.basics.date.DayCounts.ACT_ACT_AFB; import static com.opengamma.basics.date.DayCounts.ACT_ACT_ICMA; import static com.opengamma.basics.date.DayCounts.ACT_ACT_ISDA; import static com.opengamma.basics.date.DayCounts.NL_365; import static com.opengamma.basics.date.DayCounts.ONE_ONE; import static com.opengamma.basics.date.DayCounts.THIRTY_360_ISDA; import static com.opengamma.basics.date.DayCounts.THIRTY_EPLUS_360; import static com.opengamma.basics.date.DayCounts.THIRTY_E_360; import static com.opengamma.basics.date.DayCounts.THIRTY_E_360_ISDA; import static com.opengamma.basics.date.DayCounts.THIRTY_U_360; import static com.opengamma.basics.schedule.Frequency.P12M; import static com.opengamma.basics.schedule.Frequency.P3M; import static com.opengamma.basics.schedule.Frequency.P6M; import static com.opengamma.collect.TestHelper.assertJodaConvert; import static com.opengamma.collect.TestHelper.assertSerialization; import static com.opengamma.collect.TestHelper.assertThrows; import static com.opengamma.collect.TestHelper.coverEnum; import static com.opengamma.collect.TestHelper.coverPrivateConstructor; import static com.opengamma.collect.TestHelper.date; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import java.time.LocalDate; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.opengamma.basics.date.DayCount.ScheduleInfo; import com.opengamma.basics.schedule.Frequency; /** * Test {@link DayCount}. */ @Test public class DayCountTest { private static final LocalDate JAN_01 = LocalDate.of(2010, 1, 1); private static final LocalDate JAN_02 = LocalDate.of(2010, 1, 2); private static final LocalDate JUL_01 = LocalDate.of(2010, 7, 1); private static final LocalDate JAN_01_NEXT = LocalDate.of(2011, 1, 1); private static final double TOLERANCE_ZERO = 0d; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @DataProvider(name = "types") static Object[][] data_types() { StandardDayCounts[] conv = StandardDayCounts.values(); Object[][] result = new Object[conv.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < conv.length; i++) { result[i] = new Object[] {conv[i]}; } return result; } @Test(dataProvider = "types") public void test_null(DayCount type) { assertThrows(() -> type.yearFraction(null, JAN_01), IllegalArgumentException.class); assertThrows(() -> type.yearFraction(JAN_01, null), IllegalArgumentException.class); assertThrows(() -> type.yearFraction(null, null), IllegalArgumentException.class); } @Test(dataProvider = "types") public void test_wrongOrder(DayCount type) { assertThrows(() -> type.yearFraction(JAN_02, JAN_01), IllegalArgumentException.class); } @Test(dataProvider = "types") public void test_same(DayCount type) { if (type != ONE_ONE) { assertEquals(type.yearFraction(JAN_02, JAN_02), 0d, TOLERANCE_ZERO); } } @Test(dataProvider = "types") public void test_halfYear(DayCount type) { // sanity check to ensure that half year has fraction close to half if (type != ONE_ONE) { ScheduleInfo info = new Info(JAN_01, JAN_01_NEXT, JAN_01_NEXT, false, P12M); assertEquals(type.yearFraction(JAN_01, JUL_01, info), 0.5d, 0.01d); } } @Test(dataProvider = "types") public void test_wholeYear(DayCount type) { // sanity check to ensure that one year has fraction close to one if (type != ONE_ONE) { ScheduleInfo info = new Info(JAN_01, JAN_01_NEXT, JAN_01_NEXT, false, P12M); assertEquals(type.yearFraction(JAN_01, JAN_01_NEXT, info), 1d, 0.02d); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // use flag to make it clearer when an adjustment is happening private static Double SIMPLE_30_360 = new Double(Double.NaN); @DataProvider(name = "yearFraction") static Object[][] data_yearFraction() { return new Object[][] { {ONE_ONE, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, 1d}, {ONE_ONE, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, 1d}, {ONE_ONE, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 3, 1, 1d}, {ONE_ONE, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 28, 1d}, {ONE_ONE, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 29, 1d}, {ONE_ONE, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 3, 1, 1d}, {ONE_ONE, 2012, 2, 29, 2012, 3, 29, 1d}, {ONE_ONE, 2012, 2, 29, 2012, 3, 28, 1d}, {ONE_ONE, 2012, 3, 1, 2012, 3, 28, 1d}, //------------------------------------------------------- {ACT_ACT_ISDA, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, (4d / 365d + 58d / 366d)}, {ACT_ACT_ISDA, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, (4d / 365d + 59d / 366d)}, {ACT_ACT_ISDA, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 3, 1, (4d / 365d + 60d / 366d)}, {ACT_ACT_ISDA, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 28, (4d / 365d + 58d / 366d + 4)}, {ACT_ACT_ISDA, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 29, (4d / 365d + 59d / 366d + 4)}, {ACT_ACT_ISDA, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 3, 1, (4d / 365d + 60d / 366d + 4)}, {ACT_ACT_ISDA, 2012, 2, 29, 2012, 3, 29, 29d / 366d}, {ACT_ACT_ISDA, 2012, 2, 29, 2012, 3, 28, 28d / 366d}, {ACT_ACT_ISDA, 2012, 3, 1, 2012, 3, 28, 27d / 366d}, //------------------------------------------------------- {ACT_ACT_AFB, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, (62d / 365d)}, {ACT_ACT_AFB, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, (63d / 365d)}, {ACT_ACT_AFB, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 3, 1, (64d / 366d)}, {ACT_ACT_AFB, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 28, (62d / 365d) + 4}, {ACT_ACT_AFB, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 29, (63d / 365d) + 4}, {ACT_ACT_AFB, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 3, 1, (64d / 366d) + 4}, {ACT_ACT_AFB, 2012, 2, 28, 2012, 3, 28, 29d / 366d}, {ACT_ACT_AFB, 2012, 2, 29, 2012, 3, 28, 28d / 366d}, {ACT_ACT_AFB, 2012, 3, 1, 2012, 3, 28, 27d / 365d}, //------------------------------------------------------- {ACT_365_ACTUAL, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, (62d / 365d)}, {ACT_365_ACTUAL, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, (63d / 366d)}, {ACT_365_ACTUAL, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 3, 1, (64d / 366d)}, {ACT_365_ACTUAL, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 28, ((62d + 366d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 366d)}, {ACT_365_ACTUAL, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 29, ((63d + 366d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 366d)}, {ACT_365_ACTUAL, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 3, 1, ((64d + 366d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 366d)}, {ACT_365_ACTUAL, 2012, 2, 28, 2012, 3, 28, 29d / 366d}, {ACT_365_ACTUAL, 2012, 2, 29, 2012, 3, 28, 28d / 365d}, {ACT_365_ACTUAL, 2012, 3, 1, 2012, 3, 28, 27d / 365d}, //------------------------------------------------------- {ACT_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, (62d / 360d)}, {ACT_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, (63d / 360d)}, {ACT_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 3, 1, (64d / 360d)}, {ACT_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 28, ((62d + 366d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 360d)}, {ACT_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 29, ((63d + 366d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 360d)}, {ACT_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 3, 1, ((64d + 366d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 360d)}, {ACT_360, 2012, 2, 28, 2012, 3, 28, 29d / 360d}, {ACT_360, 2012, 2, 29, 2012, 3, 28, 28d / 360d}, {ACT_360, 2012, 3, 1, 2012, 3, 28, 27d / 360d}, //------------------------------------------------------- {ACT_364, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, (62d / 364d)}, {ACT_364, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, (63d / 364d)}, {ACT_364, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 3, 1, (64d / 364d)}, {ACT_364, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 28, ((62d + 366d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 364d)}, {ACT_364, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 29, ((63d + 366d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 364d)}, {ACT_364, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 3, 1, ((64d + 366d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 364d)}, {ACT_364, 2012, 2, 28, 2012, 3, 28, 29d / 364d}, {ACT_364, 2012, 2, 29, 2012, 3, 28, 28d / 364d}, {ACT_364, 2012, 3, 1, 2012, 3, 28, 27d / 364d}, //------------------------------------------------------- {ACT_365F, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, (62d / 365d)}, {ACT_365F, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, (63d / 365d)}, {ACT_365F, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 3, 1, (64d / 365d)}, {ACT_365F, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 28, ((62d + 366d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 365d)}, {ACT_365F, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 29, ((63d + 366d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 365d)}, {ACT_365F, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 3, 1, ((64d + 366d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 365d)}, {ACT_365F, 2012, 2, 28, 2012, 3, 28, 29d / 365d}, {ACT_365F, 2012, 2, 29, 2012, 3, 28, 28d / 365d}, {ACT_365F, 2012, 3, 1, 2012, 3, 28, 27d / 365d}, //------------------------------------------------------- {ACT_365_25, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, (62d / 365.25d)}, {ACT_365_25, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, (63d / 365.25d)}, {ACT_365_25, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 3, 1, (64d / 365.25d)}, {ACT_365_25, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 28, ((62d + 366d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 365.25d)}, {ACT_365_25, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 29, ((63d + 366d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 365.25d)}, {ACT_365_25, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 3, 1, ((64d + 366d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 365.25d)}, {ACT_365_25, 2012, 2, 28, 2012, 3, 28, 29d / 365.25d}, {ACT_365_25, 2012, 2, 29, 2012, 3, 28, 28d / 365.25d}, {ACT_365_25, 2012, 3, 1, 2012, 3, 28, 27d / 365.25d}, //------------------------------------------------------- {NL_365, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, (62d / 365d)}, {NL_365, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, (62d / 365d)}, {NL_365, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 3, 1, (63d / 365d)}, {NL_365, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 28, ((62d + 365d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 365d)}, {NL_365, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 29, ((62d + 365d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 365d)}, {NL_365, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 3, 1, ((63d + 365d + 365d + 365d + 365d) / 365d)}, {NL_365, 2012, 2, 28, 2012, 3, 28, 28d / 365d}, {NL_365, 2012, 2, 29, 2012, 3, 28, 28d / 365d}, {NL_365, 2012, 3, 1, 2012, 3, 28, 27d / 365d}, {NL_365, 2011, 12, 1, 2012, 12, 1, 365d / 365d}, //------------------------------------------------------- {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 3, 1, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 29, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 3, 1, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2012, 2, 28, 2012, 3, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2012, 2, 29, 2012, 3, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2011, 2, 28, 2012, 2, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2011, 2, 28, 2012, 2, 29, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2012, 2, 29, 2016, 2, 29, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2012, 3, 1, 2012, 3, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 29, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2012, 5, 29, 2013, 8, 30, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2012, 5, 29, 2013, 8, 31, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 31, calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30)}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2012, 5, 31, 2013, 8, 30, calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30)}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, 2012, 5, 31, 2013, 8, 31, calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30)}, //------------------------------------------------------- {THIRTY_E_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 3, 1, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 29, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 3, 1, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2012, 2, 28, 2012, 3, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2012, 2, 29, 2012, 3, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2011, 2, 28, 2012, 2, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2011, 2, 28, 2012, 2, 29, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2012, 2, 29, 2016, 2, 29, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2012, 3, 1, 2012, 3, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 29, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2012, 5, 29, 2013, 8, 30, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2012, 5, 29, 2013, 8, 31, calc360(2012, 5, 29, 2013, 8, 30)}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 31, calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30)}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2012, 5, 31, 2013, 8, 30, calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30)}, {THIRTY_E_360, 2012, 5, 31, 2013, 8, 31, calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30)}, //------------------------------------------------------- {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2012, 3, 1, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 29, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2011, 12, 28, 2016, 3, 1, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2012, 2, 28, 2012, 3, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2012, 2, 29, 2012, 3, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2012, 3, 1, 2012, 3, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2011, 2, 28, 2012, 2, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2011, 2, 28, 2012, 2, 29, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2012, 2, 29, 2016, 2, 29, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2012, 3, 1, 2012, 3, 28, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 29, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2012, 5, 29, 2013, 8, 30, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30, SIMPLE_30_360}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2012, 5, 29, 2013, 8, 31, calc360(2012, 5, 29, 2013, 9, 1)}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 31, calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 9, 1)}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2012, 5, 31, 2013, 8, 30, calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30)}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, 2012, 5, 31, 2013, 8, 31, calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 9, 1)}, }; } private static double calc360(int y1, int m1, int d1, int y2, int m2, int d2) { return ((y2 - y1) * 360 + (m2 - m1) * 30 + (d2 - d1)) / 360d; } @Test(dataProvider = "yearFraction") public void test_yearFraction(DayCount dayCount, int y1, int m1, int d1, int y2, int m2, int d2, Double value) { double expected = (value == SIMPLE_30_360 ? calc360(y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2) : value); LocalDate date1 = LocalDate.of(y1, m1, d1); LocalDate date2 = LocalDate.of(y2, m2, d2); assertEquals(dayCount.yearFraction(date1, date2), expected, TOLERANCE_ZERO); } @Test(dataProvider = "yearFraction") public void test_relativeYearFraction( DayCount dayCount, int y1, int m1, int d1, int y2, int m2, int d2, Double value) { double expected = (value == SIMPLE_30_360 ? calc360(y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2) : value); LocalDate date1 = LocalDate.of(y1, m1, d1); LocalDate date2 = LocalDate.of(y2, m2, d2); assertEquals(dayCount.relativeYearFraction(date1, date2), expected, TOLERANCE_ZERO); } @Test(dataProvider = "yearFraction") public void test_relativeYearFraction_reverse( DayCount dayCount, int y1, int m1, int d1, int y2, int m2, int d2, Double value) { double expected = (value == SIMPLE_30_360 ? calc360(y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2) : value); LocalDate date1 = LocalDate.of(y1, m1, d1); LocalDate date2 = LocalDate.of(y2, m2, d2); assertEquals(dayCount.relativeYearFraction(date2, date1), -expected, TOLERANCE_ZERO); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @DataProvider(name = "30U360") static Object[][] data_30U360() { return new Object[][] { {2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2011, 12, 28, 2012, 3, 1, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 28, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 29, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2011, 12, 28, 2016, 3, 1, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2012, 2, 28, 2012, 3, 28, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2012, 2, 29, 2012, 3, 28, SIMPLE_30_360, calc360(2012, 2, 30, 2012, 3, 28)}, {2011, 2, 28, 2012, 2, 28, SIMPLE_30_360, calc360(2011, 2, 30, 2012, 2, 28)}, {2011, 2, 28, 2012, 2, 29, SIMPLE_30_360, calc360(2011, 2, 30, 2012, 2, 30)}, {2012, 2, 29, 2016, 2, 29, SIMPLE_30_360, calc360(2012, 2, 30, 2016, 2, 30)}, {2012, 3, 1, 2012, 3, 28, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 29, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2012, 5, 29, 2013, 8, 30, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2012, 5, 29, 2013, 8, 31, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 31, calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30), calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30)}, {2012, 5, 31, 2013, 8, 30, calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30), calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30)}, {2012, 5, 31, 2013, 8, 31, calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30), calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30)}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "30U360") public void test_yearFraction_30U360_notEom( int y1, int m1, int d1, int y2, int m2, int d2, Double valueNotEOM, Double valueEOM) { double expected = (valueNotEOM == SIMPLE_30_360 ? calc360(y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2) : valueNotEOM); LocalDate date1 = LocalDate.of(y1, m1, d1); LocalDate date2 = LocalDate.of(y2, m2, d2); ScheduleInfo info = new Info(false); assertEquals(THIRTY_U_360.yearFraction(date1, date2, info), expected, TOLERANCE_ZERO); } @Test(dataProvider = "30U360") public void test_yearFraction_30U360_eom( int y1, int m1, int d1, int y2, int m2, int d2, Double valueNotEOM, Double valueEOM) { double expected = (valueEOM == SIMPLE_30_360 ? calc360(y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2) : valueEOM); LocalDate date1 = LocalDate.of(y1, m1, d1); LocalDate date2 = LocalDate.of(y2, m2, d2); ScheduleInfo info = new Info(true); assertEquals(THIRTY_U_360.yearFraction(date1, date2, info), expected, TOLERANCE_ZERO); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @DataProvider(name = "30E360ISDA") static Object[][] data_30E360ISDA() { return new Object[][] { {2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, calc360(2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 30), SIMPLE_30_360}, {2011, 12, 28, 2012, 3, 1, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 28, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 29, calc360(2011, 12, 28, 2016, 2, 30), SIMPLE_30_360}, {2011, 12, 28, 2016, 3, 1, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2012, 2, 28, 2012, 3, 28, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2012, 2, 29, 2012, 3, 28, calc360(2012, 2, 30, 2012, 3, 28), calc360(2012, 2, 30, 2012, 3, 28)}, {2011, 2, 28, 2012, 2, 28, calc360(2011, 2, 30, 2012, 2, 28), calc360(2011, 2, 30, 2012, 2, 28)}, {2011, 2, 28, 2012, 2, 29, calc360(2011, 2, 30, 2012, 2, 30), calc360(2011, 2, 30, 2012, 2, 29)}, {2012, 2, 29, 2016, 2, 29, calc360(2012, 2, 30, 2016, 2, 30), calc360(2012, 2, 30, 2016, 2, 29)}, {2012, 3, 1, 2012, 3, 28, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 29, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2012, 5, 29, 2013, 8, 30, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30, SIMPLE_30_360, SIMPLE_30_360}, {2012, 5, 29, 2013, 8, 31, calc360(2012, 5, 29, 2013, 8, 30), calc360(2012, 5, 29, 2013, 8, 30)}, {2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 31, calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30), calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30)}, {2012, 5, 31, 2013, 8, 30, calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30), calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30)}, {2012, 5, 31, 2013, 8, 31, calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30), calc360(2012, 5, 30, 2013, 8, 30)}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "30E360ISDA") public void test_yearFraction_30E360ISDA_notMaturity( int y1, int m1, int d1, int y2, int m2, int d2, Double valueNotMaturity, Double valueMaturity) { double expected = (valueNotMaturity == SIMPLE_30_360 ? calc360(y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2) : valueNotMaturity); LocalDate date1 = LocalDate.of(y1, m1, d1); LocalDate date2 = LocalDate.of(y2, m2, d2); ScheduleInfo info = new Info(false); assertEquals(THIRTY_E_360_ISDA.yearFraction(date1, date2, info), expected, TOLERANCE_ZERO); } @Test(dataProvider = "30E360ISDA") public void test_yearFraction_30E360ISDA_maturity( int y1, int m1, int d1, int y2, int m2, int d2, Double valueNotMaturity, Double valueMaturity) { double expected = (valueMaturity == SIMPLE_30_360 ? calc360(y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2) : valueMaturity); LocalDate date1 = LocalDate.of(y1, m1, d1); LocalDate date2 = LocalDate.of(y2, m2, d2); ScheduleInfo info = new Info(null, date2, null, false, P3M); assertEquals(THIRTY_E_360_ISDA.yearFraction(date1, date2, info), expected, TOLERANCE_ZERO); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AFB day count is poorly defined, so tests were used to identify a sensible interpretation // 1) The ISDA use of "Calculation Period" is a translation of "Periode d'Application" // where the original simply meant the period the day count is applied over // and NOT the regular periodic schedule (ISDA's definition of "Calculation Period"). // 2) The ISDA "clarification" for rolling backward does not appear in the original French. // The ISDA rule produce strange results (in comments below) which can be avoided. // OpenGamma interprets that February 29th should only be chosen if the end date of the period // is February 29th and the rolled back date is a leap year. // 3) No document indicates precisely when to stop rolling back and treat the remainder as a fraction // OpenGamma interprets that rolling back in whole years continues until the remainder // is less than one year, and possibly zero if two dates are an exact number of years apart // 4) In all cases, the rule has strange effects when interest through a period encounters // February 29th and the denominator suddenly changes from 365 to 366 for the rest of the year @DataProvider(name = "ACTACTAFB") static Object[][] data_ACTACTAFB() { return new Object[][] { // example from the original French specification {1994, 2, 10, 1997, 6, 30, 140d / 365d + 3}, {1994, 2, 10, 1994, 6, 30, 140d / 365d}, // simple examples that are less than one year long {2004, 2, 10, 2005, 2, 10, 1d}, {2004, 2, 28, 2005, 2, 28, 1d}, {2004, 2, 29, 2005, 2, 28, 365d / 366d}, {2004, 3, 1, 2005, 3, 1, 1d}, // examples over one year, from a fixed start date // from Feb28 2003 {2003, 2, 28, 2005, 2, 27, 1d + (364d / 365d)}, {2003, 2, 28, 2005, 2, 28, 2d}, {2003, 2, 28, 2005, 3, 1, 2d + (1d / 365d)}, {2003, 2, 28, 2008, 2, 27, 4d + (364d / 365d)}, {2003, 2, 28, 2008, 2, 28, 5d}, {2003, 2, 28, 2008, 2, 29, 5d}, {2003, 2, 28, 2008, 3, 1, 5d + (1d / 365d)}, // from Feb28 2004 {2004, 2, 28, 2005, 2, 27, (365d / 366d)}, {2004, 2, 28, 2005, 2, 28, 1d}, {2004, 2, 28, 2005, 3, 1, 1d + (2d / 366d)}, {2004, 2, 28, 2008, 2, 27, 3d + (365d / 366d)}, {2004, 2, 28, 2008, 2, 28, 4d}, // ISDA end-of-February would give (4d + (1d / 365d)) {2004, 2, 28, 2008, 2, 29, 4d + (1d / 365d)}, {2004, 2, 28, 2008, 3, 1, 4d + (2d / 366d)}, // from Feb29 2004 {2004, 2, 29, 2005, 2, 28, 365d / 366d}, {2004, 2, 29, 2005, 3, 1, 1d + (1d / 366d)}, {2004, 2, 29, 2008, 2, 27, 3d + (364d / 366d)}, {2004, 2, 29, 2008, 2, 28, 3d + (365d / 366d)}, // ISDA end-of-February would give (4d) {2004, 2, 29, 2008, 2, 29, 4d}, {2004, 2, 29, 2008, 3, 1, 4d + (1d / 366d)}, // from Mar01 2004 {2004, 3, 1, 2005, 2, 28, 364d / 365d}, {2004, 3, 1, 2005, 3, 1, 1d}, {2004, 3, 1, 2008, 2, 27, 3d + (363d / 365d)}, {2004, 3, 1, 2008, 2, 28, 3d + (364d / 365d)}, {2004, 3, 1, 2008, 2, 29, 3d + (364d / 365d)}, {2004, 3, 1, 2008, 3, 1, 4d}, // from Mar01 2003 {2003, 3, 1, 2005, 2, 27, 1d + (363d / 365d)}, {2003, 3, 1, 2005, 2, 28, 1d + (364d / 365d)}, // ISDA end-of-February would give (2d) {2003, 3, 1, 2005, 3, 1, 2d}, {2003, 3, 1, 2008, 2, 27, 4d + (363d / 365d)}, // ISDA end-of-February would give (5d) {2003, 3, 1, 2008, 2, 28, 4d + (364d / 365d)}, {2003, 3, 1, 2008, 2, 29, 5d}, {2003, 3, 1, 2008, 3, 1, 5d}, // examples over one year, up to a fixed end date (not relevant in real life) // up to Mar01 from leap year {2004, 2, 28, 2006, 3, 1, 2d + (2d / 366d)}, {2004, 2, 29, 2006, 3, 1, 2d + (1d / 366d)}, {2004, 3, 1, 2006, 3, 1, 2d}, // up to Mar01 from non leap year {2005, 2, 28, 2007, 3, 1, 2d + (1d / 365d)}, {2005, 3, 1, 2007, 3, 1, 2d}, // up to Feb28 in leap year from leap year {2004, 2, 27, 2008, 2, 28, 4d + (1d / 365d)}, // ISDA end-of-February would give (4d + (2d / 365d)) {2004, 2, 28, 2008, 2, 28, 4d}, // ISDA end-of-February would give (4d + (1d / 365d)) {2004, 2, 29, 2008, 2, 28, 3d + (365d / 366d)}, // ISDA end-of-February would give (4d) {2004, 3, 1, 2008, 2, 28, 3d + (364d / 365d)}, // up to Feb28 in leap year from non leap year {2006, 2, 27, 2008, 2, 28, 2d + (1d / 365d)}, {2006, 2, 28, 2008, 2, 28, 2d}, {2006, 3, 1, 2008, 2, 28, 1d + (364d / 365d)}, // up to Feb29 in leap year from leap year {2004, 2, 28, 2008, 2, 29, 4d + (1d / 365d)}, {2004, 2, 29, 2008, 2, 29, 4d}, {2004, 3, 1, 2008, 2, 29, 3d + (364d / 365d)}, // up to Feb29 in leap year from non leap year {2006, 2, 27, 2008, 2, 29, 2d + (1d / 365d)}, {2006, 2, 28, 2008, 2, 29, 2d}, {2006, 3, 1, 2008, 2, 29, 1d + (364d / 365d)}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "ACTACTAFB") public void test_yearFraction_ACTACTAFB( int y1, int m1, int d1, int y2, int m2, int d2, double expected) { LocalDate date1 = LocalDate.of(y1, m1, d1); LocalDate date2 = LocalDate.of(y2, m2, d2); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_AFB.yearFraction(date1, date2), expected, TOLERANCE_ZERO); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @DataProvider(name = "ACT365L") static Object[][] data_ACT365L() { return new Object[][] { {2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, P12M, 2012, 2, 28, 62d / 365d}, {2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, P12M, 2012, 2, 29, 62d / 366d}, {2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, P12M, 2012, 3, 1, 62d / 366d}, {2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, P12M, 2012, 2, 29, 63d / 366d}, {2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, P12M, 2012, 3, 1, 63d / 366d}, {2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, P6M, 2012, 2, 28, 62d / 366d}, {2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, P6M, 2012, 2, 29, 62d / 366d}, {2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 28, P6M, 2012, 3, 1, 62d / 366d}, {2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, P6M, 2012, 2, 29, 63d / 366d}, {2011, 12, 28, 2012, 2, 29, P6M, 2012, 3, 1, 63d / 366d}, {2010, 12, 28, 2011, 2, 28, P6M, 2011, 2, 28, 62d / 365d}, {2010, 12, 28, 2011, 2, 28, P6M, 2011, 3, 1, 62d / 365d}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "ACT365L") public void test_yearFraction_ACT365L( int y1, int m1, int d1, int y2, int m2, int d2, Frequency freq, int y3, int m3, int d3, double expected) { LocalDate date1 = LocalDate.of(y1, m1, d1); LocalDate date2 = LocalDate.of(y2, m2, d2); ScheduleInfo info = new Info(null, null, LocalDate.of(y3, m3, d3), false, freq); assertEquals(ACT_365L.yearFraction(date1, date2, info), expected, TOLERANCE_ZERO); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void test_actActIcma_singlePeriod() { LocalDate start = LocalDate.of(2003, 11, 1); LocalDate end = LocalDate.of(2004, 5, 1); ScheduleInfo info = new Info(start, end, end, true, P6M); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(start, end.minusDays(1), info), (181d / (182d * 2d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(start, end, info), (182d / (182d * 2d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); } public void test_actActIcma_longInitialStub_eomFlagEom_short() { // nominals, 2011-08-31 (P91D) 2011-11-30 (P91D) 2012-02-29 LocalDate start = LocalDate.of(2011, 10, 1); LocalDate periodEnd = LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 29); LocalDate end = LocalDate.of(2011, 11, 12); // before first nominal ScheduleInfo info = new Info(start, periodEnd.plus(P3M), periodEnd, true, P3M); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(start, end, info), (42d / (91d * 4d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); } public void test_actActIcma_longInitialStub_eomFlagEom_long() { // nominals, 2011-08-31 (P91D) 2011-11-30 (P91D) 2012-02-29 LocalDate start = LocalDate.of(2011, 10, 1); LocalDate periodEnd = LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 29); LocalDate end = LocalDate.of(2012, 1, 12); // after first nominal ScheduleInfo info = new Info(start, periodEnd.plus(P3M), periodEnd, true, P3M); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(start, end, info), (60d / (91d * 4d)) + (43d / (91d * 4d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); } public void test_actActIcma_veryLongInitialStub_eomFlagEom_short() { // nominals, 2011-05-31 (P92D) 2011-08-31 (P91D) 2011-11-30 (P91D) 2012-02-29 LocalDate start = LocalDate.of(2011, 7, 1); LocalDate periodEnd = LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 29); LocalDate end = LocalDate.of(2011, 8, 12); // before first nominal ScheduleInfo info = new Info(start, periodEnd.plus(P3M), periodEnd, true, P3M); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(start, end, info), (42d / (92d * 4d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); } public void test_actActIcma_veryLongInitialStub_eomFlagEom_mid() { // nominals, 2011-05-31 (P92D) 2011-08-31 (P91D) 2011-11-30 (P91D) 2012-02-29 LocalDate start = LocalDate.of(2011, 7, 1); LocalDate periodEnd = LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 29); LocalDate end = LocalDate.of(2011, 11, 12); ScheduleInfo info = new Info(start, periodEnd.plus(P3M), periodEnd, true, P3M); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(start, end, info), (61d / (92d * 4d)) + (73d / (91d * 4d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); } public void test_actActIcma_longInitialStub_notEomFlagEom_short() { // nominals, 2011-08-29 (P92D) 2011-11-29 (P92D) 2012-02-29 LocalDate start = LocalDate.of(2011, 10, 1); LocalDate periodEnd = LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 29); LocalDate end = LocalDate.of(2011, 11, 12); // before first nominal ScheduleInfo info = new Info(start, periodEnd.plus(P3M), periodEnd, false, P3M); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(start, end, info), (42d / (92d * 4d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); } public void test_actActIcma_longInitialStub_notEomFlagEom_long() { // nominals, 2011-08-29 (P92D) 2011-11-29 (P92D) 2012-02-29 LocalDate start = LocalDate.of(2011, 10, 1); LocalDate periodEnd = LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 29); LocalDate end = LocalDate.of(2012, 1, 12); // after first nominal ScheduleInfo info = new Info(start, periodEnd.plus(P3M), periodEnd, false, P3M); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(start, end, info), (59d / (92d * 4d)) + (44d / (92d * 4d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void test_actActIcma_longFinalStub_eomFlagEom_short() { // nominals, 2011-08-31 (P91D) 2011-11-30 (P91D) 2012-02-29 LocalDate start = LocalDate.of(2011, 8, 31); LocalDate periodEnd = LocalDate.of(2012, 1, 31); LocalDate end = LocalDate.of(2011, 11, 12); // before first nominal ScheduleInfo info = new Info(start.minus(P3M), periodEnd, periodEnd, true, P3M); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(start, end, info), (73d / (91d * 4d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); } public void test_actActIcma_longFinalStub_eomFlagEom_long() { // nominals, 2011-08-31 (P91D) 2011-11-30 (P91D) 2012-02-29 LocalDate start = LocalDate.of(2011, 8, 31); LocalDate periodEnd = LocalDate.of(2012, 1, 31); LocalDate end = LocalDate.of(2012, 1, 12); // after first nominal ScheduleInfo info = new Info(start.minus(P3M), periodEnd, periodEnd, true, P3M); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(start, end, info), (91d / (91d * 4d)) + (43d / (91d * 4d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); } public void test_actActIcma_longFinalStub_notEomFlagEom_short() { // nominals, 2012-02-29 (P90D) 2012-05-29 (P92D) 2012-08-29 LocalDate start = LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 29); LocalDate periodEnd = LocalDate.of(2012, 7, 31); LocalDate end = LocalDate.of(2012, 4, 1); // before first nominal ScheduleInfo info = new Info(start.minus(P3M), periodEnd, periodEnd, false, P3M); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(start, end, info), (32d / (90d * 4d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); } public void test_actActIcma_longFinalStub_notEomFlagEom_long() { // nominals, 2012-02-29 (P90D) 2012-05-29 (P92D) 2012-08-29 LocalDate start = LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 29); LocalDate periodEnd = LocalDate.of(2012, 7, 31); LocalDate end = LocalDate.of(2012, 6, 1); // after first nominal ScheduleInfo info = new Info(start.minus(P3M), periodEnd, periodEnd, false, P3M); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(start, end, info), (90d / (90d * 4d)) + (3d / (92d * 4d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // test against official examples - http://www.isda.org/c_and_a/pdf/ACT-ACT-ISDA-1999.pdf // this version has an error http://www.isda.org/c_and_a/pdf/mktc1198.pdf public void test_actAct_isdaTestCase_normal() { LocalDate start = LocalDate.of(2003, 11, 1); LocalDate end = LocalDate.of(2004, 5, 1); ScheduleInfo info = new Info(start, end.plus(P6M), end, true, P6M); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ISDA.yearFraction(start, end), (61d / 365d) + (121d / 366d), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(start, end, info), (182d / (182d * 2d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_AFB.yearFraction(start, end), (182d / 366d), TOLERANCE_ZERO); } public void test_actAct_isdaTestCase_shortInitialStub() { LocalDate start = LocalDate.of(1999, 2, 1); LocalDate firstRegular = LocalDate.of(1999, 7, 1); LocalDate end = LocalDate.of(2000, 7, 1); ScheduleInfo info1 = new Info(start, end.plus(P12M), firstRegular, true, P12M); // initial period ScheduleInfo info2 = new Info(start, end.plus(P12M), end, true, P12M); // regular period assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ISDA.yearFraction(start, firstRegular), (150d / 365d), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(start, firstRegular, info1), (150d / (365d * 1d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_AFB.yearFraction(start, firstRegular), (150d / (365d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ISDA.yearFraction(firstRegular, end), (184d / 365d) + (182d / 366d), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(firstRegular, end, info2), (366d / (366d * 1d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_AFB.yearFraction(firstRegular, end), (366d / 366d), TOLERANCE_ZERO); } public void test_actAct_isdaTestCase_longInitialStub() { LocalDate start = LocalDate.of(2002, 8, 15); LocalDate firstRegular = LocalDate.of(2003, 7, 15); LocalDate end = LocalDate.of(2004, 1, 15); ScheduleInfo info1 = new Info(start, end, firstRegular, true, P6M); // initial period ScheduleInfo info2 = new Info(start, end, end, true, P6M); // regular period assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ISDA.yearFraction(start, firstRegular), (334d / 365d), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(start, firstRegular, info1), (181d / (181d * 2d)) + (153d / (184d * 2d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_AFB.yearFraction(start, firstRegular), (334d / 365d), TOLERANCE_ZERO); // example is wrong in 1998 euro swap version assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ISDA.yearFraction(firstRegular, end), (170d / 365d) + (14d / 366d), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(firstRegular, end, info2), (184d / (184d * 2d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_AFB.yearFraction(firstRegular, end), (184d / 365d), TOLERANCE_ZERO); } public void test_actAct_isdaTestCase_shortFinalStub() { LocalDate start = LocalDate.of(1999, 7, 30); LocalDate lastRegular = LocalDate.of(2000, 1, 30); LocalDate end = LocalDate.of(2000, 6, 30); ScheduleInfo info1 = new Info(start, end, lastRegular, true, P6M); // regular period ScheduleInfo info2 = new Info(start, end, end, true, P6M); // final period assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ISDA.yearFraction(start, lastRegular), (155d / 365d) + (29d / 366d), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(start, lastRegular, info1), (184d / (184d * 2d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_AFB.yearFraction(start, lastRegular), (184d / 365d), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ISDA.yearFraction(lastRegular, end), (152d / 366d), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(lastRegular, end, info2), (152d / (182d * 2d)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_AFB.yearFraction(lastRegular, end), (152d / 366d), TOLERANCE_ZERO); } public void test_actAct_isdaTestCase_longFinalStub() { LocalDate start = LocalDate.of(1999, 11, 30); LocalDate end = LocalDate.of(2000, 4, 30); ScheduleInfo info = new Info(start.minus(P3M), end, end, true, P3M); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ISDA.yearFraction(start, end), (32d / 365d) + (120d / 366d), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_ICMA.yearFraction(start, end, info), (91d / (91d * 4d)) + (61d / (92d * 4)), TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(ACT_ACT_AFB.yearFraction(start, end), (152d / 366d), TOLERANCE_ZERO); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @DataProvider(name = "name") static Object[][] data_name() { return new Object[][] { {ONE_ONE, "1/1"}, {ACT_ACT_ISDA, "Act/Act ISDA"}, {ACT_ACT_ICMA, "Act/Act ICMA"}, {ACT_ACT_AFB, "Act/Act AFB"}, {ACT_365_ACTUAL, "Act/365 Actual"}, {ACT_365L, "Act/365L"}, {ACT_360, "Act/360"}, {ACT_364, "Act/364"}, {ACT_365F, "Act/365F"}, {ACT_365_25, "Act/365.25"}, {NL_365, "NL/365"}, {THIRTY_360_ISDA, "30/360 ISDA"}, {THIRTY_U_360, "30U/360"}, {THIRTY_E_360_ISDA, "30E/360 ISDA"}, {THIRTY_E_360, "30E/360"}, {THIRTY_EPLUS_360, "30E+/360"}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "name") public void test_name(DayCount convention, String name) { assertEquals(convention.getName(), name); } @Test(dataProvider = "name") public void test_toString(DayCount convention, String name) { assertEquals(convention.toString(), name); } @Test(dataProvider = "name") public void test_of_lookup(DayCount convention, String name) { assertEquals(DayCount.of(name), convention); } @Test(dataProvider = "name") public void test_extendedEnum(DayCount convention, String name) { ImmutableMap<String, DayCount> map = DayCount.extendedEnum().lookupAll(); assertEquals(map.get(name), convention); } public void test_of_lookup_notFound() { assertThrows(() -> DayCount.of("Rubbish"), IllegalArgumentException.class); } public void test_of_lookup_null() { assertThrows(() -> DayCount.of(null), IllegalArgumentException.class); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void test_relativeYearFraction_defaultMethod() { DayCount dc = new DayCount() { @Override public double yearFraction(LocalDate firstDate, LocalDate secondDate, ScheduleInfo scheduleInfo) { return 1; } @Override public String getName() { return ""; } }; LocalDate date1 = date(2015, 6, 1); LocalDate date2 = date(2015, 7, 1); assertEquals(dc.yearFraction(date1, date2), 1, TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(dc.relativeYearFraction(date1, date2), 1, TOLERANCE_ZERO); assertEquals(dc.relativeYearFraction(date2, date1), -1, TOLERANCE_ZERO); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void test_scheduleInfo() { ScheduleInfo test = new ScheduleInfo() {}; assertEquals(test.isEndOfMonthConvention(), true); assertThrows(() -> test.getStartDate(), UnsupportedOperationException.class); assertThrows(() -> test.getEndDate(), UnsupportedOperationException.class); assertThrows(() -> test.getFrequency(), UnsupportedOperationException.class); assertThrows(() -> test.getPeriodEndDate(JAN_01), UnsupportedOperationException.class); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void coverage() { coverPrivateConstructor(DayCounts.class); coverEnum(StandardDayCounts.class); } public void test_serialization() { assertSerialization(ACT_364); } public void test_jodaConvert() { assertJodaConvert(DayCount.class, THIRTY_360_ISDA); assertJodaConvert(DayCount.class, ACT_365F); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static class Info implements ScheduleInfo { private final LocalDate start; private final LocalDate end; private final LocalDate periodEnd; private final boolean eom; private final Frequency frequency; public Info(boolean eom) { this(null, null, null, eom, null); } public Info(LocalDate start, LocalDate end, LocalDate periodEnd, boolean eom, Frequency frequency) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.periodEnd = periodEnd; this.eom = eom; this.frequency = frequency; } @Override public boolean isEndOfMonthConvention() { return eom; } @Override public Frequency getFrequency() { return frequency; } @Override public LocalDate getStartDate() { return start; } @Override public LocalDate getEndDate() { return end; } @Override public LocalDate getPeriodEndDate(LocalDate date) { return periodEnd; } }; }