package ar.rulosoft.mimanganu.servers; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import ar.rulosoft.mimanganu.R; import ar.rulosoft.mimanganu.componentes.Chapter; import ar.rulosoft.mimanganu.componentes.Manga; import ar.rulosoft.mimanganu.componentes.ServerFilter; import ar.rulosoft.mimanganu.utils.Util; import ar.rulosoft.navegadores.Navigator; import ar.rulosoft.navegadores.VolatileCookieJar; import okhttp3.Cookie; import okhttp3.CookieJar; import okhttp3.HttpUrl; import okhttp3.Interceptor; import okhttp3.MultipartBody; import okhttp3.Request; import okhttp3.RequestBody; import okhttp3.Response; /** * Created by Raul on 13/01/2017. */ class BatoTo extends ServerBase { private static String[] genre = new String[]{ "4-Koma", "Action", "Adventure", "Award Winning", "Comedy", "Cooking", "Doujinshi", "Drama", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Gender Bender", "Harem", "Historical", "Horror", "Josei", "Martial Arts", "Mecha", "Medical", "Music", "Mystery", "Oneshot", "Psychological", "Romance", "School Life", "Sci-fi", "Seinen", "Shoujo", "Shoujo Ai", "Shounen", "Shounen Ai", "Slice of Life", "Smut", "Sports", "Supernatural", "Tragedy", "Webtoon", "Yaoi", "Yuri", "[no chapters]", "[chapters]" }; private static String[] genreV = new String[]{ "i40", "i1", "i2", "i39", "i3", "i41", "i9", "i10", "i12", "i13", "i15", "i17", "i20", "i22", "i34", "i27", "i30", "i42", "i37", "i4", "i38", "i5", "i6", "i7", "i8", "i32", "i35", "i16", "i33", "i19", "i21", "i23", "i25", "i26", "i28", "i36", "i29", "i31", "i44", "e44" }; private static String[] completed = new String[]{"Any", "Completed", "Incomplete"}; private static String[] completedV = new String[]{"", "&completed=c", "&completed=i"}; private static String[] im = new String[]{"Yes", "No"}; private static String[] imV = new String[]{"", "&mature=n"}; private static String[] type = new String[]{"Any", "Manga(JP)", "Manhwa(Kr)", "Manhua(Cn)", "Artbook", "Other"}; private static String[] typeV = new String[]{"", "&type=jp", "&type=kr", "&type=cn", "&type=ar", "&type=ot"}; private static String[] orderBy = new String[]{"Title", "Author", "Artist", "Rating", "Views", "Last Update"}; private static String[] orderByV = new String[]{"&order_cond=title", "&order_cond=author", "&order_cond=artist", "&order_cond=rating", "&order_cond=views", "&order_cond=update"}; private static String[] orderDir = new String[]{"Ascending", "Descending"}; private static String[] orderDirV = new String[]{"&order=asc", "&order=desc"}; BatoTo(Context context) { super(context); this.setFlag(R.drawable.noimage); this.setIcon(R.drawable.batoto); this.setServerName("BatoTo"); setServerID(ServerBase.BATOTO); } @Override public ArrayList<Manga> getMangasFiltered(int[][] filters, int pageNumber) throws Exception { String web = "" + pageNumber; if (filters[0].length > 0) { String genres = ""; for (int filter : filters[0]) { genres = genres + ";" + genreV[filter]; } web = web + "&genres=" + genres + "&genre_cond=and"; } web = web + completedV[filters[1][0]] + imV[filters[2][0]] + typeV[filters[3][0]] + orderByV[filters[4][0]] + orderDirV[filters[5][0]]; String data = getNavigatorAndFlushParameters().get(web); return getMangasFromSource(data); } private ArrayList<Manga> getMangasFromSource(String source) { ArrayList<Manga> mangas = new ArrayList<>(); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"([^\"]+)\">[^>]+(book_open|book).+?>(.+?)<"); Matcher m = p.matcher(source); while (m.find()) { mangas.add(new Manga(getServerID(), Util.getInstance().fromHtml(,, == 4)); } return mangas; } @Override public ServerFilter[] getServerFilters() { return new ServerFilter[]{ new ServerFilter("Genre", genre, ServerFilter.FilterType.MULTI), new ServerFilter("Completed series", completed, ServerFilter.FilterType.SINGLE), new ServerFilter("Include mature", im, ServerFilter.FilterType.SINGLE), new ServerFilter("Type", type, ServerFilter.FilterType.SINGLE), new ServerFilter("Oder by", orderBy, ServerFilter.FilterType.SINGLE), new ServerFilter("Order direction", orderDir, ServerFilter.FilterType.SINGLE) }; } @Override public ArrayList<Manga> getMangas() throws Exception { return null; } @Override public ArrayList<Manga> search(String term) throws Exception { String web = "" + URLEncoder.encode(term, "UTF-8") + "&name_cond=c&p=1"; String data = getNavigatorAndFlushParameters().get(web); return getMangasFromSource(data); } @Override public void loadChapters(Manga manga, boolean forceReload) throws Exception { loadMangaInformation(manga, forceReload); } @Override public void loadMangaInformation(Manga manga, boolean forceReload) throws Exception { try { if (manga.getChapters().size() == 0 || forceReload) { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); String user = prefs.getString("username_" + getServerName(), ""); String password = prefs.getString("dwp_" + getServerName(), ""); String data = getNavigatorAndFlushParameters().get(manga.getPath(), new BatotoLoginInterceptor(user, password)); String synopsis = getFirstMatchDefault("Description:</td>\\s+<td>(.*?)</td>", data, defaultSynopsis); manga.setSynopsis(Util.getInstance().fromHtml(synopsis).toString()); manga.setImages(getFirstMatchDefault("(http://img\\.bato\\.to/forums/uploads.+?)\"", data, "")); manga.setAuthor(getFirstMatchDefault("search\\?artist_name=.+?>([^<]+)", data, "n/a")); manga.setGenre(getFirstMatchDefault("Genres:</td>\\s+<td>([\\s\\S]+?)<img[^>]+?alt=.edit", data, "").replaceAll("<.*?>", "").replaceAll(",[\\s]*", ",").trim()); manga.setFinished(!getFirstMatchDefault("Status:<\\/td>\\s+<td>([^<]+)", data, "").contains("Ongoing")); ArrayList<Chapter> chapters = new ArrayList<>(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"([^\"]+)\" title=\"[^\"]+\">.+?>([^<]+).+?title=\"(.+?)\".+?<a[^>]+>([^<]+)"); data = getFirstMatchDefault("ipb_table chapters_list\"([\\s\\S]+?)</table", data, ""); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(data); String lang_selection, lang = ""; lang_selection = prefs.getString("batoto_lang_selection", "Automatic"); if (lang_selection.equals("Automatic")) lang = Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage(); else if (lang_selection.equals("Custom")) lang = prefs.getString("batoto_custom_lang", ""); else lang = lang_selection; while (matcher.find()) { if (!lang_selection.equals("All") && !lang.isEmpty()) { if ( chapters.add(0, new Chapter("(" + + ") " + + " [" + + "]",; } else if (lang_selection.equals("All")) chapters.add(0, new Chapter("(" + + ") " + + " [" + + "]",; } manga.setChapters(chapters); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public String getPagesNumber(Chapter chapter, int page) { return null; } @Override public String getImageFrom(Chapter chapter, int page) throws Exception { String data = getNavigatorAndFlushParameters().get(chapter.getExtra() + page, ""); return getFirstMatchDefault("img id=\"comic_page\"[^>]+src=\"([^\"]+)", data, "Error getting images"); } @Override public void chapterInit(Chapter chapter) throws Exception { chapter.setExtra("" + chapter.getPath().split("#")[1] + "&p="); String data = getNavigatorAndFlushParameters().get(chapter.getExtra() + "1", ""); String pages = getFirstMatchDefault("page\\s+(\\d+)</option>\\s+</select>", data, "Can't init the chapter"); chapter.setPages(Integer.parseInt(pages)); } @Override public boolean hasList() { return false; } @Override public FilteredType getFilteredType() { return FilteredType.TEXT; } //just log in batoto to store the cookie if all ok @Override public boolean testLogin(String user, String password) throws Exception { Navigator nav = getNavigatorAndFlushParameters(); CookieJar ccj = nav.getHttpClient().cookieJar(); VolatileCookieJar cj = new VolatileCookieJar(); nav.setCookieJar(cj); String data = nav.get(""); HashMap<String, String> params = Navigator.getFormParamsFromSource(data); nav = getNavigatorAndFlushParameters(); nav.addPost("auth_key", params.get("auth_key")); nav.addPost("ips_password", password); nav.addPost("ips_username", user); nav.addPost("referer", ""); nav.addPost("rememberMe", "1");"§ion=login&do=process"); List<Cookie> cookies = Navigator.getCookieJar().loadForRequest(HttpUrl.parse("")); nav.setCookieJar(ccj); return cj.contain("member_id"); } @Override public boolean needLogin() { return true; } @Override public boolean hasCredentials() { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); String user = prefs.getString("username_" + getServerName(), ""); String password = prefs.getString("dwp_" + getServerName(), ""); return !(user.isEmpty() && password.isEmpty()); } public class BatotoLoginInterceptor implements Interceptor { String user; String password; public BatotoLoginInterceptor(String user, String password) { this.user = user; this.password = password; } @Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException { boolean needLogin = true; List<Cookie> cookies = Navigator.getCookieJar().loadForRequest(HttpUrl.parse("")); for (Cookie c : cookies) { if ("member_id")) { needLogin = false; } } Response response = chain.proceed(chain.request()); if (response.code() != 200) return response; if (!needLogin) { return response; } else { try { Request request = response.request(); String content = response.body().string(); String domain = request.url().toString(); HashMap<String, String> params = Navigator.getFormParamsFromSource(content); RequestBody requestBody = new MultipartBody.Builder() .setType(MultipartBody.FORM) .addFormDataPart("auth_key", params.get("auth_key")) .addFormDataPart("ips_password", password) .addFormDataPart("ips_username", user) .addFormDataPart("referer", "") .addFormDataPart("rememberMe", "1") .build(); String loginWeb; if (request.isHttps()) { loginWeb = "§ion=login&do=process"; } else { loginWeb = "§ion=login&do=process"; } Request request0 = new Request.Builder().url(loginWeb) .method("POST", requestBody) .header("User-Agent", Navigator.USER_AGENT) .build(); response.body().close(); response = chain.proceed(request0);//generate the cookie Request request1 = new Request.Builder() .url(domain) .header("User-Agent", Navigator.USER_AGENT) .build(); response.body().close(); response = chain.proceed(request1); return response; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } } } }