package ar.rulosoft.mimanganu.servers; import android.content.Context; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import ar.rulosoft.mimanganu.R; import ar.rulosoft.mimanganu.componentes.Chapter; import ar.rulosoft.mimanganu.componentes.Manga; import ar.rulosoft.mimanganu.componentes.ServerFilter; import ar.rulosoft.mimanganu.utils.Util; import ar.rulosoft.navegadores.Navigator; class ItNineManga extends ServerBase { private static String HOST = ""; private static String[] genre = new String[]{ "Action", "Adult", "Adventure", "Avventura", "Azione", "Bara", "Comedy", "Commedia", "Demenziale", "Doujinshi", "Dounshinji", "Drama", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Gender Bender", "Harem", "Hentai", "Historical", "Horror", "Josei", "Magico", "Martial Arts", "Mature", "Mecha", "Misteri", "Musica", "Mystery", "Psicologico", "Psychological", "Raccolta", "Romance", "Romantico", "School Life", "Sci-Fi", "Scolastico", "Seinen", "Sentimentale", "Shota", "Shoujo", "Shounen", "Slice Of Life", "Smut", "Sovrannaturale", "Splatter", "Sportivo", "Sports", "Storico", "Supernatural", "Tragedy", "Vita Quotidiana", "Yaoi", "Yuri" }; private static String[] genreV = new String[]{ "98", "113", "108", "63", "65", "88", "101", "71", "79", "114", "92", "82", "70", "74", "109", "76", "90", "107", "80", "95", "91", "99", "106", "68", "87", "96", "105", "83", "97", "93", "104", "75", "103", "66", "64", "67", "72", "89", "73", "69", "102", "111", "78", "81", "85", "110", "84", "100", "112", "77", "86", "94" }; private static String[] orderV = {"/list/Hot-Book/", "/list/New-Update/", "/category/", "/list/New-Book/"}; private static String[] order = new String[]{"Popolare Manga", "Ultime uscite", "Lista Manga", "Nuovo Manga"}; private static String[] complete = new String[]{"O", "Si", "No"}; private static String[] completeV = new String[]{"either", "yes", "no"}; ItNineManga(Context context) { super(context); this.setFlag(R.drawable.flag_it); this.setIcon(R.drawable.ninemanga); this.setServerName("ItNineManga"); setServerID(ServerBase.ITNINEMANGA); } @Override public ArrayList<Manga> getMangas() throws Exception { return null; } @Override public ArrayList<Manga> search(String term) throws Exception { String source = getNavigatorWithNeededHeader().get( HOST + "/search/?wd=" + URLEncoder.encode(term, "UTF-8")); ArrayList<Manga> mangas = new ArrayList<>(); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("bookname\" href=\"(/manga/[^\"]+)\">(.+?)<"); Matcher m = p.matcher(source); while (m.find()) { Manga manga = new Manga(ITNINEMANGA,, HOST +, false); mangas.add(manga); } return mangas; } @Override public void loadChapters(Manga manga, boolean forceReload) throws Exception { if (manga.getChapters() == null || manga.getChapters().size() == 0 || forceReload) loadMangaInformation(manga, forceReload); } @Override public void loadMangaInformation(Manga manga, boolean forceReload) throws Exception { String source = getNavigatorWithNeededHeader().get(manga.getPath() + "?waring=1"); // portada manga.setImages(getFirstMatchDefault("Manga\" src=\"(.+?)\"", source, "")); // sinopsis String sinopsis = getFirstMatchDefault("<p itemprop=\"description\">(.+?)</p>", source, defaultSynopsis).replaceAll("<.+?>", ""); manga.setSynopsis(Util.getInstance().fromHtml(sinopsis.replaceFirst("Sommario:", "")).toString()); // estado manga.setFinished(getFirstMatchDefault("Stato:(.+?)</a>", source, "").contains("Completato")); // autor manga.setAuthor(getFirstMatchDefault("Author.+?\">(.+?)<", source, "")); // genere manga.setGenre((Util.getInstance().fromHtml(getFirstMatchDefault("<li itemprop=\"genre\".+?</b>(.+?)</li>", source, "").replace("a><a", "a>, <a") + ".").toString().trim())); // capitulos Pattern p = Pattern.compile( "<a class=\"chapter_list_a\" href=\"(/chapter.+?)\" title=\"(.+?)\">(.+?)</a>"); Matcher matcher = p.matcher(source); ArrayList<Chapter> chapters = new ArrayList<>(); while (matcher.find()) { chapters.add(0, new Chapter(, HOST +; } manga.setChapters(chapters); } @Override public String getPagesNumber(Chapter chapter, int page) { return chapter.getPath().replace(".html", "-" + page + ".html"); } @Override public String getImageFrom(Chapter chapter, int page) throws Exception { if (chapter.getExtra() == null) setExtra(chapter); String[] imagenes = chapter.getExtra().split("\\|"); return imagenes[page]; } private void setExtra(Chapter chapter) throws Exception { Navigator nav = getNavigatorWithNeededHeader(); nav.addHeader("Referer", chapter.getPath()); nav.get(HOST + "/show_ads/google/"); String source = nav.get(chapter.getPath().replace(".html", "-" + chapter.getPages() + "-1.html")); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("src=\"(http://img\\.it\\.ninemanga\\.com/it_manga/[^\"]+?)\""); Matcher m = p.matcher(source); String imagenes = ""; while (m.find()) { imagenes = imagenes + "|" +; } chapter.setExtra(imagenes); } @Override public void chapterInit(Chapter chapter) throws Exception { String source = getNavigatorWithNeededHeader().get(chapter.getPath()); String nop = getFirstMatch( "\\d+/(\\d+)</option>[\\s]*</select>", source, "Error al obtener el numero de paginas"); chapter.setPages(Integer.parseInt(nop)); } @Deprecated private ArrayList<Manga> getMangasFromSource(String source) { ArrayList<Manga> mangas = new ArrayList<>(); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"(/manga/[^\"]+)\"><img src=\"(.+?)\".+?alt=\"([^\"]+)\""); Matcher matcher = p.matcher(source); while (matcher.find()) { Manga manga = new Manga(ITNINEMANGA,, HOST +, false); manga.setImages(; mangas.add(manga); } return mangas; } @Override public ArrayList<Manga> getMangasFiltered(int[][] filters, int pageNumber) throws Exception { String includedGenres = ""; if (filters[0].length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < filters[0].length; i++) { includedGenres = includedGenres + genreV[filters[0][i]] + "%2C"; // comma } } String excludedGenres = ""; if (filters[1].length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < filters[1].length; i++) { excludedGenres = excludedGenres + genreV[filters[1][i]] + "%2C"; // comma } } String web; if (filters[0].length < 1 && filters[1].length < 1) web = HOST + orderV[filters[3][0]]; else web = "" + includedGenres + "&out_category_id=" + excludedGenres + "&completed_series=" + completeV[filters[2][0]] + "&type=high&page=" + pageNumber + ".html"; //Log.d("NM","web: "+web); String source = getNavigatorWithNeededHeader().get(web); // regex to generate genre ids: <li id="cate_.+?" cate_id="(.+?)" cur="none" class="cate_list"><label><a class="sub_clk cirmark">(.+?)</a></label></li> Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("<dl class=\"bookinfo\">.+?href=\"(.+?)\"><img src=\"(.+?)\".+?\">(.+?)<"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(source); ArrayList<Manga> mangas = new ArrayList<>(); while (matcher.find()) { /*Log.d("NM","(2): "; Log.d("NM","(1): ";*/ Manga m = new Manga(getServerID(), Util.getInstance().fromHtml(, HOST +, false); m.setImages(; mangas.add(m); } return mangas; } @Override public ServerFilter[] getServerFilters() { return new ServerFilter[]{ new ServerFilter("Included Genre(s)", genre, ServerFilter.FilterType.MULTI), new ServerFilter("Excluded Genre(s)", genre, ServerFilter.FilterType.MULTI), new ServerFilter("Completed Series", complete, ServerFilter.FilterType.SINGLE), new ServerFilter("Order", order, ServerFilter.FilterType.SINGLE) }; } @Override public boolean hasList() { return false; } public Navigator getNavigatorWithNeededHeader() throws Exception { Navigator nav = new Navigator(context); nav.addHeader("Accept-Language", "es-ES,es;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3"); return nav; } }