/** * Copyright (C) 2014 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.basics.value; import org.joda.convert.FromString; import org.joda.convert.ToString; import com.google.common.base.CaseFormat; import com.opengamma.collect.ArgChecker; /** * The type of value adjustment. * <p> * A {@code double} value can be transformed into another value in various different ways. * Each type is a function of two values, the base value and the modifying value. * <p> * Each type represents a different way to express the same concept. * For example, here is how an increase from 200 to 220 could be represented: * <p> * <table class="border 1px solid black;border-collapse:collapse"> * <tr> * <th>Type</th><th>baseValue</th><th>modifyingValue</th><th>Calculation</th> * </tr><tr> * <td>Absolute</td><td>200</td><td>220</td><td>{@code result = modifyingValue = 220}</td> * </tr><tr> * <td>DeltaAmount</td><td>200</td><td>20</td><td>{@code result = baseValue + modifyingValue = (200 + 20) = 220}</td> * </tr><tr> * <td>DeltaMultiplier</td><td>200</td><td>0.1</td> * <td>{@code result = baseValue + baseValue * modifyingValue = (200 + 200 * 0.1) = 220}</td> * </tr><tr> * <td>Multiplier</td><td>200</td><td>1.1</td><td>{@code result = baseValue * modifyingValue = (200 * 1.1) = 220}</td> * </tr> * </table> */ public enum ValueAdjustmentType { /** * The modifying value represents the result absolutely. * The input base value is ignored. * <p> * The result is {@code modifyingValue}. */ ABSOLUTE { @Override public double adjust(double baseValue, double modifyingValue) { return modifyingValue; } }, /** * Calculates the result by treating the modifying value as a delta, adding it to the base value. * <p> * The result is {@code (baseValue + modifyingValue)}. */ DELTA_AMOUNT { @Override public double adjust(double baseValue, double modifyingValue) { return (baseValue + modifyingValue); } }, /** * Calculates the result by treating the modifying value as a multiplication factor, adding it to the base value. * <p> * The result is {@code (baseValue + baseValue * modifyingValue)}. */ DELTA_MULTIPLIER { @Override public double adjust(double baseValue, double modifyingValue) { return (baseValue + baseValue * modifyingValue); } }, /** * Calculates the result by treating the modifying value as a multiplication factor to apply to the base value. * <p> * The result is {@code (baseValue * modifyingValue)}. */ MULTIPLIER { @Override public double adjust(double baseValue, double modifyingValue) { return (baseValue * modifyingValue); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Adjusts the base value based on the type and the modifying value. * * @param baseValue the base, or previous, value to be adjusted * @param modifyingValue the value that the type uses to modify the base value * @return the calculated result */ public abstract double adjust(double baseValue, double modifyingValue); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Obtains the type from a unique name. * * @param uniqueName the unique name * @return the type * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the name is not known */ @FromString public static ValueAdjustmentType of(String uniqueName) { ArgChecker.notNull(uniqueName, "uniqueName"); return valueOf(CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL.to(CaseFormat.UPPER_UNDERSCORE, uniqueName)); } /** * Returns the formatted unique name of the type. * * @return the formatted string representing the type */ @ToString @Override public String toString() { return CaseFormat.UPPER_UNDERSCORE.to(CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL, name()); } }