package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class JsonWriter implements Closeable, Flushable { private static final String[] REPLACEMENT_CHARS = new String['€']; private static final String[] HTML_SAFE_REPLACEMENT_CHARS; private final Writer out; private final List<JsonScope> stack = new ArrayList(); private String indent; private String separator; private boolean lenient; private boolean htmlSafe; private String deferredName; private boolean serializeNulls; public JsonWriter(Writer out) { this.stack.add(JsonScope.EMPTY_DOCUMENT); this.separator = ":"; this.serializeNulls = true; if (out == null) { throw new NullPointerException("out == null"); } this.out = out; } public final void setIndent(String indent) { if (indent.length() == 0) { this.indent = null; this.separator = ":"; } else { this.indent = indent; this.separator = ": "; } } public final void setLenient(boolean lenient) { this.lenient = lenient; } public boolean isLenient() { return this.lenient; } public final void setHtmlSafe(boolean htmlSafe) { this.htmlSafe = htmlSafe; } public final boolean isHtmlSafe() { return this.htmlSafe; } public final void setSerializeNulls(boolean serializeNulls) { this.serializeNulls = serializeNulls; } public final boolean getSerializeNulls() { return this.serializeNulls; } public JsonWriter beginArray() throws IOException { writeDeferredName(); return open(JsonScope.EMPTY_ARRAY, "["); } public JsonWriter endArray() throws IOException { return close(JsonScope.EMPTY_ARRAY, JsonScope.NONEMPTY_ARRAY, "]"); } public JsonWriter beginObject() throws IOException { writeDeferredName(); return open(JsonScope.EMPTY_OBJECT, "{"); } public JsonWriter endObject() throws IOException { return close(JsonScope.EMPTY_OBJECT, JsonScope.NONEMPTY_OBJECT, "}"); } private JsonWriter open(JsonScope empty, String openBracket) throws IOException { beforeValue(true); this.stack.add(empty); this.out.write(openBracket); return this; } private JsonWriter close(JsonScope empty, JsonScope nonempty, String closeBracket) throws IOException { JsonScope context = peek(); if ((context != nonempty) && (context != empty)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Nesting problem: " + this.stack); } if (this.deferredName != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Dangling name: " + this.deferredName); } this.stack.remove(this.stack.size() - 1); if (context == nonempty) { newline(); } this.out.write(closeBracket); return this; } private JsonScope peek() { int size = this.stack.size(); if (size == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("JsonWriter is closed."); } return (JsonScope)this.stack.get(size - 1); } private void replaceTop(JsonScope topOfStack) { this.stack.set(this.stack.size() - 1, topOfStack); } public JsonWriter name(String name) throws IOException { if (name == null) { throw new NullPointerException("name == null"); } if (this.deferredName != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } if (this.stack.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("JsonWriter is closed."); } this.deferredName = name; return this; } private void writeDeferredName() throws IOException { if (this.deferredName != null) { beforeName(); string(this.deferredName); this.deferredName = null; } } public JsonWriter value(String value) throws IOException { if (value == null) { return nullValue(); } writeDeferredName(); beforeValue(false); string(value); return this; } public JsonWriter nullValue() throws IOException { if (this.deferredName != null) { if (this.serializeNulls) { writeDeferredName(); } else { this.deferredName = null; return this; } } beforeValue(false); this.out.write("null"); return this; } public JsonWriter value(boolean value) throws IOException { writeDeferredName(); beforeValue(false); this.out.write(value ? "true" : "false"); return this; } public JsonWriter value(long value) throws IOException { writeDeferredName(); beforeValue(false); this.out.write(Long.toString(value)); return this; } public JsonWriter value(Number value) throws IOException { if (value == null) { return nullValue(); } writeDeferredName(); String string = value.toString(); if ((!this.lenient) && ((string.equals("-Infinity")) || (string.equals("Infinity")) || (string.equals("NaN")))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Numeric values must be finite, but was " + value); } beforeValue(false); this.out.append(string); return this; } public void flush() throws IOException { if (this.stack.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("JsonWriter is closed."); } this.out.flush(); } public void close() throws IOException { this.out.close(); int size = this.stack.size(); if ((size > 1) || ((size == 1) && (this.stack.get(size - 1) != JsonScope.NONEMPTY_DOCUMENT))) { throw new IOException("Incomplete document"); } this.stack.clear(); } private void string(String value) throws IOException { String[] replacements = this.htmlSafe ? HTML_SAFE_REPLACEMENT_CHARS : REPLACEMENT_CHARS; this.out.write("\""); int last = 0; int length = value.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = value.charAt(i); String replacement; if (c < '€') { String replacement = replacements[c]; if (replacement == null) continue; } else { String replacement; if (c == '
') { replacement = "\\u2028"; } else { if (c != '
') continue; replacement = "\\u2029"; } } if (last < i) { this.out.write(value, last, i - last); } this.out.write(replacement); last = i + 1; } if (last < length) { this.out.write(value, last, length - last); } this.out.write("\""); } private void newline() throws IOException { if (this.indent == null) { return; } this.out.write("\n"); for (int i = 1; i < this.stack.size(); i++) this.out.write(this.indent); } private void beforeName() throws IOException { JsonScope context = peek(); if (context == JsonScope.NONEMPTY_OBJECT) this.out.write(44); else if (context != JsonScope.EMPTY_OBJECT) { throw new IllegalStateException("Nesting problem: " + this.stack); } newline(); replaceTop(JsonScope.DANGLING_NAME); } private void beforeValue(boolean root) throws IOException { switch (1.$SwitchMap$com$google$gson$stream$JsonScope[peek().ordinal()]) { case 1: if (!this.lenient) { throw new IllegalStateException("JSON must have only one top-level value."); } case 2: if ((!this.lenient) && (!root)) { throw new IllegalStateException("JSON must start with an array or an object."); } replaceTop(JsonScope.NONEMPTY_DOCUMENT); break; case 3: replaceTop(JsonScope.NONEMPTY_ARRAY); newline(); break; case 4: this.out.append(','); newline(); break; case 5: this.out.append(this.separator); replaceTop(JsonScope.NONEMPTY_OBJECT); break; } throw new IllegalStateException("Nesting problem: " + this.stack); } static { for (int i = 0; i <= 31; i++) { REPLACEMENT_CHARS[i] = String.format("\\u%04x", new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(i) }); } REPLACEMENT_CHARS[34] = "\\\""; REPLACEMENT_CHARS[92] = "\\\\"; REPLACEMENT_CHARS[9] = "\\t"; REPLACEMENT_CHARS[8] = "\\b"; REPLACEMENT_CHARS[10] = "\\n"; REPLACEMENT_CHARS[13] = "\\r"; REPLACEMENT_CHARS[12] = "\\f"; HTML_SAFE_REPLACEMENT_CHARS = (String[])REPLACEMENT_CHARS.clone(); HTML_SAFE_REPLACEMENT_CHARS[60] = "\\u003c"; HTML_SAFE_REPLACEMENT_CHARS[62] = "\\u003e"; HTML_SAFE_REPLACEMENT_CHARS[38] = "\\u0026"; HTML_SAFE_REPLACEMENT_CHARS[61] = "\\u003d"; HTML_SAFE_REPLACEMENT_CHARS[39] = "\\u0027"; } }