package; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class JsonReader implements Closeable { private static final char[] NON_EXECUTE_PREFIX = ")]}'\n".toCharArray(); private final StringPool stringPool = new StringPool(); private final Reader in; private boolean lenient = false; private final char[] buffer = new char[1024]; private int pos = 0; private int limit = 0; private int bufferStartLine = 1; private int bufferStartColumn = 1; private JsonScope[] stack = new JsonScope[32]; private int stackSize = 0; private JsonToken token; private String name; private String value; private int valuePos; private int valueLength; private boolean skipping; public JsonReader(Reader in) { push(JsonScope.EMPTY_DOCUMENT); this.skipping = false; if (in == null) { throw new NullPointerException("in == null"); } = in; } public final void setLenient(boolean lenient) { this.lenient = lenient; } public final boolean isLenient() { return this.lenient; } public void beginArray() throws IOException { expect(JsonToken.BEGIN_ARRAY); } public void endArray() throws IOException { expect(JsonToken.END_ARRAY); } public void beginObject() throws IOException { expect(JsonToken.BEGIN_OBJECT); } public void endObject() throws IOException { expect(JsonToken.END_OBJECT); } private void expect(JsonToken expected) throws IOException { peek(); if (this.token != expected) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected " + expected + " but was " + peek() + " at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber()); } advance(); } public boolean hasNext() throws IOException { peek(); return (this.token != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) && (this.token != JsonToken.END_ARRAY); } public JsonToken peek() throws IOException { if (this.token != null) { return this.token; } switch (2.$SwitchMap$com$google$gson$stream$JsonScope[this.stack[(this.stackSize - 1)].ordinal()]) { case 1: if (this.lenient) { consumeNonExecutePrefix(); } this.stack[(this.stackSize - 1)] = JsonScope.NONEMPTY_DOCUMENT; JsonToken firstToken = nextValue(); if ((!this.lenient) && (this.token != JsonToken.BEGIN_ARRAY) && (this.token != JsonToken.BEGIN_OBJECT)) { throw new IOException("Expected JSON document to start with '[' or '{' but was " + this.token + " at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber()); } return firstToken; case 2: return nextInArray(true); case 3: return nextInArray(false); case 4: return nextInObject(true); case 5: return objectValue(); case 6: return nextInObject(false); case 7: int c = nextNonWhitespace(false); if (c == -1) { return JsonToken.END_DOCUMENT; } this.pos -= 1; if (!this.lenient) { throw syntaxError("Expected EOF"); } return nextValue(); case 8: throw new IllegalStateException("JsonReader is closed"); } throw new AssertionError(); } private void consumeNonExecutePrefix() throws IOException { nextNonWhitespace(true); this.pos -= 1; if ((this.pos + NON_EXECUTE_PREFIX.length > this.limit) && (!fillBuffer(NON_EXECUTE_PREFIX.length))) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < NON_EXECUTE_PREFIX.length; i++) { if (this.buffer[(this.pos + i)] != NON_EXECUTE_PREFIX[i]) { return; } } this.pos += NON_EXECUTE_PREFIX.length; } private JsonToken advance() throws IOException { peek(); JsonToken result = this.token; this.token = null; this.value = null; = null; return result; } public String nextName() throws IOException { peek(); if (this.token != JsonToken.NAME) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a name but was " + peek() + " at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber()); } String result =; advance(); return result; } public String nextString() throws IOException { peek(); if ((this.token != JsonToken.STRING) && (this.token != JsonToken.NUMBER)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a string but was " + peek() + " at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber()); } String result = this.value; advance(); return result; } public boolean nextBoolean() throws IOException { peek(); if (this.token != JsonToken.BOOLEAN) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a boolean but was " + this.token + " at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber()); } boolean result = this.value == "true"; advance(); return result; } public void nextNull() throws IOException { peek(); if (this.token != JsonToken.NULL) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected null but was " + this.token + " at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber()); } advance(); } public double nextDouble() throws IOException { peek(); if ((this.token != JsonToken.STRING) && (this.token != JsonToken.NUMBER)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a double but was " + this.token + " at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber()); } double result = Double.parseDouble(this.value); if ((result >= 1.0D) && (this.value.startsWith("0"))) { throw new MalformedJsonException("JSON forbids octal prefixes: " + this.value + " at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber()); } if ((!this.lenient) && ((Double.isNaN(result)) || (Double.isInfinite(result)))) { throw new MalformedJsonException("JSON forbids NaN and infinities: " + this.value + " at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber()); } advance(); return result; } public long nextLong() throws IOException { peek(); if ((this.token != JsonToken.STRING) && (this.token != JsonToken.NUMBER)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a long but was " + this.token + " at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber()); } long result; try { result = Long.parseLong(this.value); } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { double asDouble = Double.parseDouble(this.value); result = ()asDouble; if (result != asDouble) { throw new NumberFormatException("Expected a long but was " + this.value + " at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber()); } } if ((result >= 1L) && (this.value.startsWith("0"))) { throw new MalformedJsonException("JSON forbids octal prefixes: " + this.value + " at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber()); } advance(); return result; } public int nextInt() throws IOException { peek(); if ((this.token != JsonToken.STRING) && (this.token != JsonToken.NUMBER)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected an int but was " + this.token + " at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber()); } int result; try { result = Integer.parseInt(this.value); } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { double asDouble = Double.parseDouble(this.value); result = (int)asDouble; if (result != asDouble) { throw new NumberFormatException("Expected an int but was " + this.value + " at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber()); } } if ((result >= 1L) && (this.value.startsWith("0"))) { throw new MalformedJsonException("JSON forbids octal prefixes: " + this.value + " at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber()); } advance(); return result; } public void close() throws IOException { this.value = null; this.token = null; this.stack[0] = JsonScope.CLOSED; this.stackSize = 1;; } public void skipValue() throws IOException { this.skipping = true; try { int count = 0; do { JsonToken token = advance(); if ((token == JsonToken.BEGIN_ARRAY) || (token == JsonToken.BEGIN_OBJECT)) count++; else if ((token == JsonToken.END_ARRAY) || (token == JsonToken.END_OBJECT)) count--; } while (count != 0); } finally { this.skipping = false; } } private void push(JsonScope newTop) { if (this.stackSize == this.stack.length) { JsonScope[] newStack = new JsonScope[this.stackSize * 2]; System.arraycopy(this.stack, 0, newStack, 0, this.stackSize); this.stack = newStack; } this.stack[(this.stackSize++)] = newTop; } private JsonToken nextInArray(boolean firstElement) throws IOException { if (firstElement) { this.stack[(this.stackSize - 1)] = JsonScope.NONEMPTY_ARRAY; } else { switch (nextNonWhitespace(true)) { case 93: this.stackSize -= 1; return this.token = JsonToken.END_ARRAY; case 59: checkLenient(); case 44: break; default: throw syntaxError("Unterminated array"); } } switch (nextNonWhitespace(true)) { case 93: if (firstElement) { this.stackSize -= 1; return this.token = JsonToken.END_ARRAY; } case 44: case 59: checkLenient(); this.pos -= 1; this.value = "null"; return this.token = JsonToken.NULL; } this.pos -= 1; return nextValue(); } private JsonToken nextInObject(boolean firstElement) throws IOException { if (firstElement) { switch (nextNonWhitespace(true)) { case 125: this.stackSize -= 1; return this.token = JsonToken.END_OBJECT; } this.pos -= 1; } else { switch (nextNonWhitespace(true)) { case 125: this.stackSize -= 1; return this.token = JsonToken.END_OBJECT; case 44: case 59: break; default: throw syntaxError("Unterminated object"); } } int quote = nextNonWhitespace(true); switch (quote) { case 39: checkLenient(); case 34: = nextString((char)quote); break; default: checkLenient(); this.pos -= 1; = nextLiteral(false); if ( == 0) { throw syntaxError("Expected name"); } break; } this.stack[(this.stackSize - 1)] = JsonScope.DANGLING_NAME; return this.token = JsonToken.NAME; } private JsonToken objectValue() throws IOException { switch (nextNonWhitespace(true)) { case 58: break; case 61: checkLenient(); if (((this.pos < this.limit) || (fillBuffer(1))) && (this.buffer[this.pos] == '>')) this.pos += 1; break; default: throw syntaxError("Expected ':'"); } this.stack[(this.stackSize - 1)] = JsonScope.NONEMPTY_OBJECT; return nextValue(); } private JsonToken nextValue() throws IOException { int c = nextNonWhitespace(true); switch (c) { case 123: push(JsonScope.EMPTY_OBJECT); return this.token = JsonToken.BEGIN_OBJECT; case 91: push(JsonScope.EMPTY_ARRAY); return this.token = JsonToken.BEGIN_ARRAY; case 39: checkLenient(); case 34: this.value = nextString((char)c); return this.token = JsonToken.STRING; } this.pos -= 1; return readLiteral(); } private boolean fillBuffer(int minimum) throws IOException { char[] buffer = this.buffer; int line = this.bufferStartLine; int column = this.bufferStartColumn; int i = 0; for (int p = this.pos; i < p; i++) { if (buffer[i] == '\n') { line++; column = 1; } else { column++; } } this.bufferStartLine = line; this.bufferStartColumn = column; if (this.limit != this.pos) { this.limit -= this.pos; System.arraycopy(buffer, this.pos, buffer, 0, this.limit); } else { this.limit = 0; } this.pos = 0; int total; while ((total =, this.limit, buffer.length - this.limit)) != -1) { this.limit += total; if ((this.bufferStartLine == 1) && (this.bufferStartColumn == 1) && (this.limit > 0) && (buffer[0] == 65279)) { this.pos += 1; this.bufferStartColumn -= 1; } if (this.limit >= minimum) { return true; } } return false; } private int getLineNumber() { int result = this.bufferStartLine; for (int i = 0; i < this.pos; i++) { if (this.buffer[i] == '\n') { result++; } } return result; } private int getColumnNumber() { int result = this.bufferStartColumn; for (int i = 0; i < this.pos; i++) { if (this.buffer[i] == '\n') result = 1; else { result++; } } return result; } private int nextNonWhitespace(boolean throwOnEof) throws IOException { char[] buffer = this.buffer; int p = this.pos; int l = this.limit; int c; while (true) { if (p == l) { this.pos = p; if (!fillBuffer(1)) { break; } p = this.pos; l = this.limit; } c = buffer[(p++)]; switch (c) { case 9: case 10: case 13: case 32: break; case 47: this.pos = p; if (p == l) { this.pos -= 1; boolean charsLoaded = fillBuffer(2); this.pos += 1; if (!charsLoaded) { return c; } } checkLenient(); char peek = buffer[this.pos]; switch (peek) { case '*': this.pos += 1; if (!skipTo("*/")) { throw syntaxError("Unterminated comment"); } p = this.pos + 2; l = this.limit; break; case '/': this.pos += 1; skipToEndOfLine(); p = this.pos; l = this.limit; break; default: return c; } break; case 35: this.pos = p; checkLenient(); skipToEndOfLine(); p = this.pos; l = this.limit; } } this.pos = p; return c; if (throwOnEof) { throw new EOFException("End of input at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber()); } return -1; } private void checkLenient() throws IOException { if (!this.lenient) throw syntaxError("Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON"); } private void skipToEndOfLine() throws IOException { while ((this.pos < this.limit) || (fillBuffer(1))) { char c = this.buffer[(this.pos++)]; if ((c == '\r') || (c == '\n')) break; } } private boolean skipTo(String toFind) throws IOException { label67: for (; (this.pos + toFind.length() <= this.limit) || (fillBuffer(toFind.length())); this.pos += 1) { for (int c = 0; c < toFind.length(); c++) { if (this.buffer[(this.pos + c)] != toFind.charAt(c)) { break label67; } } return true; } return false; } private String nextString(char quote) throws IOException { char[] buffer = this.buffer; StringBuilder builder = null; while (true) { int p = this.pos; int l = this.limit; int start = p; while (p < l) { int c = buffer[(p++)]; if (c == quote) { this.pos = p; if (this.skipping) return "skipped!"; if (builder == null) { return this.stringPool.get(buffer, start, p - start - 1); } builder.append(buffer, start, p - start - 1); return builder.toString(); } if (c == 92) { this.pos = p; if (builder == null) { builder = new StringBuilder(); } builder.append(buffer, start, p - start - 1); builder.append(readEscapeCharacter()); p = this.pos; l = this.limit; start = p; } } if (builder == null) { builder = new StringBuilder(); } builder.append(buffer, start, p - start); this.pos = p; if (!fillBuffer(1)) throw syntaxError("Unterminated string"); } } private String nextLiteral(boolean assignOffsetsOnly) throws IOException { StringBuilder builder = null; this.valuePos = -1; this.valueLength = 0; int i = 0; while (true) { if (this.pos + i < this.limit) { switch (this.buffer[(this.pos + i)]) { case '#': case '/': case ';': case '=': case '\\': checkLenient(); case '\t': case '\n': case '\f': case '\r': case ' ': case ',': case ':': case '[': case ']': case '{': case '}': break; default: i++; break; } } else if (i < this.buffer.length) { if (!fillBuffer(i + 1)) { this.buffer[this.limit] = '\000'; } } else { if (builder == null) { builder = new StringBuilder(); } builder.append(this.buffer, this.pos, i); this.valueLength += i; this.pos += i; i = 0; if (!fillBuffer(1)) break; } } String result; String result; if ((assignOffsetsOnly) && (builder == null)) { this.valuePos = this.pos; result = null; } else { String result; if (this.skipping) { result = "skipped!"; } else { String result; if (builder == null) { result = this.stringPool.get(this.buffer, this.pos, i); } else { builder.append(this.buffer, this.pos, i); result = builder.toString(); } } } this.valueLength += i; this.pos += i; return result; } public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + " at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber(); } private char readEscapeCharacter() throws IOException { if ((this.pos == this.limit) && (!fillBuffer(1))) { throw syntaxError("Unterminated escape sequence"); } char escaped = this.buffer[(this.pos++)]; switch (escaped) { case 'u': if ((this.pos + 4 > this.limit) && (!fillBuffer(4))) { throw syntaxError("Unterminated escape sequence"); } char result = '\000'; int i = this.pos; for (int end = i + 4; i < end; i++) { char c = this.buffer[i]; result = (char)(result << '\004'); if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) result = (char)(result + (c - '0')); else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) result = (char)(result + (c - 'a' + 10)); else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) result = (char)(result + (c - 'A' + 10)); else { throw new NumberFormatException("\\u" + this.stringPool.get(this.buffer, this.pos, 4)); } } this.pos += 4; return result; case 't': return '\t'; case 'b': return '\b'; case 'n': return '\n'; case 'r': return '\r'; case 'f': return '\f'; case '"': case '\'': case '\\': } return escaped; } private JsonToken readLiteral() throws IOException { this.value = nextLiteral(true); if (this.valueLength == 0) { throw syntaxError("Expected literal value"); } this.token = decodeLiteral(); if (this.token == JsonToken.STRING) { checkLenient(); } return this.token; } private JsonToken decodeLiteral() throws IOException { if (this.valuePos == -1) { return JsonToken.STRING; }if ((this.valueLength == 4) && (('n' == this.buffer[this.valuePos]) || ('N' == this.buffer[this.valuePos])) && (('u' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 1)]) || ('U' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 1)])) && (('l' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 2)]) || ('L' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 2)])) && (('l' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 3)]) || ('L' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 3)]))) { this.value = "null"; return JsonToken.NULL; }if ((this.valueLength == 4) && (('t' == this.buffer[this.valuePos]) || ('T' == this.buffer[this.valuePos])) && (('r' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 1)]) || ('R' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 1)])) && (('u' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 2)]) || ('U' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 2)])) && (('e' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 3)]) || ('E' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 3)]))) { this.value = "true"; return JsonToken.BOOLEAN; }if ((this.valueLength == 5) && (('f' == this.buffer[this.valuePos]) || ('F' == this.buffer[this.valuePos])) && (('a' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 1)]) || ('A' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 1)])) && (('l' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 2)]) || ('L' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 2)])) && (('s' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 3)]) || ('S' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 3)])) && (('e' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 4)]) || ('E' == this.buffer[(this.valuePos + 4)]))) { this.value = "false"; return JsonToken.BOOLEAN; } this.value = this.stringPool.get(this.buffer, this.valuePos, this.valueLength); return decodeNumber(this.buffer, this.valuePos, this.valueLength); } private JsonToken decodeNumber(char[] chars, int offset, int length) { int i = offset; int c = chars[i]; if (c == 45) { c = chars[(++i)]; } if (c == 48) { c = chars[(++i)]; } else { if ((c >= 49) && (c <= 57)) c = chars[(++i)]; while ((c >= 48) && (c <= 57)) { c = chars[(++i)]; continue; return JsonToken.STRING; } } if (c == 46) { c = chars[(++i)]; while ((c >= 48) && (c <= 57)) { c = chars[(++i)]; } } if ((c == 101) || (c == 69)) { c = chars[(++i)]; if ((c == 43) || (c == 45)) { c = chars[(++i)]; } if ((c >= 48) && (c <= 57)) c = chars[(++i)]; while ((c >= 48) && (c <= 57)) { c = chars[(++i)]; continue; return JsonToken.STRING; } } if (i == offset + length) { return JsonToken.NUMBER; } return JsonToken.STRING; } private IOException syntaxError(String message) throws IOException { throw new MalformedJsonException(message + " at line " + getLineNumber() + " column " + getColumnNumber()); } static { JsonReaderInternalAccess.INSTANCE = new JsonReaderInternalAccess() { public void promoteNameToValue(JsonReader reader) throws IOException { if ((reader instanceof JsonTreeReader)) { ((JsonTreeReader)reader).promoteNameToValue(); return; } reader.peek(); if (reader.token != JsonToken.NAME) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a name but was " + reader.peek() + " " + " at line " + reader.getLineNumber() + " column " + reader.getColumnNumber()); } reader.value =; = null; reader.token = JsonToken.STRING; } }; } }