package com.subgraph.orchid.circuits.cells; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import com.subgraph.orchid.Cell; public class CellImpl implements Cell { public static CellImpl createCell(int circuitId, int command) { return new CellImpl(circuitId, command); } public static CellImpl createVarCell(int circuitId, int command, int payloadLength) { return new CellImpl(circuitId, command, payloadLength); } public static CellImpl readFromInputStream(InputStream input) throws IOException { final ByteBuffer header = readHeaderFromInputStream(input); final int circuitId = header.getShort() & 0xFFFF; final int command = header.get() & 0xFF; if(command == VERSIONS || command > 127) { return readVarCell(circuitId, command, input); } final CellImpl cell = new CellImpl(circuitId, command); readAll(input, cell.getCellBytes(), CELL_HEADER_LEN, CELL_PAYLOAD_LEN); return cell; } private static ByteBuffer readHeaderFromInputStream(InputStream input) throws IOException { final byte[] cellHeader = new byte[CELL_HEADER_LEN]; readAll(input, cellHeader); return ByteBuffer.wrap(cellHeader); } private static CellImpl readVarCell(int circuitId, int command, InputStream input) throws IOException { final byte[] lengthField = new byte[2]; readAll(input, lengthField); final int length = ((lengthField[0] & 0xFF) << 8) | (lengthField[1] & 0xFF); CellImpl cell = new CellImpl(circuitId, command, length); readAll(input, cell.getCellBytes(), CELL_VAR_HEADER_LEN, length); return cell; } private static void readAll(InputStream input, byte[] buffer) throws IOException { readAll(input, buffer, 0, buffer.length); } private static void readAll(InputStream input, byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException { int bytesRead = 0; while(bytesRead < length) { final int n =, offset + bytesRead, length - bytesRead); if(n == -1) throw new EOFException(); bytesRead += n; } } private final int circuitId; private final int command; protected final ByteBuffer cellBuffer; /* Variable length cell constructor (ie: VERSIONS cells only) */ private CellImpl(int circuitId, int command, int payloadLength) { this.circuitId = circuitId; this.command = command; this.cellBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[CELL_VAR_HEADER_LEN + payloadLength]); cellBuffer.putShort((short)circuitId); cellBuffer.put((byte)command); cellBuffer.putShort((short) payloadLength); cellBuffer.mark(); } /* Fixed length cell constructor */ protected CellImpl(int circuitId, int command) { this.circuitId = circuitId; this.command = command; this.cellBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[CELL_LEN]); cellBuffer.putShort((short) circuitId); cellBuffer.put((byte) command); cellBuffer.mark(); } protected CellImpl(byte[] rawCell) { this.cellBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(rawCell); this.circuitId = cellBuffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF; this.command = cellBuffer.get() & 0xFF; cellBuffer.mark(); } public int getCircuitId() { return circuitId; } public int getCommand() { return command; } public void resetToPayload() { cellBuffer.reset(); } public int getByte() { return cellBuffer.get() & 0xFF; } public int getByteAt(int index) { return cellBuffer.get(index) & 0xFF; } public int getShort() { return cellBuffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF; } public int getInt() { return cellBuffer.getInt(); } public int getShortAt(int index) { return cellBuffer.getShort(index) & 0xFFFF; } public void getByteArray(byte[] buffer) { cellBuffer.get(buffer); } public int cellBytesConsumed() { return cellBuffer.position(); } public int cellBytesRemaining() { return cellBuffer.remaining(); } public void putByte(int value) { cellBuffer.put((byte) value); } public void putByteAt(int index, int value) { cellBuffer.put(index, (byte) value); } public void putShort(int value) { cellBuffer.putShort((short) value); } public void putShortAt(int index, int value) { cellBuffer.putShort(index, (short) value); } public void putInt(int value) { cellBuffer.putInt(value); } public void putString(String string) { final byte[] bytes = new byte[string.length() + 1]; for(int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++) bytes[i] = (byte) string.charAt(i); putByteArray(bytes); } public void putByteArray(byte[] data) { cellBuffer.put(data); } public void putByteArray(byte[] data, int offset, int length) { cellBuffer.put(data, offset, length); } public byte[] getCellBytes() { return cellBuffer.array(); } public String toString() { return "Cell: circuit_id="+ circuitId +" command="+ command +" payload_len="+ cellBuffer.position(); } public static String errorToDescription(int errorCode) { switch(errorCode) { case ERROR_NONE: return "No error reason given"; case ERROR_PROTOCOL: return "Tor protocol violation"; case ERROR_INTERNAL: return "Internal error"; case ERROR_REQUESTED: return "Response to a TRUNCATE command sent from client"; case ERROR_HIBERNATING: return "Not currently operating; trying to save bandwidth."; case ERROR_RESOURCELIMIT: return "Out of memory, sockets, or circuit IDs."; case ERROR_CONNECTFAILED: return "Unable to reach server."; case ERROR_OR_IDENTITY: return "Connected to server, but its OR identity was not as expected."; case ERROR_OR_CONN_CLOSED: return "The OR connection that was carrying this circuit died."; case ERROR_FINISHED: return "The circuit has expired for being dirty or old."; case ERROR_TIMEOUT: return "Circuit construction took too long."; case ERROR_DESTROYED: return "The circuit was destroyed without client TRUNCATE"; case ERROR_NOSUCHSERVICE: return "Request for unknown hidden service"; default: return "Error code "+ errorCode; } } }