package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.subgraph.orchid.ConsensusDocument; import com.subgraph.orchid.Directory; import com.subgraph.orchid.DirectoryDownloader; import com.subgraph.orchid.KeyCertificate; import com.subgraph.orchid.Threading; import com.subgraph.orchid.TorConfig; import com.subgraph.orchid.TorConfig.AutoBoolValue; import com.subgraph.orchid.crypto.TorRandom; import; import; public class DirectoryDownloadTask implements Runnable { private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DirectoryDownloadTask.class.getName()); private final TorConfig config; private final Directory directory; private final DirectoryDownloader downloader; private final TorRandom random; private final DescriptorProcessor descriptorProcessor; private final ExecutorService executor = Threading.newPool("DirectoryDownloadTask worker"); private volatile boolean isDownloadingCertificates; private volatile boolean isDownloadingConsensus; private final AtomicInteger outstandingDescriptorTasks; private ConsensusDocument currentConsensus; private Date consensusDownloadTime; private volatile boolean isStopped; DirectoryDownloadTask(TorConfig config, Directory directory, DirectoryDownloader downloader) { this.config = config; = directory; this.downloader = downloader; this.random = new TorRandom(); this.outstandingDescriptorTasks = new AtomicInteger(); this.descriptorProcessor = new DescriptorProcessor(config, directory); } public synchronized void stop() { if(isStopped) { return; } executor.shutdownNow(); isStopped = true; } public void run() { directory.loadFromStore(); directory.waitUntilLoaded(); setCurrentConsensus(directory.getCurrentConsensusDocument()); while (!isStopped) { checkCertificates(); checkConsensus(); checkDescriptors(); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return; } } } private void checkCertificates() { if (isDownloadingCertificates || directory.getRequiredCertificates().isEmpty()) { return; } isDownloadingCertificates = true; executor.execute(new DownloadCertificatesTask()); } void setCurrentConsensus(ConsensusDocument consensus) { if (consensus != null) { currentConsensus = consensus; consensusDownloadTime = chooseDownloadTimeForConsensus(consensus); } else { currentConsensus = null; consensusDownloadTime = null; } } /* * dir-spec 5.1: Downloading network-status documents * * To avoid swarming the caches whenever a consensus expires, the clients * download new consensuses at a randomly chosen time after the caches are * expected to have a fresh consensus, but before their consensus will * expire. (This time is chosen uniformly at random from the interval * between the time 3/4 into the first interval after the consensus is no * longer fresh, and 7/8 of the time remaining after that before the * consensus is invalid.) * * [For example, if a cache has a consensus that became valid at 1:00, and * is fresh until 2:00, and expires at 4:00, that cache will fetch a new * consensus at a random time between 2:45 and 3:50, since 3/4 of the * one-hour interval is 45 minutes, and 7/8 of the remaining 75 minutes is * 65 minutes.] */ private Date chooseDownloadTimeForConsensus(ConsensusDocument consensus) { final long va = getMilliseconds(consensus.getValidAfterTime()); final long fu = getMilliseconds(consensus.getFreshUntilTime()); final long vu = getMilliseconds(consensus.getValidUntilTime()); final long i1 = fu - va; final long start = fu + ((i1 * 3) / 4); final long i2 = ((vu - start) * 7) / 8; final long r = random.nextLong(i2); final long download = start + r; return new Date(download); } private boolean needConsensusDownload() { if(directory.hasPendingConsensus()) { return false; } if (currentConsensus == null || !currentConsensus.isLive()) { if(currentConsensus == null) {"Downloading consensus because we have no consensus document"); } else {"Downloading consensus because the document we have is not live"); } return true; } return consensusDownloadTime.before(new Date()); } private long getMilliseconds(Timestamp ts) { return ts.getDate().getTime(); } private void checkConsensus() { if (isDownloadingConsensus || !needConsensusDownload()) { return; } isDownloadingConsensus = true; executor.execute(new DownloadConsensusTask()); } private void checkDescriptors() { if (outstandingDescriptorTasks.get() > 0) { return; } List<List<HexDigest>> ds = descriptorProcessor .getDescriptorDigestsToDownload(); if (ds.isEmpty()) { return; } for (List<HexDigest> dlist : ds) { outstandingDescriptorTasks.incrementAndGet(); executor.execute(new DownloadRouterDescriptorsTask(dlist, useMicrodescriptors())); } } private boolean useMicrodescriptors() { return config.getUseMicrodescriptors() != AutoBoolValue.FALSE; } private class DownloadConsensusTask implements Runnable { public void run() { try { final ConsensusDocument consensus = downloader.downloadCurrentConsensus(useMicrodescriptors()); setCurrentConsensus(consensus); directory.addConsensusDocument(consensus, false); } catch (DirectoryRequestFailedException e) { logger.warning("Failed to download current consensus document: "+ e.getMessage()); } finally { isDownloadingConsensus = false; } } } private class DownloadRouterDescriptorsTask implements Runnable { private final Set<HexDigest> fingerprints; private final boolean useMicrodescriptors; public DownloadRouterDescriptorsTask(Collection<HexDigest> fingerprints, boolean useMicrodescriptors) { this.fingerprints = new HashSet<HexDigest>(fingerprints); this.useMicrodescriptors = useMicrodescriptors; } public void run() { try { if(useMicrodescriptors) { directory.addRouterMicrodescriptors(downloader.downloadRouterMicrodescriptors(fingerprints)); } else { directory.addRouterDescriptors(downloader.downloadRouterDescriptors(fingerprints)); } } catch (DirectoryRequestFailedException e) { logger.warning("Failed to download router descriptors: "+ e.getMessage()); } finally { outstandingDescriptorTasks.decrementAndGet(); } } } private class DownloadCertificatesTask implements Runnable { public void run() { try { for(KeyCertificate c: downloader.downloadKeyCertificates(directory.getRequiredCertificates())) { directory.addCertificate(c); } directory.storeCertificates(); } catch (DirectoryRequestFailedException e) { logger.warning("Failed to download key certificates: "+ e.getMessage()); } finally { isDownloadingCertificates = false; } } } }